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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

since it's an ET organism that was most likely seeded here at some point.

Just because Direne said so... Nah, you have to read past that and see what thought the mind bug wants you to think you had on your own...

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Oh, it's not just Direne. Checkout the link in my last post, it goes deep. I'm making these connections from everywhere.

I also posted this way earlier, which few picked up on. A research group trying to get the info out:

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

for some reason this made me think of the ECS , endocannabinoid system
i think that the ECS is not just to regulate our bodies and allow cells to communicate butI believe its a defense mechanism

any thoughts
i asked an AI and it didnt want to answer

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: sapien82

That’s pretty interesting about ECS being a defensive mechanism. Never thought of it that way. But I’ve contemplated it a lot in past, and think there’s some kind of co-evolution with cannabis, for us to have that receptor network within us. What are your thoughts?

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this though, which could be our suppressed defense mechanism of sorts. In the 4chan link above (I know, but have to go where the info is), if you follow their link to the previous page (Vol II), you’ll find the text I’m about to share. It’s been blowing my mind, quite honestly. I really think they’re onto something. Also very interesting to me, how they’re using ‘The Great Filter’ in the thread titles.

Basically, this researcher is sharing his findings, on how he believes the organism is deliberately concentrating our endogenous '___', into our pineal glands. This is a manipulation of our biology, because endogenous '___' is supposed to be spread throughout the body. So, once we clear the parasite, '___' will naturally begin to form throughout the body, as it should. Fascinating stuff:

Author – Peribsen

One of the larger chunks of time I’ve spent lately has been on familiarizing myself with neurotransmitters, neural stem cells and differentiation, and what a body free of disease might be able to accomplish re: healing itself and maintaining itself in those areas. Main idea being to test and biohack to a degree that is removing pathogenic activity as much as possible without damaging myself along the way. No one likes to hurt themselves if they’re aiming for healing old damage/closing immune issues out. It’s like debugging but for your own code and wiring.

We’ve all heard of dimethyltryptamine at some point. We’re told that it’s usually only generated (or mainly) in the pineal gland. This is false. I’m going to show you the math on endogenously generated dimethyltryptamine being a state the body should be able to maintain, at the least for on-the-moment use throughout the body. I’ll start with the basics of neurochemistry as related to dimethyltryptamine ('___' – mods, sorry I’m only talking synthesized withing the body naturally here). - N, N-Dimethyltryptamine ('___'), an Endogenous Hallucinogen

You obtain tryptophan from a few sources that are foods or supplements. Personally that’s the only recommendation I would make in reference to this particular hack that I’m referring to. Your body can do it with food sources though in this case. Tofu and fish are highest that I know of with eggs, milk, and cheese following iirc. So now you have tryptophan in the body and your body wants to turn that into tryptamine via decarboxylation – tryptamine is a base component of most neurotransmitters further down the line.


>In addition to INMT, production of '___' requires aromatic-L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), which removes the carboxyl group from dietary tryptophan to form tryptamine, the essential '___' precursor that can be rapidly metabolized by monoamine oxidase. - Biosynthesis and Extracellular Concentrations of N,N-dimethyltryptamine ('___') in Mammalian Brain

Two things to note from that article. One is that the INMT expression (which leads to '___') for human and rat is shown in the brain, adrenal, kidney, lung, heart, and visual cortex. Also note that tryptamine can be metabolized by a term you may recognize – monoamine oxidase, or MAOs. A marker that is overexpressed in many brain chemistry disorders. This leads to the next point we need to consider related to the overall place that cryptococcus infection in the body affects our chemistries.
>Neurotransmitters such as dopamine in brain tissue are contained within vesicles and degraded by monoamine oxidase, an enzyme found in glial cells. - Cryptococcus neoformansmelanization incorporates multiple catecholamines to produce polytypic melanin
And this article lends further support, look at the information in figure 1.
>Polymorphisms in these enzymes, the receptors their products bind to (e.g., 5-HT2A), and/or the metabolic enzymes that degrade their products (e.g., MAO) could affect the levels and effects of the endogenous '___'s through multiple permutations of SNPs as discussed throughout the manuscript. - Indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase Polymorphisms: Genetic and Biochemical Approaches for Study of EndogenousN,N,-dimethyltryptamine


As seen in the article below, glial cells such as microglia (the immune cells of the brain) are capable of generating the monoamine oxidases that degrade tryptamine stores. Lowered tryptamine stores means less endogenously produced neurotransmitters and neurohormones. And '___' with its base chemistry expressed throughout the body is now being considered as a primary neurotransmitter. Stop the cryptococcal oxidation via glial cells, produce your stores of dimethyltryptamine naturally. - Role of microglia in fungal infections of the central nervous system

This math shows an additional layer of human biology that cryptococcus neoformans is manipulating. At the level of expression that we’ve looked at, dimethyltryptamine should be present widely throughout the body. It shows up in nearly all nervous system tissues and several major organs. It’s a chemical closely associated with transcendent states, primarily meditation and prayer. Certain other states like orgasm, death, NDEs, and OBEs are also tied to this neurotransmitter. Two key notes from the following article should be held in mind.
>Perinatal INMT ActivityLevels of INMT in the placenta are higher than in adults. It is speculated that activity in fetal lungs compensates for difference. INMT activity in rabbit lung is relatively high in fetus, increases rapidly after birth and peaks at 15 days of age. It then declines to mature levels and remains constant through life.
>This model predicts that the sensory-altering effects of administered psychedelics are a result of the compound acting directly via neuropharmacological mechanisms in regions of the CNS involved in sensory perception. More simply, '___' may potentially act as a neurotransmitter to exert a signaling function in regions of the CNS, which are involved in sensory perception. - Neuropharmacology of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine


From this information it is reasonable to assume that the MAO activity against tryptamine begins shortly after birth, and then tapers off to “mature” levels that primary are found in the pineal gland/hippocampus. It is also indicated that '___' is a neurotransmitter, production of which is being interrupted by cryptococcus via these MAOs."

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 04:27 PM
The censoring on this forum is strange. '___' = dimethyltryptamine

"Besides controlling long engrained cryptococcus infections to the benefit of our existing nervous system, there is one further benefit that I’d like to outline. Neural stem cells from the dentate gyrus. I’ve covered several times that NSCs can generate in the dentate gyrus in adulthood, allowing repair of primary, sensory, and peripheral nerves. But I couldn’t quite pin down what in the brain would have changed to allow differentiation. It’s looking like dimethyltryptamine is also a large part of this process. Take a look at this article.
>Our results in vitro and in vivo show that '___' is a key regulator in the activity of adult NSCs, since this compound plays an important role in regulating the expansion and differentiation of the stem cell population located in the SGZ, one of the main adult neurogenic niches. This is revealed in vitro by an increase in the number and size of primary neurospheres and an increased expression of ki67 and PCNA, which indicates a high rate of proliferation and loss of stemness after treatment with '___'.
>Figure2a, bshows a striking increase in the expression of β-III-tubulin and MAP-2 in neurospheres treated with '___', compared with basal (non-treated) cultures. This neurogenic effect is clearly blocked by BD. N,N-dimethyltryptamine compound found in the hallucinogenic tea ayahuasca, regulates adult neurogenesis in vitro and in vivo


So now we see both increased tubulin expression from dimethyltryptamine, and differentiation of neural stem cells to all three types of nerve cells – in one of the main neurogenesis sites in the adult brain. There are many other functions of dimethyltryptamine as a neurotransmitter and neurohormone that the science is still catching up with. From the information avaiable in current studies it appears that if you clean out the pathogen causing the issue (cryptococcus in this case) there is a return of control to the host over their chemistry that has been getting pushed around by crypto. If '___' is constantly available via endigenous production, where does that lead to?
That’s where I’ve gotten to with it so far. I have a couple more pieces to the puzzle I’m slugging through.”

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

In my opinion, the main piece to the puzzle was already found by Mr. Penrose and Mr. Hammeroff, who argue that consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in microtubules, which are precisely made of tubulin molecules.

This made them posit their theory called Orchestrated objective reduction, which essentially calls for quantum mechanics playing an essential role in the understanding of human consciousness. Mr. Penrose states that those microtubules within neurons support quantum superpositions, which turns the brain into a non-algorithmic machine.

But this also means the brain is a time travel machine if finely tuned. How to use dee-em-tee to perform this tuning is what's left to be done. Unless someone, somewhere, has already found how to do it...

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 06:40 AM

edit on 24-2-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Direne

well let me get back to you on that time traveling with the funky stuff

no thoughts on the ECS though ?
edit on 24-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger
But this also means the brain is a time travel machine if finely tuned. How to use dee-em-tee to perform this tuning is what's left to be done. Unless someone, somewhere, has already found how to do it...

I don't believe drugs or fine-tuning are requisite, but both may improve the depth and utility. I don't know how fine-tuned it can be as things get probabilistically "fuzzy", which I believe may even be the case going what would be conventionally viewed as backwards in Time.

Are you aware of any group with resources attempting to study it?

Most of the study I'm aware of is either theoretical, focusing on the mechanics at the microscopic level, or being performed by people without any scientific rigor using drugs. There seems to be a large gap in attempts to gather data, at least publicly, on the real applications of the ability.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I would recommend a really interesting and useful book, published in 2022: Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics, edited by Shan Gao, Oxford University Press. I will use it here to answer your questions.

As it happens, biological microenvironments are highly heterogeneous, e.g., composed of various different pharmacological solubility compartments in which various drugs dissolve and bind, one particular compartment appearing conducive to organized quantum effects.

At biological temperatures, microscopic activities in aqueous polar solvent compartments are random and chaotic, and quantum states are generally thought to be extremely short-lived and disorganized. But there are also non-polar, lipid-like, or oil-like “hydrophobic” compartments in the brain and body, based in organic chemistry. These non-polar regions exclude water (“oil and water don’t mix”) and support quantum processes. Organic chemistry derives largely from quantum properties of delocalized pi electron resonance clouds of basic benzene (“phenyl”) hexagonal rings, found in nearly all biomolecules, most drugs and neurotransmitters.

So yes, quantum usually means fuzzy, chaotic, or at least stochastic, though in fact it simply means probabilistic. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to trust a quantum computer, nor would you be able to implement algorithms using a quantum computer.

Now, because of their organizational functions and lattice structure, microtubules have long been proposed to process information relevant to cell functions and cognition. The main idea here is not to use altered states of consciousness but rather to implement crafted states of consciousness. To do this, you can use neuroimplants based on microtubules lattices, carefully designed, thoroughly crafted. And you need to rise the brain up to a crafted state of consciousness for which you use mil'___' and other drugs.

Bear in mind that the common assumption in neuroscience and philosophy is that consciousness is epiphenomenal and illusory, and that free will, at least for real-time events, is impossible. Recall that Orch-OR attributes consciousness to quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons, most specifically within dendrites and soma of layer 5 cortical pyramidal neurons. These quantum computations are orchestrated by microtubules, and entangle, evolve, and terminate by Penrose objective reduction (OR), introducing non-computability and conscious experience. And recall that Penrose used Einstein’s general relativity to link superposition possibilities to alternate curvature separations in underlying space-time geometry, each curvature corresponding to a possible micro-reality and experience.

When you dream you can find yourself in a 3D environment, so it is obvious that the brain can, as it were, simulate a 3D reality, a kind of virtual reality which you then consciously experience in your dreams. Many cognitive neuroscientists suggest that even when we are awake, the brain is constructing a simulation of virtual reality. But unlike during dreams, this awake virtual reality is driven by the senses, and you instinctively take it to be the real world. The idea then is designing ways to get the brain into a crafted state of consciousness (CSC) which allows for consciousness events to be tamed and synched to an external dreamer such that you both could share your consciousness and, hence, communicate, even if you are light years away from each other, or even if you live in different universes.

If your partner were human, everything would work alright. But if your partner in the other universe, or in the other end of your own universe, were, say, an alien jellyfish, sharing consciousness would be a brutal, terminal experience. To share your mind with, say, a lichen, would have the same terrible effects (for both of you). But at least you could get valuable information, at the price of losing your mind.

(in a clearly unethical society you would be used as just a tool to communicate with other non-human beings; you'd die during the experience, but it happens there are billions of humans to replace you; that would be a society in which humans are deemed expendable.)

NB: as to whether there is any group doing practical research on this field the answer is yes. As to whether XViS research is public, the answer is no. Nobody would dare giving that knowledge to humans for reasons I'm sure you pretty well understand.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: sapien82

no thoughts on the ECS though?

See my reply above. ECS is not the system to craft, but the system used to craft the state of consciousness.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger

This made them posit their theory called Orchestrated objective reduction, which essentially calls for quantum mechanics playing an essential role in the understanding of human consciousness. Mr. Penrose states that those microtubules within neurons support quantum superpositions, which turns the brain into a non-algorithmic machine.

But this also means the brain is a time travel machine if finely tuned. How to use dee-em-tee to perform this tuning is what's left to be done. Unless someone, somewhere, has already found how to do it...

Too late they already did it and they just killed Neo... What's with the obsession with the time travel machine? you're sus! Are you a Terminator? Not to mention we already at the age of humans vs machine.
edit on 25-2-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: Direne

One of my friends always reminds me of his experience when ingesting the mushrooms
he said that he was underground in dirt , he could taste the earth /soil and it was cold and damp and there were tree roots he says it was if the mushroom was showing him what it was like to be a part of a mycelial network

so it must be possible to be able to share your mind with a non human intelligence and come out unscathed from the process.

My partner and I have also felt such experience in shared consciousness when we were both exploring the mushroom there is no other way to explain what actually happened than we were in the same mind and we were experiencing a union I was her and she was me type of deal.

I asked the AI chat bot the other day if the ECS was a defense mechanism against invasive fungal attack and it didnt answer me at all "error" was the result.
happy to answer me about the ECS but not if it was a defense against fungal attack.
Found that pretty odd.

I wondered about that line from your previous blog posts on time travel

"time travel requires personal identity: he who arrives must be the same person who departed."

is that why jesus said know thy self
know your soul through meditation so that we can time travel as your soul surely wont change over millions of incarnations in a simulation the ECS protects our DNA from too much drift and keeps the identity of the soul intact
you meditate and raise your consciousness to prevent having enemies so that one day we can figure out how to time travel , you know yourself so well that no matter what your external appearance maybe you always know its you so as not to freak yourself out.

so my tasks are , transcendental meditation to know thy self , and then figure out how to communicate with non human species , and have no enemies so that i can be a peaceful being to be able to communicate with anything non human with no fear.

We live in an unethical society where we sacrifice humans all the time for profit.
Is it any wonder millions of humans go missing every year , probably sacrificed for this research.

reminds me of the emperor of man from Warhammer40K where millions of psychic humans are sacrificed to preserve the emperor of man so that he can keep the forces of chaos at bay and the xenos from attacking earth.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 04:31 AM
In other news I had a fun time asking AI "midjourney" and "Blue Willow" to render me images of " Giselian making contact with humans"

how did it know what to render if the training material doesnt exist
pretty interesting

I also asked " denebian probe landing in Rendlesham forest to warn humans they are in a simulation but being destroyed by the giselians"
One thing that stood out to me is AI seems to think Giselians are very large in stature compared to humans and they also appear to be part biological part machine
edit on 25-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: sapien82

I have done this too on MJ. The Giselians looked like aethereal beings on a foreign planet. And they're definitely larger than humans I presume.

I also tried the Queltron Machine. It looked like somewhat of a military communication radio system.
I haven't managed to post them since I didn't know how upload works on ATS (the link apparently broken)
and my phone got broke it's where I saved all my AI-generated images.

But can you tell if these ones are real women?

except for this one. The hands gave it away. They have similarities on their faces, but their bod varies.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Direne

Yea, lots of implications there, such as manipulating / implanting artificial microtubules.

But I think the bigger question is, once the parasite is cleared, and endogenous dee-em-tee begins its natural production / flow throughout the organs, what kind of powers will the individual be able to access? Time travel could just be one, and most likely not in the ways we've been conditioned to believe.
edit on 2/25/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

All of them. Multiple universes communicate weakly through things called interference and superposition. Superposition takes places in the microtubules of the brain. The brain is where human consciousness emerges. But superposition effects last for a short period of time, so we need to tweak the microtubules. The communication with other universes is done through quantum bridges, and the communication is weak, as I said, especially in cases where the subjects are not tightly connected to the rest of the world. Which is why the cat in the Schrödinger Paradox experiment is placed in a sealed room.

So there you are, inside a sensory deprivation tank, with a neuroimplant, communicating with your neighbors in the parallel world. You have one parallel world behind you, at 10 to the -43 seconds from you back in time, and another one in front of you ahead in time 10 to the -43 seconds. The Planck's Time. And you can experience any of those worlds for just a Planck's time, were not because you have a neuroimplant, which allows you to extend that time allowing us to gather data for 400 ms. You just experience flashes of images and sounds.

You then need to recover from the experience, in case your mental health is not seriously compromised beyond repair. But you have served a good purpose: thanks to you, we now have data about the other parallel worlds, and so do them about ours. The procedure is done by getting you to a dream state because, you see, that's the only way you can withstand the visions. That's why we call you a dreamer. Machines do not dream, that's why it is absolutely required to use biosystems as dreamers.

And biosystems capable of dreaming are scarce. That's why they came to Sol-3. That's all they want from you.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Direne

I can't deny the theories you bring forth as I lack the scientific understanding. But i know what sleep deprivation can do to an already weak mind, so I consider this a rather nasty move...

That's all they want from you.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I think that it would be as the creators themselves
I think this goes back to the Mayan creation myth I posted earlier
that we can see all and understand all nothing escapes our sight

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: boozo

I know those arent real women as a real women in todays world would have made you pay for those images in some form or fashion .
Im not saying all women are like this but the ones willing to take pictures of themselves and post it online.
Although saying that , those could just as easily be men from third world countries using AI to turn them into attractive women to sell their pictures to men in the west.

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