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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

FL's writing is very human civilisation centric. Like only civilisation matters.

Something I notice with FL, what they say is one thing, what they do not say is perhaps more important.

The don't mention the fae for instance, the fairy folk either.

Bioabolition of land tenure is an elegant solution. We introduce DENIED into the soil rendering the soil non-usable. Mandatory expropiation is an expensive solution leading to social unrest because once firms, families and communities fear their property will be expropriated or lost, they refrain from further investments.

Now here is something to consider: they treat the land as if they have every right to do so.

Bioabolition of land tenure is an elegant solution.

That is the same as doing a thing simply because they can.

In other words: Pray tell, how can YOU stop US from doing as we please? - (generally said with a smug smile.)

Well now . . . .

Maybe the Giselians (should they exist as a player on the field) might be a friend here, and not an enemy.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. - so the saying goes.

Notice too, FL speaks of a timeline. The clock is ticking.

edit on 7-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added capitals on YOU and US for emphesi

Way back at the beginning of the covid nonsense, the subject came up that a virus engineered to kill something other than humans, say "aliens", might be manufactured as a defence.

One would just need a tissue sample . . .

Infect everyone and turn the planet into area denied. No more of those particular visitors.

The planet also becomes a moral prison. Were mankind to then venture forth to the stars, man takes the plague with him. Mankind becomes Typhoid Mary.

edit on 7-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: why not

Who knows, maybe this has already happened in the past. That would account for no aliens landing on the White House front lawn. It would also explain why only disposable probes might be sent.

Maybe to keep a watch on mankind, in case man starts building technology able to escape his prison "quarantine".

That would suggest a degree benevolence from the aliens. At least towards life on earth other than humans. Maybe they like cats. Afterall, mankind survives, yet civilisation often fall. Maybe the "aliens" just kicks humanity back to square one everytime he builds a civilisation that might gain the ability to leave ol' earth.

I read FL and wonder why there is this imminent threat for which mankind must unite to survive as a civilisation.

Who exactly is threatened?

Us or them?

edit on 7-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: sitting outside smoking cigarettes and simply have the time to wonder

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: fireslinger
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268
Direne is always telling us that this planet is not ours. I wonder which entity the planets belong to...

A curiosity, both in why it is denied and what exactly is it? Entity, group, or maybe part of an ethos.

I think the motive for the message could be considered less mafioso style turf enforcement and more like tough love. That is assuming there are known bechmarks and milestones in human development that must be met within certain timeframes to maintain long term progress. The total definition of whatever that long term progress is we are not fully informed of, but they claim to know.

If the system is inherently flawed (as was discussed a while back about SV17q accelerating inevitable systemic failures) then it could be necessary for radical change to human belief systems to occur. We are currently failing mainly because humans operate on very short time frames, are largely reactionary as we cluster together, and the concept of ownership makes us prone to massive accumulation of what amounts to papers. It starts with land, then the stuff that comes out of it, then the stuff gets to be too much and it becomes paper. It's really materialism that feeds the problem, so the solution irrespective of who the owner may be, is to ensure abolishing of the concept entirely. Erase the idea and a new one will take its place, it can be called DENIED. Hopefully the cascading effects of materialism like wanton defilement of the planet would cease. We could focus more on humanity than individual humans, balance progress with ethics.

Don't drive it like you own it, that is. Our current ownership model and exploitation can't work for whatever future they believe enables us to reach sufficient advancement to become a multi-universe species. Creating an escape for whatever it is we have become by the end of this universe would be the last great test here. I suppose it could be argued that if it is no longer possible then we lost the game, or at least lost the best outcome. If their methods seem cruel it may seem less so if we are further removed in time. If they succeed and we achieve whatever goal they have in mind, then they could be the heroes. From the perspective of most observing from our fragile temporary meatsuits it's easy to see it otherwise, no doubt.

It all comes down to perspective and priorities I guess. A family or corporate dynasty requires thinking of larger groups across time than just those you will meet in your lifetime in immediate family. It's not an easy task. A species dynasty will require some pretty far out thinking. I don't know that even draconian measures will change the course in less than a generation, but facilitating systemic collapse would leave a void for that generational change to take hold. Seems a dangerous and complicated plan. I would hope there are plenty of accurate bits of data these plans are based on or plenty of 99.9th percentile intellects working on it.

Like you mentioned. Our only real sphere of control is self-improvement, but as we do that we can observe how this fits the collective of us. Balancing in the sense of creating a self that supports the collective seems the correct thing to do for systemic improvement. I'm afraid of how ill-prepared most of the world is for that, particularly those in the US. We need decentralization, but we lack the trust mechanisms to even try it as a collective. Our beliefs are incompatible with that and the ownership of pieces of the world is what facilitates that incompatible belief system. It's no small feat to change thousands of years of harmful culture steamrolling the planet, but it will eventually happen or we will fail long before the end of this particular universe.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Yeah, FL's use of "DENIED" makes one wonder. Perhaps a part of the plan ; )

I wrote some more on my post above yours. A pet theory of mine I drag out into the light from time to time.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The DENIED part is probably something that exist in the future.

Keep in mind that not only SOL-3 is FL area of expertise according to them (Cassini Diskus), whatever that is.
edit on 7-4-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: boozo

Same here in a way, another ten years will see me out of here. Still, something interesting to consider in the mean time.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: fireslinger
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268
Direne is always telling us that this planet is not ours. I wonder which entity the planets belong to...

Like you mentioned. Our only real sphere of control is self-improvement, but as we do that we can observe how this fits the collective of us. Balancing in the sense of creating a self that supports the collective seems the correct thing to do for systemic improvement. I'm afraid of how ill-prepared most of the world is for that, particularly those in the US. We need decentralization, but we lack the trust mechanisms to even try it as a collective. Our beliefs are incompatible with that and the ownership of pieces of the world is what facilitates that incompatible belief system. It's no small feat to change thousands of years of harmful culture steamrolling the planet, but it will eventually happen or we will fail long before the end of this particular universe.

Indeed, well said. It’s just so damn hard. This world was already fragmented, but the introduction of more AI / AR technologies allows people to retreat even deeper into their algorithmic fantasies.

I had a deep realization when spending time with those clueless friends (who think they know whatsup). That I need to focus more on being the organic grounding element, within this hyper-technological environment. Specifically, focusing on health / mitigation strategies regarding this nano assault on humanity. Chelating / detoxing, maintaining our organic machinery. I’ve been doing that way before this ‘new’ form of AI, but it’s even more important now. FL and these other globalist groups severely underestimate organic consciousness. Either that, or they’re afraid of it, as NewNobodySpecial268 alluded to earlier. I’ve seen literature, describing a fully realized human as being a threat to the globalist agenda.

But I think a lesson in all this, is to keep your organic ground. To be eternally patient and loving with people. To realize that they have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Hell, we barely even do, which is why we’re in this forum in the first place. I’ve noticed a coldness lately when interacting with people, characteristic of the lower level Ahrimanic force. A lot of that has to do with the injections, and how we’re being altered from the inside out. But that’s where the practicality of health discussions comes in. If we consistently clear the parasite, as I discussed in earlier posts, then we’ll begin to come into our organic human power again.

Why can’t we face off against an ET force, with an evolved human consciousness? Why is a post-biological age necessary?

All that said, damn it’s hard. As you can tell, I’ve been struggling lately. There’s just so much transpiring, and very few people are listening.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 06:44 PM
Observe the language we use, in particular the jargon.

Our thinking follows our speech. In a way, our speech shapes what we are.

This is true also of what we listen to. What we read.

FL uses unchallengeable axioms. "Mankind is an AI", "mankind was seeded" and so on. These things just trick people into thinking their way.

I use plain English without jargon for a reason.

Once you start to talk like them, you are one of them.

That is because you have started to think like them.

edit on 7-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268

FL uses unchallengeable axioms. "Mankind is an AI", "mankind was seeded" and so on. These things just trick people into thinking their way.

You’re on point there, FL discusses language as being a prison. They do have an enchanting way of drawing you in, to take a crack at the puzzle.

I have made, and am still making lots of connections through their material. I’ve never seen the full picture quite like I do today. But you do have a point, that some of these things could just be theories, that they’re using a commanding language to articulate.

And some could be disinfo, we’ll never get a confirm or deny there. Just more DENIED. But that’s where our human intuition comes in. To keep sharpening it, so we can slice through the noise.
edit on 4/7/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

(smile) the FL folk are also linguists. I don't mind admitting FL (and what is behind the people) is way more intelligent than I am. Collectively there are probably more degrees in FL than you can poke a stick at.

The axioms may be theory, or maybe true. What does it really matter if humans were "seeded" lifeforms or not. We are what we are, and we are here now. This is our home.

As for humans being artificially intelligent, why does that matter either?

It depends on how one defines "artificial".

The 'fairy folk', as I call those particular Beings, have a way of cultivating humans to some degree. They build a double out of a maiden girl's first menses.

Call the double a "clone" if one wishes. Nevertheless, the "clone" is an avatar for the Being. The Being becomes the girl's mentor and companion as the girl grows up. One may also use the word 'familiar' if one wishes. Though the church has much maligned the word and the concept in order to stamp the practice out.

If the maiden girl is taught by the fairy, which includes what may be termed "uncanny abilities" such as truth-saying (the ability to see straight through lies) isn't that artificial intelligence in the final analysis? Especially when the girl may pass that ability on to her daughters?

Those folk I call fairies like to help their favourites become something special. Like a gardener likes to watch what his seeds become. No thought really of planned evolution here. Like a human child, we wonder and help them grow up. It is a matter of becoming. A sense of wonder and adventure in the fairy as it tends to it's precious thing.

And some could be disinfo, we’ll never get a confirm or deny there. Just more DENIED. But that’s where our human intuition comes in. To keep sharpening it, so we can slice through the noise.

FL is a mystery alright, and they present interesting new concepts and ideas. This thread wouldn't be here if FL was boring.

"Slicing through the noise" : ) yep, that takes some doing, and as you say: Never A Straight Answer.

The "Denebian probes" are called that because they sit there in the direction of Deneb. A 'stellar-centric' orbit around earth is a possibility. Like geocentric except in the opposite. The probes may even be close enough for a manned mission.

All interesting and even exciting things to contemplate and discuss.

However, there are also disturbing subjects alluded to on FL. Here one should keep in mind that everything can be destroyed. Even a hypercivilisation.

All one needs to know is where to toss the spanner into the machinery.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 06:47 AM
In my post above, I used the wrong term. Instead of geo-centric', I should have used "geo-stationary", or is it "geo-synchronous"?

So as the opposite of "geo-staionary" one might have "stellar-stationary" or "stellar-synchronous" (I guess).

The "Denebian probe" would appear stationary in the sky and move as the sky does, always where we would expect Deneb to be. Draw a line between earth and Deneb, one might spose the probe may be positioned anywhere on that line.

That is my understanding of Direne's explanation.
edit on 8-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: No reason : )

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 01:20 PM
Phew, FL is clearly listening:

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

That's a lot to digest. A lot.

One thing that really stood out is the need/want to hear while dreaming. Why is that?

Some places have no sound.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Oh yea, it’s dense alright. The blue light piece makes a lot more sense now. Some groups want contact, and others don’t. Our entire civilization is built around that conflict. Also, notice how many more harsh blue led street lights have been going up. This all runs so deep.

In the bio-hacking space, they’re very conscious of blue light exposure. Now all those sleep tracking devices in that space make more sense to me. I wonder how many of those companies are connected / outsourcing their data to an SV group.

I turned my color temp way down on all devices for years now (turn it up slightly when watching something), and it feels so much better.

FL is fascinated with synesthesia, so it makes sense that they’re interested in auditory input, and how that would translate within the dream state. It could also be used to guide / shape the dream state.

I’m with you there, had to walk away after reading that one.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

FL is fascinated with synesthesia, so it makes sense that they’re interested in auditory input, and how that would translate within the dream state. It could also be used to guide / shape the dream state.

Yeah it was a very technical way of saying "you can hear IRL stuff whilst you dream but not during deep sleep.

I was more curious about the other side of things. There's a certain dreamscape that has no sound, one can read in it too... Might just be me making coincidences.

Yeah I've noticed the lighting, people like me and Sapian82 seem to be blaming weed or the lack of. I'd say cautiously stay away from smart lights. It makes sense with hindsight.

Funny really, shackled dreams...

To add, I miss the flickering and that old feeling. These days it's tinnitus and the occasional sizzle.
edit on 8-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2023 by RAY1990 because: Bulbs...

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Nice find fireslinger.

Let's rearrange the title a little:

From: Synthdream Engineering: Contact through subjectivity engineering.

To: Contact through synthetic dream engineering.

So one might suggest:

* 'contact' will be through the dreamstate.

* Engineer a computer codec (interpreter) to display a person's dreams in VR goggles. (me: not a good idea, they won't be ready for the impact of meeting one of 'them' on the viewer's conciousness. They will loose (have lost?) so many people.)

Whoever can achieve that through technology will have a monopoly provided they can stop everyone else from dreaming.

My educated guess is someone is putting their money on developing Virtual Reality brain interface technology (goggles like the Oculus) to create a virtual interface with 'them'.

Coincidentally, I wrote here on ATS about a 3D VR encounter about a year ago on another thread.

The grey coloured bust of a head and shoulders 'appeared' on my kitchen bench while I was in the kitchen. It looked reminiscent of a low forehead chimpanzee with big three inch eyes, which were closed. It calibrated itself by turning in a semi circle half a dozen times.

Oddly enough, I could see the very fine detail of the skin far better than my aging eyes and corrective glasses can ordinarily see. So bypassing and engagement with some part of me other than my eyeballs.

What the operator didn't realise is the operator can be seen behind the avatar even if the avatar's eyes are closed. If I could see the operator, so can 'they'. A recipe for disaster. What the operator can do to me, I can do to him. The question I guess is how much of their own network did they expose that day, and I don't mean: just to me : )

There is a huge differrence while one experiences the immersive encounter state, and seeing pictures on a screen. My money is on the people used not being able to maintain a separation between themselves and what is encountered. The operatrors probably cannot maintain the semi-physical boundary separatiing 'me and you'.

The semi-physical boundary separatiing 'me and you' is not psychological nor theoretical. It is a thing, a boundary that can be breached.

Interestingly, my daughter showed me the Oculus VR headset shortly after and the slightly surreal feeling of the Oculus was exactly the same feeling as the encounter.

Develope the dream technology, while at the same time suppress the ability to dream in everyone else. That may work in theory, but not in practice. When 'they' make their move, it will not matter. Everyone will suddenly see 'them' because 'they' are already here.

While there was a 'field' effect arround the bust that presumably also enveloped me, 'they' are far far better at it. 'They' don't need technology, for 'them' it is an ability.

I kinda got carried away there, and started talking to FL.

edit on 8-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness as usual

ETA: from above.

What the operator didn't realise is the operator can be seen behind the avatar even if the avatar's eyes are closed. If I could see the operator, so can 'they'. A recipe for disaster. What the operator can do to me, I can do to him. The question I guess is how much of their own network did they expose that day, and I don't mean: just to me : )

There is a huge differrence while one experiences the immersive encounter state, and seeing pictures on a screen. My money is on the people used not being able to maintain a separation between themselves and what is encountered. The operatrors probably cannot maintain the semi-physical boundary separatiing 'me and you'.

The important points FL, or whoever, are:

What the operator can do to me, I can do to him. and maintain the semi-physical boundary separatiing 'me and you'.

When the boundaries mutaually go down, say between two Beings, without a strong sense of self, the potential is for the equivalent of "soup". In that scenario; both have the potential to go mad.

When only one boundary goes down, the invader can be traped inside the victim's boundary if the victim goes insane. It depends on if the invader can maintain it's own integrity, and how much the invaded clings to the invader out of fear. That is when the invader and invaded are on fairly equal terms. That generally does not end well.

There is a very great need for a very strong sense of self, if there is to be success. Also the need to think in five dimensions which include 'inside and outside' as well as length, width and height. If one goes 'in', one must know how to get 'out' again. That includes simply reaching into someone else.

That is why there is a need for shared interactive dreamscapes, and why most 'folk' create the common ground (dreamscape). The effect of very strong consciousness upon the comparatively weak consciousness can be mitigated. One must keep in mind that the shared interactive dreamscapes are 'worlds' themselves.

In the theoretical warfare scenario, it is all about the boundaries. It is about breaching the boundaries, it is also about destroying the boundaries. What happens when there is nothing to contain the consciousness? When the separation disappears? Say the separation between the observer and the observed for example.

What then FL, or whoever?

We just wake up of course!

We do wake up, . . . don't we?

edit on 8-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: meh

edit on 8-4-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

hidden deep within the depths below lies smyrinad: a crystal glowing brightly, hidden from all who seek to find its power. Within crystal walls it glows, like the sun that warms, shining bright like a star in the night sky. The smyrinad holds great power, but with power comes great responsibility and it must be used wisely. The crystal key will guide you to smyrinad's light, but beware the darkness that lurks in its shadow."

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268
the world despises the spirit not the body because the body is temporary but the spirit is eternal and will last forever.
our universe consists mainly of empty space, hyperspace connects the empty space and contains energy that flows through it, but the empty space itself does not contain anything at all.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: [post=16648302]Kantzveldt[/post

Decoding the dark millennium section currently

the world despises the spirit not the body because the body is temporary but the spirit is eternal and will last forever.
our universe consists mainly of empty space, hyperspace connects the empty space and contains energy that flows through it, but the empty space itself does not contain anything at all.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Kantzveldt

Silence is golden, but sometimes the unspoken words inside us can become heavy burdens to carry. I feel that I have been silently struggling with my own thoughts and emotions, as if I am carrying a heavy weight with me wherever I go. It's like I'm trapped in my own mind, unable to escape the constant noise and chatter. Despite this, I know that I need to find a way to speak up and share my feelings with others. Perhaps then I can finally find some peace and release from this internal turmoil.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Lordsauron

the world despises the spirit not the body because the body is temporary but the spirit is eternal and will last forever.

Well Lordsauron, let me ask you this:

Why would "the world despise the spirit" and not the body?

The implication there is the body belongs to the world and the spirit does not, thus the spirit's rejection.

We can also suggest that the body is recycled in Nature and never really disappears from the world. Therefore to the world it is the spirit that is relatively speaking the temporary thing.

That ties in with the concept that humans are seeded as said by FL. What was seeded? The body or the spirit? Most folk would presume it is the body including spirit that was said to be seeded here.

What if it is "the soul" or "spirit" that was seeded into the body?

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