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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Direne

The most successful simulations are those in which consciousness is suppressed

That sucks, but we could maybe use the chemical hammer?

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ksihkehe/sapien82

To deforest an entire jungle just to sell timber, to look the other way when it is put on the table that the standard of living of one part of the planet is at the expense of the misery of others, is this not indifference?

Weeks ago, I closed my Amazon account. There was lots of me telling myself to do it, then having a change of heart and re-ordering a bunch of things. But I finally did it, and honestly, it sucks. Really makes me realize just how spoiled we've all become. Everyone expects the free 2 day, 1 day, same day shipping.

These unrealistic expectations were created. It was kind of a cognitive dissonance for me, hearing all the warehouse horror stories, yet still supporting them, just because it's so convenient. Not only that, it's about time I ditched all their tracking / meta-data collection.

I'm paying more now, as everything is tanking, so that's a negative. And I have to buy more strategically now, like the old days. But I think it's the right path, and I'd like to gradually make more decisions like that.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Direne

we are not all the same in terms of our attitude towards other lifeforms
there are many on planet earth who love and cherish animal, plant and fungal life
many who spend their entire lifes dedicated to their care and preservation

not all humans are indifferent to the suffering of other lifeforms
or other humans. It just so happens that the technological systems we rely have depleted our planets resources and polluted and damaged it to the point of destruction
all for profit but there are millions who oppose these systems
so it would be unwise to tar us all with the same brush.

I am not angry about another species doing this to the sun
just perplexed, confused as to why an advanced species wouldnt have run into the same issues we face
and have not had a similar discussion with a being similar to yourself or an superintelligence
or already ran the simulations that show this.
Im a "one for all and all for one" type of human
id rather we all survive than perish , id happily abandon technology that's destructive to other life if it meant that we all could live in peace and harmony together
after all who really wants to live forever , is there any need to escape a universe and go to a new one, so it appears even advanced hypercivilisations suffer the same ego and self preservation that we do.

surely a superintelligence or hypercivilisation could find an alternative fuel or energy source other than the sun
one that doesnt require the destruction of planets or the complete enclosure of the host star
there must be some other form of energy which we can harness which would allow us to develop technology
at the same time without affecting all lifeforms even ones we cant communicate with.

Why instead of spending all your energy trying to gather more energy
when you can spend time fixing the cognitive gap and make communication with other beings

there must be some way to do it, apparently fungi and trees speak to each other through chemistry
so if two species can communicate in some fashion without technology just by their nature alone
then we must be able to communicate with other beings and if thats the case then we should ask the trees and the bees , the ants the fish and the birds the mushrooms what they think.

Im sure their answer would be simple , stop destroying our home

I remember an old mayan creation story from the popul vuh, mankind could communicate with animals
until we became greedy and then we lost the ability for our crime of greed.
they made us like them and made us too well with divine gifts

..were good people, handsome, with looks of the male kind. Thoughts came into existence and they gazed; their vision came all at once. Perfectly they saw, perfectly they knew everything under the sky, around in the sky, on the earth, everything was seen without any obstruction...As they looked, their knowledge became intense.

Their sight passed through trees, through rocks, through lakes, through seas, through mountains, through plains. This troubles the gods who understand that humans should not have the same gifts as their creators. They confer among themselves, saying, "Aren't they merely `works' and `designs' in their very names? Yet they'll become as great as gods unless they procreate, proliferate at the sowing, the dawning, unless they increase. Let it be this way: now we'll take them apart just a little."

The gods introduce mortality to humanity and: ...changed the nature of their works, their designs, it was enough that the eyes be marred. They were blinded as the face of a mirror is breathed upon. Their vision flickered. Now it was only from close up that they could see what was there with any clarity. And such was the loss of the means of understanding, along with the means of knowing everything.

So maybe we did have this ability but we were punished for our greed
and so we have fallen from grace and our creators punished us, so now we can no longer attain our previous divine gifts
and we are doomed to extinction by our own hands thinking that technology will save us or bring back our divine gifts

edit on 17-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

got me convinced

good bye amazon

always made me question why the worlds richest man chose "amazon" as the name of its company
kind of like a joke on our part
because the amazon probably contains everything humans will ever need
yet instead the things we dont need we buy from amazon and bezos wealth increases
has he lifted a finger to protect the amazon?

well apparently after criticism from staff who they threatened with dismissal Bezos now plans to donate 10 Billion dollars to fight climate change

Bezos donates 10 Billion to fight climate change

Its possible with the largest personal wealth on earth you could single handedly buy out all the logging companies, mining companies and other companies buying up swaths of the amazon , then shut them down and pay the workers and their families and all the tribes to act as forest protectors from poachers and people committing environmental crimes in the amazon.

well if I was bezos with that kind of wealth thats what Id do.

edit on 17-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ksihkehe/sapien82

You both ask interesting questions. And you both show some hostility and anger against a hypothetical species that would exhibit the selfish and indifferent behavior I described.

I think there's probably something being lost to translation or interpretation in what I wrote. I have no reason to feel anger or hostility about a hypothetical and metaphorical scenario. I even suggested that higher orders of intelligence may eventually intentionally excise or outgrow their consciousness and appear totally indifferent. Effectively they would cease to exist as anything we would consider conscious, possibly never even possessing it to begin with.

It doesn't anger me or make me feel hostile. It's merely an observation.

a reply to: Terpene
My cannabinated friend, a PM for you shortly.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:21 PM
You dont happen to have enough spare cash lying around
in order to buy out these companies?

black rock is in the amazon too
we'd need at least 13 trillion for them
and that is way over bezos

13 major companies destroying the amazon

how about a mass change to our way of thinking
instead of paying us to work for companies that make useless material goods
why not pay us all to protect the earth and all life on it instead
employ all humans to save the earth instead of making useless # we dont really need or want.

Direne , Run this simulation
what would happen if someone did buy out all these companies , shut down all the factories etc
but then hired everyone who did work for them to look after the earth and clean it up
and work on the cognitive gap
what is the outcome ?

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Oh I gave up the cannabinoids
so back to dreaming it is

maybe Ill figure out this whole situation when Im dreaming
Ill run the simulations in my dreams and figure out a way to fix all of this

wish me luck and have a nice evening

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: sapien82

That's awesome, you just made my night! Welcome to the world of discount code sites, emulated CC card services, and USPS tracking, haha.

Lots of people out there think that we can't make a difference, yet we're always voting for corporations with our own dollars. Withdrawing our dollars is their Kryptonite right there. And then we're directly helping the smaller corporations that produce the good stuff.

For sure, Bezos is seriously creepy, along with Zuckerberg. They both have this inhuman quality, and I could speculate a lot on that one.
edit on 2/17/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Its possible with the largest personal wealth on earth you could single handedly buy out all the logging companies, mining companies and other companies buying up swaths of the amazon , then shut them down and pay the workers and their families and all the tribes to act as forest protectors from poachers and people committing environmental crimes in the amazon.

If that's what you do, you won't become bezo and his wealth.

Our economic system fosters, and favors certain antisocial traits.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Direne

Contemplated this some more, and your ‘hypothesis’ may be true. There seems to be a species shell game going on, a Russian doll structure. So it makes sense that there are several levels of species above us. And the supposedly more advanced species either feels no empathy for the lesser species, or ignores them completely.

Growing up in my immediate family, the general rule was… if you see a spider, kill it. For years I lived that way, until I began to question why we do that. I started to catch and release them, and became known for that in my family. They probably considered it deviant behavior, until they began to understand as well. They wouldn’t catch and release like me, but at least respected my actions more.

It’s fascinating to me, how people are generally afraid of spiders. I think spiders offer a truth that most are afraid of. I was hiking on '___' once, and was shown these infinite invisible energy strands, interconnecting everything within the forest. But as you mentioned, in our world, it’s all about the left vs right.

If you respect a spider, that spider will respect you. They only act aggressively if you fear them. Rather than attempt to learn their truth, most people squash them.

What I’m trying to articulate is, even if it is a species shell game, civilization paradigms can most likely be changed. It all depends on the consciousness of the civilization. As sapien82 mentioned, you can cultivate an understanding with dogs. My cat and I have a psychic connection of sorts. They are historically psychic beings. We have our own language, and I’m sure many can say the same about their furry companions.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

you know the analogy is comparable

If I am able to rescue a spider from my bath tub as it cant climb against the plastic
then why cant other beings lend a hand to us ?

imagine a huge hand coming from up there to rescue you and out you onto a near by plant
monty python style


but the idea is there
if I am able to take 30 seconds out of my day to save a spider from the bathtub
then surely others can do the same

stop to give a bee some honey water for example

spend my time and money and energy to feed the fox family , magpies , crows, pigeons even the neighbours cats on occasion in my garden. Those are some of the best fed foxes in glasgow.

I think generally humans are given a bad reputation by those who dont care.

Ive noticed the magpies come to our bedroom window in the morning and tap the window and make their noises
because they know that we will fling them some seeds or dry food biscuits we give to the dogs.

I love watching the interactions between them and the hierarchy they follow
the squirrels, magpies and crows and there little games they play hiding their snacks in the grass.
The magpies and crows are a lot craftier than the squirrels they at least attempt to fake the others out by making fake stashes

but i generally think they all get along.

There was one time that the magpies told the foxes there was food in the garden
it was amazing Ive never seen anything like it.

its possible , the cognitive gap may exist but there is some unspoken language of communication between us all

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 12:02 PM
Yes, cats are a good example to illustrate cognition, and why how we relate to other species matters. It is taking cats as an example that one of the most brilliant chapters in contact theory was written, the one dealing on the mechanisms that turn a "Them and Us" situation into a "Them or Us" situation.

Cats, and most non-human species in Sol-3, use cognitive processes that seem to be self-referential and deal mainly with what is advantageous or desired (food, exercise, attention, and the maintenance of routine). What happens when two species meet? Sometimes, without the slightest intent, you do interfere with other lives and so provoke retaliatory strikes. Sometimes the encounter goes without any issues. Most biosystems operate under a hardwired scheme: find food, defend territory, seek a mate.

These are issues you must bear in mind when encountering alien species. Cats posses social awareness that extends to their own kind, to the other animals that enter their territory, and to people. So do humans. But do all species operate under such parameters? In particular, are you to expect aliens to operate under those parameters?

In contact theory all possible outcomes in the encounter between two species are taken into consideration. They go from the Plus-Zero arrangement, in which one party, usually the smaller, benefits, while the other is not affected, up to the Minus-Minus arrangement, in which both parties annihilate each other.

An encounter between, let's say, humans and Denebians is based on symbiosis: the very survival of each party depends upon the other. On the contrary, an encounter with, say, Giselians, is a "Them or Us" situation because they never back off but follow the mandatory paths mapped out by their instincts: find food, defend territory, seek a mate. Confronting them is to die. This is a particular situation, called Zero-Minus, in which you lose, while Giselians remains neutral, gaining no profit except for getting rid of you.

Humans share the planet with an uncountable multitude of other lives, each belonging to one of the three domains and six kingdoms and, though much of the time their relationships are neutral neither impinging on the other’s way of being and moving about in the world, there are ocassions in which humans break that rule and turn themselves into a Giselian-like species. And if it happens that not just life forms are intelligent, but water is, and space-time is, then the situation is even worse because humans are trapped into a cognitive bubble that makes them blind to the fact that not just animals are conscious in this Universe.

Without paying attention to all these issues, without first trying to self-analyze your relationships with home species, setting up SETI programs is, at least, imprudent and unfortunate for your future.

It is not about giving humans a bad name. It is that we are waiting for them to finally make good use of consciousness. You have a soul. Use it.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Direne

It is not about giving humans a bad name. It is that we are waiting for them to finally make good use of consciousness. You have a soul. Use it.

Okay, so in your view, are the examples I provided earlier of beneficial technologies not coming to light, just a human greed / corruption problem? It's hard to understand why any human would want to burn their own species.

The FL work, suppressed scrolls, and your writing here have been telling us that there are third parties on this shared planet. Or as you mentioned, humans are the third parties, basically living in an experiment, run by another species. That's an interference with humanity. It's an issue of humanity being limited.
edit on 2/18/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Direne

how exactly does one use a soul ?

is that what the buddhist and hindus mean when referring to karmic balance
use your soul to do good things be compassionate
is it trancendental meditation?

like you mention here

The Maharishi Effect: What Giselians prisioners taught to R. Avramenko

"That made the difference: Denebian Maharishi Science technologies achieved the desired goal of averting the birth of an enemy, and thus they achieve victory before war.

Giselians simply learnt how to revert the effect, that is: how to induce in their enemies the feeling that they were already defeated, before even trying to defend themselves. That knowledge is what Avramenko was pursuing."

seems like no matter what we do those Giselians are one step ahead and can reverse this affect

it kind of feels like thats how the world is just now , we cant fix anything because it feels overwhelmingly impossible
the sense of defeat has crept in to us all and we cant figure out how to get over it.

but thanks to various people throughout history and even from my home land when the odds are against you , you must keep going.

its our tenacity and belief in a better tomorrow

giselians seem just like us , but have they never practiced the art of compassion
or are they biologically wired to dominate .

Do they lack souls ?

I guess I better start meditating on it and practice this

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I’ve been thinking about this, and how it ties into the example of us leaving Amazon. It’s a realization that our cushy lifestyles are directly making someone else’s not so cushy. Direne alluded to that a couple times, and I have an example of an exchange with a friend.

I brought up Amazon to him, and how it’s affecting people’s lives. In particular, warehouse workers who are running around, collecting items through a series of timers / cameras. Everything is tracked for performance reviews, and it’s this sicking cybernetic system. His response was ‘can they wear cameras, so we can watch the live stream?’ He was obviously joking, but the indifference with how he said it really stuck with me. No consideration for other people’s lives, as long as some perceived needs are being met. I was even in that programming for a while, now I’m starting to change it. Like swimming upstream, as you know.

I think part of Direne’s message is… we humans can’t even bleed for the dancer (let alone the spider), and need to start there.

My point is, we try, but something parasitic has been holding us back.
edit on 2/19/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

well it seems its about changing our lifestyles first and foremost for ourselves to better ourselves to not rely or use services which are indeed damaging to others

whether thats using amazon prime , our buying coc aine at a party

small changes make all the difference somewhere down the line
so yes its good that we at least ditched amazon
Ill convince my family to do the same , however they are a little harder to convince
but I'll try

I feel like the warrior spirit in me is screaming do something about the injustice
but it seems we have been convinced its a losing battle
but its not , as long as we have hope in a better tomorrow then its not over until the last human is left standing
or the fat lady sings

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Yup, it’s tough out there. All this covid nonsense really messed us up. Now, nobody wants to be told what to do, more so than ever.

I’ve also experienced this ‘tech apologist’ syndrome. Sure, tech is cool, and there are benefits, it’s not all bad. But as soon as you mention the Amazon thing, or the fact that Apple uses Chinese slave labor (and is now hashing iCloud images for surveillance), everyone turns the other way, and talks about how shiny the latest iPhone is.

So, all we can do is humbly lead by example, and not push as hard.
edit on 2/19/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

thats it , we havent had a decent leader one of integrity or compassion one that has the moral compass the resolve and steel fortitude to do what is right and show us all exactly how to be

we lack great leaders , we need the fabled heroes of our ancient past
where have they all gone , I remember reading that these great people appeared once every hundred years or so
like how true genius comes along once every generation
or like how the buddha incarnates

but I dont see anyone of that calibre

young men are lumped with andrew tate for example

wheres the likes of Jesus , or yer great philosophers lau tzu , carl jung , great people who inspire
and give hope people who have achieved great deeds

we have children pretending to be warriors
they think they are fighting for justice and "democracy" but really they are fighting to protect profits

but you are right change happens internally then we can manifest it outwards
we must lead by example
time to lace up my boots and do something

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I remember what Jesus supposedly said, about us having the potential to be even greater than him.

But, you know all those strange iconography images spread throughout the FL material, with alien heads replacing the 'holy' figures? Really makes you wonder...

Maybe Jesus meant, you have the potential to be greater than me and my species.
edit on 2/19/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:53 PM
Hello everyone !

I've created a new Discord server for those interested in researching FL as well as a safe space for exchanging related material and we found really interesting insights along the way .

Here is the permanent Discord link :

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