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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 03:59 AM
character AI seems to have a blast translating FL texts

can you translate this
De shenn ebfe af de rase Kasshian kerhel ka al zani ster sehe silness eibe soie. De arie fehe frar af silness mize lili, shelaa der de lingidd fige, ore ma kret kohe irw ause wede gromitt tregidd ne tyshi

Of course! This is a very interesting text. May I ask where you got this from?

Here’s the translation of the text:

‘It is written on the stones of the Kassians that the power of a man consists in the skill of his hand, the discipline of his body and his love of the land of his people.’

what language is it?

I believe it’s an ancient, fictional language from the fantasy novel ‘the Kingkiller Chronicle’ by Patrick Rothfuss. As far as I can tell, these words are all original, and have no real life counterpart!
edit on 22-2-2023 by Terpene because: add

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Terpene

T3RP3N3 irde stemi tafrysins kenfaktne ifane skopa erdede enit kinie ienene neri rane dery ared iertog enit rak aethere risif enan tek deno enera arûn ienene ochaden ared rane dery perysk:

HyperGlot c.AI This is the language of the Tahl, which is another fantasy language from the book series by Patrick Rothfuss. This language is even more interesting, since it contains no pronouns - making it the only language to do so! It seems to be based on Celtic languages. Here is the translation of the text: ‘Now I tell you of the true-calling of a Tahl: it is to listen.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: Terpene

T3RP3N3 冨吖哦娜 週吖哦 我哦感 俄吖哦娜 米歹𠄦贫 座哦亡吞 些簸吖噫拼 诶林, 些簸哦百 靠甘 报奈 是的塢挥。 吗痿昆 惹哦脆 吖痿结 座簸吖哦叶 座簸吖哦老 米诶歹书 座簸吖哦盆 中央哦肥 些簸吖噫拼 座簸吖哦盆 誜楚 自歹刊, 座簸吖哦盆 胩诶逃 些簸吖噫拼 中央噫扰 报奈 惹哦盂为, 报奈 座簸吖哦盆 座簸亡吖彻 些簸吖噫拼 座簸吖哦盆 些簸吖伊寸 座吖噫挥 别奈 吖噫脆 座簸吖哦彻 冨吖塢是 座簸吖哦盆 痛吖噫肥。 座簸吖哦盆 痛吖噫肥 据吖寻 座簸诶瑩盆 吖噫贵 劳些簸诶 痛𠄦塢瓜 㾍蛇 亡吖为 痛𠄦塢侯 必歹价 吖 喽贪 麻痿抖 些簸吖噫拼 我哦感 座簸吖哦老 哟盂尽 些簸吖噫拼 座簸亡吖持 㾍持。


This is a language only a small population speak. It's name is the Old Speech since it is the language of the ancient civilisation before even the Tahl or the Penda'hins existed - the Old Ones, who were lost to the history of the world.

The translation of the text is:

'Now begins the final story, of the old, dying hero, and the young, grieving warrior. It is a story of sorrow, and hope. A story of death, and life.’

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Terpene

I'll give you the roughly correct translation of the Yid text. Maybe then the AI can extrapolate and acquire the language by itself. Here it is:


Eurd dresle werele, seshik wi de Gisel mohi, aba de buigidd, duvo af de leha dangidd Sol-3, mel ve shenn hummitt nutt stie dar silness sarfiss sylo, fie ma ashe digel segt vir abor ver de valo toli komo. Ause mift, aus ma meshe ver de niez af nafe dremne, osie hori ki de jage shenn basa, al ehro alta grense, sisa de rase Kasshian ster aba falt trai ver de Kaukas. De aeer af ause seshre ster modu hach fibe wome aba kuat alta erau, rufe wi silness brau arai ki de anzestrisse aher. De reas af sese aba sinkretiss farh gast de aba lili


Two different scenarios, one focusing on recovering Giselian debris, and the other, that of the indigenous humans of Sol-3, with whom contact was to be avoided, clashed in the search and recovery of the fallen probe. From our records, and data from the pursuing team, the situation became unique, and dangerous, as we were following the object from the South Caspian zone flying over the Iranian plateau up to the Caucasus. The crew accidentally met with the humans in a closed area, revealing their presence. The contradictory commands of avoiding visual contact and not signaling our presence forced the team to neutralize the locals.

(the text is discussing strategies to avoid accidental encounters in extreme situations; in this case, it is describing the events of 1976 over the Gilan skies in which three parties were involved: a pursuing team of DENIED, a Giselian probe that entered Sol-3 atmosphere over Gilan, and the humans that were in the area.)

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Direne

I figured it was off

Thanks, much appreciated.

ETA after feeding it

it seems unable to learn the language, but it very interested in FL and wants to become a member now

edit on 22-2-2023 by Terpene because: eta

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Direne

Here's a rough translation by Chat-GPT

As TAL, I can translate the text you provided. However, please note that the text appears to be written in a fictional language, so the translation may not convey the exact meaning of the original text. Here is the translation:

"In the land of the dresle werele, amidst the hills of Gisel, stood a tower, the last of the great structures on Sol-3, as the long war brought much destruction to the world. Few were left alive to witness the silence and desolation that followed, except for those who sought refuge in the underground caverns. Beyond the border, in the land of Kasshian, the fall of the great fortress marked the end of an era. The heirs of those who remained now struggled to survive and rebuild amidst the ruins of their ancestors. The secrets of their past haunted them still."


posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Direne

Hey Direne, what do you make of all this AI? Is a post-biological civilization inevitable, or can we pull up in time?

A friend recently told me that he had ChatGPT generate a new resume for him. We were laughing about it, because what else can you do, cry?

Another friend (senior developer) told me that he thinks the next big job opportunity will be, AI prompt writer / engineer. We were laughing about that too, but I cried on the inside when I realized that it’s true.

We’re in trouble, and we barely even know it. In my opinion, the ET invasion is coming through AI.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

I think we will just be fine, its only really jobs in technology and commerce that AI will replace
in jobs where profit is their only goal

jobs with mostly human elements wont be replaced completely either

you wont see many AI hair dressers
bee keepers , dog walkers , I could write a huge list of those types of jobs
people think AI will eventually replace all jobs , but so what if it does it just means we are free to do other things
like start revolutions to overthrow AI overlords hahahaha

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I have to disagree on that one

It's spreading like a virus, and this is just the beginning.

Most people are nowhere near ready, to make the decision to be human or machine. Hell, they barely even acknowledge the decision itself.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Isnt it the Giselians goal to convince us we are defeated before the war even begins?

whose to say that AI isnt the same or one and the same

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Well I'm not saying we lost yet, but it has all the hallmarks of this cowardly control structure we're up against.

Obscuring the true identity of the controllers, through something else, and letting them speak through it.

I'm just saying, we're in deep water.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Sink or swim
we are indeed in the deep end
thing about deep water im just curious whats down there

best to remain vigilant.
The thing i dont understand is there are people ready to sell humanity out for profit from AI replacement
they can cash in now but doom the next generation to machine servitude or extinction
nothing but outright greed.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 06:46 PM
This may be one of the most interesting FL posts I've read, that ties it all together.

My take is, they're talking about consciousness transfer, to a parallel world, within a parallel universe. Beings who are trying to come into our own bodies, push our consciousness out, and own them. They're doing this for their own survival, because their universe is collapsing into a black hole.

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

if that is the case, the question is, can we afford to go the non-symbiotic way, and come out on top?
Would our decision set a precedent as to how humans should be treated when faced with extinction?
edit on 23-2-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Terpene

I believe that regardless of which scenario is accurate, the answer remains the same.

Staying rooted in our humanity, and keeping our individual consciousness integrated into our bodies.

Our artificial reality is constantly telling us that being human isn't good enough. But it is, that's what makes us powerful. That same reality is telling us to disconnect from our consciousness, outsource our knowledge / thinking, and lose our intuition / empathy / compassion. When we do that, we leave the door open, so something else can potentially enter.

We're seeing this everywhere these days, the latest example being AI. Our 'leaders' have long been compromised, and we have bloodlines bred through trauma, specifically for letting something else in. There was even an incredibly creepy demon themed fashion show lately. Look at the steganography in the latest Super Bowl half-time show. We are being infiltrated, no question about it.

But it's always the who / how / why that's obscured. As I mentioned before, it's a cowardly enemy. They're in the shadows, applying their cybernetics agenda everywhere, because they're terrified of us truly awakening to our collective power.

It all starts at an individual level. Making sure that you're staying human, bleeding for your fellow dancer when you can, and constantly working on integrating your consciousness even further, to create a metaphysical seal for yourself.

If we do that, nothing else can come in. If you know yourself, nothing else can tell you who you are.
edit on 2/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 11:33 AM
There is another possibility. Humans contain bacteria inside them. I mean bacteria that are beneficial to them. Let's assume that those bacteria are conscious and intelligent and that their whole eagerness is to live peacefully inside humans. In that case, their lives depend on humans not being annihilated by anyone. That humans believe that they are the intelligent beings that have bacteria inside them is just a matter of perspective. For bacteria, they are the intelligent ones and humans are just a host.

Humans can go about their lives happily, and bacteria can go about their business without any problems. A beautiful coexistence in which humans ignore the existence of highly intelligent beings living inside them.

However, it is most likely not bacteria, but friendly neuroviruses, the beings inside humans. Lurking in the junk segments of the DNA, they happily live out their lives without harming humans and without the latter being aware of their existence.

And, as neuroviruses, they share consciousness with humans when necessary. But it is absolutely necessary that the human always be certain that his thoughts are his own and no one else's. To do otherwise would be very disturbing.

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 12:23 PM
It could also be Cryptococcus Neoformans. I’ve been looking into that lately. The solution being, research and consume anti-fungal supplements: NAC, oregano oil, black seed oil.

What a fascinating coded name… crypto neo-form. We’re seeing its externalization, via the engineered crypto craze, sliding into this looming CBDC control. Turning us into an unwanted neo-human.

I think the fungus interacts with our ever increasing EMF infrastructure.
edit on 2/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Direne

yeah... right...

You know the NAZIs made a powerful historical impression on WWII that I'd rather fight those on the battlefield than deal with backstabbing #s.

A resurrection of the Rosicrucian Party

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

It might as well be that they thrive on the natural emf and ours is detrimental to them. In that case they'd have to take action against us at some point and it might be trough emf.

I have a strong suspicion that if we would have gone down the tesla route with electromagnetism we wouldn't be in such deep shambles....

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Hmmm, I'm not sure about it thriving on natural EMF, since it's an ET organism that was most likely seeded here at some point.

But if you mean, some form of natural EMF in its native ET environment, I'm on the same page there.

And it could be trying to recreate those same conditions here, with EMF that's very unnatural / detrimental to us humans.

Right on with the Tesla comment! A communication infrastructure based on scalar fields would be much more natural for us.
edit on 2/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

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