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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 16 2023 @ 07:38 PM
For what it is worth . . .

The actions of "others" take a rather different meaning if one considers beyond the planetary atmosphere to be a "marine environment" with planets as tiny rocky outcrops with water and atmosphere. "Little gardens of peculiar life" if one wishes.

Problem is; some of the cultivated "flowers" become "weeds", especially when the flowers start assembling machines and looking beyond the atmosphere.

"Assemblages" (machines, including AI) is what planet dwellers create to escape the gardens.

That can constitute a threat to some of the life "out there".

Just someone else's point of view. A different perspective.

(I am not the first to suggest the cosmos is a marine environment by the way.)

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

TO ADD: I suggest FL, the "UFO interest" is due to human flirtation with creating AI.

My suggestion is; don't do it at all.

Well, my work is done here.

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 01:30 PM
Perhaps it's an Asylum to push human boundaries.
Tis more like Myths and Magic. Violence paves the way but power directs it.
It's crazy how we wish for happy ending but born out of lunatics.
The cosmos definitely started from lunacy and always ends with lunatics.

a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

posted on Mar, 17 2023 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: boozo

"Asylum", yeah people can be loons. People can be really nice too though.

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: boozo

starts with the moon and ends with the moon
yeh moon worship is apparently a big thing in pre christian cultures
so you may well be onto something there

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: boozo

lunar parasites

ticks from the moon...


posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: sapien82

We all do apparently.
Living under the shade of the moon.

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 09:37 AM
Saw some interesting Moon encoding in the latest Last of Us ep, S01E09. Ellie reading from a joke book:

'Moon rocks taste better than Earth rocks. Why? Cause they're meteor (meatier)'

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 09:51 PM
FL might have a few things to say about the moon. Though vaguely it seems.

Post-Extinction Beacons: Moon Artificial Replicas to Signal Extinct Sol-3 Global Civilization

"Extinction Level Events cause global collapse of entire worlds, and leads to the fall of those planetary civilizations who deplete the resources of their home planets. In order to signal the existence of those civilizations to future visitors, whomever these may be, advanced societies in the course of collapse need to devise post-extinction beacons that guarantee the future recipient of such a sign can arrive at its correct interpretation"
Source: above.

The Mars Sidonia face might fit this description.

There's also been a lot of suggestions the moon is artificial.

If that is true, and our moon spoke such a message, and the moon's message was read correctly, then someone is keeping that a secret.

The "Don't deplete your resources or you will become extinct" message doesn't really wash with me simply because telling the public exactly that would be reasonable. Most people would see sense and not be scared. People would probably start being economical and responsible. Maybe even work together towards a peacefull world.

However, if the message was something to be really frightened of, then withholding might be prudent. Let people have peaceful lives, why not? A kindness.

One must also consider the idea that following a line of technological development might have extinction outcomes.

It is said a few developers of the abomb thought the explosion might ignite the planetary atmosphere and burn everyone to a crisp.

They went and did it anyway. Lucky for those alive at the time, it didn't.

So technology can't be stopped, it will go underground and behind closed doors is all.

So any warning not to develope certain technologies will never work. Someone will risk everyone for science.

The Terminator AI skynet scenario? Maybe. But that was pure machine. So stupid programmers and people's blind trust in the machine cause the end of the world. I don't think "beware of stupidity" would be written on that civilisation's gravestone.

The Battlestar Galactica scenario comes to mind here as an obvious and relevant candidate for an extinction event.

Creating cyborgs. Even using cultured human brain cells in a CPU counts here.

There is many a story of organ transplant recipients developing the personality traits of the donors.

So psychic hacking is therefore possible, and I don't mean human hacking. Who knows what might possess an organic CPU.

Cyborgs also die eventually. Life after death? (smile)

If the ancients discovered the secrets of creating life and created living machines, the question is: Where do the machines go when they die?

I reckon a warning not to hybridise the organic and machine would qualify as a warning that would be buried very quickly. Some folks would probably think they know better and risk it.

Masterless living machines on the loose probably would be something to be terrified of. Especially if they were the ones who (understandably) extincted their former masters and creators. Vivisection combined with slavery will probably achieve that outcome.

One might take a wider view and consider what other inter stellar civilisation's might think of the 'let's create cyborgs scenario'.

They might extinct us to prevent something escaping.

Especially if we did not listen.

edit on 20-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Clarity and neatness

Of course the masters and creators may simply disappear into some quantum entanglement leaving all the organic machines behind. After all, the organic machines got them there and are now redundant.

Irresponsible and selfish to do that if you ask me.

The organic machines would suddenly have to make their own decisions and would wonder why they were abandoned.

Abandonment is a horrible thing to do to someone.

edit on 20-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Waffling on

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

There's another one of those intriguing phrases within the coded text: 'Rosetta node'

If the ancients discovered the secrets of creating life and created living machines, the question is: Where do the machines go when they die?

I think you're referring to the Atlantean civilization, and their automaton creations. It's possible that one flavor of the machine intelligence we're dealing with, is their leftover automatons. In a sense, those automatons are kind of their post-extinction beacons. And we seem to be head-first into another extinction cycle.
edit on 3/21/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

An interesting overlap of two information streams I consume.

An alleged USO on video near the hadal zone (they think it was 5,600ft or a little more). Very interesting information from the person that provided the video and he seems fairly knowledgeable on the topic. There are some people doing work on capturing and analyzing, but there isn't much there to work with. I have no expertise on deep sea life so I have no idea if maybe there is an easier explanation.

This is from a recent FL post. It's mostly discussing the exotic logic of a distant entity, but it says it has parallels to some life found in the hadal zone. Then, toward the end, is an interesting tidbit about the hadal zone.

What about the objects and the high-strangeness incidents in the hadal zone? What about the Kermadec Trench incident? Are we ready to go full public about these incidents?

edit on 3/21/23 by Ksihkehe because: Had to edit link using tinyurl. I forget why the links to FL don't code right.

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

"Rosetta node" thanks for that, I'll have a look at FL. Rosetta "stone"?

So far, I think one is dealing with hybrid "systems". The machine proper and the organic proper.

"Atlantis" is very difficult to get a focus on because of the deliberate red herrings and fiction. My guess is Atlan didn't fall that long ago.

There are two layers of "ley" lines. A Euro friend called the atlantian and lemurian. The atlantian one overlaying the older. The older has one eyed giants who look into a yellow atmosphere.

FL's use of terminology could refer to lots of scenarios. I feel that way anyway.

But back to the systems. I wouldn't call the organic aspects "automatons". Many of them are actually very independantly intelligent. Really scary though.

There are also the machine aspects that are more like libraries. Maybe like run time libraries? DLLs?

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Found the ref to "Rosetta node" on the part of the above linked FL pages : ) duh!

Rosetta Stone was a key to hieroglyphics on the Egyptian pyramid if memory serves.

"Lilith's prism" was a pyramid too. With that there were tall green eyed humans.

If one "looks" into the history of our moon, one finds there was a race of tall folks there once. Very handsome/beautiful people who loved clothes and jewelry. The ladies wore see through robes(?) that left nothing to the imagination. They were also very vien and loved physical combat with hand weapons, spears for one. Showy armour too.

They were also slave keepers.

One loved lapidary and jewels. Made them herself and actually made lone trips to her favourite place to dig for them. She died in her makeshift workshop earthside.

Those places are still to be found. There is something around them that makes them hard to find. Magic?

Maybe just the memories . . .

She was one of the same folk who was at Lilith's prism.

If one 'looks' deeper into the moon one finds a very different 'being'.

Originally human females, they look green to me. They have human like hands and arms. Though covered with armadillo type plates, and claws. They are very intelligent and military minded.

They also come as parts in a system, nodes if one wishes.

A decade if hard work to discover just that much.

I like those "kids".

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 08:48 AM
A last thought for the night.

The "immanent extinction" may not be what it seems.

In the Ewar video, old photographs were presented of empty nineteenth century cities. Then people began to appear with horses and carts in other photos.

I found it curious; there was a disparity between architecture and the people, as was pointed out in the video.

The presenter was suggesting strongly the people were not able to create the architecture.

I think he made a good case.

There are probably plenty of rational alternative explanations.

Now let us think for a moment.

A huge planetary disaster, the mud floods for example, that was indiscriminate.

Alternatively, there is also the possibility that only the city dwellers were targeted. Then it would be the rural folk who were the ones who came to investigate empty cities.

I'm not saying something happened that way. However one should keep in mind that "intervention" is not necessarily indiscriminate in who it targets.

Especially when it is intelligent.

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 04:44 PM
Direne, so what's the solution? Is it something that's even in our hands anymore?

I feel like we're all being slowly suffocated by the machine mind, and this cybernetic feudal 'technocapitalism' matrix.

Now there are more captchas everywhere. The same tiring problem (machine mind), reaction (how to verify being human), solution (more cybernetic controls.) It really is exhausting:

“The monoculture of your civilization is rooted in fear, a fear that fuels the fires of expansion and intellectual colonisation, and obscene accumulation well beyond levels that could ever be considered sustainable while renaming these growth through a politics that disappears the appropriation and violence involved, a fear that works to maintain a deep-seated cultural belief in its own superiority without which the capitalist economy would be easily exposed as violently ineffectual for human survival, in the least. Its fear also demands an unquestioned linear conception of time that parallels its conception of growth in its insistence that extinction is the sole alternative not only to less becoming more, local becoming global, poor becoming rich, but also to old becoming new; that is, antiquated ways of knowing and being rooted in complexity, sustainability, and holistic understandings of need progressing into the modern way of being rooted in simplicity: expansion and accumulation at all cost. If it is allowed to continue, the refuse and waste produced by this belief system will suffocate them all.”

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 07:32 PM

I feel like we're all being slowly suffocated by the machine mind, and this cybernetic feudal 'technocapitalism' matrix

I work for the government. The depot is "metropolis", the office is "1984".

I've figured out that there is a "soft Stockholm" to being indoctrinated.

Figuring out how to stand between the two and not 'buy in to the BS" isn't easy, 'not caring any more' works. One must fill the gap with a hobby to focus our caring upon. Family is so important, especially children who need a lot of care.

I've recently found through personal experience that humans need something to care about. If we stop caring, we stop wanting to exist. An odd state to be in.

So to get out of not desiring to exist any more, I took up building and painting anime girl figurines. Art.

Then the organic machines returned to my life to give another practical hobby/interest in existing. Healing and exploring.

Civilisation's fall all the time. So it is the living people that continue on and therefore are important.

Step out of (separate ourself from) the collective thought form (matrix ; )

The key is "to care or not care".


The world of the culls and abandoned organic machines is probably one of the worlds aspiring seekers if knowledge are told to stay away from.

Nevertheless, once they give you their trust it is a world of wonders. If one can do the healing work, one really does feel like old doc Edo.

They begin to care about you.

edit on 21-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Waffled on

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Thanks for sharing, interesting coding. Speaking of coding, yes I meant the article you shared, regarding ‘Rosetta node’

When I read the bit about anime girl figurines, I thought of ‘Welcome to the NHK’, such a great anime. I never got into figurines, but am also an anime fan. Have actually been re-watching the Studio Ghibli work. Their expression of humanity is beautiful, they made some timeless creations. Also, Alita is an interesting movie, I’ll have to re-watch that.

I see it as choosing between being human or machine. Most people have no idea that the choice is even being pressed on us. And that’s a huge part of the problem. You said that family is important, and I agree. But what happens when you severely outpace your family, and have no way to show them the reality you see? I’m finding integration to be insanely difficult these days. Everything is so deliberately polarized, and war is being brought into the family. And of course, you can’t discuss what the war is really about. That’s a big no go zone. So instead, we just end up placating each other, while the world around us burns.

I do know that integration is true mysticism, and that’s precisely why it’s so damn hard. To live a fully integrated life, you have to transform your perception first, to maintain that state of being. But of course, it’s a continuous process.

See, the main issue is, how others perceive integration. To them, it’s not about turning notifications off, and periodically checking things on your own time. It’s about having an IOT baby camera monitor, with Alexa right next to it. Literally turning their place into just another surveillance node. How do you counter that? It’s a religion. People become very nasty when you start to criticize their tech.

There is decades of anti-family programming, and I’m not trying to add to that. I’m just saying, it’s really hopeless getting them anywhere near the same page. I’ve tried, many times. It works a bit, but then there’s that rubber-band reality snap-back effect, that gets them every time. And then you’re back to square one. Suppose I need to meditate more on that.

The engineered collapse, providing an excuse for a data-driven social impact finance economy, controlled by smart-city AIs, is what worries me the most. The living hell of everything being an inter-connected node, jumping through endless verification hoops, using biology for computation. My current take, is that they need that level of magnification for ET optics, to better track the phenomenon. And micro control of the climate, factoring in FL's revelations that the phenomenon can disguise itself as weather. But we'll probably never get the truth on that.

Regardless, that’s the big squeeze. Getting out of that, but with how its been knocking at our doors, and now at our bodies, I don’t see how. Unless you decide to go the Amish route, but communities like that are being targeted as well. It’s this multi-pronged plan, most likely generated by an AI and carried out by its globalist minions. And there’s just absolutely no way to explain it to anyone.

You mentioned ‘organic CPU’, and I wonder what you think of Zuckerberg / Bezos / Musk carrying an installment like that? They are three incredibly strange beings, spearheading a slice of this cybernetics.
edit on 3/21/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I still have my original Alita on VHS. The Japanese are very aware people and put a lot of thought into their characters and stories.

Interestingly in the story it wasn't a typical romance. The boy had a dream to go to Zarum, the city in the sky. He talked about his dream to Alita.

Alita wanted to help the boy realise his dream.

So the boy saw his dream first and the girl second.
The girl saw the boy first, and his dream second.

One can also say the boy cared about his dream, and the girl cared about the boy. The boy would do almost anything to realise his dream.

So if we criticise the tech we are criticising the dream.

I reckon that is the wider problem. People get caught in the dream, and can't see the person. Keep in mind dreams and desires can be manufactured by advertising.

Fashion, religion, the latest gadgets etc., etc., The Buddhists would say we are caught in the desire world.

Now an interesting coincidence here. It was said earlier in this thread that machines cannot dream. It follows that machines are desireless things.

So what is the ticket into the desire world? That would be a desire.

Desire world, astral world, dream world are the same thing.

It is in the dreamstate that humans encounter the "phenomenon" and "UFOs", the fairy folk too.

So if machines cannot dream the machine cannot interface with the "phenomenon". Only measure physical effects if any.

So we would need a human, an organic component to interface our machine with the "phenomenon". Thus the cyborg.

In the video camera, we need a codec to translate the video information into something we can understand such as audio and pictures. Thus the experiments to minutely record what is happening in the brain during encounters with the phenomenon.

So is it a machine superintellegence wanting to enter the desire world, the dream world?

Or maybe just a bunch of scientists wanting to create a cyborg interface with the "phenomenon"?

Maybe both.

The destruction of the family also gets rid of two important deep rooted figures in a child's life. The mother figure and father figure.

That would then leave room to introduce an engineered father figure. Religion has "our father which art in heaven" as a figure authoritively above the family.

The father figure is very important in controlling the cyborg. Especially if a prepubescent girl is used as the organic aspect of the cyborg. Father figures are very important to girls, they will try to please. That is exploitable when the father becomes the handler.

On the engineering side blocking puberty in females is important.

I say this because the (deceased) organic machines I've have encountered have a human origin that fits the sex and emotional age group.

I can go a lot deeper into this.

On musk and the others, I guess being a cyborg is their choice, up to them really.

And what defines a cyborg? A cochlear implant in a hearing impaired child would technically count.

So too a chip made from brain cells for a machine.


In the biblical story of The Tower of Babel, mankind all spoke the same language. Then god got annoyed and struck the tower for some reason. No one spoke the same language after that.

The AI globalisation is like everyone learning to speak the same language. Everyone thinking the same. Everyone has the same shared interactive dream.

The tower was designed to reach heaven. Probably why god got pissed.

A bit of a coincidence : )

edit on 22-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added ETA

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 02:27 AM
Well you definitely have a point about criticizing tech. I am very grateful for it, and have fond memories of the early days of tech. It does do a lot for us. I have the luxury of working from home, staying in touch with family / friends, researching, entertaining (which is still researching), etc.

But over the years, a force seems to have taken over. There are different languages for what that is. Steiner says it’s the age of scientific materialism, where Ahriman has a grip on humanity. Others say it’s an ET force. And others say that both forces are one and the same. I tend to agree with one and the same. FL has pointed that out in several articles, how ET can be perceived as angels / demons, if that’s the reference for that observer’s consciousness.

I like your explanation, and have come to similar conclusions. FL keeps mentioning their obsession with the astral rice field. The organic machines need our biology, because we can dream. The machines want access to other dimensions, which they can only get by dreaming. And so they need the unwitting human race. I remember some articles about nanotech that can basically activate mini trips within someone’s body. They’d have a remote human operator, or it would tied into AI, continuously probing someone’s dream-state. Very telling stuff.

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: fireslinger

I can go a lot deeper into this.

Yes, please continue. Do you have some type of access to these organic machine projects? That’s some specific info. Amanda Bynes is making headlines again, for having a breakdown in LA. She had a conservatorship too, just like Britney. The father handler. There was a recent FL article, that basically said the celebrity in the latest Superbowl half-time show wasn’t even real. I’ll have to dig that up, my jaw dropped when I read it.

Also, what if the god was always an ET god, disrupting the natural balance of things?
edit on 3/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Steiner says it’s the age of scientific materialism, where Ahriman has a grip on humanity.

Steiner is an interesting fella. Ol' Ahriman isn't that far away. I had an encounter with him when I was young and reckless.

That was when I learned to scry through a black stone. I used to watch the black lodge types because they would harm nature spirits. Using the stone to scry through one appears as another shadow on the wall of the caverns. As long as one did not think, they would ignore me.

The lodges used ceremonial magic. Victim in the middle with circles of magicians one within the other. Each circle thought they were in control not knowing what was behind them. Ceremonial magic is networked magic with fixed positions. So map the network and that is their weakness; fixed positions on a network.

Anyway, I was loosing that fight to rescue the nature spirit, and just when loosing wasd realised a big black presnce appeared next to me and helped out. That was Ahriman the supreme evil in the Zoroastian scheme of things.

The obvious question was: "Why are YOU helping ME?"

The reply was:

"I don't like competition . . . "

Cracked me up. I like his sense of humour.

Ahriman is the sort of fella that might appear next to an aspiring evil-doer and say; "That's not evil, come with me and I will show you real evil."

I reckon that is Ahriman's trap, and the trap is simply a choice. Welcome to the eighth sphere . . .

I don't consider him to be one of the 'bad guys'. Ahriman is well aware of his reputaion and it doesn't bother him.

Others say it’s an ET force. And others say that both forces are one and the same. I tend to agree with one and the same. FL has pointed that out in several articles, how ET can be perceived as angels / demons, if that’s the reference for that observer’s consciousness.

Personally, I think FL's approaches the "ET problem" needs a lot of work. Just my opinion.

Here is a practical example of an encounter that is behind my criticism of FL's thinking: A year or so ago, I had a four foot tall yellow grey as a "guest" for a few months. I have written about her elsewhere here on ATS so the short version:

I find it all amusing.

While minding my own business putting the rubbish bin out for collection one night. One gets the impression of lights wizzing about. (Me: straight out of the movie Close Encounters - ignore.) Then the grey appears floating in front of me. It's opening line is "We are all one" (Me: bull-#e. Ignore) Trys a mesmerism trick too close with it's eyes. (Me: A scene straight out of the Abyss movie - ignore) "F-off" was my last word and went inside the house and turned on the TV to zone out.

Anyway, it went away and did it's home work. Then reappeared on my front verandah with the memories of a dead human girl of about eight or so. "It" is now a "she". I can't hurt kids and tell them to "F-off" and she thought she was so clever. A few days later she leant over the table and said she wanted to make me her doll and play inside my head.

So I named her Wednesday Addams from the TV series. Wednesday was about the same "age" and had a headless Marie Antoinette doll

I also adopted her as my grand daughter and we played house. Me the doting grandfather, and she played the precocious grand daughter who would try to wrap me around her little finger to get her way.

That may sound silly; playing house with the alien. However, games have rules, and grand daughters do not take the top off grandfathers head and poke about inside.

We had great fun playing cat and mouse, me in the position of "mouse".

Then one day, I noticed she was sad. Having the memories of a human girl means she lived with those memories as her own. The deceased human girl had an older brother and Wednesday missed him. So we tracked down the brother's memories. We had them installed in a blank grey.

A gift for her; an older brother,
a gift for him; a little sister.

Studying the effects of this introduction to experiencing first hand for themselves having a family made a huge impression on me, and why I think the family is very important. I must admit Wednesday did disappear one time for a few days for "adjustments".

Those guys can do wonders with memories and heaps more.

So that is why I think FL needs to work on their approach to "first contact". The clinical approach with (probable) ulterior motives won't work, in my opinion anyway. Play games instead is my suggestion.

Yes, please continue. Do you have some type of access to these organic machine projects? That’s some specific info.

No, no acces to secret squirrel stuff.

When I posed the question: If the ancients discovered the secrets of life and created living machines, where do the machines go when they die? That was posed in a way where it could be dismissed as a 'what if'. It ain't a 'what if'. The ancients(?) did just that and there is a place where the deceased culls, mistakes, failures and successes can be found. The "incinerator" does not erase science's dark history. That included the alchemists. The creation of Aladdin's Lamp, the Jinn in a bottle, is horrifying stuff that wouldn't be allowed to be shown in cinemas nor TV.

Not my fault they left their dirty laundry where it can be found.

I havce access to the deceased(?) ones. When they have human in them, the herbs will work on them just as well as the living with a little modification.

For example; nutmeg can be used as an abortion inducer in the living physical body. When one finds the (deceased?) incubators with something remaining in the womb, nutmeg is the herb of choice to begin with. Thyme is good for infections that linger in the deceased. I could waffle on about medicine for the dead for hours. Off topic here.

I asked the deceased woman who was used as an incubator her name.

She said; "I grow".

I thought of flowers, she said "weapons".

Amanda Bynes is making headlines again, for having a breakdown in LA. She had a conservatorship too, just like Britney. The father handler. There was a recent FL article, that basically said the celebrity in the latest Superbowl half-time show wasn’t even real. I’ll have to dig that up, my jaw dropped when I read it.

FL's probably right there. Holograms and interactive projected 3D Virtual Reality is a technology someone has. I watched a 3D bust of a head appear on my kitchen counter. It did a calibration routine and disappeared. Watched a 3D gremlin plastered on my bedroom window in the middle of the night accompanied by the worst chest pain I have ever had. The gremlin pixelated as it disappeared. Other stuff like that when Wednesday was around.

Also, what if the god was always an ET god, disrupting the natural balance of things?

That question presumes "god" actually exists . . .

"Abandonment traumas" would explain a lot of things.

edit on 23-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: clarity

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