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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: fireslinger
with a neuroimplant

Are these placed using trepanation and kinetics?

That is to say this is not a wired system like neuralink as most people would envision, but very small implants literally shot into the correct locations? The term may be pneumatic injection.

posted on Feb, 25 2023 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Terpene

I agree, but bear in mind they are not deprived from sleeping. They are in a dream-state, induced by the drugs. This is the correct use of synthetic dreams.

a reply to: Ksihkehe

Yes, that's correct. The neuroimplants are nanoimplants (actually, femtoimplants). However, they cannot cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) so you cannot administer them via injection into the blood flow. They must be shot into the brain, at precise locations. Femtoimpants are not manufactured. They are grown. Hence the rice fields.

We are not talking here about communicating with intelligent beings from your own universe (let's call them Type 1 Aliens), but about communicating with intelligent beings from parallel universes (let's call them Type 2 Aliens).

Type 1 aliens are nothing more than classic aliens who, as strange as they may seem, have evolved following exactly the same rules as humans. Type 2 aliens, on the other hand, are entities that have developed according to very different rules, in a very different universe.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Direne

yeah, you don't even really know them. do you?

That's actually risky.

How would you know it isn't actually demons you're communicating? Just cause they're intelligent doesn't mean they're good.
And just because we can communicate doesn't mean we should. These must be the cause our world is completely going bonkers. Scientists are even a lot madder to even communicate with beings that are completely alien to ours.

Doctor Strange: Dormammu, I came to bargain.

Dormammu: I came to destroy your world.

Goodluck with your research.

Fate loves Irony.

Perhaps you intend it to be. Suit yourself.

edit on 26-2-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Terpene

I agree, but bear in mind they are not deprived from sleeping. They are in a dream-state, induced by the drugs. This is the correct use of synthetic dreams.

a reply to: Ksihkehe

Yes, that's correct. The neuroimplants are nanoimplants (actually, femtoimplants). However, they cannot cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB) so you cannot administer them via injection into the blood flow. They must be shot into the brain, at precise locations. Femtoimpants are not manufactured. They are grown. Hence the rice fields.

We are not talking here about communicating with intelligent beings from your own universe (let's call them Type 1 Aliens), but about communicating with intelligent beings from parallel universes (let's call them Type 2 Aliens).

Type 1 aliens are nothing more than classic aliens who, as strange as they may seem, have evolved following exactly the same rules as humans. Type 2 aliens, on the other hand, are entities that have developed according to very different rules, in a very different universe.

I'm guessing an uneven number of implants. One always being located in or near the thalamus to meditate between the hemispheres, then every other implant has a corresponding implant in the other hemisphere. ELF waves for the fine-tuning maybe.

I don't understand XViS being involved unless it's rendering output and handling storage. It doesn't make sense to use it to project a simulation to a person that has the implants if you're expecting them to be getting data you're trying to receive. So XViS is powerful enough to model the incoming for rendering visual display and storage, so it's not dependent on human memory of the event? Essentially 400ms is slightly beneath expected human reaction time, gone before they realize they're seeing it. Unless the 400ms were perceptually longer to the dreamer if would seem capture through XViS is the only way to ensure accuracy.

Quantum tunneling exceeds my current knowledge. I'll have to figure that out.

That doesn't bsem to fully explain how you are making macro projections about events 1,000 years out in this universe though.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 04:33 AM
G'day G'day . . . been a while . . . still following along here, ATS login issues aside.

From experience, I would agree with you Sapien82, one can 'contact' very different consciousnesses without harm to either side. From my own perspective, one needs a strong sense of the self, the 'me' and the 'you' - separateness wins here over 'oneness'.

I would wonder at the protocol being used, and the intentions behind the protocol. I guess whoever works out the comms link protocol first; wins. Of course many folks would probably want to eradicate the competition . . . . ; )

A mutual agreement of 'no harm shall pass between us' is my own suggestion.


I wonder Direne, when names are asigned, what makes a Giselian a Giselian? A Denebian a Denebian?

"human thinking is constrained by human cultural transmission modes, and therefore it is the goal of Giselians to always modulate and/or control those transmission modes. Denebian probes, on the other hand, are there to challenge those transmission modes and to make humans reflect on their nature and origin. In a way, Denebian probes seem to behave like a coalition of peripheral systems challenging the power of the Giselian order.

Source: FL . . .

How would one know if what one meets is actually a Giselian Being?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I guess names are just a code agreed upon among equals to describe a common reality. I mean, the term Giselian is used to refer to entities that have specific characteristics that they do not share with other entities, in the same way that we talk about "dolphins" or "ferns". Unless you mean why they are called "Giselian" and the objects and signs "Denebian". If you are referring to that the answer is that those we call Giselians manifested, for the first time, in a place near a village called Gisel (or Qisel) in the Gilan region of Iran.

The term "Denebian" refers to intelligent objects orbiting at points in space located in the region in the direction of the star Deneb Algedi. By extension, we call the civilization that manufactured these objects "Denebians", without this meaning at all that they come from Deneb Algedi.

But if your question is rather metaphysical, i.e., what is really definitively Giselian in a given phenomenon, that would be as much as asking what it means for something to be "human". I would say that anthropologists differentiate an object as human, and not, for example, as Neanderthal, on the basis of certain characteristics. I always prefer to use a more restrictive criterion: if an object or phenomenon can be made, manufactured or caused by humans, then for me it is human, no matter how extraterrestrial it may seem.

Can humans make trees? No, they can't. That's why trees, for example, are not human. Can humans make flying objects that hover over a cornfield, silent and triangular in shape? Yes, they can, therefore the object is, from the outset, human. Can humans enter the dreams of another human and communicate with him and meet for the next day in a coffee shop? No, they can't. Then it's Giselian.

Well, these are simple examples, I know, but I don't know how to explain it better, really.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

XViS is just a deprivation tunnel, a long corridor in whose walls there are devices that create a pulsating electromagnetic field. That field causes neurons in the brain to synchronize and fire nerve signals, pulsing coherently. It does this for a short period of time, so as not to cause neurological damage.

The captures are done in exactly 399 ms because it takes the human brain exactly 400 ms to form an idea from what it sees, and since we don't know if what it is going to see is harmful and damaging to the human, we limit the capture to just one millisecond before its brain can form a concept of what it has experienced.

The brain cannot form an image of what it has seen in 399 ms, but it has 1 ms (actually, about 2 ms) to "forget" what it has seen, so we have about 1 ms to capture those nerve impulses before they disappear. With successive captures we can then reconstruct the image of what that brain has experienced and thus get information from the other side.

The experience, unfortunately, is not pleasant for the human. His or her memory may be fragmented and the brain may suffer neurological damage that manifests itself some time after the experience.

No other mammals or other animals can be used, except octopuses, because all other animals are refractory to any object that is not directly of biological interest to them, which is not the case with humans who happily interact with objects even though they are aware that it may cause their death. Precisely that, and not language or tool making, is what separates humans from other beings.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:17 PM
[just jumping from the original post to way over here]

67*31'16.2012" N
139*26'48.5016" E

"Every person who... chooses the service of God as his life's work has something in common. I don't care if you're a preacher, a priest, a nun, a rabbi or a Buddhist monk. Many, many times during your life you will look at your reflection in a mirror and ask yourself: am I a fool? I'm not going through a lapse; what I've experienced is closer to awakening."

edit on 2272323 by BeNotAfraid because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Direne

I wonder sometimes about the words FL uses to name things. It is important to know if it is a metaphysical notion, or a name for a Being.

So too with 'probe'. I wonder sometimes about FL's definition. We are used to thinking of a probe as an autonyous machine. A pocket of 'other universe' existing within our's would also fit the description.

Can humans enter the dreams of another human and communicate with him and meet for the next day in a coffee shop? No, they can't. Then it's Giselian.

That is interesting. I would maintain that a human can create a dreamscape and then meet the person next day. If a human cannot do that in fact, then it would be a Giselian trait.

One can do it though. An individual can create a dreamscape, and then another Being can become co-creator, set mutally agreed rules (mutually agreed physics?) and then communicate within that dreamscape.

"No harm shall come between us" would become an agreed "law of physics" within the dreamscape. It just means the two parties would not be able to harm each other within the dreamscape.

That is based on the assumption that both parties can be damaged - a common ground as a basis of communication. That, by extension, brings the posibility of healing if one party is damaged to begin with.

However if a Giselian trait, then humans are part Giselian?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Direne

I'm going to see if I can independently source the various works included by Shan Gao, but it looks like it may not be possible. The portion you cited before was pretty close to another description by Hameroff and Penrose in a collection I already have, but I had to double-check. The most recent thing I read on how the quantum effect was possible at biological temperatures involved water structuring, maybe that's related to the hexagonal organic structures you mentioned.

So the XViS discussed by FL is totally different than the XVis used for modeling by Department of Energy research and found in some other research documents? I noticed the different capitalization, but thought it may have been incidental. The way you get and store readings from the implants is some other undisclosed system?

It also sounds like the 400ms is based on biological limitations. The extension beyond the Plank's Time, if humans were more resilient, may not be limited to 400ms by any fault of the implants? The human is the weakest link, but also cannot be removed from the process. Can their brains be modified or genetically engineered around that? Are there genetic mutations occuring naturally that change this?

Would the same limitation apply to observing things not in a parallel universe, merely at other places/times within this one?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

It is indeed a biological limitation, but only because it is desired to use the human brain for purposes for which it was not designed. All biological systems are designed to adapt as best they can to their environment, and the way one perceives reality is dictated by the neural configuration or sensors at one's disposal.

A cat can only experience what its cat brain can process. Nothing else. The same is true for humans. Both perceive only partial aspects of the same reality, those that are essential for their survival.

When universes are created they are created by pulses. Each pulse lasts exactly the Planck time. This causes successive universes to be separated from each other by ten to the minus 43 seconds. The properties and configurations of such universes may vary, making it impossible for beings from one to survive in a different one, or they may be compatible with your biology, but not with your mental space.

Each universe is separated from the others by that space-time barrier, which means that they are casually disconnected from each other. What happens in one universe will not affect the others at all. It is possible to exchange information between two universes by means of virtual particles, but on one condition: the lifetime of these particles, once materialized in the other universe, must be less than ten to the minus forty-three seconds. The eta particle, which has the shortest lifetime in your universe, only exists for ten to the minus 19 seconds. Intermediate bosons even last just ten to the minus 25 seconds. This gives you an idea of how short a lapse of time Planck's Time is and how effective the detachment between two neighboring universes is.

Perhaps you think it would be better to forget about parallel universes and focus on the universe we live in. Perhaps it would be better to try to communicate instantaneously with intelligent beings within our own universe and thus escape the limitations of inter-universe communications. But in that case, you would give up looking for a way to escape from one collapsing universe and jump to another, and you would have to be content with studying only one of the billions of existing universes: yours. However, sooner or later the question of how to escape the collapse of the universe will be posed to you and for your civilization it will be a transcendental existential question.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Direne

Are the pulsed universes computation cycles, for a parent civilization / super-organism?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

According to bit-string physics, that's indeed the case. In bit-string theory space-time is discrete, hence time and space are discrete. You happen to live in one of the squares that define a universe, surrounded by other squares in each of which there is a universe. It is as if you were living in a chessboard, occupying a specific square. The separation between two contiguous squares is just Planck's distance. To jump from one square to the next you would need Planck's energy, and doing it within Planck's time, something you could do if you were a creator of universes, or a space-time engineer. It is as if universes were just computation cycles. Whether the entire chessboard is a design by a Creator or just a designoid is an open question.

Bit-string physics shows the universe are really simple, discrete, algorithmic systems which can be easily created by a computer, albeit a special computer.

Other researchers dismiss the theory by stating bit-string physics is just numerology.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:46 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ksihkehe
Each universe is separated from the others by that space-time barrier, which means that they are casually disconnected from each other. What happens in one universe will not affect the others at all. It is possible to exchange information between two universes by means of virtual particles, but on one condition: the lifetime of these particles, once materialized in the other universe, must be less than ten to the minus forty-three seconds. The eta particle, which has the shortest lifetime in your universe, only exists for ten to the minus 19 seconds. Intermediate bosons even last just ten to the minus 25 seconds. This gives you an idea of how short a lapse of time Planck's Time is and how effective the detachment between two neighboring universes is.

This is interesting. So do the implants increase the persistence of these virtual (dream?) particles so that you have enough time to capture a single picture or are you capturing a series of pictures for that entire 390ms? Is it increasing duration of exposure the brain has to being bombarded by them? If it was a movie I'd ask are they seeing a single frame for 390ms or a running clip?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

A human is an extremely slow biosystem when it comes to processing information. Very slow. Imagine a human looking at a table with an apple on it, but only for 300 ms. The human would only see an empty table. Imagine placing ten objects, in succession, but only for 4 milliseconds at a time. The human would still see an empty table.

Imagine placing a sryd, for 450 milliseconds, and then making it disappear. The human would be briefly confused, and then still see an empty table; in this case the brain has had time to try to represent an image of the object, but since it has never seen a sryd before, it simply cannot generate an image of the object. Even worse: when the human brain perceives an object that is new and strange, diffuse and changing, it tries to represent it by filling in the missing parts, the hidden details, and creates an illusory image of the object.

Now imagine that we fill the room with highly oxygenated water and some other additives (trehalose, etc.). In this way we can slow down the trajectory of the photons going from the object to the human pupil. In addition, the human is administered a certain drug that slows down the conversion of photons into nerve signals. Now, at least, the human can capture the image of the fleeting object we have placed on the table: a sryd.

But we need him to describe it to us and here, precisely, lies another serious problem: the human can only translate the description of the object using language, an inefficient language to describe things that are unknown to him. We could record the nerve impulses and reconstruct them in a computer to obtain the image of the object, without using the human brain. We would only need its pupil and nerve endings. But this would involve a surgical operation and connecting it to the computer. In the end we would have something like a cyborg, a half-human, half-computer entity, and we ourselves would have become cruel and despicable beings. In a war the experiment would be tolerated because in a war one becomes dehumanized and dehumanizing.

Unfortunately it is not possible to use only electronic devices to capture the data that needs to be captured. You need a conscious observer, a brain. That is probably the whole sadness and misery of quantum mechanics: that it mechanizes the biological. And annihilates it. Yes, XViS is a wonderful machine. But in the end it's just a madness factory. Stay away from that machine, no matter how far it might take you into the other side. If there are gatekeepers and gates, it's for a very good reason.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Direne

We could record the nerve impulses and reconstruct them in a computer to obtain the image of the object, without using the human brain.

I was reading this and thought how odd we can Mimik the brain but not the sensory Input organ.

Wasn't technology about to Mimik sensory organs pretty well?
which brought up the same horrible imagery when thinking about how to achieve those feats...

Unfortunately........ You need a conscious observer, a brain.

But do you need eyes?

XViS is a wonderful machine. But in the end it's just a madness factory. Stay away from that machine, no matter how far it might take you into the other side. If there are gatekeepers and gates, it's for a very good reason.

And just like that, Direne has everyone looking for XViS... Great application of reverse psychology. You wouldn't happen to work in the human resources department.

edit on 28-2-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: Terpene

ive looked up Xvis so many times

I cant help but wonder how many of the missing persons are used sorry sacrificed to xvis as lab rats
or why they havent just started cloning people.

All for what exactly immortality ? to communicate with another universe ?
to escape heat death?

no matter what it always boils down to authority of some group manipulating another for their own ends
whilst others suffer.

simulation or no , always some asshole ruining it for everyone else

unless you are a denebian and have no enemies and are happy just to end your hyper civ because you cant escape heat death

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Even worse: when the human brain perceives an object that is new and strange, diffuse and changing, it tries to represent it by filling in the missing parts, the hidden details, and creates an illusory image of the object.

Those perceptual voids get filled by some deep algorithm I couldn't venture to explain, buried in our heads. It's like a quantum Ganzfeld effect?

As described you do not simply interpret the abstract picture they paint for you, but you also have to excise the fabrications of the artist's mind that come with it. No amount of implants or connections would circumvent that limitation without fundamentally changing them into something not human. So it's an impossibly slow download with no coherent structure to the incoming stream.

Does the perception adapt over the tenure of a project participant or are adaptations to it appearing spontaneously in the population? Does the picture ever improve in quality?

Stay away from that machine, no matter how far it might take you into the other side. If there are gatekeepers and gates, it's for a very good reason.

I have no aspirations to engage the machine. Damaging yourself for tiny glimpses you can't really understand seems frustrating, but people are strange.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 05:48 AM
so what damage is it doing to the aliens peering into our universe?

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 08:28 AM
Just my own thoughts . . .

Unfortunately it is not possible to use only electronic devices to capture the data that needs to be captured. You need a conscious observer, a brain. That is probably the whole sadness and misery of quantum mechanics: that it mechanizes the biological. And annihilates it. Yes, XViS is a wonderful machine. But in the end it's just a madness factory. Stay away from that machine, no matter how far it might take you into the other side. If there are gatekeepers and gates, it's for a very good reason.

So to crack the 'quantum code' one must become the vivisectionist, and use the slice dice and splice approach to creating living machines.

I notice science stays away from the question of life after death. Because science cannot find out? Or perhaps because science does not want to find out?

To discover that the incinerator doesn't mean the end of consciousness and intellegence would create quite the moral/ethical delema where science would have to stop experimentation on living things. Science would also not be able to build the hybrid organic machine. At least not publically.

Why? Because the trauma would still be there after death. So would be the memories . . .

In another thread it was suggested that the future AIs suffered from the mental ills of man. Too perfect? Or perhaps the incorporation of living parts?

I once wrote here on ATS a verse:

If the ancients discovered the secrets of life and created living machines, where do the machines go when they die?

Discovering the answer to that simple question is to find a world of humanity's dirty laundry. Science's dirty laundry? No matter, they do not care about titles.

A world of violence, hatred, and feelings of revenge. And strangely enough, to me anyway; feelings of hurt and abandonment.

When the quantum code is cracked, and the people step into the 'entanglement' (I know no other word), they leave behind the living machines who got them there. To be abandoned is a terrible thing to do to someone.

So what are 'aliens'? So what are 'Giselians'?

Might they be living machines abandoned in the past? - I think they are, the extreme violence in the creature with long sharp teeth I mentioned a few months ago here in this thread is familiar. The softening of it's attitude when it knows one understands that perhaps there is reason for the violence and hatred for the human (me included) in the encounter.

I wonder if it really is a collapsing universe that humanity must escape from. Perhaps it is the consequence of the vivisection used to crack the quantum code.

So did a humanity of the past shift to another universe? - I doubt it. Another time perhaps.

Another time say 2,600 years into the future to be out of reach of the living machines' revenge is my guess.

Time travelers from the future? Why not? Though I think they are originally from our past.

Linear time is an odd thing to ponder. We naturally think the past shapes the future - cause and effect. Yet time is like water; time flows from the future into the present and into the past. Outward from planet earth so say some passages over on FL. I think so too; planetary time.

The Waters Of Time.

So what is the point of time travel? To travel to the past in order to change the present? That begats a plethora of time-lines according to science fiction.

If there were a point to time travel, sight seeing aside, it would be to survive a looming disaster, an extinction perhaps - say the revenge of the machines. Though one would not go to the past to right a wrong, one would go to the future.

The Waters Of Time.

Where ever one is in the flow of time, like the flow of a river one can change what happens downstream. Build a dam, poison the water, regulate the flow. To be upstream is the key to changing everything.

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