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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

I lie in dead pastures, thou shall not want. Thy retards shall live long and prosperous cancer. Amen.
Since I can't be agressive. They really are forcing me to adapt or win Darwin's award.
Given my condition, we'll see.

Tell me about your condition.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks for verifying, the way these pieces fit is beginning to make more sense.

You’re describing the ‘post-truth’ world that the WEF front has been seeding, where communication is severely degraded. Connecting with family / friends / co-workers has become harder than ever, because everyone is on their own wave, trying to survive a collapse that they can’t comprehend.

Nothing real is communicated anymore. And if it is, you’ll find it within an obscure thread, on page 272. Censorship projects keep this in check, and we all have to dig deep these days.

Which brings me to this next point. You say that communication is not essential. This post describes a socially intelligent humanity. Being social provides an interface for further developing the self. And a realized self is what’s needed for contact. Is that the right train of thought?

Regardless, I don’t like the idea of a dumbed down humanity, who only has a social intelligence, similar to an ant colony. It just seems that we can make contact in a more balanced way. Why not have a fully realized social self, who is also intelligent in other areas? Isn’t that how humanity can break free from The Great Filter?

Or is it more of a long game? Survive contact first, even if it means dumbing down humanity. Then, rebuild humanity.

Is social evolution the evolution of social consciousness? We don't want them intelligent: we want them socially intelligent because social self-consciousness is the basis for contact; otherwise contacting them is not possible. But what we or they want or don't want would be irrelevant in 3100. After that point there is nothing to do.
edit on 6/2/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:27 PM
In the analogy of the plankton threatened by microplastics, I would think the plankton would try to kill the origin of the plastic. That is what humans would probably do if they were in the same position.

Communication is possible with diseases, at least one way. Micro organisms are not neccessarily individuals. They can come together and form aggregate organisms.

We are not able to talk with a bacterium as an individual, yet when they come together to form an aggregate Being that is another matter.

An example here is what grew in the sewers of Wuhan a few years ago.

Be it a "virus" or whatever, a lot of individuals came together and formed an aggregate creature that looked like a starfish with an eye embedded on top.

Here is a short video of a micro organism called Dictyostelium. The video shows lots of micro organisms comming together to form a fruiting body.

When one looked into that eye all the suffering of the people infected was there, the fear, thoughts and so on. That creature knows a great deal about humans.

While the disease may not originally have had human thought and feelings; it aquired them.

Now let's compare the "greys". I wasn't the first to say here on ATS that greys have a lot in common with fungus. In particular mushrooms.

The grey consciousness is a lot like below ground mycelium and how the strands come together to form the above ground sporing body.

What we meet in the grey is the individualised "mushroom" connected with a deeper consciousness.

The gulf between human and micro organisms can be bridged in a simple way; one builds a fruiting body. In the case of the greys we see the familiar humanoid with black almond eyes.

What is behind those eyes? and why are they black?

Not "evil", just not reflecting nor emitting any light. It is an absence of light that makes those eyes look black.

What is behind those eyes is insectoid. I use the word "buzzing" earlier for good reason. A clue here to the so called hive mind behind the greys. I liken them to the social structure of bees with the biology of the fungus.

That illustrates to me that the micro organisms threatened by plastics can find a way to bridge the gap between themselves and the humans.

Perhaps the analogy is closer to the truth than simply a theory.

edit on 2-6-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added video

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Direne

I’ve been contemplating your geoengineering revelation, and have a more direct inquiry than my last post. To further everyone’s understanding.

Are there groups on Sol-3 who are trying to reverse an ongoing ET terraforming process?

I’ve also been wondering if the metallic particulates within chemtrails are intended to shield Sol-3 from detection?

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

I am leaving this sinking ship full of arrogant morons.

Wish me luck.

And if I can't do it, all hell will break loose on them to ashes.
edit on 2-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Microplastics are to plankton what UAPs are to humans. The plankton regard microplastics exactly as humans regard UAPs. Neither can discover what they are, where exactly they come from, or how they could communicate with these objects, let alone with those who created them.

If communication between plankton and humans is impossible, so will communication between humans and UAP creators. If communication with the beings on which life on your planet (the plankton) depends is so impossible for you, why even try to communicate with beings from other planets? Wouldn't it be better to accept that when communication is impossible there must be something else that can be done? Why is communication so important to you?

Where does the need to communicate with others come from?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I suffer from severe schizophrenia. Thus my erratic thoughts and poor grammar skills. Nothing special, just the worst mental disability one can do. I actually suffer SOD (Social Anxiety). Thus my trouble dealing with people or trouble I get from people. I have not been "treated"

But that's just poor compared to a much more chronic human disability: indifference.
edit on 3-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

I am leaving this sinking ship full of arrogant morons.

Wish me luck.

And if I can't do it, all hell will break loose on them to ashes.

Good luck in your endeavors.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Yeah, so smart.

Speaking of the devil. The devil does speak.

Anyways, thanks.
edit on 3-6-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

Where does the need to communicate with others come from?

Physiology, because we're tangled up in strings. We do it even without conscious intent through hormones. It's involuntary. Humans communicate as much or more through nonverbal and psychologically encrypted visual cues as through straight language. The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe even proposes reality itself is a language, though I have no opinion on its accuracy. When your body pumps out powerful hormones whenever the environment gives it cues then it drives behavior. Language and communication improve the efficacy of those hormones. They add specificity and structure to a powerful, but rudimentary, survival tool that got us this far.

I would gather any beings that don't communicate or have language are the way they are because those things are not requisite to their survival. The alternative is that survival or existence are not within the considerations the being makes. I'm not one to say anything is impossible, but communicating with something that has such exotic logic seems damn close to impossible. It would seem a strange ethical violation to even make the attempt. Who are we to attempt to inject communication and language into their existence?

I think asking why we have a need to communicate can be reduced to a more simple question of why do we exist at all? If we're to believe that language and communication are curses we must engage to survive, then that would seem to imply subscribing to the concept of original sin. Aside from an Eden-like paradise where we want for nothing and live forever, under what circumstances might human beings survive without those things? Most modern humans wouldn't survive without language. That has been the case for as long as we have recorded history, but presumably much before. We're not equipped to do otherwise as a species, or haven't been up to this point. I don't know how you put that toothpaste back in the tube.

Maybe the meaning of existence is to engage it on its own terms, consider its merits within a self-referential context, and to learn to come out the other side without being bitter. To transcend. It's a lesson that has missed the mark for many, unfortunately.

I think it could be argued, based on our current understanding of reality, that we even communicate by the act of passively observing. This holds true not just for living things, but even inanimate things. Does that not in some way imply that language and communication are intrinsic to existence within the physical space we perceive ourselves to occupy?

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

I suffer from severe schizophrenia. Thus my erratic thoughts and poor grammar skills. Nothing special, just the worst mental disability one can do. I actually suffer SOD (Social Anxiety). Thus my trouble dealing with people or trouble I get from people. I have not been "treated"

But that's just poor compared to a much more chronic human disability: indifference.

"Schizophrenia" is not what u think it is.
People that are to sensitive, have highly developed "antenna", and with it can pick up many more signals from surrounding/s, than others. Specially from people around them.
"Doctors" live from selling of "pharmakeia" aka poisons. Thus those termed "crazy" are piggy bank/s for those. And for the producers of poisons.
Before "covid pandemia", pfizer was on a brink of bankruptcy. When they sold that experimental drug/injecting drugs, their profit went up to the sky.
Laugh is best medicine for that.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger
a reply to: Direne

I’ve been contemplating your geoengineering revelation, and have a more direct inquiry than my last post. To further everyone’s understanding.

Are there groups on Sol-3 who are trying to reverse an ongoing ET terraforming process?

I’ve also been wondering if the metallic particulates within chemtrails are intended to shield Sol-3 from detection?

That is not true. "Terraforming process" was done by destruction of nature. FOR MONEY! By people who dwell on Tarra.

Yes, those are sprayed with intention. To poison us.
And to "shield". Information from detection. For us to see what is up/above.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Direne

The need to communicate may come from the strange desire humans have, to personify everything.

To fit everything into human logic, even if another type of logic is being used.

I feel we do that to create a common ground between ourselves and the environment, but often it’s to our own detriment, since it’s a type of cognitive blindness.

For example, my cat lets out a playful meow. I meow back in a playful manner. We continue back and forth a few more times, and in the end, neither of us really know what’s been said.

But one thing we both know, is the playful nature of the meow. The intention behind the signal. That’s where we communicate, and have an understanding of each other.

If phenomenal environmental conditions are acting as signals, and groups are responding via Sol-3 geoengineering, it’s possible we’re misinterpreting those signals, because we lack the ET logic that’s generating those environmental conditions in the first place.

If we knew the intention of the signals, then we might have a better understanding. But as you mentioned, the signals / symbols are separated in time and space, with the Universe as the environment.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I think it's way more complex than money or control.

I'm pretty sure that they're fearful of / reacting to an ongoing process. Maybe for good reason, just trying to figure it all out.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: fireslinger
But it is about control and money.
Control of a narrative and money as a tool.
Tool to fool some to do something for them.
There is a good reason why money is usually connected with GOLD!
Now, who have had collected gold in the past, on Tarra?

Some have a very very good reason to be afraid. Bill to be paid for deeds on Tarra. And towards Tarra.

Considering Terraforming.
Some might end up on a place similar to Moon.
It will be so nice to observe how will they "terraform" that surface. With their own means.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: LaPourer
a reply to: fireslinger
But it is about control and money.
Control of a narrative and money as a tool.
Tool to fool some to do something for them.

You're absolutely right there. The UAP acronym soup narrative, which us taxpayers are funding. And there's definitely a cybernetics component that's been spanning for decades.

But I'm trying to restrain my anger, and focus on the Why. To slip into their logic, and see the agenda from a different perspective. Definitely not easy, but it's the way forward.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: fireslinger
If you would learn today, now, that tomorrow u/we would lose a planet, how would u think?
Lets say, supernova, life on surface is gone, sun goes into brown dwarf mode......

Considering their crafts, they have simply collected garbage from atmosphere, alongside the pollution in air, and printed it, little-bit rearrange it on molecular level and turn those back to earth.
Added some energy into printed "beings" and that is a whole mystery about those UAVs.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

That is an interesting theory. But just want to point out that most of these UAPs / UAVs are our own black budget craft.

Ties into the cybernetics side, of managing global perception around it. It's a show, real craft wouldn't have modified LED lights.

The real thing as we're discussing, is so much more complex.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe/fireslinger

Communication is the exchange of information. It is always intentional. If two systems communicate you are always sure of two things: there is an exchange of information, and that exchange is intentional. The logic behind that communication might be exotic or not, but at least you know you are facing two intentional systems.

Communication may cease, but information remains. It does not remain forever, though. It decays, becoming entropy. It is transcended indeed. Now, if language and communication are intrinsic to existence, then everything existing is indeed intentional. Let's remove language and communication, and that what's left is just intention.

Humans and plankton are both intentional systems. They sure have an intra-language they use to communicate among them, but they lack an inter-language, so they cannot inter-communicate. This, indeed, is a drama, in particular because they need to communicate if they wish to survive on the same planet. They are so radically different in biology, and so different cognitively, that communication is simply impossible. But they share one and the same goal: intention. Let's try to convert that intention into a language, and let's use that language to communicate.

Mind, for this is an asymmetrical relationship: you need the plankton, but the plankton does not need you at all. Actually, plankton does not need any other life form, while all other life forms do need the plankton to exist. Is language and communication intrinsic to the existence of plankton? Certainly not. There, your first languageless species.

Could there exist an intelligent species which is purely languageless and intentional? A species on whose existence all other species depend? Yes, it does exist. And for that species to be truly the foundation of all other life forms one law was established: the inability for all other life forms to communicate with it.

Communication is only an intermediate step that does not occur in hyperdeveloped species. Silence is the basis of their entire existence, and your existence depends on their existence.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: fireslinger
Those UAPs for NaSA show are military black budget stone age vehicles.
About real deal, Princess Dee told u, they tried to shot at them with DEW. Good attempt.
If some bigger vehicle would be parked over North America, then you would see A REAL SHOW! Without any fake led lights. Yes, they do have even those.

Well, the real game is to know "the future".
And there are those who do know it. As it is also the past, for them.
Third density body, very sensitive one, to feel how it would feel to u as a person, if lets say harmed unintentionally, is/was for this purpose only.

Next one, other game.
edit on 3-6-2023 by LaPourer because: (no reason given)

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