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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:26 AM
Norea is such a lovely name.

One may not be able to visit the Sisters of the Covenant, yet there are other ways.

In the recounting of the jar and the jinn, what is interesting is the jinn.

The jinn was burnt with the fire that seldom burns, and the light that is almost never seen. I doubt it was the mother who burnt the jinn, the burning was far earlier.

The jinn was not there to protect the physical contents of the jar. The jinn held the record of the life(s) of those(?) who told of Norea and the Archons.

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: kirass

Hi kirass.

Norea is a character appearing in the Nag Hammadi library (also known as the "Chenoboskion Manuscripts" and the "Gnostic Gospels"), which is a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in December, 1945.

In the book bearing the title "The Hypostasis of the Archons" (The Reality of the Rulers), Norea is said to be the daughter of Eve and the younger sister of Seth, both of which are members of the pure race, according to the book.
In the book it is narrated that the archons decided to destroy the world with a deluge, but their leader, the Demiurge, warns Noah to build an ark, which Norea tries to board. Noah stops her, so Norea blows upon the ark and sets it ablaze. The story tells that the rulers tried to rape her, but she cries to the God of the Entirety for help. The angel Eleleth appears and frightens the rulers away. Norea and Eleleth had a long conversation in which, among other things, Eleleth explains Norea that she is a child of the spirit, and informs Norea about her true origin and the origin of the world.

Another Nag Hammadi text, titled "the Thought of Norea" (or Ode on Norea) is a first-person account of Norea's plea to God. There is yet another book titled "On the Origin of the World" which includes an account of Oraia, as well as a
book called "First Book of Noraia" and to which some refer to as "Book of Noria". The complete library contains an unknown number of books, not all of which have been found. Thirteen leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local farmer named Muhammed al-Samman who, together with another fellow, was involved in grave robbing. He confessed her mother burned some of the books as she thought the books were somehow haunted and was afraid the jar contained a jinn.

The recovered 13-volume library consists of Coptic texts and was hidden beneath a large boulder near the town of Nag Hammadi, about 70 miles north of Luxor, in upper Egypt. The area was plagued by villagers who dedicated themselves to robbing tombs to recover treasures and ancient objects that they then sold at flea markets. Several Coptic texts,
in addition to those of Nag Hammadi, were obtained in this way and were acquired by obscure intermediaries from the major museums and universities of Europe.

Perhaps the most interesting book, of which only incomplete texts remain scattered in various museums, is the one describing the encounter between Eleleth and Norea, in which Eleleth answers Norea's existential questions. What Norea asked, and what Eleleth answered, is not public knowledge. The complete text is said to be guarded by a Gnostic sect of women, called the Sisters of the Covenant. You must know that there were female anchorites in early Christian Egypt.

Others say that Mr. Alfred Lucas, a British chemist from the Royal College of Science who worked for the British Government as an assistant chemist, was sent to Egypt to gather all the texts he could. Officially, he was involved in
cleaning, consolidating, and conserving antiquities to good use when he was lent by the Antiquities Service to Mr. Carter during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. Anyway, the guy died in 1945, before the Nag Hammadi library discovery.

Only those humans who have all of the texts can read Eleleth's answers to Norea's questions. You can also visit the monastery of the Sisters of the Covenant, although I do not recommend it. You would die long before going near it, unless they take pity on you. That would be the first time they take pity on someone, though.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 01:05 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 24 2023 @ 02:39 AM
Thanks to Direne for the detailed presentation .

The dead know everything, so they have nothing to say to the living.

If you follow this logic, then if you want to find out the truth, you have to die - but there will be no one to share with - everyone around you knows everything!
Therefore, the living world is interesting because no one knows anything, replacing this flaw with hypotheses and fantasies.

I admire Norea's act, but was Elelet sincere in helping her?
I want to believe that this is a noble act.

Carl Jung once said that life on Earth is paradise.
And I hope it will be some time before I visit the convent of the Sisters of the Covenant.
Direne, you said that humanity is a monster, a Jinn in a jar.
I have long held this opinion.
It turns out that humanity (the collective mind) once came to the end of the game, and then started all over again - over and over again, deliberately erasing all experience and memories.

As a beacon, an AI was installed, which sets the rules of the game and brings variety...The result was a "Game of poverty" based on the fact that to be good, you need bad guys....
Of course, I can be wrong, both in English and in my own reasoning.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: kirass

Okay, you got me. Time traveling is real.

This is all me. Past incarnate.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: boozo

I have already stopped doubting that plants, insects, and pets are all one - it's us. It's like taking pictures of the details of the past and putting them into the overall picture of the present moment.
And at the same time appoint yourself the main observer.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: kirass

Norea's story is intertwined with Luluwa's story, the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve and therefore the first female conceived by Adam and Eve. For some, Eleleth was none other than Luluwa.

That Eleleth defended Norea against the archons was a noble act, but that he/she also took pity on her and wanted to calm her down by explaining the history of the world was a dangerous act. Intervening in human affairs should only be done when a non-human third party (in this case the archons) interferes in those affairs. But contact should be minimal and it is certainly out of place to answer questions from humans.

The truly noble thing about Norea was that he never asked anything about her, nor did she want to get information about her future. She only asked about life, about death, about the meaning of life, about the meaning of death. She only wanted to know about existential questions that affected all human beings.

But when she begged to be transported to the other world, taken away from this one, Eleleth refused. And there she stood alone, in the middle of the plain of Shinar, feeling raped, as Eleleth's ship sailed away.

a reply to: fireslinger

The Egyptian civilization was preceded by two much more advanced and complex civilizations. The Neolithic civilization of the Nabta Playa, and the civilization of the Seven Cities of the Disk. You will find a lot of information about the former, but about the latter the information is scarce and confusing. The cities of the disk are sometimes referred to in the Bible as the “cities of the plain”. Sodom and its sister cities were located in the large oval-shaped, fertile plain just north of the Dead Sea called simply “the Disk”. The entire disk was destroyed during a confusing catastrophic unexplained event.

The entire Nubian desert and the area of the disk cities was a zone of struggle between those who wanted contact and those who opposed any contact.

You should take the opportunity to visit the pyramids of Meroë and the Temple of Mut (both in Sudan) to feel what the civilization of Nabta Playa was like. But be warned: the chances of you making it out of your trip alive are slim. In addition to the area's Islamic terrorist groups, paramilitary factions, corrupt national army, poisonous snakes, chronic lack of water, and mountain pirates, you will have to survive the effects of a treacherous landscape, and the greatest enemy of all: the SUDV virus, also known as the Sudan ebolavirus.

As for the cities of the disk, you can travel to the area, too, though you should know the area is home of MERS, a viral respiratory illness endemic to the region that’s associated with a 40% fatality rate. If you manage to get rid of the disease, you can reach the Black Forest, and visit The Invisible City of Drizza, near Jebel Qurma. It is the most hostile and desolated region there, a highly inhospitable place. That's where the Diskus was found, a most complex artifact. You can also visit Azraq Oasis and get baffled with artificial the stone structures which represent astronomical data, including a beautiful star map of Deneb Algedi. You'll know you've reached the exact spot when, inexplicably, your nose and ears start to bleed, your thoughts become thick, your legs go limp, and you fall flat on your face on sand that cuts like razor blades.

By the time you want to realize what has happened, you will already be with Eleleth. That's what it's like to visit forbidden areas.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Direne

How did you find out about the azraq oasis if everyone dies when they get there ?

just coincidence that these places also have deadly pathogens and hostile humans living there , almost if these things were put there
knowing its difficult to get to , has deadly diseases and hostile humans to protect them
edit on 24-5-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

Lots of interesting features in that area , been looking around on google maps, lots of geoglyphs and old looking foundations

edit on 24-5-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Explain yo self.

I bet you eat dogs too. Yum!

Nope, i do not eat dogs.

It is simple, as I told ya, coded books.
You wanted to know about those, so, i give as much as I can.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Direne

How did you find out about the azraq oasis if everyone dies when they get there ?

just coincidence that these places also have deadly pathogens and hostile humans living there , almost if these things were put there
knowing its difficult to get to , has deadly diseases and hostile humans to protect them

Lots of interesting features in that area , been looking around on google maps, lots of geoglyphs and old looking foundations
All of that was placed there with intention. To hide.

quote Direne : Sodom and its sister city Gomorah were located in the large oval-shaped, fertile plain just north of the Dead Sea - Nope. Those were located directly BENEATH Dead Sea.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 07:36 AM
This might be the most hilarious thread on the world wide web.

Surely most of you don't believe half of the stuff that you write right?

Surely? Right?

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: DifferentKind

(smile) there many ways of "seeing" things. Many points of view.

Thinking inside the box, thinking outside the box. Many boxes.

Norea is interesting. I like reading of her.

The only reason I mention the jinn and the jar for example is simply to point out that there are different ways to access information.

Someone may be successful . . .

. . . and it need not be me.

Glad you're enjoying the thread.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Oh! I didn't say everyone dies. I did say you die.

Today there is a major air base near Azraq. It is from there that MQ-9 Reaper drones are flown. And it is from there that some PSVs are flown, too. It was one pf those MQ-9 Reaper drones the one filming the video reportedly showing what appears to be a spherical object crossing the skies. I think Mr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), presented still images of that video to the members of the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services.

The oasis is now dying, but in the past it was densely populated and was a key trading post. It was thanks to the drones that some fascinating strange stone structures were discovered because at ground level they are practically invisible. And it was after this discovery that PSVs were stationed there.

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 12:02 PM
Hello everyone !

We made a Discord server dedicated to investigate the FL organization. You can feel free to join anytime and take part of the conversation !

Here is the permenant link :

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: DifferentKind
This might be the most hilarious thread on the world wide web.

U think so, believe so or do U know it to be so?

I have one very good recording of UFO, for Princess Di.
UFO is recorded in video on 0:20

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Direne

With a warning like that, think I’ll stick to astral travel / projection

And even that may not be entirely safe. You would have to be psychically sealed.

It seems to not only be a forbidden area, but also forbidden knowledge. You’re painting quite the picture for us here, thank you for that. This is all much more complex, how these patterns of history tie together.

An invisible war, between groups who desire contact, and groups who want to avoid contact. The right and left paths, once esoteric, now diluted into politics, where meaning is lost. And as this FL article mentions, neither group is human:

There are so many veils Direne, and the more I learn, the more it seems hopeless that our civilization will grasp this in any real capacity.

But on a positive note, we really appreciate you sharing. Let’s keep going with this.
edit on 5/24/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2023 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Just something to consider on the subject of veils and "forbidden knowledge".

In Islam the jinns are said to be the constant companion. Basically everyone gets the jinn that accompanies them from birth for the rest if their lives.

The jinn are born of the smokeless flame.

A jinn is long lived compared to humans, and it is logical to consider them to have accompanied many people over the years.

One might ask what do the jinns actually know?

The dead don't speak of the afterlife, they are not allowed.

In the Koran, the jinns are spoken of. At one point in time, (some of) the jinn swore allegiance to Mohammed. It can be assumed many did not.

It is said that the jinn criticised humanity for neglecting them, and encouraging in their disbelief.

The jinns know a lot of things, and undoubtably were witness in the time of Eve, Lilith, Norea and the Archons.

One might assume that the jinn who surrendered to Mohammed were not all of them. One might also assume the jinn who did not swear a compact might be unhappy with humanity for neglecting them, nor might they be happy with the ones who surrendered.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 12:47 AM
Direne, from site FL-(Da ānamur daeaţem eykerur. apr 30, 2021)
"At a given point in its learning process the super-AI will rightly infer elites are unneccessary, and it will destroy them."
Starting in 2019, executions began all over the world,link- all celebrities from actors to politicians got here. Moreover, the article quite convincingly lays out a lot of facts. Some ostentatious vaccinations are public executions.

I have a question.

Who or what is so afraid of the elite that goes to death without any resistance?
If the elite layer is removed, then the layer above should become the most transparent.But we still see some (executed) actors and politicians on stage
Are they replicants, doppelganger-so as not to shock the general population?

edit on k51Thu, 25 May 2023 00:51:11 -0500am1111 by kirass because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Smokeless fire is the poetic description of the Sun that blazes fiercely in the Arabian desert, and is doubly significant since there is no suggestion that the Jinn are invoked by fire.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: kirass

I've heard jinn called Tall Flames, referring to some of them I guess. The origin of my use of the term "tall flame" was from a deceased Berber girl who suicided rather than marry an old man.

We met one day (her deceased) as she was looking for a safe husband who would marry her so she could say she was spoken for in her afterlife village.

I have never heard of them being invoked by fire either.

edit on 25-5-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: spelling

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: serkov
Hello everyone !

We made a Discord server dedicated to investigate the FL organization. You can feel free to join anytime and take part of the conversation !

Here is the permenant link :
See? U called someone there but do not like inscribed. So, continue on your own.

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