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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: boozo

Now, that's true. Telling who is sane and who is not in this society is certainly hard. Yet, it is absolutely necessary to know that, at least, one is the one to whom the simulation happens, which means one is part of the simulation, yet one is not being simulated.

Being aware of being inside a simulation, or at least suspecting reality is a simulation, means one is still sane. Only when you are totally clueless you fall into madness. As with psychedelic drugs, the rule is to manage the situation, not to fight it.

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: boozo
However, you do have to fear an invisible enemy that is just now biding its time and against which there is little that can be done. Few have noticed that the per-generation mutation rate in human is increasing. The mutation rate is so high in some DNA regions that researchers are totally baffled. See, those are mutations that occur independently in several different individuals, therefore it is not due to natural selection. The unknown cause of this high rate of genomic mutation has been nicknamed "Blue Dawn", and it is still unknown what causes it.

That is what you should be afraid of. Becoming another species is always unsettling.

Direne, would you be able to expand more on 'Blue Dawn'? I've been looking into DNA more since you shared, and think it partially has to do with our societies being bathed in blue light, which affects mitochondrial function / saps energy production. In particular, it affects mtDNA. A recent FL article alludes to mtDNA eventually being replaced. Is graphene the new material that artificial DNA will be created from?
edit on 1/15/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Direne
That's pretty weak assessment IMO. Yes really. I am the simulation Direne. Now bow before me.

Just because I can go way past everyone on this thread doesn't mean I'm in a simulation.

SADGE = Boomers don't know this #e.

MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction (Boomers made up this #e)

Feels like the more I stay the more I descent to madness
This is Sparta!

I could not care less. Just dare me.
edit on 15-1-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Blue Dawn has to do with the Flynn Effect and epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. See, genetics is defined by external forces, usually environmental ones. But that changes when a species (yours) acquires technology. Technology becomes a new external force acting on your development and, together with environmental factors, has an impact on your genes and change the way they work.

Unlike DNA mutation, epigenetic changes do not alter the underlying DNA sequence. All they affect is which genes are turned on or off, or how active they are. Other species are not affected as they have no technology or, if you prefer, are not primary consumers of technology. In a highly technologized world, technology acts as a relevant epigenetic factor. Obviously, this is something Mr. Darwin could not anticipate.

Now, the overall increase in stupidity (that is, the realization that the IQ of the population is declining dramatically), the increase in behavioral disorders (TDHA, OCD, autism, psychosis, sleep disorders, suicidal tendencies, to mention just a few), and the environmental changes are all sculpting your genome. Your species is subjected to a brutal stress that has profound evolutionary consequences.

It is no coincidence that violence and aggressiveness are on the rise, nor that self-destructive behaviors are becoming more widespread. It is no coincidence that the level of ignorance is, today, much higher than one would expect. And it is no coincidence that these curves correlate with technological advances, most of which are useless.

Blue Dawn refers to the effect of technology on epigenetics and owes its name to the bluish color of the electronic devices that your species uses on a massive scale. This is fully expected. Going from living in caves to living in technified megacities in just a few millennia has its cost. I can imagine one must get a stupid look on her face when one realizes that the technology that made you the dominant species is exactly the same technology that will turn you into an imbecilic monkey.

It is the same face of the last Neanderthal when he realized that not knowing how to make tools was his undoing. A dilemma, you see.

posted on Jan, 15 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: boozo

boozo, you are not a simulation. Your decisions are your own. They belong to you. There is no excuse for the consequences your decisions have, but at least it is true that being born was not your decision. Although that is little consolation.

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 08:42 AM
Yeah, I don't mean to be rude or deflect but I don't like chasing goose either.

It's also sad to claim "the simulation" yet standing by at the face of evil.

I don't enjoy that cohort so much.

If you think you know so much then you know how much life has been a cluster# and still a cluster#.

Your probe has been proven useless. Perhaps change some diapers... cause it reeks of #e.

I don't enjoy belittling anyone cause I don't want it for myself.

If your mind is like that of pea brain snitches... suit yourself.

edit on 16-1-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2023 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks for clarifying, been pondering since reading.

Okay, so if blue light silicon technology is not the cause of the mutation, then what is? Perhaps a meta-biological agent.

Who / what is behind the weaponization of technology?

Is it just a creation / destruction cycle that all civilizations go through?

Or that technology is being used by an ET intelligence, as a control / assimilation mechanism?
edit on 1/16/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 06:46 AM
So Smart


posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Is it just a creation / destruction cycle that all civilizations go through?

Yes, it is a cycle, a filter. First you acquire technology, then you abuse it; next, technology abuses you. You go through the filter and you succeed if you realize that, along with technology, there is something else: antitechnology.

Antitechnology is defined as follows: the application of science to just industrial or commercial objectives, therefore creating social inequality, injustice and alienation.

If a civilization does not realize the difference between technology and antitechnology is doomed to fail and disappear.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Direne

We really are like moths to a blue LED flame. Technology for the sake of technology.

I agree with you about the lowering of IQ. Technology creates these bubbles we can live within, and algorithms keep reinforcing those bubbles. The result being, people not knowing what they don’t know, but thinking that they know everything, because they check their feeds every day.

I see it as an outsourcing of intelligence, and artificially separating it from intuition. That unfortunately means a loss of humanity, as we’re currently seeing.

A solution is to live with as little algorithms and AI as possible. Don’t let the GPS take you through a scenic tour of some random neighborhood, just to get back onto a main road. Use a standard old school feed, to see posts as they come in a linear way. But among my family and friends, I’m the strange one for wanting to live like that. I often feel as if technology has become the new religion.

Is there a solution to antitechnology, where the technology is more evenly distributed throughout the population, without it eventually catalyzing a collapse? I think that’s also a question of education / self knowledge.

The bigger question would be, within what type of model is the technology used? We’re in a predatory surveillance capitalism model, which is why we’re in free-fall.
edit on 1/18/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: Direne

Yeah, is doomed to failed. Just like how you like to transvestite every aspect of life you can get your hands on.
First you perverse it with your own action then justify that "you are doomed". Then try to temporary fix a permanent hole you created yourself.

Basically, transvestite.
Perverted rebels.

Correct, right?

Why not just let the mutation destroy women's placenta.

Most women in my country or at least family doesn't want to be responsible parent but are purely driven by lust, which in turn driven to bloodlust.

Correct? You'll just make yourselves pathetic rebels.

Or there's Davos, be their party-poopers and make yourself the legend.
OFC you won't, since you're one of them OLIGARCH Correct? Do you enjoy the simulation much deer inn?
edit on 18-1-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

just like any addiction
we need a system to get people off that

its called spending time in nature

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:18 AM
The concept of anti-technology does not refer to opposing technology, but rather to designing technological systems that have the welfare of the human being at their core, rather than their bank account. It is not about using technology to achieve a short-term goal, but to use it with the long-term in mind. A clean technology, which does not have a negative impact on the environment, is still anti-technology if its use is to destroy human lives or restrict freedom. An electric car is still anti-technology if it transports prisoners, and a non-invasive surgery is still anti-technology if it is only available to a few.

It is not just the use to which it is put that defines whether something is technology or anti-technology. It is the primary intention with which a system was designed that determines whether it is a technological system or an anti-technological system. The human species is mostly anti-technological. There is no such thing as dual-use technology. What exists is a species that hates itself. And it doesn't even know why. Anything that falls into the hands of that species will end up being anti-technology.

There will come a dawn when this species will have to make the hardest decision in its history: to recognize itself in the other, or to annihilate itself. It is a disease to shrug one's shoulders, to look the other way, to convince oneself that things are the way they are and nothing can change them, but it is even worse to wish to change things only for oneself, regardless of others.

All the anti-technology you have is designed to enrich the few, control the many, and in the process self-destruct your civilization. In the end, you have not yet discovered technology. If what you want is to become a Type III hypercivilization, you will achieve it, using your anti-technology. And you will be able to reign in the Universe, which is what you really want.

But if what you wanted was to know, understand and comprehend, forget it. For that you need technology.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: sapien82

As long as they don't take their phones with them.

It's like having a cybernetic weapon, in the palms of our hands.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Direne

I see your meaning. Another way I’ve looked at it in the past is, extractive vs cooperative paradigms. We’re in an extractive paradigm, which is anti-human, and anti-technology. To evolve further, we need to shift into a cooperative paradigm.

Not sure I completely agree, how it's worse to change things only for oneself, regardless of others. That’s the only way that change can catch fire and reach others. By setting the example, and working on changing yourself. Then your sphere of influence naturally expands, and influences others to change themselves, which is turn begins to change our collective reality. It all begins with changing yourself. Perhaps I misunderstood, and you meant keeping others needs in mind, and factoring those in as you change yourself. That I do agree with.

Some more info on the initial design and intention of our anti-technology would be awesome, because it does have an eerie anti-human feel. We’ve all heard stories of silicon tech being reverse engineered. Could you possibly shed any more light on that? It feels like you’re describing technology as its own organism, which we have to recognize ourselves through.
edit on 1/18/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Yes, I meant keeping others needs in mind, and factoring those in as you change yourself. The crucial turning point in the development of any techno-civilization is the point in which situations shape people yet people do not shape situations dynamically. This is the point human civilization is quickly approaching. It is a world in which the situations shape people, situations created by algorithms and systems, situations created by the technosphere, and situations that cannot be anymore shaped by people.

The pattern of activity of any system is determined by the underlying pattern of organization of the system, that is, by the configuration of relationships among the system’s components that determines the system’s essential characteristics. And what are the essential characteristics of Sol-3 civilization? What is the configuration of relationships? It is one based on hegemony, and greed, and domination. And anti-iechnology. It is just the classical nonlinear social system trapped in its attractor, a fatal one. To escape from that attractor humans need to reconfigure the attractor landscape.

Sadly, they lack the means. They met anti-technology too soon, and will discover technology too late. But this is just my view, and I'm sure others still believe humans have a chance to get through this filter.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 04:12 PM
What do you mean by technology? Do you see Genome Editing a technology?
What about the Lottery? What about M3GAN?
I know you see phones as anti-technology, so is AI, and Chat-GPT. I know they releasing Chat-GPT for public use is dumb especially for students but do serves their purpose. So is Tesla, and probably most of Elon's Invention and takeover of Twitter.

We are fast approaching anti-tech. Yeah, but who's going to stop us?
Massive Blackout. EMP Attack. WWIII. Etc. So many options.

I'm not saying those should happen but even I am confused with my life as I also revolve around these tech which ultimately you said leads to anti-tech. What if I my job revolves around tech? What if my business revolves around tech.

What now, a dilemma. Soon perhaps you would see us writing like this : @#$X@O%#!^%^)*&#$

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Direne

I had to think about the ebner effect, contemplating the possible implications, technology could have on epigenetics.
But as I read it a hammer has the same impact as electromagnetics?

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 04:30 PM
shame we havent created a technology that cures humans of their terrible greed and lack of compassion

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:31 PM
Technology . . . I spose it depends on how one defines the word.

"Soul" can be defined as "technology".

One can also say that the "science of soul" is the installation of non-standard intellegence. ~ the "soul" being the non-standard intellegence installed in the body at birth.

If humans are said to be "seeded", one must wonder what exactly is meant by "seeded".

The human physical animal form? Or maybe the "soul" . . .

. . . the installation of non-standard intellegence.

We can extend this further and see a correspondence with the concepts of "noosphere" and "super/hyper intellegence".

. . . the installation of non-standard intellegence.

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