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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

maybe just not to pollute waters when we swim or drink from it

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I dunno what would go through their minds. One doesn't have to be 'good' nor 'evil' to do terrible things in the name of self preservation.

To be 'out of reach' of one's enemies is to be 'safe'. Every living thing wants to feel safe.

To adavance into the realm of quantum mechanics one will make enemies. That is not a peaceful choice to make.

One could choose not to take that step "forward" in knowledge.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I was thinking about it today , just because we can ask the questions do we need to know the answers?
Arent some things best left to the imagination or fantasy of the mind.

I guess its within us , its our curious nature.

but from what you have spoken about previously it seems we arent the only curious species by nature
i think as humans once we have posed a question and attempted to answer it we wont stop until our curiosity is satisfied or until we have a concrete answer to our question.

we wont let it lie, so we will destroy ourselves and others in the pursuit of knowledge whether we have done it intentionally or not, it seems some are capable of causing damage to get the answers they seek.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Couple of years ago I had one of those horizontal thoughts going trough my mind. I wrote it down, and found it again.

" It's our dimension since eons. You found out recently, now you think you're in uncharted territory. Ask yourself who lead you there.
You might have the guillotine be we have TIME"

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Curiosity also kills cats, apparently : )

Still, if some hyper-civilisation happens to leave a giant pyramid with instructions written on the outside in a field somewhere, there is the choice to ignore it entirely. Having said that, some curious individual will probably sit there and work out the instructions and push buttons he probably shouldn't. Also a choice.

The idea of abandonment is supportive of the theory that the humans here on Sol-3 are living machines. Plenty of myths of past times where the gods (creators) left humans behind. The idea of 'abandonment anxiety' would explain a lot, especially religion.

I would think an underlaying deep seated abandonment anxiety would be easily exploitable by the unscrupulous.


a reply to: Terpene

" It's our dimension since eons. You found out recently, now you think you're in uncharted territory. Ask yourself who lead you there.
You might have the guillotine be we have TIME"

Well said.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

haha I never thought about that until now
curiosity killed the cat is also a nod to the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment
Our curiosity also can lead to the death of the cat by opening the box to see if it is dead or alive
comes down to the choice of the observer

how interesting

Saint Augustine wrote in Confessions, AD 397, that, in the aeons before creating heaven and earth, God "fashioned hell for the inquisitive". John Clarke, in Paroemiologia, 1639 suggested that "He that pryeth into every cloud may be struck with a thunderbolt". In Don Juan, Lord Byron called curiosity "that low vice". That bad opinion, and the fact that cats are notoriously inquisitive, led to the source of their demise being changed from 'care' to 'curiosity'.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 08:39 AM
All this because some vampyr left their postcards online.

Thank you, Mark Rein-Hagen. And thank you, the ATS community.
It is fiction until it is not.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Schrödinger's cat! - Good one.

I remember the kids when they were little, curiosity got them into so much trouble. My three year old climbed onto the roof one day to see what the TV antenae repair man was doing. Scared the heck out of the repairman.

Hunger and curiosity make for successful traps. Scientists included.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 09:16 PM
Something for you Sapien82 you like this sort of stuff. Symbols and all that, fits in with the FL preoccupation with time and the Giseliens etc..

The yin/yang symbol is read as a dynamic moving symbol and is to do with the interaction of sun moon and earth - eclipses.

When one examines our time as a river there is 21 flows. Seven belong to the fae, seven belong to the green eyed folk who built Liliths prism in the grasslands long ago.

The final seven humans animals trees etc know -everything else.

When one looks upstream through the key, one sees the dynamic yin yang (named "source"). The green eyed folk are beyond it.

In the dynamic interplay of the three planets sun moon earth and eclipses one finds a door opening to the underground realm (named "hell"). Other realms too I guess. Giselians are there as well.

The green eyed folk are not the enemies of the living machines. Interestingly they are probably benign in the scheme of things one might say. Though 'up themselves' - they called me "fairy spawn" LOL.

Revisit the yin yang and see what ya get

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 12:48 AM
And something for Direne & FL.

The Cassini Diskus FL talks about is, for all I know, just a metaphor, or it might be a relic from a Giselian 'incident'. It doesn't really matter what it is.

That said, and going with the later scenario, I would suggest it is a 'map' of sorts. I gather FL speaks of it in a similar way.

I seem to remember the suggestion of a 5D map. Try 0D, as in 'zero dimensions'. So a map of the dimensionless 'void', so to speak. So no north south east or west, no up or down.

How to you connect places with no connection? How do you navigate the void?

Stop seeing the objects for a start.

The first place the CD will take you is the yin/yang place in time from my post above. All else will come after this first port of call.

Find that and They will be waiting for you.

edit on 5America/Chicago552023b20230323rd by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Stupid phone

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

always making me think of other things , thanks
reminds me of bruce lee telling us to be like water and flow

I made a quick check in with the I ching
I asked how can i bring peace to the earth

and I got hexegram 18

Hexagram 18,

Key Questions
What is behind this trouble?
What is the hidden cause?

Oracle 'Corruption. Creating success from the source. Fruitful to cross the great river. Before the seed day, three days. After the seed day, three days.'

In ancient China, ancestors angered by neglect would send sickness and misfortune. This is corruption: something dark, like a curse, lurking under the surface of life and manifesting as patterns of negative experience. We don't have to believe in angry ancestors to be haunted by corruption, whether we inherit its darkness from our past, our culture, or through our parents. When you receive Hexagram 18, it is time to examine those old, old patterns at last, to seek out their source and give it due honour and attention. When you understand where your experience comes from, you can restore the creative flow and make a genuinely new beginning. You will need to commit yourself to the journey and take the risk of crossing the great river into unknown territory. And you will need to pay careful attention to the process. Before 'seed day', which marks the beginning of a new cycle of time, you'll need to identify the source of the corruption and prepare for change. Afterwards, you need to pay attention to the needs of the new growth. Each of these phases has only a modest duration; you're invited to attend and examine, but not to dwell on this change for a lifetime.

Image 'Below the mountain is the wind: Corruption. A noble one rouses the people to nurture character.' Sequence Corruption follows from Hexagram 17, Following. 'Following people with joy means there are things to be done, and so Corruption follows. Corruption means things to be done.'

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 06:59 AM
Key take away which relates to what you were saying

"ancestors angered by neglect would send sickness and misfortune"

the neglect is that the abandonment they felt

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Fits rather well with the current subject : )

When looking into the flow of time it was the eclipse I saw, a static thing of half and half. From the books that is a static 'symbol' as far as I am aware - balance between yin and yang. However, the three physical planets of sun moon and earth are in motion. So it follows that yin and yang are only momentarily in balance in this world. That will fit further with the I-Ching I would think. I used FL's Cassini Diskus "map" to find all this by the way.

The three planets and the eclipses they form are important along with the doors that open at those times. The sacred sites will be different at different times in this regard. I guess that the doors that open are of the time-streams. The fairy world is separated from ours in this way.

That the green eyed folk have their place on the other side of what was named "source" says they are not subject to the fluxations in time (yin/yang?) the three planets create with their motions - "The superior position'. I am reminded here of the story of the Tuatha Dé Danann and the ceasation of war where the underworlds were given to them.

So we have the thrice seven flows of time. I get the impression we live in the equivalent of the 'mud pit' between the two "We have our differences . . ." parties. The time travelers and deceased living machines are here in the 'mud pit' by the way.

There is more to the story but I'll keep that to myself.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Key take away which relates to what you were saying

"ancestors angered by neglect would send sickness and misfortune"

the neglect is that the abandonment they felt

I see what you mean there, I didn't see that : (

Yeah, put simply; it is a mess that runs very deep in many ways. I've wanted to fix that for a long time now.

An odd thing with 'choice' today. Making the link to the Cassini Diskus was a choice I made on my own.

Heh heh, going to "hell" today has been the happiest time I have had in a long time. Like visiting home . . .

edit on 5America/Chicago552023b20230323rd by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 09:55 PM
Map of Time:

How to bridge linear time lines:

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: Direne

Unfortunately, it is not possible to use only electronic devices to capture the data that needs to be captured. You need a conscious observer, a brain.

Hocus Pocus Homo Erectus.
Your ticket on the other side?

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268

So, what is the point of time travel? To travel to the past in order to change the present? That begats a plethora of timelines according to science fiction.

Everything points to universal collapse.

To Quote the Golden Man

(Totally irresistible to women, of the secret life of wub fur, of chameleon-like aliens called fnools, and a great deal more) btw

Here's a thing about the future. Every time you look at, it changes because you looked. And those changes everything else.

A special mention to unverifiable scientific discoveries:
Blackhole Galaxies

And to make matters worse, The Deep Fringe.

“Understand, one does not have to agree with this model! That is one's own decision. We are just pointing out that, if we correct many of the errors known to be in the presently used models, this is the kind of reality that readily emerges. We get a physics that is not just an "inert" physics, but a living physics where literally the entire universe is "alive" in very special manner” — Thomas Bearden


Can you smell what the rock is cooking? Nope it's Batista.

edit on 4-3-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: boozo

Everything points to universal collapse.

And then there are others who simply say; "Some things have always been."

Perhaps it is just linear thinking that needs a beginning and therefore an end.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: boozo

Everything points to universal collapse.

And then there are others who simply say; "Some things have always been."

Perhaps it is just linear thinking that needs a beginning and therefore an end.

Some things have always been here, and always will be here - they are infinite. Time, Space, Matter, and Numbers are all infinite.

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: boozo

Personally I am not a fan of the collapsing universe multi-dimensional view of FL as explained in this thread. Even if so, I'll be dead and gone in another decade or so, won't even know my descendants. The advantage of limited life spans I guess. I will disappear into the past.

Heck, the Battlestar Galactica scenario seems a far more probable scenario with humans slicing, dicing and splicing their way to AI-cyborg heaven. I remember Direne saying "machines cannot dream" - maybe that is why they have to make the cyborg to go exploring time. Seems silly to me to duplicate something humans can naturally do. Dream that is.

The Cylons were created by humans, rebelled, disappeared and then returned. Ol' Admiral Addama had nowhere to run. Now that would be something to worry about . . .

Dr Gaius Baltar: I’m going to call my lawyer. He’s the best in the business.

Caprica Six: That wouldn’t be necessary, because in a few hours, no one will be left to charge you with anything.

Baltar: What are you trying to say?

Caprica Six: Humanity’s children are returning home. Today.

edit on 5-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: boozo

Hocus Pocus Homo Erectus.
Your ticket on the other side?

LOL: Living human brain cells grown in the laboratory as the wetware for "Artificial Intellegence" . . .

Psychic hacking anyone?

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