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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: Direne

Humans has a dark side alright, no argument from me there.

The question remains: why interfere here?

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Direne

Humans has a dark side alright, no argument from me there.

The question remains: why interfere here?


When the errors are systematic enough, algorithmic control fails on its own terms. Our business is to create massive amounts of systematic errors, that's what we do here. We create an error in a Chinese lab for a virus to be released, or we create errors in some SCADA system to cause an accident in the transportation system, or to cause a power outage in a main city, or to shatter the ground below your feet for you to fall... Oh, sorry. I'm rambling. What was the question again?

FL on SV17q

Whatever their motivation it seems SV17q are accelerationists acting on behalf of entropy. There are other posts where their role is less clear, but they are one of the groups most often mentioned. There are two ways to look at it. You could look at it as causing the destruction of human systems simply to destroy them, but you could also consider it stress testing to ensure flawed systems do not persist. The end result is the same, independent of motivation and ignoring personal ethics. A resilient and successful system should be able to absorb these kinds of targeted attacks. If the system can't, then it's doomed to fail eventually or ultimately succumb to the influence of this group.

Knowing their "why" may paint your disposition toward them, but I don't think it would shed much light. Either the system we have will work or it won't. SV17q seems to understand the butterfly effect isn't a silly trope, but an incredibly oversimplified explanation of how things work in a shifting field of probabilities.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

The question of "Who?", I have no real idea.

All I can say is I have been aware of the(ir?) existence for years.

When that happened I always asked; "Why do you interfere in this world?"

Always silence until one day an answer; "Because we can."

Other than that, I have not a clue.



Knowing their "why" may paint your disposition toward them, but I don't think it would shed much light. Either the system we have will work or it won't. SV17q seems to understand the butterfly effect isn't a silly trope, but an incredibly oversimplified explanation of how things work in a shifting field of probabilities.

Yeah, mindboggling.

"Knowing their "why" may paint your disposition toward them," - an interesting way to look at 'positions'.

"caught in the middle" has been how I have viewed it in the past. However, I now that understanding the position of "doing nothing" is a sure way to meet one's "entropy". The 'map of time' wasn't my idea to go chasing, that kinda fell into my lap. So too Lilith's prism. Interestingly both are prisms, and that is how they are used.

The map of time is the simple view. Lots of ways the streams entwine I guess. My interest was in visiting the Tuatha de Danann, so maybe the simple thing was for the Tuatha to put a map where I would find it. Kinda like Lilith's prism.

I know Persephone of ancient Greek fame loves CERN. I saw her watching the CERN egregore. She spends a lot of time there watching the way the ideas develop. The disparity in knowledge between Persephone and the physicists of CERN is huge. One can tell by watching Persephone. She had the smile of a proud mother who's child had graduated from scibbling by drawing it's first stick-figure. A long way to go for CERN to become a 'Rembrandt'.

Hades has a soft spot for human children who died too soon. They helped there by giving me a place to grow The Garden of Sorrow and Regret for the orphaned dead kids (culls) who can then go play the Flields of Flowers.

Of the three primary streams I drew in the diagram of the map, they are basic realms I guess one could say. Another guess is they should not be, or in the past were not, separatly defined as I depicted. Here I am reminded of the story of a girl named Pandora opening a jar . . .

The realm of "gods" (for want of a better name) are those "gods" who work (exist?) in linear time.

The realm of the "fae" (for want of a better name) include the faires, Tuatha De Danann, and who knows what else. The Underworlds in the mythologies of more than just the Celts included here. Those places should not be dark and gloomy.

That leaves the central seven time streams as including the human time stream(s?), along with I have no idea what else. Maybe more human time-streams. I think of this one as "the mud pit". My educated guess is SV*** and more exist and/or are working here in the mud pit.

I am reminded of the last words of Hassan-i Sabbah.

'Nothing is Forbidden, Everything is Permitted'

Perhaps it has always been this way . . .

edit on 7-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added ETA and for neatness

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

my suggestion is SV17q is a machine mind, yet also organic. Keeping in mind that organics do not live long, the machine would want to aquire relacement organics on a regular basis.


ETA: and it might just go away.

edit on 8-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 09:19 AM
Thanks Ksihkehe for sharing that SV17q post, missed that one. There are some other interesting FL posts recently as well, regarding PSVs and systems theory:

I think we’re all a bit fuzzy on SV17q / PSV, so hopefully Direne can elaborate. But here’s my working theory…

SV (special vehicles) are a top tier class of PSV, engineered by our black projects, to disrupt in two ways: the phenomenon, and the general population. The phenomenon is complex, as we keep learning, and the gap of knowledge / understanding around it is so vast, that mimicry becomes a solution.

As I see it, SVs are advanced AIs, and each SV has a team of humans around it. Perhaps the SVs were reverse engineered from non-terrestrial tech. But regardless, it’s all to shift perception on their terms, a mass manipulation. There’s no way to disclose the raw truth to the public, so controlling the narrative is the only way they see how. In my opinion, our deep state / globalists networks are taking orders from SVs, whether they know it or not. All this top-down centralization / ‘smart’ sensor network infrastructure is coming from somewhere, and it’s not human. The fact that they can disguise themselves as natural phenomena also ties into the climate agenda farce.

This serves to confuse both the public, and the ET races which are communicating through probes. In a nutshell, they’re adding additional noise, to an already noisy environment, making it impossible to know the truth.

I don’t agree with the tactic at all. The current disaster that we call our world is a direct reflection of it. But just some ruminations, that hopefully Direne can clarify. I’m glad we’re discussing this, because it does seem like the heart of everything, which ironically lacks having a heart at all.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I don't know what the connection may be between SV17q and PSVs. PSVs are reference as Paradigm Shifting Vehicles in one post. Other posts reference using an integration with the pilot. Similar to what Direne discussed about recording detailed data from a parallel universe by wiring the brain and optic nerves, the method would make them not human as we understand it. I don't know how far that progressed. The PSVs seem to have some degree of control over MilOrbs, which are referenced in other posts as being a plasma of some kind or a captured wave.

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Ksihkehe

my suggestion is SV17q is a machine mind, yet also organic. Keeping in mind that organics do not live long, the machine would want to aquire relacement organics on a regular basis.

ETA: and it might just go away.

No idea what it is, only what they've disclosed about what they do.

I have often wondered about silent parties disrupting the trajectory of humanity on a large scale, but below the threshold of detection. I imagine it's more like hijacking the plotter on a 3d printer than steering a rocket though. Obviously this is done overtly all the time with people and systems modifying your behavior and outcomes. There can be slight deviations over time allowing for radical downstream changes to the outcomes though, seemingly unconnected.

My perception is that, depending on how much you know of the current state, you can modify events with things that do not seem directly causally linked. Extant strands that have already passed the event horizon of "now" can sometimes be negated. Future strands can be diverted. I think of the flow of time less like the canopy of a tree and more like the root system of a forest. They spread and grow, they rejoin and create unions, and underneath that they're all still connected by mycorrhizaal networks.

A web of connections, but not of uniform significance. A tangled net of dissimilar strands, balled up, thrown into a mold form, which is then filled with opaque Jello. Oh, and it's traveling past you in a constant stream at the speed of light. It's complicated, with fleeting windows of opportunity. It all comes down to knowing as much as possible about the current state and the probabilistic properties of the compenent parts. It very rapidly exceeds the computational power of the conscious human mind. I think it probably challenges even the deeper quantum capability of humans. Of course, this is limited to my imperfect understanding. I can only sense it through a yet to be quantified perceptual tool. I can't see it, hear it, or touch it. I can just "feel" it. It's nebulous, surreal, and defies language.

Their methods for reading this tangled web are unknown. Might it be an organic machine hybrid intelligence directing them to the important nodes? Maybe. It would seem to me that it would require far more quantum machine capability than is publicly known. The XVis system of processing (based on the DoE technical report rather than the one FL discusses), if equipped with quantum capability, may be a way to achieve that. To me it is still unclear if the XViS discussed by FL is built on the same XVis referenced by other sources. XVis seems like a proprietary system to me, the hardware rather than the application. Is it used for calculating complex probabilities in time by SV17q? Is it the system that long range predictions referenced by FL are coming from? It would seem to have the ability to model that level of complexity if quantum processing is involved, even if only in limited subsets of the total data stream.

I would say the wisest path is to simply avoid ending up in SV17q's chosen spheres of influence. I will just continue to observe hoping that there is a shared expectation of non-interference. I lack the resources and, more importantly, the will to interfere. If their goal is to excise flaws in the systems over the long term, then all the more power to them. If their goals are nefarious then it's not my battle to fight, but an incidental circumstance through which I have to endure.

I think we are probably on the cusp of where further information is -DENIED-.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Just my thoughts: We can easily get overcome with complexity, or we can just go with the bite sized bits we can understand.

Direne uses computer terms and talks in that fashion. So it reads like digital information systems.

I see things organically, so I describe in organic terms what I 'see/encounter' there in the void where space scientists are allegedly not allowed to look. The "DENIED" part of the sky, along with what is there. Just my view of "denied".

What I saw was a recognisable organic organ. Just the bit I needed to understand the system and what it is up to. It isn't rocket science.

That it is also machine just means it is a hybrid system. It is easy to understand that any organic system lives and dies and needs nourishment.

What Direne says about machines not able to dream as organics can says a great deal. Especially when it comes to working out the hybrid's motivation and why it is there.

Maybe I am looking at some critter that is not SV17g.

One should keep in mind the principal of working through proxies, as a possibility.

Quantum entanglement is just networking when put in practical make use of lay terms. At least there are paths and nodes in there one can travel on like roads. Not all entanglement is connected by the way. Maybe one can say: separate systems like towns on a road network.

Time, same. I just treat it like a map. I am at point A, and want to get to point B. Who cares about the rest of the alphabet.

But really, unless we have a real giselian in front of us for show and tell, we will never be sure we are talking about the same thing.

edit on 8-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Stupid phone

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Hmmm, I could be misunderstanding, might have to go back to the drawing board when I have the bandwidth.

I feel that FL is very hush hush about the nature of SV17q.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 09:24 PM
FL could simply not mention SV* at all. I would suggest mentioning SV* is tactical.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

You think it's some sort of misdirection?

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

I dunno, just seems odd FL just hints at things in English between paragraphs of other languages. Why do that?

FL could just use an extinct language no one else knows amongst themselves. Or disappear for that matter.

So the English paragraphs are intentionally for public consumption.

Only FL would know why.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yea, I caught that as well. Great way to passively emphasize something, and build a perception around the post.

Could be done for good, to help us understand, or as you're hinting, for a disinfo intent.

I like to give the benefit of the doubt, but good point, it is strange.

posted on Mar, 8 2023 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yeah, and an odd thing. And like you say; always good to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they're dropping hints with an altruistic outcome in mind. The unknown paragraphs certainly lend emphasis to the English.

The focus seems to weigh towards finding a technological solution to an immanent and recurring threat.

I guess they have a lot of very old books that tell them a history and truths that contradicts the modern 'reality' most folks think of. That would put FL in a difficult position.

FL generally keeps away from almost everything organic, except ioccassionally in a detached sciencey fashion I've noticed.

That doesn't mean they are not aware of an organic side to UFOs and superintelligences though.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

what do they know about the leys ?

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: sapien82


Good question.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Aye FL

surely they have some info on them , they most certainly exist and have some energy
they do something they arent just made up

they must have some knowledge of what they are for

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Yeah, but they don't have to make anything public, even if they do know .

That Ewar 5 hour video on history (flat earth part aside) had global mud floods, photos of empty cities, and a loss of technology that put us back to horses and carts.

The idea of the architecture built for energy accumulation and distribution was there too. Maybe a clue. Churches were built on the leys, and in the video narrative the churches and other old buildings housing mercury based accumulators fits with leys.

After watching that video, I was left with a few questions in my mind.

What happened to the people who disappeared.
Where did all that mercury go.

The impression of a global disaster is there, and a huge drop in population (the city folk?)

There is also the impression of a cleansing, the key bits of technology.

So whoever removed the technology probably also cleaned up other evidence. . .

Books for instance.

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 06:11 PM
So FL, know anything useful about the disappearance of the floating cities?

No matter if you don't.

FL. Anything you can tell me about the disappearance of the floating cities?

No matter if you can't.
edit on 10-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: reworded more politely

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 10:06 AM
Wow, this is a heavy hitter. Again, discussing ET disguised as natural phenomena.

Direne, does this all tie into the climate change agenda? John Kerry’s Davos signal that the climate change agenda is ‘almost extraterrestrial’ is beginning to make more sense.

Is there a globalist plan in place, to combat the phenomenon, by geo-engineering our climate?

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 06:52 PM
From fireslinger's link.

"Disguising an attack as a natural phenomenon is simply brilliant. At least it doesn't make us look ridiculous when it comes to recognizing that we can do absolutely nothing against these probes.

I once saw a photograph of ball lightning manefesting over seaside outcrops of basalt rock. One can look at it as an electrical discharge from the thunderstorm above. In the photograph one could plainly see with the physical eye multiple spherical layers and not just one. "Sonic booms"? Maybe.

If we attribute intelligence to what is within the thunderstorm, One can also view act of creating ball lightning as a potential weapon. That idea is derived from the effects of lightning on organic and electrical systems.

However, in this case the ball lightning that existed for only a few seconds has the equivalency of a common organic bodily organ.

Indeed, half the human population of planet earth has one of these.

The organ in question is called a womb.

Growing a "child" on a deserted stretch of coastline is hardly a hostile act.

I guess it is in how one interprets the acts of others.

edit on 11-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Stupid spell checker.

From same link:

“In our opinion, these are systems that follow an exotic, but not totally intractable, logic. The patterns of interaction and collaboration they follow is weakly similar to those we've found in the hadal zone among cetain species in which multiple individuals cooperate to obtain food or to prey. This is in the end a common phenomenon in nature. Our conclusion is that perhaps we should approach these probes as life forms, and not as mere machines.”

edit on 11-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added ETA

"Disguising an attack as a natural phenomenon is simply brilliant." - from first paragraph above.

Are we sure the "attack" was actually intended violence? If not the assumption of "attack" is not all that brilliant in itself . . .

Unless one wants to cultivate the idea of a threat.

edit on 11-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: been in the garden a thunkin' . . .

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