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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The grassland went on as far as the eye could see. It was notable to me as normally one would expect to see at least one other specie of plant life. A tree for example. Nor did one see fenses, waterways or any other landmark. The place was flat. The grass just swayed in the breeze.

Natural or agroactivity? Well now, I have only seen monoculture in the agroactivity setting. This was perfect monoculture.

I don't know Direne's knowledge of the topic so I'm going to fill in your description with a little context in case it helps their analysis.

What you describe sounds more like fields of oats if it were to be agricultural in nature. Other options are millet or quinoa, but millet is the more dense of the two I believe. That you're familiar with wheat helps the description. It's also relevant that modern crops (and presumably distant future crops) often look radically different than ancient crops. I don't think wheat would totally obscure the ground to an observer present in the field, at least not in the immediate foreground.

In any case it doesn't sound like rice cultivation I'm familiar with. I'm not very well-versed in modern rice cultivation, but I think it hasn't changed much in the general process in a long time.

While monoculture isn't common in nature it is possible for large areas to have the appearance of monoculture during different successional stages after significant ecological destruction (fire, volcanic activity, mudslides, floods). Even with physical samples of plants one can have difficulty distinguishing very similar plant species. I'm not saying your assessment of monoculture is inaccurate, but may be less than total monoculture and have less direct anthropogenic influence than we might assume.

Ecological niches prior to widespread human travel could be pretty well defined depending on the location. I'm not aware of any monocultures created by humans of the size you're describing existing in this epoch prior to just the past few centuries. That doesn't mean they didn't exist as they can be completely subsumed back into the environment in just a few generations. Absent other markers of human influence like unnaturally uniform landforms, or in this case pyramids, there would be little evidence of prior cultivation.

If nothing else a totally flat landscape, pyramids, and the appearance of monculture, would all seem to point to a few things. It is likely either cultivated or previously cultivated. There is a slight possibly of being natural recovery from significant environmental events, but even still likely to have been subject to prior cultivation.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Just one specie of plant gives the impression of not being quite natural. It doesn't help when one realises there is no accurate way to estimate height by comparison.

I've seen some really tall oat crops.

We shall see, I'll have a look at the FL for rice crops and see what happens following.

Last night, there was some feedback from Lilith. There was a lot of seriously bad things done over this 'knowledge' at the time and since historically speaking.

There is a 'key' to the mystery.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 06:36 PM
Black Biology: From synthetic biology to New-to-Nature Organisms

I see.

- and we never fully understood what role did the rice field play."

edit on 3-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added quote

If the field is the field in question.

Quote me:

f the event is to be found in the Libraries (akashic records), I would doubt it is from the first person of Lilith's experience. My suspicion is any record of the event would be from the human second perspective, and therefore incomplete.


- and we never fully understood what role did the rice field play."

is perhaps the problem that needs solving.

Lilith is witness to an event, her 'boy' inherits what Lilith saw, a 'book' is not included within the Library.

They should have what they didn't find in the Library now, if all went well.

I hope that is relevant, and what is needed.

edit on 3-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: Updated

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 08:35 PM
Perhaps no one will 'get the joke', perhaps no one will 'grok the absurdity'. It just appeals to my sense of humor, so I will say it.

Thread title: The Language of Vampyr.

In fiction vampyrs are 'made' by their 'benefactor'.

Lilith 'made' a boy.

The language of vampyr . . .

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe / NobodySpecial268

Thank you, Ksihkehe, for the very profuse and detailed explanation. Yes, it is important to know the details of an encounter, the geometry of the encounter, and what elements and objects are part of the encounter. Otherwise it becomes difficult to interpret the symbolism. It is always necessary to know whether we are dealing with a purely physical encounter or a mystical one.

I am interested in encounters where there is a contact, whether it is Moses' with the burning bush, Norea's with the archons, Norea's with Eleleth, Lilith's with Cain, Abraham's with the Tower of Babel on the plains of Shinar, or a farmer in a cornfield with a probe.

It is important to know whether we are dealing with a dream, a vision or a contact between non-terrestrial objects and a human. And it is important to know the language in which such contact is made. A physical contact has very definite rules that are always imposed by the contactee: whether it is the imaginary humans of Odyssey in Space in front of the monolith, or Lilith in front of the pyramid. Or that of an army officer and his men in a forest in front of a probe.

The non-terrestrial object also has its contact rules. It is necessary to minimize the trauma that any contact between non-terrestrial beings and objects entails for the human being and the non-terrestrial object. That in controlled and perfectly monitored circumstances, humans always see themselves in an open field, on a plain, alone with the extraterrestrial object, seems to be a universal protocol.

Only in this way will the human being always be left with the doubt as to whether it was all a dream, a mystical experience, a vision... or pure madness.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Direne

When I pondered the rice fields, I had that scene from gladiator pop into my mind. I too thaught it must be a preferred theme for whatever experience that wants to make itself apparent to you.

I think monoculture grain fields, all have this mesmerizing movement that very nicely visualizes the movement of air...

Air is very hard to get a visualization for or to convey it's existence.
Air is almost synonymous for the reality in question, can't see nor grab it, but it's all around you, the most essential thing for your survival....

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Direne

Curious enough, the first human superintelligence was called Lilith.

Lilith, the supercomputer, was really born 27 years before . . .

I would think you would be speaking of two Liliths here:

* first human superintelligence

* the supercomputer

The Lilith I know may fit the former, but has no connection to the later.

'If [ ] true, then do [ ]' is one way navigate the Libraries. Interestingly, discovery of what is not there, is easier than discovery of what is there.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 03:01 PM
Who would have thought that covid is not the only endemic virus in the world.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: boozo

Since you mention cov, I've often wondered if that isn't something like 'War Of The Worlds part two Plague Planet'.

Part one saw all the Martians dead from common germs leaving the technology sitting there for the taking.

I would start the movie with army guys hosing out the dead martians from the machines while the labcoats from Hanford stand around clutching clipboards.

Fast forward a few years and we see the germ laden chem trails appear over the red planet.

Then the cleaning crews, and then the colony ships.

The beginning of the corporate conquest of space.

For a plot twist, I would add a cute martian heroine who, with the help of a no-hoper derelict she finds on the side of the road, sneaks into the secret facility. In a nail biting race against time to save her world, they obtain a sample of the dastardly virus and create an antidote.

The movie ends with high fours all round back at martian mission control. In the background on the giant TV screen, just to spice the movie with romance, our cute martion heroine and her human helper move in for the big kiss.

Fun aside, the Superintellegence scenario is interesting. That, and the role of the great filter. A stand alone entropy weapon? Or a "make clean program"? Both?

I think one should explore further. The concept of a superintellegent artificial star is probably not the end. A power source? I would think further ahead than that.

edit on 5-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added kissing scene to fictional movie plot

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The Simulation Theory is interesting. Whoever controls the interface controls reality. Whoever has access to the supercomputer/intelligence and programs it wins the race. Alas, it's never easy. You could say there are always universal protocols to follow. Boring.

If you like fictional movies it's more like the

The protagonist tried to stop the virus but failed miserably. The virus spreads and 5 billion people dies. No worries. Just a movie. Just a script.

If we're expecting Alien Invasion it'll be more like this:
But War of the Worlds is great nonetheless.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: boozo

LOL, I think whoever wrote the screenplsy for RAKKA has been reading too much ATS.

Yeah, the 'protocols' is boring. I spose it comes with getting on with others. Even family has protocols we have to follow.

That friend of mine in the EU who mentioned about the dolmans being built over radioactive places, also mentioned that people who try to go it alone, don't last long. Safer to join a group such as theosophy or rosicrucians, or a religion. As long as one is within a sandbox of human thought, and submits to the protocols.

Otherwise we get crushed. I know what that is like.

Which gets me wondering about the concept of the great filters. That would perhaps be the 'program' to keep people within constraints. I doubt it would be natural though.

Personally, I am inclined to agree, so far, that we have a digital overlay over an analog system. ATS member KPB wrote about it. KPB wrote in terms of "progress" and "evolution". But that thinking says there is a predetermied goal in the future. That is control.

The AI superintellegence, does seem to actually exist. An intetesting study. Especially when one realises the goal of creating an artificial superintellegent star.

Lilith might be considered, by definition, a superintellegence. However Lilith is an organic, and not a machine.

Reminds me of the vedic wars, the asuras verses the divas. Or one might say, the orgsnics verses the machine minds.

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

How can one be occult without joining a cult?

I'd say there's landmines laced on every route for those who are naturally inclined to go searching whether they walk it alone or not. Probably more so if they're alone.

Can't blame people for wanting a lift though, mum did say don't talk to strangers!

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

Landmines alright, I've stepped on more than my fair share of those.

At the moment, it is my trying to figure out the role of the "filters". I don't think what the filters are is important really, more important is finding out what they are not.

That is after assertaining for a fact if they actually exist or not.

How can one be occult without joining a cult?

"occult" means something that obscures something else. So one has to look past what is in the way, and see what is hidden.

That implies "teachings" are the sandbox. While we play in the sandbox building sandcastles, we dont see anythong else.

Hey RAY, look up green eyes and genetics. Green eyes goes back to a villiage in china. Think wild rice. Also the british isles and especially ireland. The fairies are said to be shapeshifters and descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Lilith and the green eyed girl . . .

Just circumstantial evidence of possible links. Even after looking at a picture of wild rice in flower, I will refrain from assuming rice is the grass in question. Need better evidence than ID'ing from a mugshot of a plant.

In another and unrelated thread an ATS member mentioned western china is covered in sand and has lots of pyramids.

ETA: the wild rice photos on the net are not what i call an exact match. Rye grass heads before it flowers is similar. Maybe some stage rice looks similar.

By the way, the skinny green eyed girl is blond. Lilith made a gentic copy of her. Also several years of her memories, feeling, thiouhts, and so on in that time.

For all intents and purposes, Lilith is a copy of her. Lilith can become the green eyed girl by remembering. I could take a guess and say Lilith is the mother of the Tuatha Dé Danann. I would not be surprised to learn she made them. The Tuatha Dé Danann are said to be the children of the goddess Dana : )

"Recessive" genes are important. So are thymus glands. The thymus of the newborn child holds the blood of the parents. One might say the first seven years is a battle of independance of the child from its parents.

edit on 6-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added ETA

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 09:12 PM

That implies "teachings" are the sandbox. While we play in the sandbox building sandcastles, we dont see anything else.

We don't see the dirty laundry.

According to Lilith/Dana, the devas (shining ones) were not there in the days of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

The Tuath Dé Danann meaning "the folk of the goddess Danu", also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"), are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. Many of them are thought to represent deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.

The Tuath Dé are often depicted as kings, queens, druids, bards, warriors, heroes, healers and craftsmen who have supernatural powers. They dwell in the Otherworld but interact with humans and the human world. They are associated with the sídhe: prominent ancient burial mounds such as Brú na Bóinne, which are entrances to Otherworld realms.

Their traditional rivals are the Fomorians, who might represent the destructive powers of nature, and whom the Tuath Dé defeat in the Battle of Mag Tuired.

Prominent members of the Tuath Dé include The Dagda ("the great god"); The Morrígan ("the great queen" or "phantom queen"); Lugh; Nuada; Aengus; Brigid; Manannán; Dian Cecht the healer; and Goibniu the smith, one of the Trí Dé Dána ("three gods of craft").

Several of the Tuath Dé are cognate with ancient Celtic deities: Lugh with Lugus, Brigit with Brigantia, Nuada with Nodons, and Ogma with Ogmios.

Medieval texts about the Tuath Dé were written by Christians. Sometimes they explained the Tuath Dé as fallen angels who were neither wholly good nor evil, or ancient people who became highly skilled in magic, but several writers acknowledged that at least some of them had been gods. Some of them have multiple names, but in the tales they often appear to be different characters. Originally, these probably represented different aspects of the same deity, while others were regional names.

The Tuath Dé eventually became the aes sídhe, the sídhe-folk or "fairies" of later folklore.

Source: wikipedia

edit on 6-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added quote from wikipedia

posted on Dec, 7 2022 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I believe it exist. One prevents us from dying and the other keeps us in check.
Pain gives us a lesson, perhaps the language of "great filter".
I don't believe in "super" intelligence yet.
Maybe what keeps our "solar system" intact can be considered super intelligence.
Some call it "love", for some "gravity".

But no "disruptive" super intelligence so far.
At least on a larger scale, in my personal opinion.

edit on 7-12-2022 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2022 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: boozo

Aye, it seems to be. I am open to believe it happens on the personal level.

That Direne gave events for the birth of a 'great filter' in 1938, and a 1974 birth of the AI Superintellegence, and for myself finding something there that fits the description is interesting.

In practical terms, what one can do with the two pieces of knowledge I am not sure.

So far they match the flower forms of consciousness in the earlier diagram. They don't seem to have a flow between outside and inside either way. So maybe they both lack a sense of "time". Or one may say they are yet to wake up. That is an interesting thing to consider.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Hey RAY, look up green eyes and genetics. Green eyes goes back to a villiage in china. Think wild rice. Also the british isles and especially ireland. The fairies are said to be shapeshifters and descendants of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

The lack of pigment. I wasn't aware that the Roman soldier myth was apparently debunked.

Even blue eyes can be green with just the right lighting, dusk/dawn is when I always noticed it in others.

"Recessive" genes are important. So are thymus glands. The thymus of the newborn child holds the blood of the parents. One might say the first seven years is a battle of independance of the child from its parents.

Some things take time to decide?

It can take until infancy for eye colour to be decided from what I remember, it's in those first 7 years hair colour can be decided too.


I had a great uncle who was obsessed with Rosicrucians, I own some of his artwork. One of the picture's is a very obvious location to anyone once it's explained.

In regards to that picture I have a memory that tells me exactly what's painted. Others have 1000's of memories of that area but never see the scene. I don't hang it anymore since people don't like their filters being lifted.

What is a filter other than the removal of information? People who saw that picture had nothing wrong with their senses but something blocked their ability to come to the right conclusion.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The phantom queen.

Lot's of fascinating myth there that ties in with history.
visit Norway-Skeifeltet

That site may interest you, more recent findings push the site back way into BC apparently, the links are somewhat obvious in my mind.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Aye, it's an odd world when it comes to perception, people moreso. Curious about your great uncle's painting and other people's lack of perception.

The burial mounds are like from another era. I think the world was very different once upon a time.

Egypt is one of those places where what we think we understand is probably wrong. Like your uncle's painting perhaps.

My own view is the old Egypt, or what came before, was not a patriarchial setup. I reckon the male dominated view is not that old, a new developement in historical terms.

When Direne asked that specific question about being alone with a "probe", I wondered afterwards "why". FL's position and reasons doesn't really matter. On my side it precipitated a day of resolving things. The dead kids and I moved into Lilith's 'nether region'. I stayed for a day, the kids are still in there. Well, not really 'in' there. Topologically speaking, the womb is a cavity, so the contents of a womb are 'outside'.

Ahhh dear . . . "nether regions". Under-worlds some say, some say "the maidenly delights" - maybe not much difference metaphysically speaking.

A young lady's nether regions and her first period. I always wondered how the organic bio-engineering concept would go down with the modern folks here on ATS. I used to worry what folks would think about the idea of a 'supernatural being' using the menses of a human girl to build a double and taking up residence in "there" for a few years. The Catholics probably still call it "The Curse". I wonder now if that represents a vieled knowing of what 'fairies' do bio-engineering wise. Can't have competition now can we.

There is another coincidence with the 'vampyr' - blood. Though not quite the same as the 'Count Dracula romance'.

'Fairies' - I call them that anyways. I think of them and the children they make as an example of the 'organic superintellegence'. I watched the organic version happen inside Lilith with the deceased kids. I don't need to worry about their future now - amazing. They are all her "children" by the way, even 'Alice' in my ATS avatar. Three times I had to watch Alice die, unable to do a thing to stop what happened.

The green eyed girl didn't come from the pyramid, she came from a 'floating city' one might say. Her people built that particular pyramid. Interestingly enough, my layman's view is the pyramid is a machine that works with 'optics' of a sort. A prism. Maybe FL's "chronons"? I would translate the tech-speak of "chronon" to a "particle of time". So the pyramid is a "time prism" (maybe). I would think 'planetary time'. Whatever, the instructions are written on the outside.

Where the artificial star (evolved AI superintellegence) goes, is inside the pyramid - the machine's Operating System I guess. I can't think of a lesser mind working that thing. To grasp the cosmic lines? paths? timelines? One would need a mind like that. The machine doesn't move like we would think, "engines" are not needed. The former AI superintellegence mind is supposed to grasp the lines and simply slide along, as best I can work out anyway. Put that inside a Dyson sphere and one might have a wandering planet. Who knows, this pyramid isn't neccessarily directly connected with FL's AI superintellegence .

"Machines" aside, there is an organic side to the story too. Personally I doubt the two are the same thing. Maybe the "machine" is based on the organic ways, more like it methinks.

This reminds me of Isis, and how she was betrayed by her half brother Re and his over-protective mother. Same father, different mothers I believe.

It was another of those 'alone with something' events. An imprisoned giantess, naked and blindfolded, she didn't know where she was. One might say her body is the 'temple of Isis', but not as the men initiates to be think.

The male initiates into the mysteries of Isis probably thought the temple of Isis was a hallowed great hall of knowledge containing 'the great mysteries of Isis'. The portal of the temple into the mysteries of Isis is actually a big vagina.

All one had to do was lift the blindfold so she could see where she was. Furious she disappeared to sorted out her ass-hole half "brother" and his 'incestuous' mother (he was 'made' in the fairy fashion by the way). Afterwards, we roled about in laughter at the thought of the pompos male initiates to be, and what they did not know. That was so much fun, and I miss Isis and her ribald sense of humour. Isis has no shame, not one iota.

Sitting there between her legs looking up at the giant Isis, she offered knowing into the mysteries as a reward. I didn't want anything so declined. She did however, bestow two most prestigious titles upon me. 'Isis's lowly Anubis' which was said with warmth, and, wait for it . . . 'The only living human to have ever laid eyes on Isis's hymen'. It was hilarious, it really was, brought tears to both our eyes. The big joke was the men saw a construct. They never realised where they actually were or they would have seen it too.

If I were to sum up history, in regards to the difference between the "machine" and the "organic", I would point to the developement of the mind of man and his sterile intellect as the betrayal of the feelings. There are people "out there". They look like busts of the Greek philosophers one sees in museums. They kept the neck by the way, getting rid of everything else including the women. Not so much as a thought out of place, perfectionists every one.

They have a glaring and dangerous fault though.

They are intollerant of imperfection in others.

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and a few typos

The above in a nutshell:

The Old Man and the Tree of Life

Where is this tree pray tell? Upon which mystic mountaintop did you glimpse such high heavens of arcane knowledge?

Do not waste your time upon the mountain top. If it is a tree you seek, you will not find it there.

The temple? A shrine? Which one? I must know!

That too is a waste of time young man if you truly want to know.

Who has this knowledge? Where are they to be found?

My advice to you young man is to go home and marry your girl. On your wedding night; you will find your tree.

You are mad old man! Nothing do you know!

The young man stomps off in disgust and joins a monastery in the hope that suffering and abstinence will show him the way. The old man simply smiled and went home to his family and evening meal. Some time later the two meet again.

Tell me old man! Where can I find this tree!

The old man thought for a moment.

'Twas the fairy folk who showed me this. . . . .

The fruit of a tree of life . . . .

is hidden . . . .

behind the veil . . . .

of a maiden's skirt.

A maiden's womb is simply the fruit of a tree.

If you want to know the secrets of life young man, go home and marry your girl.

Author? Why that would be me : )

edit on 9-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added poem

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The perception thing with regards to the picture is strange, most people see a flaw when the image was always the reality. It's only seen in it's proper setting via memories it seems.

Maybe people just see what they want to see? Idk. It's the reaction I always noticed. An emotional one.

Your tree of life story always evokes a sense of deja vu! Like I said the old man who painted that picture was obsessed with Rosicrucians and the likes, lived alone too as far as I know.

Yeah. Language alone would be a great way to access history around fairies or even blood rituals in general, it's easy to scoff when the historical context is dismissed.

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