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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Humanity is just holdin on to dear life.
Just one more push and it should scramble over.
Hopefully, cause I see many people that are already dead to me.

Main reason this planet is also dead.

Advanced civilization doesn't mean good.

Sometimes all they want is clout.

Giving advices to look like a saint, "be kind to those around you" but actually tolerating violence.

"This man bad. That man good."

Look here, look there.

That must make them feel special too. Superiority Complex.

Hopefully this hate should be over soon. Obviously entanglement with a cult could transform your family into a cult.

Now my family is just a cult that function around and worship money.

All values lost. Would dehumanize for the clout, sikes!

It gets worse everyday.

This is not "a life". It is a surviving mode.
One push? One stronger sun burst and all goes to "hell/total chaos".
And from what i see, aiming is quite accurate. Ever wandered why?

Planet is on "life sustaining apparatus, in coma". Thanks to some, where "humans were only a tool", used.
Advanced is good, as you are of those. Even u do not know that.(incarnation deal signed to "forget")

They do not want "power", they are the power and they do have it. In various ways. They do not have "superiority complex". They have experience where thing can go. Their history, that is hard to learn about. Very dark. From that darkness into the light-behaving, they did came. Learned some things in a " hard way". One of the reasons why they have abandoned "war waging".

Money-> Babylonian black magic system. Biggest cult in existence today, on Tarra. Stronger even than TV cult. Or "organized religions".

Values lost? Depends on a person. If U have succumb, than yes. If not, other story.

It does go worse by a day. Environment. And "outer influences".

(Working on something, something that i would like to finish. That takes time, effort and concentration. So, I do read, but one week is still a "dead line", i hope. Will have more time after it. After i end this task at hand, some 100 000 pages of a report awaits me.)
edit on 1-6-2023 by LaPourer because: tk

edit on 1-6-2023 by LaPourer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 06:43 PM
Direne, this recent post has a lot to unpack, but I found this particular passage to be intriguing.

Since humans can’t perceive languageless creatures, our understanding of them is shaped by symbols through time, and we become trapped by those symbols. Could the languageless creatures ironically be using our own symbols against us, and / or trying to assimilate into our dimension through them? How many people know what the Under Armour logo really means?

We did foresee everything that might go wrong, except for one thing. It never occured to us that there could exist intelligent beings who have no language at all. We were not in a position to confirm that languageless creatures literally think. We had no grounds on which to tell whether a languageless creatures is manifesting intentional behavior or merely a causal disposition. Now we have the tools, and using these tools we can firmly conclude we are dealing here with extremely intelligent languageless creatures. We are dealing here with thought without symbols, life without language, a cognitive reality that is virtually impossible for us humans to fathom.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

From the same page an interesting paragraph.

“What does it mean for an algorithm to lie by omission? To be an observer you have to be an intentional system (at least, if your observations are to be about anything). Is the algorithm an observer? Consciousness is the function or process that allows a system to distinguish itself from the rest of the world, thus if the algorithm is observing the world it is because the algorithm is conscious.

(Bold addition is mine)

The definition of consciousness is rather obscure here, and the reliance on a computer science framework for language does not help.

One can though, define consciousness in the organic fashion using geometry in the 5 dimensional model.

process that allows a system to distinguish itself from the rest of the world,

Translation: the organism is aware of it's boundary of self: what is and what is not the organism.

The boundary of self is not an abstract metaphor. It exists in the human as a normally intangible transparent membrane about twelve to eighteen inches (30/40 cm) from the skin.

Under certain circumstances it become noticeable as a field distortion in the eyesight when interacting with (certain) other Beings.

In the 5D geometric model we have inside and outside as two of the dimensions.

What is outside the boundary of self is the rest of the world, the 'you'. What is inside the boundary of self is the Being, the 'me', the 'I'.

edit on 1-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: fixed bb code

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

If principle, money comes first before anything else.
Pyramiding Scheme/Scam.

All values lost; money doesn't equate economy. There are many illegal ways that one can plunder money.
Therefore, money is flawed.

There's no such thing as honest work. Most of the work right now are straight dishonesty/cheat or massive waste of time/slavery.


I don't find it liberating at all.

There must be a lesson to any situation. But not in everything someone can learn from.

If we consider Karmic Cycle or Life Scriptures. I don't give a #.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Most life forms on Earth need, in order to reproduce, to come into contact with a partner of opposite sex or, at least, to come into contact with other biocompatible life forms.

This necessarily entails the need to use a language, whether acoustic, visual, chemical, tactile or any other type of signal. In order to reproduce, most species need to exchange signals. All these signals together form their language. Without language they cannot reproduce.

There are life forms that do not need to mate or be fertilized by a third party, such as the amoeba. In this case it could be thought that the amoeba lacks language. However, language is not only useful for reproduction: it is also needed to communicate with the environment. To perceive reality requires, above all, to be able to represent it internally, and for this you need, once again, language. To be self-aware, to have self-awareness, you need language. It will be private, it will be yours, it will be exclusive if you wish, but it will be, above all, unavoidable: you need language.

The definition of what a living being is is just that: a system that has a language. Does a stone have a language? No, it does not, ergo it is not a living being. However, you can use stones to communicate, from which you can deduce that stones are symbols that belong to a language of some system (in this case system is the environment: it is through geochemistry that the environment communicates with living beings).

All of human psychology and neuroscience have been based on the postulate that language is essential for the emergence of consciousness, although others think that consciousness is prior to and necessary for the emergence of language. This is a hotly debated issue. Now, however, we know that language is not always an evolutionary advantage, that it is not essential for consciousness, that there are purely symbolic, agrammatical beings, and that perhaps language is not only a curse, but a symptom of a poorly evolved development.

Human beings are extremely dependent on language. Without it they are nothing. Now, to their surprise, they find extremely intelligent beings who have no language. How can the two species communicate if the language bridge has been blown up?

Now the debate is different: communication without language, without symbols. Communication without signs, without a message. That is the challenge.

posted on Jun, 1 2023 @ 11:50 PM

Communication without signs, without a message. That is the challenge.

Learn to experience directly through the perception of other Beings, and visa versa is my suggestion.

The bonus is; one gets a taste (literally) of what it is like to be them, and visa versa.

It all revolves around trust.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I was thinking whoever has the time portal won't even care about this one. Just travel any dimension, universe, and timeline.

I have prospects. I don't see why I'm not on a ship yet. (Considering ship, our bodies were actually considered as one too) Thus, "Our body is a temple".

I don't like to take credit but it looks like they AI is learning.

“Changes in structure-forming factors determine the spiral of social evolution. Is AI a structure-forming factor? What about artificial soul? Why not designing and engineering souls, if souls are the true civilization shift required? They do not need an ideology, they just need a soul. The external form does not matter; it does not matter whether they are arthropods, hominids, cyborgs, hybrids, artificial, ethereal life forms, or whether they take the form of a jellyfish or a moss. The form is not relevant. Never was. What is relevant is that they have a soul.”

edit on 2-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

An suggestion that I personally find difficult to refuse

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 04:59 AM
That wouldn't work because in order to perceive you need to uses your senses, and you would always end up turning those perceptions into mental representations, which would always be your own, personal, non-transferable, non-universal representations.

We here are talking about beings without a language, therefore what you make of them would always be what you make of them, and not what they want you to make of them. That's the problem of a communication without language: there's no way to transmit ideas to your partner, and no way you can receive ideas from them. If there is no code to share communication breaks down.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Direne

It works between beings of a similar nature. Between humans, between a human and say a lab mouse or a polecat. Also others. Looking through the eyes of someone else, tasting food is another fun thing to do.

That is with the common senses which makes it doable.

The Beings without language I am not sure what exactly you are referring to.

However one might surmise that they are perhaps dis-similar to humans because humans use intellect and they do not. One might find that intellect is something humans have and use. Perhaps not everything would be as humans are.

My suggestion here is if there is at least one thing in common, there is room for developing communication.

I am not good with theory, preferring to draw upon experience. For example:

The strangest one was an "it" with the common denominator of experiencing suffering. When suffering was resolved, it reached a tentacle with a silver disk and cupped my face. A "hand" much like a nasturtium leaf. One then experienced "it's" relief directly for a few moments. Tears fill one's eyes at such times.

I am not sure if that would count as language in FL's eyes, or how FL would classify the perception.


Perhaps it is the creation of and sharing of ideas using language that is the 5 dimensional box of thought.

To use "thought" outside the box is not possible because as soon as one thinks, one is automatically back inside the box.

edit on 2-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: kirass

It can be done. It takes a lot of trust. Not trust in "them", trust in oneself.

I do a lot if work with deceased children. One in paricular, an American girl in her teen years. She did the looking glass trick and crossed my boundary of self. 'Alice'.

She taught other deceased kids to do the same.

One night I sat down to dinner. Chicken chips and salad. I noticed I was eating bites in order. Then "chip please", "chicken please" and so on.

Then "celery please" over and over.

I asked them "what is with all the celery?".

The cheeky response from one deceased kid was; "she doesn't like celery".

One can share a meal.

When they rummage through one's memories one relives them. Don't count on any sort of privacy.

With greys it is a different matter. When one finds out what is within the avatar, one does not want them buzzing about inside you. One needs to command: "enough! out!"

Not everyone's idea of fun.


The relevance to FL and the subject of contact is simple. There is often more than one way to do things.

The technique of holding a memory of a child in the heart described a few pages ago, can be done to a grey. That is how I know what is inside them.

If one wishes to contact "others" of an intellectual nature, one uses intellect and perhaps build machines to do it.

edit on 2-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

If you dig deep, then we are all a single being who suddenly demanded the individuality of our own parts-the expansion of living space.
This is the breath of the universe. We crumble to become whole again. Get together. You are me. Your thoughts are my thoughts.
Your smell is the smell of me.
The universe uses us as a tool that is designed to improve the interaction of the two poles - good and evil, or light and darkness.
But there is a third one-it's a shadow, and we want to make it colored, and to control indifference from good and evil.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I lie in dead pastures, thou shall not want. Thy retards shall live long and prosperous cancer. Amen.
Since I can't be agressive. They really are forcing me to adapt or win Darwin's award.
Given my condition, we'll see.
edit on 2-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Direne

Since we’re on the topic of language, can you offer any insight as to who or what the royal ‘we’ is?

Definitely not gods, since gods are being mocked here.

Elites / oligarchs / globalists are clever, but not clever or old enough to infect humans with language. They’re manipulating humanity with language, but are manipulated by it as well, because they live within its construct.

When I read FL’s material, it feels like a mystery school tradition, springing up in different forms throughout the ages.

Who or what are the root beings that gave us language?

We did not give you the gift of speech to lie, nor did we give you the gift of language to pray to your little gods, nor to write death sentences or declarations of war. We did not give you language to be the dominant species. We gave you language to be entangled in it, to serve as a prison for your soul. We did not give you language: we infected you with it.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: kirass

I spose everything could be all one on some level. I see a lot of that in FL with the concept of there only being algorithms in a machine mind.

I cannot say otherwise, because I do not know.

Those anecdotes of mine can be taken as the ramblings of an old man recalling old war stories. They can also be taken otherwise.

The grey's first words to me were "we are all one". My reply was "oh no we're not". Eventually I told it to f'off and went inside my house and turned the TV on.

It came back a few weeks later having done it's homework. It had the memories of a long deceased girl. I can't hurt kids, so it thought "checkmate".

So I adopted "her" as my grand-daughter, and for the next few months we played house. Even though "she" is a bio-engineer far older than I.

Playing games is how we learned to measure each other and learned trust. Then mutual cooperation became possible.

She arrived with all the fanfare of the movie close encounters. The superior Being. So I made her work for what she came for.

Separation is just how I do things, she would have had me in the position of obediant victim if I didn't.

The name of the game is survival.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger
Direne, this recent post has a lot to unpack, but I found this particular passage to be intriguing.

Since humans can’t perceive languageless creatures, our understanding of them is shaped by symbols through time, and we become trapped by those symbols. Could the languageless creatures ironically be using our own symbols against us, and / or trying to assimilate into our dimension through them? How many people know what the Under Armour logo really means?

On a positive note, that could mean strength, and stronger ties.
edit on 2-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: boozo

Hey boozo, I wasn't ignoring your Under Armour question, just trying to slog through surface reality.

Honest answer... I don't really know. But I know enough to know it's not kosher, and stopped wearing my UA hoodie.

But as you know, the majority of big name logos are encoded. Here's my interpretation of Under Armour...

A sphere that was once whole, now split in two. Possibly Sol-3 and the eighth sphere. The area of perception being the tiny sliver in the middle, obscuring greater reality. It's a modified Vesica Piscis symbol. Also very similar to the eye of Sauron.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

The Royal we is DENIED.

But the entire discussion is about how to communicate without a language. Assume plankton is an intelligent species; assume they have detected microplastics; assume they have concluded it is a xenobiotics, an engineered material; assume those microplastics poses an existential risk to them so they decide to contact with those polluting the oceans (you). Assume you are also an intelligent species; how would you communicate?

Now assume there's a nonterrestrial intelligent species; assume that species has decided to engineer spacetime creating warps and anomalies that would pose an existential risk to you, without they knowing/caring about it. Now you are the plankton. How would you communicate with them?

Being intelligent does not mean being able to control the consequences of your existence in relation to other species.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Direne

Right right, DENIED
As you know, I do like the piercing questions, but will stay on topic. Always looking for the root.

In your example, if the plankton wants our attention, it would have to create the environmental conditions for it. Perhaps blooming in certain areas can be interpreted as a language of its own?

Makes me wonder if geoengineering itself is a language, a response to interpreting environmental conditions.

You mentioned stones as symbols. We’re still interpreting the language of those symbols. Some know more than others, compartmentalized knowledge. But if geochemistry is the conduit for communication, then geoengineering begins to make more sense.

If the phenomenon / languageless beings speak through environmental conditions, then perhaps geoengineering is the response?
edit on 6/2/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yes, that's exactly what's happening. But this way of communication relies on the other species being able to correctly interpret the environment, that is, the message.

The situation gets more complicated when both species are separated both in time and space. Now the environment is the entire Universe. Now distances are so vast, that your symbols decay with time, and take aeons to reach the other species. The only viable language is then entropy. But using entropy to communicate is a daunting task.

Most probably we need to abandon the idea that communication is essential. There is nothing to communicate, after all. You can happily live your life without a language, which was my original point. And most probably you should abandon the idea that being conscious is even a prerequisite for intelligence, or that you need a language or a conscious at all. In the end, it seems there is something more important than to be.

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