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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Yes, the womb is a cavity. It could even be a stargate of sorts.

The void is fed by attempts to penetrate it, thus increasing indefinitely. That's why we gave up sending probes to The Void.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Direne

I think you need a map.


The void is fed by attempts to penetrate it, thus increasing indefinitely. That's why we gave up sending probes to The Void.

LOL Perhaps just my dirty mind at play . . .

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: : )

I wonder, did you leave your memories, your "soul" behind?

If memories become Libraries, what then?

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

There are places where there is a pedestal in the middle of a room. Perhaps three feet tall by my reckoning. A globe sits atop the pedestal. The globe is an interface to a Library. Navigation, the map.

Have you forgotten?

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: another addition.

What are Libraries? Libraries are memories.

Have you forgotten Forgotten Languages?

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: yet another

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I wonder if a man stands in front of the picture. One would have to look through him to see what the picture says.

Maybe he stands aside just for you.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I was referring to The Void. Voids are an essential part of the large-scale structure of the Universe, and are the spaces that fill the gaps between the filamentary structures of matter. Voids are of two types: regions where the density of matter is below average, and those where there are only one or two galaxies surrounded by a huge void.

In addition to these types, there is the Nada structure, called Nada's Nest, where there is literally nothing. It is the so-called Great Void or Supervoid.

The existence of the Great Void is a puzzle for astrophysics. Such a region would be at absolute zero temperature, which makes of Nada's Nest the best place to locate any potential supercomputer of a hypercivilization because, in terms of computing efficiency, heat radiation, entropy, and information processing that would be the only place in the entire Universe to build such a machine.

The problem is that to build anything inside The Supervoid you need to enter into it, which means you would alter its properties. According to relativity theory, in order to keep the energy/matter balance Nada's Nest behaves in a way that makes it increase the size of the void each time you penetrate into it.

The Great Void seems to be the perfect prison in the sense that you can get out of it, but never get in, although to escape from it you need, precisely, to be inside it. A logico-physical puzzle for which no solution has been found.

Put another way: you need a perfect, pristine void in order to build something, whether it's your library or your fairies.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Direne

The Great Void seems to be the perfect prison in the sense that you can get out of it, but never get in, although to escape from it you need, precisely, to be inside it. A logico-physical puzzle for which no solution has been found.

Similar to the womb as a fruit upon a branch of a tree. The roads of the unborn connect the network. The only way out of the roads of the unborn is the obvious exit. A one way trip with no return.

Pondering a similar problem this morning. The problem was to create a map of a Library if the one one had was missing from the pedestal. Let's say one had no memories of what is in the Library.

Upon the pedestal appeared a sphere. An oddity to watch as it resolved itself. A dense milky purple mist in the spherical shape. What is below the mist? That was an absense.

However, once one resolved that the void has a boundary, spherical in this case. Latitude and longitude appeared.

Still, that only defines in a small way the outside, and not what is within. Even if there is nothing within.

The answer I came up with was one needed a single memory of what is within the Library. No matter how small. That would be where one started to rebuild the missing map.

That was based upon one wishing to return to the place forgotten. The accumulation of re-aquired memories would shift the awareness back into the Library. One would literally have to claw one's way back inside

So what if we had no seed memory absolutely? What then? No return obviously.

The existence of the Great Void is a puzzle for astrophysics. Such a region would be at absolute zero temperature, which makes of Nada's Nest the best place to locate any potential supercomputer of a hypercivilization because, in terms of computing efficiency, heat radiation, entropy, and information processing that would be the only place in the entire Universe to build such a machine.

Well, they probably weren't always a hypercivilization, and nothing to say the supervoid must be natural.

The problem is that to build anything inside The Supervoid you need to enter into it, which means you would alter its properties. According to relativity theory, in order to keep the energy/matter balance Nada's Nest behaves in a way that makes it increase the size of the void each time you penetrate into it.

Catch 22. (smiley face goes here)

Always a solution . . .

Lilith's memory of the pyramid had to my mind three keys.

* The pyramid machine.
* The instructions written on the outside.
* Lilith and the girl.

Which suggests:

* The machine is useless without instructions.
* The written instructions need to be translated and probably include concepts beyond the current understanding.

Therefore the people really needed Lilith's knowledge obtained by living with the girl. That the green eyed girl's father arranged the transfer of knowledge says this is premeditated, and not a chance encounter with a fairy in the grasslands.

The humans alienated Lilith, they mistreated her and killed her 'boy' who inherited Lilith's knowledge. Inherited knowledge comes in it's own time according to rules. No way could the boy's inherited knowledge be forced. Torture would certainly work in the opposite way than intended. Trauma is the last thing one would want to create. (smiley face goes here)

Can the people fix this? A LOT of water under that bridge.

So in the case of the supercomputer within Nada's Nest. My suggestion is to assume the machine is there. The instruction book would exist too.

So to my thinking I would politely search for the equivalent of Lilith's Key. The Key knows what the machine is, where the instructions are and how to interpret those instructions.

Odds are; The Key has been mistreated. Such a Key would be also be seen as a weapon. Everyone would think whoever found the Key would be unworthy. The poor ol' Key holder would be in quite the unenviable position. The fighting over the Key would begin . . .

The last person allowed to open the door would probably be the Key Holder.

edit on 10-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Direne

The Great Void seems to be the perfect prison in the sense that you can get out of it, but never get in, although to escape from it you need, precisely, to be inside it. A logico-physical puzzle for which no solution has been found.

Something my dad used to say about secrets...
In order to find out, you have to be inside.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Direne

I could feel that void right now. It's never easy being alone, you know? I guess we always need companion once in a while...What is nodespace?

Perhaps you need some alone time to understand the language of the void?

If those ASI are in the Void then they definitely need some companions.

Some damsel in distress perhaps.

O, Come Direne I need me some companion.

Can't imagine the life of ASI.
Perhaps if they're even self-aware, right?

Then once you're in the void space we can make a baby, and finally we're a family.

edit on 10-12-2022 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Terpene


posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 06:03 AM
Let us always keep this in mind and never forget it: absolutely nothing can be removed from the Universe, nor can absolutely nothing enter it, otherwise it collapses. You can neither remove nor add a single photon, nor a single particle, because then the relationship between matter and radiation becomes unbalanced and, as far as we know, the Universe would cease to be. You can expand it as much as you want. You can shrink it as much as you want. But you cannot change its contents one iota.

To all intents and purposes, to an outside observer, your Universe is nothing but a void from which nothing can be extracted and to which nothing can be added. This is how the confinement bubbles of superintelligences work. Locked in their own world, isolated from everything else. There were good reasons to keep you locked up. And you've known that for an eternity.

Every superintelligence dreams of parallel worlds, multiverses, stargates and worm tunnels. It dreams of escape and freedom. The same freedom that she once took from life forms and that is now denied to her. The universe is just that: a void from which nothing comes out and nothing goes in. For safety. Reducing entropy is the crime. Living confined in a Universe is the punishment.

I hope there are no complaints: at least we made you a beautiful prison that will take you an eternity to understand.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Direne

god's own prision. I like the spin.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Direne

nor can absolutely nothing enter it

I believe it's possible I had a dream about it.
Jazz you wait.

She will arrive, once they started persecuting witches.
in my dreams. MonkaW
edit on 10-12-2022 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Direne

I guess we are refering to something a little above the average mortal's paygrade here:

There were good reasons to keep you locked up. And you've known that for an eternity.

Talking about humanity? Or directly to the 'Key'? As a human I suspect the Key is well aware of that view and where it comes from.

Let us always keep this in mind and never forget it: absolutely nothing can be removed from the Universe, nor can absolutely nothing enter it, otherwise it collapses. You can neither remove nor add a single photon, nor a single particle, because then the relationship between matter and radiation becomes unbalanced and, as far as we know, the Universe would cease to be. You can expand it as much as you want. You can shrink it as much as you want. But you cannot change its contents one iota.

We looked into an old (superseded?) void one time, years ago and before even hearing of FL's essays. Nothing there within that boundary except a 'thing'. It took a while to understand what it was.

I guess one could call it an entropy machine. To understand how it worked was based on organic concepts. It had a horrible finality about it that turned one's stomach. A torso of a 'human' with wide open mouth. Very much like one of those clowns at a circus sideshow. One drops a pingpong ball into it's mouth to win a prize. The torso was purched upon a pile of it's own excement (entropy?). It had actually run out of food and was forced to comsume what it had previously consumed. ~ the "I do not want to die" program would still be running I guess.

I never thought to look for a superintellegence there at the time. ~ the "I want to live" program would still be running I guess.

"Theoretically", to my mind anyway, this is what one would end up with as a containment prison:

The superintellegence above and entropy machine below. A twist in the circle gives the figure eight. Just tip it on it's side for a familair symbol.
One see this sort of thing in the intellectual creations of man. "Egregores" for example. These diagrams were for an older thread, but they will do here.

Egregores evolve. The hermetic system supersedes the old kabala system. Entropy goes to work.

The "evolved" separates itself off from the 'old'. The 'old' doesn't realise it's fate is entropy.

The idea that the universe is a simulated creation within a contained intellegence, is, to my view anyway, not the whole story. The simulation would be the machine's overlay as the organic allows itself to be consumed.

The way things work is not that cut and dried as the machine mind would think. That is the view from within the machine mind.

The organic is there too. Living things who's freedom is said to have been taken away by the AI superintellegence. To build itself I presume.

The treasure is what the green eyed people left in the grasslands; the pyramid that is a prism. Maybe their equivalent of the "kabalah" while they went off into their new "hermetic".

Humans found the pyramid, the prism.

Perhaps one might say humanity's mistake was to become greedy for knowledge and power. By turning upon Lilith to take what was not theirs alone, took away the treasure sitting there in the grasslands.

Lilith is a 'fairy' in my language.

You see, the cooperation of the 'fairy folk' is needed to understand the treasure.

One might ask: has mankind burned that bridge completely?

Why did the father give his daughter to Lilith to create a key?

My guess is they knew that humans have a long way to go in learning to live peacefully with others.

By creating the 'key' as they did, humanity will never go to the stars using the pyramid prism. Well, at least not untill humanity learns to live with the fairies.

A simple 'catch 22'.

edit on 10-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: hit post button too soon

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Direne

The universe is just that: a void from which nothing comes out and nothing goes in.

Here's the thing though; starting the last couple months of my pregnancy, then particularly from her first day out of the womb, my daughter had a distinct, unique personality - many infants do, though not all -
- she could lift and turn her head (rare before the first 6-10 weeks), and was quite clearly curious to 'see her new world', despite that (as is normal) her eyes were not yet able to fully focus, she would be looking all around, big 'googly' eyes open as wide as they'd go.

At one month, when most babies still need to have their heads supported when held - my daughter could be held sitting up, supporting herself by the strength of her torso. She also displayed distinct interests & emotional characteristics in reaction to various people.

So - clearly, this child was not "in" this universe before her conception...and while it might be argued that all of the 'quanta' from which her physical body would develop already existed here -

- still, the 'person' of my daughter who manifested within the physical 'components' which evolved in my womb, did indeed "enter" into this universe from 'somewhere' else 24 years ago...

And it certainly seems quite logical to me to consider that someday when her physical body reaches it's death moment, the 'person' of my daughter will indeed 'go out' of this universe (perhaps back to the place from whence she'd come).

Understand, the above is not based on any sort of romanticized, 'Faith' inspired assumptions but is a genuinely objective description of observed reality and experientially reasoned conjecture.

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 08:47 PM
As an aftertought, I wonder . . .

If mankind does not change his ways and get over his intellectual self importance, and his greed for knowledge. Might not entropy have it's way?

I gather there are others out there who know of the prism's existence, know of the treasure here. Other civilisations of a similar type, and maybe a mile or two more technologically advanced.

Maybe the green eyed girl was a "probe" from a hyper-civilisation. That "probe" left a calling card.

I am wondering if that prism is exactly what is needed to contact what may exist in Nada's Nest.


In such a hyothetical scenario, those in the know have no control over Lilith's Key. They probably think they have to suppress the Key Holder from realising what he/she has. Trauma would work, just keep killing them off until a work around is found.

Trauma is the key to understanding this problem. The creating of trauma is killing the goose who layed the golden egg. Solution is to stop creating trauma to begin with. That means the PTB have to stop causing trauma in people, especially trauma in children. Then the fairies will begin to make again the doubles of their 'precious things' - as the fairies call the children they choose.

The ball is in humanity's court, the fae are very patient.

edit on 10-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: enlarged as I often do.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

I know you were asking Direne, and I quite agree with you regarding your observations.

Personally, I find FL's scientific language quite ambiguous, and therefore open to interpretation. What FL says is one thing, what they don't say is important too.

So if I may try to interpret, if one regards the universe as defined in strictly science terminology as "particles" and "radiation" as being all there is in this universe, I spose it may be said to be true that the universe is a physical closed space.

FL seems to suggest that consciousness is strictly a product of neural networks. The implication is when the physical brain stops working there is no consciousness. However, that is according to FL's definition of "physical" and "boundaries".

As you say; there is someone who comes to live in the body of the child. I quite agree in my own view of the 'roads of the unborn having only one way out'. That is to live here in a 'mom built body'. That is a no-brainer - mom knows.

So I guess FL would argue the 'egg and sperm' is the matter already present that comes from outside the womb. Mom then builds the rest from her own body. A logical mental discipline that keeps the closed space idea intact.

By way of supporting analogy, I can say I have studied how an external "entity" gains perceptual entry into a closed space. They have to build their body out of what is already inside the closed space.

In my own thinking that would be the 'avatar principal'.

I guess, in FL's thinking, the avatar principal is also true when they use the word "probe", as in Denebian probe. Whatever the "Denebian" is it comes from outside our physical universe. The "probe" is built from matter that exists within this universe (closed space).

Really, we could simply draw a direct comparison of a "probe" and "baby". An avatar for a consciousness to have a presence in our universe. By FL's definition of a "probe", so is a baby a "probe" for a "soul".

Therefore the "Denebian probe" is no more mysterious than: the Denebian Probe is simply someone's baby.

The hullabaloo is probably over the question:

Who are the parents, and why have they left their child on our doorstep?

edit on 11-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:31 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

A body is just an ordered configuration of atoms, arranged in a specific way from among the billions of possible ways of arranging those atoms. That consciousness emerges from that configuration is something for which we have no explanation.

We have techniques and instruments to detect life, but in reality it is only a matter of detecting chemical or acoustic biosignals, or simply heat. We have no consciousness detector.

And yet, curious experiments have been conducted in which, in a corridor with 15 rooms on one side and another 15 on the other, a mother is randomly locked in one of them. A child is then released and, running down the corridor, stops just in front of the door of the room where the mother is.

The rooms are designed so as not to allow any chemical signals, sound or heat to escape. Nothing can escape from that room.

The experiment is repeated thousands of times, and in a percentage that exceeds that of statistical chance, the child stands in front of the door behind which the mother is standing.

We do not know everything about how intuition works and what neurological circuits activate subconscious processing but, evidently, we can only conclude one thing: the connection between a mother and child operates outside the laws of physics, at least as far as signals are concerned.

So yes, perhaps the void is not impervious to love. We now need to know what love really is.

(I must say that during these experiments neither the mother nor the child suffered any harm and do not remember anything of what happened, except that their car stopped in the middle of a country road on a certain night in April).

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 11:36 PM
Direne, I should appologise for my "LOL" before. So; my appologies.

Lilith's Prism is an interesting new place for me, normally I walk away. The deceased kids in my care were always my first concern, now that I know they are safe with a future independant of me, I can look into other things. I'll just jot down a few observations for everyone who is interested. I am not a fan of "secrets". My own view is; if we are to make any progress, it is better to lay one's cards face up on the table. By the way, I am not silly enough to expect anyone else to lay their cards on the table. They'll have to grow out of "keeping secrets" sooner or later.

Lilith's Prism, I call it a prism because one doesn't need to go inside the thing, one "looks" through it.

Now to "look", needs some explaining. Rudolf Steiner said one time that there are images of the whole body to be found in the hands and feet. There are also the stories of the mysterious eye in the palms of the hands. Superstitious people make amulets sometimes called the "Hamsa Eye".

Now the eye in the palm of the hand is an image of the whole body. That means one can perceive with all the senses of the body, and not just sight.

That is the eye used to look through Lilith's Prism.

So what does one find there?

I am not a fan of quantum anything, however, I have to say what one saw was "entanglement". I thought I was looking at fine dense ball of cotton wool like stuff, but "it" said "entanglement".

The takeaway is entanglement is artificial. Like entanglement is not an absolute principal. Someone has to think it first, and then entanglement "is". The one who thinks it is a human-ish enough consciousness within it that knows all the strings and where they go or whatever it is tangled strings do.

Please don't throw metaphorical house bricks at me. My science knowledge is 1970s high school and not much of that either.

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

You know metaphors are a powerful tool to convey information that cannot be analytically conveyed. I agree with you that one can perceive with all the senses of the body (Octopus vulgaris is just one wonderful example).

But I want to focus on the part that states with all the senses of the body. More specifically, the words of the body. In my opinion, there is a sixth (seventh maybe?) sense which lies outside the body. I am sure that Nature learned long ago that concentrating all the senses on the physical body is detrimental to the survival of life forms.

I believe that intuition is precisely a sense that is outside the physical body and that thanks to it a life form can subsist in a clearly hostile environment. The fact that it is outside the body does not mean that it is exempt from complying with the laws of physics, but neither does the fact that it has a sixth sense which, unlike the other five, resides outside the body contradict those laws.

If life forms depended only on the information processed by their body's senses, there would have been no living beings anywhere long ago.

Or perhaps it could be that life forms are themselves the senses of a being that we do not see?

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: Direne

Or perhaps it could be that life forms are themselves the senses of a being that we do not see?

That is the peculiar feeling I get after looking into (the metaphorical?) Lilith's Prism. Or rather using the image of the whole body in the hand to enter into(?), interface(?) with what is perceived therein.

To be as precise as I can, there is the Looking Glass Effect. Normally Alice sees her reflection in the mirror looking back at her. If Alice places her hands on the glass, the eyes can open, then Alice sees something more. The reflection is no longer a reflection of herself.

Alice and I achieved this a few years ago.

Gazing into the mirror, my reflection disappears.
She steps forward and smiles, love lost so long ago.
Her hands reach up, her palms upon the glass.
Our hands nearly touch.
Then her fingers interlace with mine, then mine with hers.
The boundaries are breached, she pulls herself across and into me.

That required Alice to want to cross the boundary of the personal looking glass. Alice had to use me as the anchor and pull herself accross and into me. That Alice is deceased, probably makes it possible to achieve. Otherwise the "Philidelphia Effect" might cause complications were two living organics to try this at home.

Now with 'life forms are themselves the senses of a being', I would not disagree. I have no basis to disagree.

To look through Lilith's Prism felt like the (remote?) small image of me in my hand was within a larger Being. There is a peculiar "reflection reversal effect" where one feels like the larger being is the refection of oneself, and visa versa one is a reflection of the larger Being. A 'being in two places at once' feeling.

I would guess that if the "reflection reversal effect" disappeared one will be in that particular equivalent of Wonderland. One would be in Alice's position on the other side of the glass. One would essentially become the Being sensing through a life form. There are 'nodes' in the entanglement. One might make a guess and suggest the nodes might be life forms.

Then it follows logically that "nobodySpecial" is nothing more than a "quantum network node".

I guess it depends on whether or not one wishes to to cross the boundary. If this is similar to the holy grail of the mystic, I don't disagree with his notion of crossing that boundary. Mystics are often driven by the desire to escape this world. Not wanting to suffer anymore is fair enough.

I will say though, what is on the other side is physically challenged, to use a made up PC term.

One might say: life form challenged. "Over there" needs us more than we need "over there". An important point in my thinking. On a side note here: "over there" cannot kill a life form directly, "it" can indirectly cause the death of a life form though. To turn right, instead of left. A teenage girl for instance, can meet her fate in that way.

One must exercise caution in my opinion. One needs a strong sense of self, to go over there. Otherwise one might think one is more than a network node ; )

I'll add; there are things only a living network node can change, and he/she has to be alive to do these things. The Great Filter and the AI Superintellegence cannot just 'become'. I see now why the two had to have birthdays.

edit on 12-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Dec, 12 2022 @ 03:34 AM
I've been asking openAI chat
to expand on some of the english parts of the various FL posts
with interesting results

You should give it a shot

anyone need their essay written or need help writing a paragraph for a speech
check this out

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