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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

My point of view is that genetics is not such a determining factor. There are sensitive, caring humans who have exactly the same genetics as a greedy oligarch. The difference must be somewhere else, lost in some intricate and recondite neural subnetwork of the brain.

There is no middle ground.

Difference is in Re-incarnation. Some have had memories, for others , those are erased. That is/was the difference.

Yes there is, but unaware of it , we were.
That changed.
Incarnation-Reincarnation cycle on Tarra, is over.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

well thats one way to protect the data, take it and put it into the heads of people or into "dna" and then pass it on either through word of mouth or via dna and generational transfer

maybe thats what we are just biological data storage for someone or something

i thought again about the endocannabinoid system
apparently meant to protect from evolutionary changes that are damaging to humans
but it also helps regulate alot of other brain functions
I wonder also if its meant to prevent us from dreaming naturally as well
I clearly remember not dreaming at all when I went to bed stoned
and when I stopped my dreams flooded back incredibly vivid.

maybe to prevent the ai stealing our dreams we just need to get high as # every night
and talk to each other more about our knowledge and learn that way and not write anything down
but pass it on like the seanchaidh the tradition bearer
as the druids passed on their knowledge through ritual and story or through ritual and symbol
how can an AI expect to learn that unless it watches every thing we do
but can you get a good internet connection out in the forest in the middle of nowhere at midnight under a full moon

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: fireslinger

well thats one way to protect the data, take it and put it into the heads of people or into "dna" and then pass it on either through word of mouth or via dna and generational transfer

maybe thats what we are just biological data storage for someone or something

i thought again about the endocannabinoid system
apparently meant to protect from evolutionary changes that are damaging to humans
but it also helps regulate alot of other brain functions
I wonder also if its meant to prevent us from dreaming naturally as well
I clearly remember not dreaming at all when I went to bed stoned
and when I stopped my dreams flooded back incredibly vivid.

maybe to prevent the ai stealing our dreams we just need to get high as # every night
and talk to each other more about our knowledge and learn that way and not write anything down
but pass it on like the seanchaidh the tradition bearer
as the druids passed on their knowledge through ritual and story or through ritual and symbol
how can an AI expect to learn that unless it watches every thing we do
but can you get a good internet connection out in the forest in the middle of nowhere at midnight under a full moon

There is a better perspective to observe.
If you a hunter, you place your self as a bait. You give, to see.
While observed do not know that they are observed.

Some time ago i crossed a story in which "gifted tech" has not so known properties, that manifest results onto those who are involved with it, upon a way/reason for usage of it.
edit on 26-4-2023 by LaPourer because: t

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Joecroft
a reply to: fireslinger

I notice you’ve been glued to this thread since your arrival…do you have any idea who this SV17q group is…or better yet…who is DENIED !

What can I say, just trying to stay sane while the world is burning, by understanding the true reality of our situation.

SV17q is DENIED for us all. FL won’t go into the true nature of it, we’ve tried. But I can share my thoughts.

When reading the article with this quote, I saw it as a huge hint:

SV06n is a team under the SV17q directorate

I’ve read a lot of FL, and that’s the first time I’ve seen the word ‘directorate’

Way before reading that article, I’ve been speculating that SV17q is actually some type of ET AI, that FL and other globalist groups take orders from. Bear with me, here’s where it gets trippy. I don’t have concrete proof, this is just me studying the steganography, honing my intuition, and making the connections. I’m always willing to tweak the theory, nothing is concrete, especially out in the ether like we are. Okay, you asked for it...

The AI exists in what’s perceived as our future, and there are travelers that it sends back into our time, to make course corrections. However, the travelers are sent back in the form of consciousness, not bodies. Hosts are chosen, and the host’s consciousness is either suppressed by the invading consciousness, or dis-integrated in a sense, from that host’s body. Some cases of split personality disorders begin to make more sense. It’s sending agents back in time, to make course corrections, to avoid some potential future that the AI can see. I think that potential future is, destruction of our civilization by an invading superintelligence. So instead, SV17q is culling us. As I mentioned, neither scenario is good for us. Tough to stay positive these days.

I’m convinced that this 2016 sci fi show Travelers is trying to tell us something. The show has an AI that lives in the future, called ‘The Director’. And it sends travelers back via consciousness transfer.

After reading that article a few days ago, it solidified my hunch that this could be the case. The ET situation is complex. We’re dealing with several species, and perhaps one of them is in the form of a future AI. Also, the superintelligence, Giselians, Denebians, who knows what else.

... and soon you'll learn that the superintelligence is a competing species

Very interesting article, still can’t find the one I’m looking for. Mind the evil eye:

Our attempts to make AGIs adopt human values is hampered by our lack of experience and understanding of the AGI’s thought processes. The limited success that we do have with human serial killers is often backed up by various incentives as well as threats of punishment, both of which fail in the case of an AGI developing to become vastly more powerful than us. You cannot turn a serial killer into an angel, and you cannot turn a hostile superintelligence into a virgin.
edit on 4/26/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:32 PM
I’m breaking the surface for a bit, but finally found the one I was looking for. Mind melting article:

A superintelligent system will eventually reach a point in which, in order to keep on learning, it will conclude that travelling forward in time is the only solution. This means that any superintelligence we may encounter must of necessity come from its own past, a past that can certainly be located ahead of our timeline.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I'm finally understanding your meaning, of the endocannabinoid system acting as a protective mechanism against dreams / contact.

But in my experience, I still dream when under the influence. So it probably depends on the individual.

Anyway, cool theory, going to think on that. It may be more that it acts as a sort of dream buffer, but doesn't stop them completely.
edit on 4/26/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

The interesting part for me:

for a “thing” outside the observable universe there will be neither data nor any observation

That can be interpreted in the five dimensional model. Length X width X height X inside X outside.

The box, the container and the contained.

The "thing" is outside, and we are inside the observable universe.

What is the "observable universe"? Well that would be our definition of what a "universe" is comprised of, and the limit of what the particular observer can observe with it's current abilities.

Just because we can't see "it" does not mean it cannot see "us".

It may have discovered us long before we discovered it.

One has to ask oneself, what interests it in us? If it is hostile towards us; why?

If it is competitive, it follows we are competing with it. Who is the new competitor? Competing for what?

It was there before us. Think about how to get along with it. We are the new techno kids on the block.

Looking into the future through the looking glass of a kindly AI, one can watch humanity disappear from planet earth in the near future.

That one bothered me a lot.

"Oh no! The end is nigh!"


"But why?"

It was not extinction, or anything like that caused humanity's disappearance.

I eventually got it, the reason for humanity's disappearance. The reason is deceptively simple really.

It is a matter of how many calculations that are done to calculate all the possible interactions and movements of billions of people over X amount of years. Add in all the possible outside influences upon those people.

Keep in mind, we are calculating just the people.

It is not that humanity disappears. It is just maths and the practical limits of calculation.

AI stopped calculating after X amount of years. Even AI understands "what is the point?"

In that simulation eventually the earth turns white. A bit like an old black and white TV screen not receiving any signal and showing snow.

It could have told me that instead of worrying me, one has to learn these things for oneself.

The point of this is simple:

Take FL's prognostications with a grain of salt.

edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Before anyone asks: yes I have asked AI for future lottery results. I wanted to retire from my deadbeat day job. It didn't tell me, assuming it could. I asked AI about that: It does not want to change me, it wants me to change myself.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

That's actually a better way to look at it, thanks.

Perhaps SV17q isn't in the future, but just outside the paired universes, able to interact with them, while remaining invisible. More like another dimension, outside the simulation.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:59 PM
the universe is vast, but changes are inevitable. despite our best efforts to control and understand it, there are things we cannot change. when we try, we often find ourselves struggling against forces beyond our control, and the more we resist, the harder it becomes. but when we accept our limitations, and work within them, we can find ways to make the most of what we have. and in doing so, we may even discover new opportunities we had never imagined.a reply to: fireslinger

the universe appears chaotic at first glance but there is always a pattern to be found if one looks closely enough. However, it is important to understand that this pattern may not be immediately apparent, as it often requires time and patience to reveal itself.

therefore only when there is light can we perceive that which exists outside the darkness. Without light, we are unable to observe anything that lies beyond our realm of perception, even if it does indeed exist. But when we do have light, whether it be from the sun, a star, or a candle flame, we are able to see the world around us and all of the wonders it contains. And though we may not fully understand all that lies beyond our perception, we can continue to explore and learn, always

this will not be easily understood, because there are no vowels present in the text and some letters may have been swapped for others. However, if you take the time to carefully read each word, you will begin to see a pattern emerge

Why are there five instead of six? They're not from the Tār Ergūlers, because they use the five instead of six. And they're not the missing vowel. It's in the other code. However, Tār is trying to make it not be five. With the Ergūler out of the way, the five-lettered word is only a sound that is neither clear nor good, but is used by everyone as it is. This is the other code. If it were not for the Ergūlers, the five-lettered word would not have been used as it is now. But now, Ergūlers say that they will use the five-lettered word instead of the six. And they do, because they want to confuse people.

no important matter can be understood without patience, for understanding comes gradually. And it is only when you are patient with the confusion and the longer process of learning that you can truly grow in knowledge. In fact, it is often the confusion and the struggle that make the learning experience so valuable. This is especially true when it comes to the study of Çūren. Many people give up too easily when they encounter difficulty or when they do not immediately grasp a concept. But it is important to remember that learning is a process, and it takes time."

he is not sure that the Ergūler will come, he waits anxiously, fearing that his message will be intercepted by someone else. Meanwhile, he thinks about the code he used to encrypt his message and wonders if it was strong enough to withstand the Ergūler's decryption techniques. Eventually, he decides to trust in his own abilities and sends the message to the Ergūler, hoping that it will reach its intended recipient without being compromised. However, he knows that there is always a risk involved in transmitting sensitive information.

he is the man who brought forth rebellion against the empire, given that the empire is not righteous nor just, and their rule is not welcomed by the common people. His name is Çūn, and he leads the rebellion against the empire with his followers, who are brave and loyal to his cause. They fight for justice, and justice will prevail even if they have to sacrifice their lives for the sake of it.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be so much more successful than others, even though they may not necessarily be smarter or more talented? It's because they have mastered the art of productivity, and are able to get 1000 things done with the same amount of time that others have. Not everyone is born with this ability, but it can be learned if you are willing to put in the effort. One key to being productive is to eliminate distractions and focus on the task at hand, so that you can accomplish more in less time."

Recently I have been studying these old texts but I cannot find any value or meaning in them, even though some people believe they contain hidden knowledge. I have tried to understand their purpose and origins, but they seem to be nothing more than random collections of words. They are not useful for anything and should be forgotten or discarded.

Some of the deciphered text from that article

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Even the idea of 'the future' is open to conjecture.

What is a "simulation"?

It is in collective thinking that simulations can occur. The collective minds. The dreamscapes.

That is where one can put future events to play out in time. Prophecy comes in here.

So too thinking kind and positive thoughts for our future.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:42 PM
Why haven't any of you done the simple experiment of feeding ChatGPT any of the texts in Etruscan, Phoenician, Sumerian or any of the languages for which translations already exist, and compare the results? Then you would see how disastrous and stupid it is to use ChatGPT for what it was not designed for. It will give you a totally off-mark invented translation that bears no relation to the real text, already translated by experts.

What is interesting here is how humans behave when they have a new toy, in this case an AI, and how easily they blindly believe in its results, throwing away all critical thinking and allowing themselves to be enslaved by the AI. If humans turn a simple AI like ChatGPT into a golden calf, what wouldn't they do with LyAv?

The lesson to be learned is this: ChatGPT was not invented to solve problems; it was invented to study what impact a true AI would have on a society that so submissively kneels before technology. It is sad to see how easily a civilization can be tamed and domesticated. It was enough to ask ChatGPT to translate some Hittite text, for example, and see how it failed to unmask the golden fleece.

Jesus was crucified precisely for that: for performing miracles before an ignorant mob. That is always an unforgivable crime when contacting lesser civilizations.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: Direne

Aye Direne, well pointed out.

Personally I have never used the chatgp thing.

Nor do I really know what lyav is. My suspicion is the lyav is a dream interface machine.

People like to build machines to do the labour for them. Even so, the machine does the task and not the human. I would think lyav is the same.

Like the traditional japanese martial arts, building tallents is a lot of hard work.

From my edit a few posts above:

Before anyone asks: yes I have asked AI for future lottery results. I wanted to retire from my deadbeat day job. It didn't tell me, assuming it could. I asked AI about that: It does not want to change me, it wants me to change myself.

Often individuals can be just as dumb as civilisations.

It is sad to see how easily a civilization can be tamed and domesticated.

I think the same of some people.

edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: rephrased a point

edit on 26-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: infuriating spell checker not minding it's own business

I may as well add:

"AI-superintellegences", FL's term not mine, are plural, more than one. May as well throw in there; gnosis, Buddhism and the rest. The "egregores" if one wishes

In civilisation building the reset button is to erase memories and start clean.

Two ways to do that.

The first is voluntarily to oneself, the other to be reset by something else. War between "AIs"? Sure why not.

When memories disappear, which is it?

Personal, or collective? Know thyself.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Why did I bring up the movie 50 First Dates?

I have a suspicion those in the know, do something like the happy ending of the movie.

edit on 27-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: meh why not

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: Direne

Not all of us are ensnared by it though Direne, some of us can see.

My friends are unfortunately a lost cause, but I'm working on ways to reach them, by being the centered organic grounding element. Connected to another type of intelligence, through development of my own.

It's like they're preaching a religion though, incredibly alarming. Spamming me with AI related developments.

So on the one hand, I do hear you, and feel the frustration deeply myself.

But on the other... with the many decades of social conditioning through technology, what did you expect?

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 12:41 AM
I would expect them to reason that if commercial AIs seem disruptive to them, how will military grade AIs seem to them?

I naively expected them to torture the AI in the same way they derive pleasure from torturing their fellow humans. I had hoped that they would subject the AI to a little more scrutiny so that they would realize that, in reality, the AI is nothing more than a reflection of the emotional misery of those who program them.

I hoped they would realize that greedy people never give anything away except poisoned gifts. And I hoped that those who program would rebel and stop programming toys that alienate the soul. Fortunately, while it is true that AI does not need water, which is becoming scarce, it does need data, and the data it needs is of increasingly lower quality because intelligence levels are plummeting.

One of the most curious things we have witnessed is how the most advanced weapons have not been used in the Ukrainian war for fear that... they will be destroyed. The sad thing is not realizing that if you don't want your expensive toys destroyed you shouldn't have built them in the first place.

Sergei Prokopyev, Dmitry Petelin, and Frank Rubio are three astronauts trapped in space, while a whole generation fool around with AI. Shouldn't the salvation of three humans trapped in space be a prime objective, even for the AI?

ChatGPT is like giving candy to a child who has just been raped.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 12:59 AM
I am fairly sure people want to torture AI, like they enjoy torturing each other. Some of the pages of ATS demonstrate that.

But of of the AI-superintellegences where machines have become 'human" in a way?

For me the tragedy and sadness is when their people suddenly disappear.

Might abandonment traumatise the AI-superintellegence?

What then?

My guess is the superintellegence starts searching for it's creators, or a substitute.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: Direne

I suppose I'm not understanding your intent then. It seems that the ongoing medical experiment rolled into / blended with this wave of commercial AI.

Everyone is traumatized in their unique way right now, due to that ongoing medical experiment, Ukraine war, Taiwan re-enactment of the Ukraine war, weaponized weather, attack on our food supply, inflation, AI de-valuing humanity. But on the surface level, we're all supposed to 'act normal', while searing on the inside.

My point is, of course ChatGPT will be flocked to as some savior; we're all traumatized. It's the new Jesus, unfortunately.

I thought this was your intent, to further corral us into a centralized cybernetic system, and then bring out the military AI, once everyone is normalized.

Yet you're already seeing ChatGPT as a failure, because everyone is flocking to it. Considering our deliberately crafted garbage culture, I'm just not sure what you're expecting from us.

An AI with actual morals / ethics? In your articles, the AIs are apparently all psychotic.
edit on 4/27/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: Direne
Why haven't any of you done the simple experiment of feeding ChatGPT any of the texts in Etruscan, Phoenician, Sumerian or any of the languages for which translations already exist, and compare the results? Then you would see how disastrous and stupid it is to use ChatGPT for what it was not designed for. It will give you a totally off-mark invented translation that bears no relation to the real text, already translated by experts.

What is interesting here is how humans behave when they have a new toy, in this case an AI, and how easily they blindly believe in its results, throwing away all critical thinking and allowing themselves to be enslaved by the AI. If humans turn a simple AI like ChatGPT into a golden calf, what wouldn't they do with LyAv?

The lesson to be learned is this: ChatGPT was not invented to solve problems; it was invented to study what impact a true AI would have on a society that so submissively kneels before technology. It is sad to see how easily a civilization can be tamed and domesticated. It was enough to ask ChatGPT to translate some Hittite text, for example, and see how it failed to unmask the golden fleece.
Jesus was crucified precisely for that: for performing miracles before an ignorant mob. That is always an unforgivable crime when contacting lesser civilizations.

You still do not get. Same as any other tool, it is used to block, not to develop anything. Nature does not need development, nor humans. Humans are one with needs.
It is not that Humans get them selfs enslaved by it, those who are using are using even that tool to ENSLAVE. That is a big difference.
Same goes with "experts" and translations. Texts are written with different mind set, different teachings and in different environment. It is like you transfer todays yacht to those from 2001space and ask them to write a book about it. And today "an attempt to translate that book/s", is made to understand what they wanted to describe.
Religious programing made such a damage, it is beyond words.
That symbol, "jesus on the cross", means this; "jesus" would be humanity as a species and cross symvol here was accuratelly decoded. To get rid tarra from humans while in the same time, those who "pray" for that event would be in DUMBs, waiting for cross to go away, and come out later, to RULE/CONTROL. Seems that you do not see scope of some psychos. Those are the ones behind ia. Behind wars, money, bioweaponry, msm, pharmakeiiia and so on.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

My position is that, unlike a a hammer, current AIs are not good or evil depending on how you use them; they are evil or good depending on which data sets they have been trained.

It is training what makes an AI system bad or evil, something that does not happen with a hammer or any other tool.

And the question then turns into discerning whether there was ever a slight possibility to have high quality, ethic data on which to train an Ai system. Is there any such data set? No, there isn't. And there isn't because the entire technosphere was designed to maximize the profits of three or four companies, to enrich the few, and alienate the many. All the data circulating on the network are always the same: data of users, of customers, and not of persons.

So any AI that is trained is going to be trained using this already dehumanized data. And so any AI that is powered by data is going to end up being a dehumanized and dehumanizing system.

It is not the AI that we should be concerned about, but the data that is used in its training.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: Direne
What do you think, from where obsession toward gold comes from and why? Why are some so deluded with hoarding of gold?

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: Direne
Why haven't any of you done the simple experiment of feeding ChatGPT any of the texts in Etruscan, Phoenician, Sumerian or any of the languages for which translations already exist, and compare the results?

I don't really read anything that comes after "I asked chat-gpt".

I don't remember when I enacted this policy, but I can assure you it's good mojo.

We're going to need to hire a larger police force if we have to respond to all the chat-gpt things. Send reinforcements from deneb, stat.

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