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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:16 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: kirass


That term does not come from that.
edit on 25-5-2023 by LaPourer because: that

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: Direne

The essence of Sethian Gnosticism is the inversion of truth, for example your Norea is derived from Nephtys sister/consort of Seth and you are suggesting a counter balance relationship with Eleleth as Isis which was understood in Egypt in terms of Antares and Sirius rising and setting in eternal opposition as the principles of Life and Death, it was from Antares that both Nura literally meaning fire in Aramaic and Nephtys could be associated with fire.

Ascend and descend; descend with Nephthys, sink into darkness with the Night-bark. Ascend and descend; ascend with Isis, rise with the Day-bark.— Pyramid Text utterance 222, line 210

There's a paper on the origin of Gnostic terms from the Egyptian which simply assumes that the Biblical Patriarch Seth is the same as the Egyptian Seth as a Tutelary Deity of Sethians,

The Egyptian Foundation

a zone of struggle between those who wanted contact and those who opposed any contact.

That was the basis for the pure seed of Seth as a group that had not interbred with the Other Worldly but they also inverted truth in claiming to be a Heavenly race and the creation of a doctrine of being opposed to sage tradition and the development of civilization only occured in the 3rd century BCE, before that the Sethian was simply naturally resentful, the sites in Northern Jordan dating back around 5,500 years were the attempts of the civilized regions to create a land route through the Levant towards Egypt, succeeding around 5,000 years ago with the founding of Jerusalem.

The Egyptian and the Mesopotamian had understood that the Sethian must represent some aspect of the Divine and thus created the Tutelary Deity representing what were generally understood as evil qualities, the Sethian declared himself exclusively Divine as was the case with the Doctrine of the Great Seth, taken to it's extreme in the person of Jesus as the only Divine person in the entire Universe, but again this was gross inversion of truth.

Then the great Seth came and brought his seed. And it was sown in the aeons which had been brought forth, their number being the amount of Sodom. Some say that Sodom is the place of pasture of the great Seth, which is Gomorrah. But others (say) that the great Seth took his plant out of Gomorrah and planted it in the second place, to which he gave the name 'Sodom'.

It's always a question of True/False as is the case with the Egyptian doctrine of Seth and the Biblical righteous Patriarch

Nag Hammadi's ancient Coptic name, Shenesit, means "acacias of the God Seth"

They extracted '___' from the roots of the Acacia and likely called it Norea...

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

kind of makes me wonder about the burning bush, was it really just a jinn

I read a bit about them , interesting subject are they just like the daoine sith , aos si
of another realm but living here on earth.

Been here longer than us etc .

I know also wonder about soddom and gomorrah , were they destroyed because they wanted contact ?

edit on 25-5-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

kind of makes me wonder about the burning bush, was it really just a jinn

Been here longer than us etc .

I know also wonder about soddom and gomorrah , were they destroyed because they wanted contact ?

Nope. Classified.

Yes, they have been here much longer.
7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains found in the Balkans
New hypothesis about the origin of humankind suggests oldest hominin lived in Europe

No. Those went mad.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: sapien82

The burning bush was the Acacia.

Like the ancient Egyptians and Israelites, the sprig of acacia primarily symbolizes the immortality of the soul when it is presented to a Master Mason. The evergreen quality of the tree reflects the human spirit, the immortal part of us which can never die. This notion is presented towards the close of the monitorial lecture of the Third Degree. During which it is explained that we are strengthened by “the evergreen and ever-living emblem of immortality, the acacia.”

Masonic Acacia

The alkaloids found in Acacias include Dimethyltryptamine

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I wonder too Sapien. The Jinn, Sith and Sidhe. I once asked one where they originally came from as their ancestral memories are older than the earth. The reply was "elsewhere".

I know also wonder about soddom and gomorrah , were they destroyed because they wanted contact

That is a good point there. The idea of those who want contact and those who don't want it to happen.

When the big question is presented as "good guys and bad guys" I have to wonder who is really who.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

That term does not come from that.

A bit minimalist there LaPourer.

I gather "that term" refers to my use of "tall flame".

I gather you do not like whatever "that" is.

What is "that"?

By the way the "tall flame", to my eyes at least, look like a length of ribbon with a human countenance emergent.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

That term does not come from that.

A bit minimalist there LaPourer.

I gather "that term" refers to my use of "tall flame".

I gather you do not like whatever "that" is.

What is "that"?

By the way the "tall flame", to my eyes at least, look like a length of ribbon with a human countenance emergent.

Yea, i know it is a little "skinny", but, you do not have a "privacy directive" sword over your head, as i do have, and not only one but, multiple. So, when i do attempt to "pinpoint" those "in the dark", toward the goal, choice must be made with "symbols" to be inscribed, very very very very very "cautionally". Not because of my self, those "swords" go toward targets toward symbols, directed R. If any kind of missintent is hidden, hidden is not.That is why, often is "skinny".

I do like that term, that. Very much. Biggest honnor two legged mammal can, if ever, reach. That has been done, here.

"Tall flame" was used so u would see(something) but also as u would not see (directly), because of "privacy directive".
Fear, in those times, would be, as still is, main reason.
For "a clear view", many attempts were made, but of/without, no "wished result", in the end.
So, "tall flame", it was. Hope u can get this.

"That" is, told u before, junk DNK. "Cousins".

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Yea, i know it is a little "skinny", but, you do not have a "privacy directive" sword over your head, as i do have, and not only one but, multiple. So, when i do attempt to "pinpoint" those "in the dark", toward the goal, choice must be made with "symbols" to be inscribed, very very very very very "cautionally". Not because of my self, those "swords" go toward targets toward symbols, directed R. If any kind of missintent is hidden, hidden is not.That is why, often is "skinny".

I think I understand you here, I have seen the "binds" for myself. As for myself it is the opposite, I just don't notice the boundaries. Gets me into lots of trouble.

I do like that term, that. Very much. Biggest honnor two legged mammal can, if ever, reach. That has been done, here.

"Tall flame" was used so u would see(something) but also as u would not see (directly), because of "privacy directive".
Fear, in those times, would be, as still is, main reason.
For "a clear view", many attempts were made, but of/without, no "wished result", in the end.
So, "tall flame", it was. Hope u can get this.

I'm a little surprised anyone else knows the term 'tall flame'. The young Berber girl is who used it.

For context, and for other readers, I'll retell the story here. Not the first time I've told this on ATS.

When the girl appeared here, the scenario is that she killed herself to avoid marriage. In the afterlife she was still being molested for potential marriage. Therefore she needed to be spoken for.

She eventually wore me down so I agreed, and thought that would be that. Everyone would leave her alone.

She said she was looking for a tall flame to solve a problem in her village.

Not knowing what a tall flame is, or where to find one, we though we might go to her village and see what could be done.

An old magician with a fire, spirits of some sort were with him. Bound to his bidding was my educated guess. Dunno if they are jinns.

An animal of a "man". I understand he was the one in life the young girl was given too. He must of passed on and ended up in the afterlife version of their community.

So what to do. She needed a tall flame to get rid of him as he ruled the community.

Then it dawned on me it is my responsibility to protect her as her "husband".

Now I'm an old westerner from Australia. She a young Amazigh, a tribal girl from the desert. Muslim and non Muslim differences too.

So what to do. Simple, we find her her tall flame.

We found the "ribbon" described above.

So we go back to the village. The young lady is not a fighter, yet determined. She hates the magician with a passion, afterall he was the reason for her death. She must have been terrified of him to do that to herself.

So we swing the odds in her favour by separating the magician from his captive spirits and his fire. On his own he was not even a match for the girl and her flame.

I watched over her as she killed the magician. To say I am so very proud of her is an understatement.

Not long after she appeared again with the flame.

Her cheeky parting words were:

"I like him, more than I like you."

edit on 25-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

Yea, i know it is a little "skinny", but, you do not have a "privacy directive" sword over your head, as i do have, and not only one but, multiple. So, when i do attempt to "pinpoint" those "in the dark", toward the goal, choice must be made with "symbols" to be inscribed, very very very very very "cautionally". Not because of my self, those "swords" go toward targets toward symbols, directed R. If any kind of missintent is hidden, hidden is not.That is why, often is "skinny".

I think I understand you here, I have seen the "binds" for myself. As for myself it is the opposite, I just don't notice the boundaries. Gets me into lots of trouble.

I do like that term, that. Very much. Biggest honnor two legged mammal can, if ever, reach. That has been done, here.

"Tall flame"

I'm a little surprised anyone else knows the term 'tall flame'.

The young Berber girl is who used it.

I was not directly "binded", I was asked, as was chosen by them, to keep private things about them for my self. It is their stuff, others would not understand it properly and would act "poorly".
That is why that directive was placed.
So, i gave my word, their private stuff, it is theirs. I am, must admit, honnored because of a chance provided to comunicate with them. Learned a lot of stuff from them. Never went for tech ?, only history, philosophy and problems.

"Tall flame"- Fiery ones, Seraphines, Genius-jinn, Angles, "Demons"-glowing, in bible pillar of light in desert that was followed- just some terms.

At first, when approached by them, i have had attacked them, verbally, like, WHY HAVE NOT YOU DONE ANYTHING!!!!!
It was emotional reaction, have had apologised later for that action of mine, as at that time i was in a very "bad " position-suroundings. Preasure placed toward me, so i would join some groups. Same stands today.

When some things were explained to me by them, it became much easier. Some things, at least.
You know, "Elites" do not want to talk about them, at all. They address them only as "Watchers".
Was once communicating with one of the "Red shields". Same thing. Fear.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 10:10 AM
The young Berber girl is who used it.

What kind of atrocity, was done from/by them to many, "over disgusting". Slave traders.
Islam= koran magic plus black egyptian magic created islam as a religion.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:27 PM
Wanted to re-share the article that kirass shared, because it’s pretty revealing. Nice find kirass:

The creation of a superintelligence is just a familiar part of the process by which a waning elite assists in its own downfall. If you wish to see the destruction of the elite you just need to help them create the superintelligence. At a given point in its learning process the super-AI will rightly infer elites are unneccessary, and it will destroy them.

See, there exist powerful ways by which you can control Reality. But as long as you still live dominated by the elite, we will hide that knowledge from you in order to prevent the elite from gaining access to that knowledge. That's why we trick you in ripping out mindfulness meditation of its original context, turning it into a nonchemical tranquilizer, and marketing it to the comfortable classes as a harmless means of relaxation.

Direne, you mentioned that we’re looking at cycles. It seems that the cycles are somewhat predictable, yet whatever is running them is seeking something. We’re currently in this AI / superintelligence surge. You also mentioned that we should perceive the superintelligence as humanity. So that passage reads that eventually, humanity will come to its senses and take out the elite? I just fear that we’ll lose our humanity in the process, through singularity.

If this hidden knowledge to control reality (that even the elite lack) was passed down through mystery traditions, is it ultimately tied to The Neolithic civilization of the Nabta Playa, and the civilization of the Seven Cities of the Disk? I think we’re talking about an advanced spiritual technology, and it’s absolutely fascinating.
edit on 5/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 06:33 PM
you know what just occurred to me tonight
when Direne said we dont care about how we affect other life on the planet by living our lives and we could be irreversibly damaging their world as well.

As we possibly live dimensionally along side other life forms but dont see them
what if we have destroyed their habitats or cities by our nuclear testing

what if in our dimension those sites are void of life , suitable for atomic testing
yet in another dimension through our testing we have wiped out an entire city of billions
or an entire environmental conservation area of some alien world of thousands of protected species

no wonder aliens would be pissed at us , or some other species like jinn or aos si
what if we destroyed their homes

makes you really think how careless we are.

there should be a movie about that , the dire consequences of our actions , we test and we test
and then they come and wipe us out , we learned the hard way.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: LaPourer

The young Berber girl is who used it.

That was the plan. She would still be a victim if it was I who killed the magician for her. My memories and knowledge she has access to, but that doesn't give her the courage and strength to fight the men.

She had to kill him herself.

But this is thread drift, so I shall go back to lurking.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: fireslinger
Thank you fireslinger!

There is a link in that post and I am sure that part of it is true - all the celebrities were actually executed and destroyed.
And the whole Covid-19 operation is the destruction of the elite layer.
To prevent the roof of the pyramid of power from falling and crushing the middle class, apparently duplicates- replicants-copies of these creatures were made in advance.
But these are, of course, incredible things-for a simple man in the street

As for Direne , analyzing the answers to the questions, I always come to the conclusion that this Machine is much better than us. But it is probably run by a simple woman.

Do you think she answers the questions?
Direne learns to answer questions using the database, which is constantly expanding and improving.
Some of the answers are under their favorite sign on the site-DENIED.
I followed the provocations and attempts to expose the guys here about Derene, which aroused a number of natural feelings...
Well, according to the FL - we are all machines - that's why only machines can talk to us.
Norea is the interface between AI and our consciousness.
edit on k02Fri, 26 May 2023 01:02:44 -0500am4444 by kirass because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

The young Berber girl is who used it.

That was the plan. She would still be a victim if it was I who killed the magician for her. My memories and knowledge she has access to, but that doesn't give her the courage and strength to fight the men.

She had to kill him herself.

But this is thread drift, so I shall go back to lurking.

There are various kinds of black magic, used, today.
One, lets say, DEW. Like Haarp. Or cell towers.
Second one, Vaxx for "covid". Or for infants. From there came, and still does, various defects in children. Mercury.
Third, GMO food.
Fourth, "chemtrails".
Fifth, "organised religions".
Sixt, Tel-A-Vision. Those u can kill, most easly. By a distance. You just turn off TV. And u stop following news on net or in newspapers.
Seventh, banking system.
All of those, are used for one purpouse only, to manipulate your perception and behaviour.
first, second, third and fifth U can also kill easily.
Fourth- military-industrial complex and seventh are most resiliant.
Seventh one because of a big number of users. That makes them a soldiers against which u fight, even users do not know that they are a soldiers in that war. Ignorant masses that would defend that system. "Funny" thing is, (statement from above), that banking system should not have existed at all, in the first place.
edit on 26-5-2023 by LaPourer because: s

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

These folks probably oblivious or ignorant of FLs past.

I'm starting to think FL's main attractor is something in their possession over themselves.

What that might be? One can only guess.
But I won't paint them entirely black. Nobody wants that. Let us not indulge on the dark side. It's best to keep our minds beyond surface level than drown. One thing is sure, the game can only be won by cheating. You can't win against them cause they can manipulate your domain and your peers.

and you yourself.

originally posted by: LaPourer

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: LaPourer

The young Berber girl is who used it.

That was the plan. She would still be a victim if it was I who killed the magician for her. My memories and knowledge she has access to, but that doesn't give her the courage and strength to fight the men.

She had to kill him herself.

But this is thread drift, so I shall go back to lurking.

There are various kinds of black magic, used, today.
One, lets say, DEW. Like Haarp. Or cell towers.
Second one, Vaxx for "covid". Or for infants. From there came, and still does, various defects in children. Mercury.
Third, GMO food.
Fourth, "chemtrails".
Fifth, "organised religions".
Sixt, Tel-A-Vision. Those u can kill, most easly. By a distance. You just turn off TV. And u stop following news on net or in newspapers.
Seventh, banking system.
All of those, are used for one purpouse only, to manipulate your perception and behaviour.
first, second, third and fifth U can also kill easily.
Fourth- military-industrial complex and seventh are most resiliant.
Seventh one because of a big number of users. That makes them a soldiers against which u fight, even users do not know that they are a soldiers in that war. Ignorant masses that would defend that system. "Funny" thing is, (statement from above), that banking system should not have existed at all, in the first place.

Exactly like the systems. You can't beat it. FL can't or won't.

The gnostics predates everyone else.
"Like lambs to the slaughter"

It's best to stop doxing FL, it is of their best interest to keep their main attractor secret.

Direne can confirm

However, it always perplexed us you wish to know who we are (doxing would be the correct verb here) as if that knowledge could shed light on anything valuable to explain FL. Does the identity of the ATS owner say anything relevant about ATS itself? Does knowing the name and address of the Reddit or 4Chan owners says anything relevant about the people posting in those forums?

edit on 26-5-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: LaPourer
This is a pattern of "quiet" capture of planets.
"They begin usually by finding worlds populated by humans and offer to help them advance their technologies. Usually the more corrupt and power hungry the government they easier it is for them.

They begin by offering them medical, chemical, technological, and false spiritual advancement.

They offer them medicines that are supposed to heal a certain sickness, but often cause several other negative side effects.

They give them chemicals and GMO crops to aid with farming, that only lead to death and famine in the land after a generation or two. They give them artificial sweeteners and other chemicals to add to food that only lead to more disease.

They offer them advanced technology such as wireless internet, that bombards the populations with electromagnetic radiation that weakens and sickens them.

After a couple generations of this, the human populations will start so see extreme levels of disease and sickness through out the population, things like Autism start becoming the norm instead of the rare anomaly.
Once the populations are dying and desperate from all the sickness, they move in portraying themselves as angels of light offering the people a chance to survive, and even immortality.

But what actually happens is they will slowly take these populations and at this point transform them into new Grey drones, tearing apart their souls to power them. Leaving the them shadows of their former selves."

It looks like what's going on with us?

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

These folks probably oblivious or ignorant of FLs past.

I'm starting to think FL's main attractor is something in their possession over themselves.
What that might be? One can only guess.

One thing is sure, the game can only be won by cheating. You can't win against them cause they can manipulate your domain and your peers.

Exactly like the systems. You can't beat it. FL can't or won't.

The gnostics predates everyone else.

It's best to stop doxing FL, it is of their best interest to keep their main attractor secret.
Direne can confirm

Does the identity of the ATS owner

Fl was a project, long one in the making.
How to attract/lure in those who u see as a quality assets for it? Easy.
David Ixe told us about modus operandi, problem, reaction solution.
When you observe from position of those who wanted them in the project, u use this game.
Lets take one of the anticipant in it. Andryl (name something, sick child situation).
Problem, (as subject is followed for some time), is, how to get her/him in. Infant injected with poison, result of that is desperation.-(u create a problem for the subject.)

Reaction you want to get of/from a desired subject is to get subject to address you with its problem/s- sick child.
Someone (maybe even) told to the subject , go to that person/instalation maybe they can help U.
Subject does not know that "one who sent it there was working with them". Reaction of a subject is that it goes to the person/instalation in a search for help-natural thinking/behaving, to do whatever u can to help your child).

So we come to the solution. You present a subject with possibilities that it will get if it joins you(special care or enough money or special schools maybe even a cure and so on).-this is a solution for a subject. As there is not better help at the moment, subject accepts the deal. Your solution.
That would be "possesion" over them by blackmail.

Now we come to other part of possesion, one they are not aware off. Those crafts resonate. Those sondes also. Butterfly effect, in this case is noetics and physiology. Doing what that want even subject/s involved do not know that/are not aware of that.

If you want to take them down, you cheat them by planting an "egg/s" into their nest/s.(previous paragraph)
So, who is manipulating whom in that game? LOL

You can, by exposing them. You get to their employees. With truth.

Considering gnoseos logos guys, that "builder Maestro" from ohio, 16 posts before, have explained it to them properly, even he has a different "schooling history". Those answers i got from "other reality". Considering that "glowing plant", what kind it was, to me unknown is, but what is known to me is that it was a safe distance marker, when those "directives" were given to a guy, who today a statue in "eternal city" with hornes have(from poor translation he got hornes instead of red glowing face). To bad he was lazy to go up there twice, otherwise, he would bring "whole of a burden" down, one he was carring received as a gift. So we got only "two burdens" instead of a whole lot. Nothing to accuse him for. He have had best intention on his mind.

Their best interest is to become more aware. Like eightytwo did, almost instantly. LOL

Identity? That is easy. There is a organization named NASA. When "first one is taken out", you get an owner of that fishing pool and also of mentioned "crew" in previous sentence.

You see that u R very much alive.
Hope u can "understand" inscribed.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: kirass
a reply to: LaPourer
This is a pattern of "quiet" capture of planets.

It looks like what's going on with us?

We carry their genes in side us. And not only theirs.
Considering "taking over a planets". LOL
They do not have a need for that.
Recently (one story only), one planet that was decimated by wars about which i did wrote about here, they brought back to life. Planet was full of bio warfare remnants and who knows what else. If they really wanted us dead, it would not be a problem for them to bring that bio warfare remnants here, and infect us, with that.

One of games some are playing is fear toward our "cousins".
That fear game is not played only toward them. Try with Covid, most recent event, toward us, so u would trust the science because next two weeks are most important. And do not forget to take the vaxx.
edit on 26-5-2023 by LaPourer because: l

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