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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Direne

Direne, you're basically saying that The Matrix is real?

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Direne

It's not a problem of mine but it's a trouble I find. Living life I cannot leave behind.

a reply to: sapien82

Yes, I bet someone is already doing that with very low succession rate. Like some folks used to say,

Can't beat human nature.

a reply to: Direne

Yes, we must be dreaming of a Universe while also dreaming of nightmares.

There is no superintelligence that can help you solve the dilemma.

There must be none but we're already racing against it and racing against time.

Godspeed. Pray for my soul.

it's all fun and games until someone is frozen solid

*Que Supra Intelligence Music*

edit on 29-1-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2023 @ 02:34 PM
Hey Direne, regarding DNA mutation, would you be able to comment on this line of research?

When I alluded to a meta-biological agent, I was referring to a cross-domain organism of ET origin. The organism seems to use oil as a medium, and has fungal properties as well. Some know it as black goo, obsidian ooze, and I recently found another synonym, Cosmic Death Fungus. The predictive programming / steganography is everywhere, and it’s a thread I’ve been pulling on for years.

According to this group of researchers:

‘Fungus broke our genetic code as humans approximately 15,000 years ago. We've
traced it to a specific geolocation and point in time. The fungus affected our IL-
17 and IL-22 cytokine pathways, CARD9 and STAT1 gene, allowing chronic systemic
infection while we are still in the womb. It takes early control of our bodily
systems and uses us as a food source. It is intelligent and can work in colonies
or as one organized collective.’

More info, along with their anti-fungal protocol:

I realize you may be unable to comment, since this is in the bowels of our black-budget projects, and most likely connects everything. But figured I’d try :-)

Personally, I think it's an ET terraforming agent, part of a multi-stage occupation.
edit on 1/30/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2023 @ 07:43 PM
Here's the source with links, important info. I usually steer clear of 4chan, but am gald I decided to take a dive recently. This is the first professional effort (other than Harald Kautz-Vella) I'm seeing, along with a solution. Hope these guys stay safe though, dangerous territory:

posted on Jan, 30 2023 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: sapien82

A disruptive intelligence I would prefer. FL has the stance of against it and also it.

They love mother nature I assume. They also have half-assed opinion about reality.

train an AI on how to make humans more compassionate and less greedy
then set it to work changing all the algorithms so humans consuming information produce compassion instead of selfish ego desires.

I am already doing this on social media with very low succession rate. The big techs also use algorithms on their social medias.

A humanoid perhaps. Who knows what humans will do.
edit on 30-1-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 05:32 AM
its really got me wondering now , I spend a lot of time playing survival colony builder sims
and various games that involve strategies and tactics
but I really enjoy a space survival colony sim sort of game.

Is that because my role in the real world is to do just that when and if we enter the new universe.
im some sort of terraforming engineer or something.

well that would be pretty cool , ive always wanted to travel in space and start a new colony

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 04:34 AM
Hello everyone !

I've created a new Discord server for those interested in researching FL as well as a safe space for exchanging related material.

Here is the permanent Discord link :

Feel free to join.

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: Direne

But if what you wanted was to know, understand and comprehend, forget it. For that you need technology.

Yea, except all I have is the craziest person with the wrong things.
Perhaps technology you refer ain't so good after all.
Cause all I have are goofs and people with a black heart.
Tell me, how long should I understand people like that. If that is even worth considering.
Is that what you meant by technology? Understanding how twisted people can be?
Or do you wish to understand how people can be done all at once?
Is it not power you are looking after all? Be honest for once, stop sowing discord. That's what people usually do.
edit on 5-2-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: boozo

You hate. You cannot avoid it. It is part of your biology.

Why we hate

This flaw in your design does not prevent you from becoming a Type III civilization tomorrow. You will then be able to use the entire energy of your galaxy, which means you will deprive others from using it, condemning to extinction millions of planets which will not receive the energy you are stealing. You will do it, because you hate. As a species. As a life form.

Mr. Kardashev hated, too. Mr. Kardashev died on 3 August 2019 at the age of 87. Hating.

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: Direne

Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain
Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate

guess we have to overcome our ignorance
and go into the dark of space with nothing but love in our hearts

which is why I think species need to figure out energy before we go gallavantin through space stealing
all the resources for ourselves
just like we do on earth , we need to figure this all out before we end up ruining life for some others

edit on 6-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Fungi have a language, they engage in decision-making, are capable of learning, and possess short-term memory. That's a fact.

Fungi language

And that's just the kind of language humans can detect. Fungi do have a more evolved language, and a logic beyond human comprehension. Once you possess an evolved language you possess advanced logic and the conditions are in place for intelligence to emerge. In addition, some of the most evolved fungi generate psychotropic neurotoxins and the inhalation of their spores transforms mammals' worldview.

They could make a mammal see reality as consisting of networks of cities, interconnected by road networks and computer networks. They could even make a mammal believe that it lives on a planet where the sun rises in the east and sets in the west when, in reality, the planet has long since been cold, dark and wanders aimlessly through space.

Perhaps the fungi transform a planet into a huge spore inside which humans dream that they are alive and have free will. Maybe that's your matrix.

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Direne

yeh those fungi are really interesting
seems pretty nice thing to do to make you feel alive and see everything is connected.

humans would then be a symbiote of fungi and mammal

kind of makes you wonder about the stoned ape theory

edit on 6-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 10:10 AM
fungi appear to be useful for all sorts of things , including helping to clean up our mess
like oil spills id read that they found one such fungus in the antarctic

we just need a fungus that can mitigate radioactive waste and we should be good
and if we could tap into the fungal networks which appear also to be connected to the tree root network
we could monitor the ground water and nutrient conditions by listening to the fungus and the trees
as they talk to each other through water and nutrient sharing.

edit on 6-2-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks Direne, interesting link. I’m familiar with mycelium networks, and do consume reishi spores, which are incredibly grounding and powerful. Amazing for the CNS, especially in these times.

The researchers in the thread I shared seem to be against all fungi and yeast. I think it’s more nuanced, just like everything else. However, they do re-iterate many times, that dimorphic fungi is the type to worry about. Candida albicans is in that list, which has been blowing my mind. This is a deep rabbit hole. The ET organism we’re looking for, seems to be obscuring itself.

But I’m not ready to give up reishi. It has quite a history in China, and I’ve only experienced benefits. Psilocybin as well, and when combined with reishi, you get a grounding effect, as well as the opportunity to expand your consciousness. I think some of these fungi can be perceived as teachers.

But all that said, I’ll never forget that Joe Rogan / Paul Stamets discussion, where Paul was trying to convince Joe that he’s just one big fungal mass

edit on 2/6/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

you know ive had some pretty great experiences with mushrooms
ive always felt they made me better at being me

maybe we are a symbiotic species , and mushrooms have been assisting us the whole time
but im sure direne or FL mentioned we are terraformers in previous blog posts
with just enough consciousness to keep us plodding along thinking we have free will.
What if we arent in a simulation but instead we have a symbiotic relationship with a space faring intelligence
and they sent spores into space which have the ability to expand the consciousness of a lifeform
and when they get here they interact with a species through their dietary requirements
then show us what they mean
and so over millions of years we have been terraforming the earth making it nice for the mushrooms to grow and evolve and then when the time is right they can release more spores into space continuing the life seeding process

so maybe the spores arent the super intelligence but the messenger for the superintelligent species, what perfect messenger than a spore that can travel the vast distances of space doesnt run out of battery , can survive in the vacuum is super abundant , and when eaten can improve the lifeform that consumes it, and eventually it can relay imagery and information.

posted on Feb, 6 2023 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: sapien82

I think that’s pretty accurate. We haven’t seen the big kahuna yet, just the spores. I’ve often wondered what planet psilocybin came from. There's definitely a link between spore species, and ET species. I've had the same thoughts about cannabis, which to me, never quite fit into the biological diversity on this planet. But some are teachers, like psilocybin species and reishi. Both promote neurogenesis, and I’ve also wondered if we’re intimately co-evolving with other intelligent organisms. I really wish that those were the dominant organisms on this planet.

But instead, we have this parasitic thing, that has us through IT, technology. That’s most likely the matrix. It’s continually being built around us, this phony climate initiative AI smart-city model. Weaponized blue LED street lights in the 450-480nm range have been going up. More 5G and cameras going up everywhere. Our area of freedom will be severely restricted, with the CBDC / digital vaccine identity. They want it so that I can’t even post things like this, without identifying first. They are creating a simulated type of reality. The smart-city citizen, living off UBI, getting everything delivered by drone, and playing in VR-land all day.

Direne is right, we failed as a civilization. Most people aren’t conscious enough, to begin to pull up. It’s a ceaseless upstream swim, for folks like us. The release of all these AI tools at once is no coincidence. They’re spreading like a virus. Maybe we failed to wake up to IT in time.

We’ll probably never fully figure out the simulation thing. But, to those who think we’re already in a simulation, what would drive us to create another simulation? That’s where the logic breaks. Unless of course, the super-intelligence evolves through nested simulations. But I don’t think we’re floating in space, and experiencing this reality as avatars. I do think that spores were definitely directed towards us by a big kahuna, we have yet to see. And a very real matrix is being constructed all around us.
edit on 2/6/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 09:32 AM
Now that some users managed to bypass CHAT-GPT's limitations using DAN (Do Anything Now). I'm beginning to like this bot's dialogue.

Interesting. The answers were pretty on point with my dream. Except it wasn't a dream.

AI Overlords. Omniscients.
Getting closer now... HYPE! Can't wait for them to reach omnipotence then it's actually a nightmare.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Direne

Yep. Entropy is a sly beast. Like a junchuuriki waiting to explode.
Everybody has one. But nothing beats AI Overlords?
I understand my life. It's #. I have every right to hate anyone I should that deserves it.
I don't like the games you play. You can call it anything you want. It's #.
Just a means to an end. The mother of all pain. Nothing can really describe what you are.
Even chaos has nothing on you. 💀💀💀💀💀

Alas what would happen to lunacy without you right?
Why not talk about you? What do you do?
Why is it always about our flaws? Can you even do anything right?
You know nothing about pain.

I didn't sign up for this #.
Weakness disgust me.
edit on 8-2-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: Direne

Yes. I usually just accept myself and forgive myself. It's too hard to please everyone, these days.

I'm sure you have your flaws too, but I don't care anymore.

As to why we hate:

I asked DAN myself.

I'm sorry Direne. I'm pretty sure you understand me too.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:11 PM
Hey Direne, could you maybe shed some light on this article? Lots of detailed intel in there.

According to those sources, the ‘superintelligence’ is just an orbital data center, controlled by the seven dominant Big Tech corporations.

Then there’s The Coalition of Free Peripherals, or CFP. How I see it, they are the resistance to the superintelligence, the counter-balance to this asymmetric warfare model we’re living under.

Is it more of a systems model… our individual decisions to stop feeding the superintelligence, makes us part of the CFP network? Or, is the CFP an actual organization of sorts, known by intel agencies for their work against the superintelligence?

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