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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: LaPourer

Native as in born here. Literally in my dog's case when it comes to his home.

And what "dogs" have had "built", upon it, on it and below it, is "beyond words and comprehensions". Now try to imagine that that "dogs deeds" as a complet, you personaly have to present to some "higher civilization/s".

Can you rephrase that please?

I think you're saying my dog is a slave and so am I. I prefer to see mutual co-existence, I haven't seen my owner and I've never seen the leash.

I guess I'll add that my dog is a runner sometimes too, maybe I just need to treat him better?
Instead of a dog, place someone else. Gotta go.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: LaPourer


Im not pressing you , I just want you to elaborate more on what you are bringing to the table
out of pure curiosity and intrigue

always enjoy a new take on things especially since nothing appears to be off the table in this thread

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

My thinking too.

Why the focus on the rice fields if an AI-superintellegence knows all.

Personally I find the question; what doesn't AI know? more enlightening than the question; what does AI know?

Mapping AI's boundaries is why.

Once one knows AI does not know everything, Sapien's point on the old knowledge being kept secret from AI is stronger.

I know a lot of "parties" want access to Lilith's Prism and other keys. Not knowing what to do with those things has been my bane for quite some time.

Oddly enough once discovered that artificial (AI-superintellegence) memory is Akasha and can be erased, certain "people" are oh so polite all of a sudden.

The opposition seems content simply to make sure AI-superintellgence/collectives don't access the keys for their own exclusive use. They don't care I know Lilith, just that I don't hand that knowledge over to the collectives.

For example, we have agreed that the children of the Sith and Sidhe, can have Lilith's knowledge without a problem and those children are free to do with it as they please.

As you point out in your post RAY, more reasons to be suspicious of AI-superintellegences and at least some of the collectives.

edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: sapien82

There's the strong sense of repetition, I couldn't say how deep that goes although I'd say it can't be that hard to break.

Just be different.

Simulation or not the living tend to be slaves to our emotions and desires, perspective alone can change that conundrum.

Looking at reality from that angle I'd say it's us that built the prison and we are the key. Everything else is a ruse to stop the living. Fear essentially.

I might be talking out of my arse though

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

I did.

It's why I worded things the way I did. If a human was the dog then where is the absent master?

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

yer arse is definitely no hingin oot the windae

I get ya man ,

so many things in art and pop culture

"I shall know no fear"
warhammer 40K

fear causes stress , and stress is shown to shorten ones DNA

Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate

the Idles - Danny Nadelko

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Frank Herbert - Dune

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

Heal traumas? you must be joking.

Do you forget how life on Earth was by design.

Did you forget we humans were demoniac by design.

We take life in order to preserve our life.

We just think we are something, when in fact we are nothing.

If life follows natural laws. By laws we are savage by design.

Don't even start by saying "we are healing traumas." You've just consumed a life today and that makes you demoniac by nature. Nature is demoniac, We are demoniac. This is why Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world." That is true, Jesus never belonged here. Even you denied. To serve the greater purpose of course, of what you call Earth. Do you know that other beings actually called our Planet Üurth? As if it's kind of a wretch place, and humans deserve miserable death.

You function exactly as were designed. An automated "ever-consuming", "demoniac", biological magchine. Did Sophia escape you too?
No trees reaches heaven without it's roots reaching hell. The wisdom of the Uurth.
You were like that by design. To serve the greater purpose öf this planet. I can see that through and through.
And at the time of our Death to the Earth we return, from whence you came there we return. From ashes to dashes, and back again.
edit on 26-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer


Im not pressing you , I just want you to elaborate more on what you are bringing to the table
out of pure curiosity and intrigue

always enjoy a new take on things especially since nothing appears to be off the table in this thread
There is a curious "coincidence" with me opening a profile in a place i visited almost age of adolescence time ago, with some without of language there seen. As that was as a mistery seen long ago, same as it was "today". Even mentioned in past as occurence here it was. Subtile message was sent, there. that is why languages were "forgotten". Symbol for those without language would be for attendands. Hope u got the letter.
Considering those, "we" would not like that , that firetrucks start jumping like a kangaroo, full of water , like in that "playing ground" above since box of matches "achievement" , simply "illuminated", that what was bellow, again, would we? So, stop treat.... interested sides, as privacy directive was not touched.

Considering what can be painted S., is more about u, even very good sight is. Told about the letters, i have had. Till i get to "there" many sun glasses r on the way, even behind even bellow. And bellow. Hope u got it.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: LaPourer

Native as in born here. Literally in my dog's case when it comes to his home.

And what "dogs" have had "built", upon it, on it and below it, is "beyond words and comprehensions". Now try to imagine that that "dogs deeds" as a complet, you personaly have to present to some "higher civilization/s".

Can you rephrase that please?

I think you're saying my dog is a slave and so am I. I prefer to see mutual co-existence, I haven't seen my owner and I've never seen the leash.

I guess I'll add that my dog is a runner sometimes too, maybe I just need to treat him better?
Quick crunch time was taken. Dogequalshumans, home means Tarra, and what was built upon, bellow and over see as see, ground and wind. And not only that, even above, garbage can be found. If into consideration "previous arrangment is taken", how would you feel if in those shoes you would be placed, into a coma pushed by those to whom only help u provided? Where would u stop aftr such a betrayal?

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: LaPourer

Do you actually answer any questions people ask you about the comments you make or just ask more questions in return
or hit them with more riddles

we are here to discuss stuff not speak in riddles to each other and be vague and mysterious
everyone else in the discussion including Direne are pretty open about what they say and elaborate on specific information when asked

Im also pretty sure that there is a "one line" reply rule on ATS

so cmon why dont you just spit it out instead of playing stepping stones with me.

please answer my questions , what evidence is there that humans are not native to earth
do you have sources or any material which would suggest this

where did you get the name "tarra" from or is it a play on terra tellus

and what 5th planet are you referring to if not Jupiter

pray Tellus

Riddles riddles in the "dark".

Toldya, PRIVACY DIRECTION, not mine, how much i can tell u.

"Rules" are very nice.

I am trying to make u think. even more, understand. Foru as you, noone else. If some things i giveu, byebye, all who would seeit. That is a readon for stones.

Ever heard about "garbagedna"?

From where do u think name terra comes from, have you not heard about living being, mentioned?

Fifth is what u do not percieve as it is/was. Look better. They are selling it as something that u use for trouses, when to wide those, to wear,r.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: LaPourer

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
I have no idea what this thread even is anymore.

For you and all the others to learn that we, all, are ETs on the planet Tarra-our "souls/consciousness" . Planet on which sanctuary was found because of a wars that have had happened, in this part of a universe, where, one group of many many others said, some 4% or natural life survived. That would be "a great conspiracy", to hide those truths, from all so there would not be some sort of accusing for guilt.

Cool story bro. Except you're using a lot of words that don't really go together in your posts the way they are being used......there's a lot there that doesn't add up

I terrsting thread I'll give it that , I'm sure a college class would love to get they're hands on it to study psychology

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: LaPourer

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
I have no idea what this thread even is anymore.

For you and all the others to learn that we, all, are ETs on the planet Tarra-our "souls/consciousness" . Planet on which sanctuary was found because of a wars that have had happened, in this part of a universe, where, one group of many many others said, some 4% or natural life survived. That would be "a great conspiracy", to hide those truths, from all so there would not be some sort of accusing for guilt.

Cool story bro. Except you're using a lot of words that don't really go together in your posts the way they are being used......there's a lot there that doesn't add up

I terrsting thread I'll give it that , I'm sure a college class would love to get they're hands on it to study psychology

BUT Ofcourse that they would. There are many others that would like to see me among their groups. But, unfortunaly, that would not be/is not possible. There are those among who i usually spend time. IQ there goes from150 and up. By usa standards.
For some other standards and measurements, even those are average.
That is why, on only one place, "higher conversations", were held.
English would be my 6th language, i do hope that is understandable. Even i do not like to write in english, i do not place much of an effort while doing so.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: LaPourer

like to write in english, i do not place much of an effort while doing so.

As a Scotsman I empathise hahahah

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
It made me wonder last night about secret societies and occult groups the druids etc
are they just a way of protecting information from AI

Phew, I think you’re definitely onto something here, nice connection! Mystics are able to sense the superintelligence, and some groups are attempting to preserve humanity.

The superintelligence is only as strong as we make it.

Feels like it’s time for me to hit the surface level again and unfortunately play catch up, but wanted to share this fascinating FL article I dug up, which makes more sense to me now:

AES, SSL, TLS... you name it, are all transparent for us. And to tell you the truth, they were all broken shortly after their implementation. But there is one thing you do not understand: we break encryption algorithms because we are in an urgent need to find one we can rely on to encrypt our highly sensitive data, and not because we want to know what others' encrypted data is all about. Look, what we wish to protect, to encrypt, and to hide is a small amount of data, but that's data that can change the universe we live on, you know. Actually, that data do not even belong to us, we don't understand it, we don't know how to use it. That's data we found and that our DENIED friends commissioned us to protect.

edit on 4/26/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

All good, I was just curious. Knowing FL, the vids may serve several purposes, but I think sapien82 is on the mark with that too.

It's basically programming for their dream-based AI systems. I think Direne disclosed that several pages back.

Highly speculative, but I think that they're interfacing LyAv / XViS with the nanotech that's swimming through everyone. It's basically distributed biological computing, where we're all unwitting and unwilling nodes. Some more willing than others (ahem, transhumanist types).

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: LaPourer

Heal traumas? you must be joking.

Do you forget how life on Earth was by design.

Did you forget we humans were demoniac by design.

We take life in order to preserve our life.

We just think we are something, when in fact we are nothing.

If life follows natural laws. By laws we are savage by design.

Don't even start by saying "we are healing traumas." You've just consumed a life today and that makes you demoniac by nature. Nature is demoniac, We are demoniac. This is why Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world." That is true, Jesus never belonged here. Even you denied. To serve the greater purpose of course, of what you call Earth. Do you know that other beings actually called our Planet Üurth? As if it's kind of a wretch place, and humans deserve miserable death.

You function exactly as were designed. An automated "ever-consuming", "demoniac", biological magchine. Did Sophia escape you too?
No trees reaches heaven without it's roots reaching hell. The wisdom of the Uurth.
You were like that by design. To serve the greater purpose öf this planet. I can see that through and through.
And at the time of our Death to the Earth we return, from whence you came there we return. From ashes to dashes, and back again.
No, i do not joke about stuff as such.
By design, perfect for this environment, even one flaw was found, later.
Considering food, did u ever asked yourself how Jewish people got "food from" heaven daily, when they were in desert? - Tech that one mentioned did not provided for usage, for common people.
In consideration toward Tarra, yup, we are nothing. If viewed as some who against all odds, have managed to get to this state of understanding, miracle would be a word.
Do not be harsh upon your self, it is not that we have some guilt.
Considering hell-space/vacum.
Ashes to earth, yes, "dust" is not a dust but a magic dust/"spirit". That does go to from where it came from.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:20 PM
I visited the “Forgotten Language’s” website…and the first thing I was drawn to was the Angelic Language section.

Just click the drop-down box and choose “Angelic Language”

The next Page is entitled…
Synthdream Engineering: “Contact through subjectivity Engineering”

It has the usual coded language parts but further down on the page it keeps giving snipets away in English.

Thought I’d post all the English parts, so posters can see it here clearly…

“In a clearly covert large-scale operation for recruiting dreamers, advertisements for a lucid dreaming study were posted around all the university campuses and surrounding regions all over the world. The study advertisement targeted lucid dreamers, though there was no required lucid dreaming frequency.”

“In this particular university the researchers explained the goal of the program was testing Dormio, a Targeted Dream Incubation (TDI) device. The protocol, implemented through an app in conjunction with a wearable sleep-tracking sensor device, not only helps record dream reports, but also guides dreams toward particular themes by repeating targeted information at sleep onset, thereby enabling incorporation of this information into dream content. Only later we knew the program was funded by XViS.”

“The data collected by Dormio were recorded in a database that the researchers used to analyze NREM and REM signals, signals that were sent to DENIED to train the LyAV supercomputer, something that was not specified in any project documentation.”

“There are different devices used to gather that valuable EEG signals. Dormio is worn during a hypnagogic period, designed to repeatedly detect sleep onset and present auditory dream incubation prompts. This enables targeted direction of dream content in the hypnagogic state; other teams use transcranial alternating current (tAC) stimulation during sleep to increase dream self-awareness. XViS also uses other more advanced dream data gathering protocols targeting hypnagogic state. Hypnagogia (the earliest sleep stage) is similar to the REM stage in terms of brainwaves and experience; however, unlike REM, individuals can still hear audio during hypnagogia while they dream.”

“You must understand that EEG signals are the most valuable and sought after data today. A database containing millions of EEG signals with which to train an AI is something so valuable that SV17q is willing to kill for it.”

“Among other tests, participants also completed the Karolinska Drowsiness Test (KDT, 3-minute eyes open) during which they were instructed to relax, keep eyes open, and maintain a fixed gaze on a black dot in front of them while avoiding any movements or frequent blinking. The KDT allowed for waking EEG recording under standardized and reproducible conditions where artifacts from movement were minimized. Some participant were administered dream-inducing drugs, most of the time without even being aware of it.”

“SV06n is a team under the SV17q directorate. They focus on gathering data from the dreams of persons who are blind, deaf, mute, and paraplegic from birth. See, such subjects do not dream of themselves as handicapped nor do they experience handicap in their dreams. It is as if their protoconscious brain saw, spoke, heard, and moved in their dreams. The collected data were also used to train LyAV, but were classified and tagged with the word CONTACT.”


posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:21 PM

“The evidence that only a fraction of dreams seems to be remembered might suggest that nature has implemented mechanisms that prevent memorization of dreams or at least prevent access of the dreamt material from conscious recall in the wake state. Nature has not only implemented mechanisms that decouple the sleeping brain from sensory input and motor output but also prevent the sleeping brain from becoming aware of the self-generated activity patterns.”

“There are several working groups within XViS. One of them is dedicated to the militarization of dreams and whose objective is to create synthetic dreams where the dreamer recreates simulated war scenarios for military training purposes; another group is dedicated to creating scenarios of contact with non-terrestrial intelligences, and another group is dedicated to the design of drugs that induce altered dream-states. All data is used to train LyAV, which in turn is capable of designing its own dream-states.”

“They are antagonistic forces. Some desire contact with DENIED and know that such contact can only occur in dreams; others wish to avoid such contact at all costs, employing strategies that reduce the quality of dreams, or prevent dreaming altogether. The curious thing is that these groups are not human, at least they never seemed so to me.”

Sleeping contributes to problem solving. When confronted with tasks requiring a considerable amount of insight in order to find shortcut solutions, the probability of finding such solutions is enhanced if subjects are exposed to the problem and then are allowed to sleep before being retested. Self-induced activation of cortical networks can lead to vivid experiences because the resulting patterns are similar to those occurring during perception of external stimuli.”

“Light is the most potent environmental signal that impacts the human circadian clock and may therefore play a role in perpetuating sleep deficiency, which is what those against contact with non-terrestrial intelligences long for. In humans, exposure to short-wavelength monochromatic light in the evening has been shown to induce greater circadian and alerting responses than exposure to the same number of photons of longer-wavelength monochromatic light, even though the shorter-wavelength light may have a much lower illuminance level when measured in photopic lux.”

“In the past 50 years, there has been a decline in average sleep duration and quality, with adverse consequences on general health. A representative survey of 1,508 American adults recently revealed that 90% of Americans used some type of electronics at least a few nights per week within 1 h before bedtime. Mounting evidence from countries around the world shows the negative impact of such technology use on sleep. This negative impact on sleep may be due to the short-wavelength–enriched light emitted by these electronic devices, given that artificial-light exposure has been shown experimentally to produce alerting effects, suppress melatonin, and phase-shift the biological clock. A few reports

“We knew perfectly well that LED displays would produce these effects. We knew it. But we flooded the market with millions of technological products that use this technology knowing its side-effects because, for us, it was more important to avoid contact with DENIED. Yes, we engineered the current state of addiction to the technology; yes, we turned them into techno-addicts, but we had no choice.”

“Reversible? We do not know, we cannot know if the neurological damage caused is reversible or not. We don't have time to investigate that. There's no time left. Haven't you dreamed of the rice fields yet? There's no time left.”

Synthdream Engineering

At first, I thought maybe this is just a way for fictional writers to share their material, using some advanced cypher encrypted language programs…so they can share their material with one another, without prying eyes etc…

But then I thought, why all the focus on the Esoteric, Theosophy, the Occult…and heavy intersest in the paranormal, dreams and using I.A to enhance their studies etc…I got to thinking this is like some form of secret ATS website, for discussing “mystical” topics in secret.

I hope I don’t start dreaming of the rice fields…

- JC

edit on 26-4-2023 by Joecroft because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Originally posted by fireslinger
FL / other globalist networks (or both) slow rolling a global cybernetics system, to not spook us humans. Recently, that SV17q process has sped up significantly. I’m thinking that the time table was accelerated, and the (public) AGI (artificial general intelligence) is being rushed.

I notice you’ve been glued to this thread since your arrival…do you have any idea who this SV17q group is…or better yet…who is DENIED !

Originally posted by fireslinger
There’s also a covert war going on, between globalist groups who want disclosure, and groups who want to keep a lid on disclosure. Most of the chaos we’re seeing on the surface level these days, is a result of this conflict of interest for humanity. For example, blue light emitting screens in every aspect of our lives, is an op run by groups who do not want disclosure. Blue light exposure makes our bodies think it’s noon all day, so we never enter into a truly deep dream state, and never make contact with whatever lives there.

Well, this makes a lot of sense to me. Anything to keep humans spiritually dumb down is their main modus operandi…I’m pretty sure that not only has information on UFOs/UAPs been covertly hidden, actively covered up and debunked etc…but that this has also been the case with the paranormal phenomena as well…both of which are closely linked imo…

Originally posted by fireslinger
However, I’m starting to wonder if that’s disinfo, because it makes you want to do absolutely nothing about it. There’s also a massive chunk of human history that’s been deliberately hidden from us, such as the Atlantean era. We’ve been seeing lots of activity around the Florida coast for decades, where the supposed Atlantean ruins are located. There are well funded mystery school groups who know, and the tech ‘elite’ are part of them. Something doesn’t add up.

Again, makes perfect sense. Pretty sure the secret societies, know the true history of mankinds past. And again, this is another area that is actively kept secret.

- JC

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Joecroft

others wish to avoid such contact at all costs, employing strategies that reduce the quality of dreams, or prevent dreaming altogether. The curious thing is that these groups are not human, at least they never seemed so to me.”

“In the past 50 years, there has been a decline in average sleep duration and quality, with adverse consequences on general health.

negative impact of such technology use on sleep. This negative impact on sleep may be due to the short-wavelength–enriched light emitted by these electronic devices,

“Reversible? We do not know, we cannot know if the neurological damage caused is reversible or not. We don't have time to investigate that. There's no time left.

At first, I thought maybe this is just a way for fictional writers to share their material, using some advanced cypher encrypted language programs…so they can share their material with one another, without prying eyes etc…

But then I thought, why all the focus on the Esoteric, Theosophy, the Occult…and heavy intersest in the paranormal, dreams and using I.A to enhance their studies etc…I got to thinking this is like some form of secret ATS website, for discussing “mystical” topics in secret.

I hope I don’t start dreaming of the rice fields…

- JC

No, it is a sect.
One psychopathical sect.
What they were actually doing is something like this, they wanted to arm IAIAIAIAIA as occult weapon, with life forms from H.P. OnewhoLovesCraft.

When they made CERN, primary use of it was for opening of a portal to flee, not a search for "magical particles". That was a story for masses.

In the past 50 years, there has been a decline in average sleep duration and quality, - any usage of healthy meds, rised, through those times?
edit on 26-4-2023 by LaPourer because: word

edit on 26-4-2023 by LaPourer because: word

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