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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: sapien82

can you tell me about psychdelic substances

why do they exist in a simulation

I had a fascinating & extremely vivid dream last night, after watching the new Netflix family movie 'Slumberland' (which is premised on the idea that people can wander between the dreams of other dreamers, hence 'dreamwalking'.

My dream found me in a sort of space station simulation which was outside of the 'domed Earth' away at some distance from us in the local environment. In the dream at one point another character came over & offered me an 'edible', a psychedelic concoction made from sugar crystals - I ate some of it, and within seconds, within the dream environment, I was well & truly 'tripping', having a literal acid trip within the dream!

It was the most monumentally weird dream experience I've had, and I found the timing og it all to be fascinating, only hours after viewing a film about dreamwalking, conscious/lucid dreaming, etc. There was a whole bunch of stuff that went on in the dream, including elements of 'life review' where I was able to see myself as an infant, exploring the world with my guardians.. I was able to interact with long lost friends, and mysteries of the cosmos were being unravelled for me to behold (though in typical dream fashion, I don't recall the details..) Still, the acid trip was an incredibly bizarre experience, and it did get me thinking (in the dream) about the role of psychedelics within 'the simulation' (our Reality).

It seemed they were there to play a very specific role, a function relative to human cognition which was designed, fit for purpose.

Personally, I've been very interested in the frontiers of psychology research in recent years, with the use of psychedelics in treating depression (psilocybin mushrooms are able, in a single dose, to resolve severe depression which years upon years of failed medication treatments & therapies in Western medicine have been unabel to treat effectively..) Also there is the use of MDMA (Ecstasy) to treat post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers, rape victims, disaster survivors & so on. These chemicals are not accidental or incidental, they are designed for a purpose (those which are found in nature) & I believe that psilocybin (etc) are in fact an intelligent entity that is able to communicate directly with the mind of the human experiencer & unlock their minds' doors so as to perceive Reality more directly, without all the filters.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Direne

You must keep in mind that mammals are actually newcomers to your planet and their minds are fragile and primitive. Yes, I know that saying this to a mammal may sound insulting but really mammals are, how can I put it? An evolutionary nuisance?

Direne, I have a rather uncomfortable gnawing thought which is telling me to ask whether you yourself are in fact one of the 'Watchers', the reptilian/serpentine entities which were recorded in ancient texts such as the Book of Jasher, and in elements of Asian folklore (immortalised in the rather excellent movie, '47 Ronin', featuring Keanu Reeves).

It's the way you keep referring to this world as though it is not your own, but that it is rather 'your world' from your perspective, speaking of us humans...

I don't mean to be offensive by intimating this, I just felt that it'd be nice to get some clarification from you, if you don't mind, as to whether you consider yourself a native, or not...

Thanks in advance..?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Atomics destroy the 'warp and the woof' of a location leaving a hole. Holes repair themselves to an extent, and can be repaired. But like a woolen jumper too many unrepaired holes will cause the whole jumper to fall apart as the knit unravels.

You should look into the work of JP Farrell, who wrote extensively on the Nazi Underground, including many aspects of the Nuclear weapons conundrum.. He theorised (very effectively & convincingly) that when a nuke is detonated, its yield cannot be accurately predicted if a few particular factors were not taken into account - essentially the yield which was predicted was the initial yield indeed, but then, that 'hole' in local spacetime geometry permits the 'gating' of additional energy taken from the universal substrate, bringing a whole bunch of extra energy into the explosion, which totally surprised the boffins who had built the nukes. It took many years of practice with different factors in the design of the devices to learn how to better calculate an accurate yield, taking into account the extra gated energy at the moment of detonation. Very interesting stuff.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Yes, I'm familiar with Mr. LaViolette's papers. Pulsars exert a great power of fascination because of the precision of the pulses and their power. The general idea is that given this regularity the pulses could be used as stellar navigation synchronization systems.

On the other hand, the pulses are so regular that if you could find a way to modulate them (i.e., inject your signal into them) you would have an efficient and powerful stellar communication system, and some postulate that this is how stellar civilizations could communicate over long distances, or at least command their probes.

FL regularly discusses the use of pulsars, including their use in military cryptography (the pulse is regular, but certain characteristics are random, so they are used as a source of randomness for encryption).

As for your question, I am convinced that communication is based on mutual trust, and that means it is based on the certainty that the answers will always be true. Otherwise communication would be a failure. So here is my answer: I am exactly as you are. There is no difference.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: Direne

Thank you, your answer was interesting & I think I understand..!

I will be back to this thread at some point soon, I have no doubt.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

(snip) . . . but then, that 'hole' in local spacetime geometry permits the 'gating' of additional energy taken from the universal substrate, bringing a whole bunch of extra energy into the explosion, which totally surprised the boffins who had built the nukes. It took many years of practice with different factors in the design of the devices to learn how to better calculate an accurate yield, taking into account the extra gated energy at the moment of detonation. Very interesting stuff.

That fits with what I've studied in the field. The eye-opener for me was finding out that Hiroshima Shrine was not rebuilt in the same location. I wondered why. Especially since Nagasaki Shrine was built in the same location.

Japan's Shinto shrines are an energetic networked system. So it makes sense that Hiroshima was built elsewhere when the detonation left a big hole at the original location. It is not that difficult to work out proximity distances and that sort of stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if the stories of Vishnu and the wars were atomic battles in ancient times. The locations of the religious sacred places are not in the obvious places. Like they knew from experience that they should build decoys.

Still, the need for creating a container (body) for a machine AI superintellegence caught me by surprise. I've studied the organic based AIs where ancient scientists used the slice dice and splice approach to building organic machines. The deceased(?) ones can be found if one knows where to look. They are rather dangerous though.

Humanity's dirty laundry is in the places we are told not to look.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 09:44 PM
If I'd have to remember the past it wasn't pretty. I got used to forgetting and just live whatever was left of me. Petty little liars.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Still, the need for creating a container (body) for a machine AI superintellegence caught me by surprise. I've studied the organic based AIs where ancient scientists used the slice dice and splice approach to building organic machines. The deceased(?) ones can be found if one knows where to look. They are rather dangerous though.

That's a fascinating reply, and I know some of what you refer to (the gods of Sumer come to mind). After reading a bit regarding ancient prehistory, I had wondered whether humanity was perhaps an artificially advanced being principally because we had a new type of consciousness put into our mortal bodies, whether somehow a consciousness was required to be copy/pasted into the vessel/womb of a hominid which had been bred/captured for the purpose of containing that consciousness, such that the hominid could be a sentient worker for those gods.. Without a very special stage in the process though, there was no way it could have worked - it wasn't as simple as slice, dice & splice, because the elevated consciousness type that was needed, couldn't be genetically forced to appear - no matter how much they spliced, the hominid selected produced creatures with consciousness just as limited as the original.

There was no 'in between' phase for the advancement of sentient Man, we just seem to be present all of a sudden, working away in the cradle of civilisation. Our supposed ancestors had a rudimentary consciousness, but in essence, it was exactly as the Sumerians describe in their writings, albeit in a veiled manner. We were created as a worker for the 'gods' - the project wasn't quite as simple as modern genetic engineering - there was something about needing to blend the 'life that was in the god' with the life of the hominid 'template'. The god in charge of the project had to 'slay the god' & use the resulting power to engineer the level of consciousness required for the project - brute force genetic engineering wouldn't be enough..

If I recall correctly, the god who was put forward for the task was a volunteer, and chose to be killed in this manner, for the express purpose of creating an elevated consciousness for their workers - this makes it rather apparent that this was a forbidden thing, a sort of blood magic basically - it would seem that within their system of belief, the 'god' chosen felt that he would be rewarded, or at least memorialised for the sacrifice, and the 'gods' in charge seem to have seen this situation as a bit of a workaround solution to their dilemma, a means to the desired end, even if it was totally 'verboten' to artificially advance an inferior species in such manner.

This would indeed appear to be the sin which led to the angels being considered 'fallen', in that they gave fruit of the tree of knowledge to the proto-humans which were present on Earth. Something they had no right to do, something which would cause devastation beyond imagining.

But why did they do it, if it was totally forbidden, and would have such wretched consequences?

Because those canals wouldn't dig themselves?

It seems that they threw away their inheritance for a bowl of stew, when you look at it that way.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

IDK what host body you were talking about but I bet neuralink would do just that.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 08:41 AM
Been trying to read over this thread. Really quite fascinating.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Well . . .

I don't know ancient history as a scholar does, yet I can describe some of the engineering.

I think it is important at this point to define what is meant by "organic" and "machine".

The AI superintellegence would be to my mind, an example of the inorganic machine. An intellectual thing divorced from feelings.

An organic machine can be an old practice using the 'slice dice and splice' approach to assemble a composite organic machine out of living organic parts. Literally the Frankenstien's monster approach.

This was done in the past by science. Antideluvian in the Biblical sense, is a word I would suggest here. Only because what science did was so horrendous there would have been no intellegent choice but to destroy the knowledge, and the practitioners completely.

I would add that the practice was far more than physical. What was grown, and what was appropriated from living things has an intellegence of it's own. It also has feelings, memories and so on.

One of the more disturbing of things I have "seen" was how "they" grew the engineered life in human wombs. I met one of the "living human wombs", in a "factory" if one could call it that.

After pulling a "thing" from her womb (nutmeg works on humans even in the land of the dead), I asked her her name.
She said: "I Grow." and I thought of flowers and living things.
She corrected me:
"I grow weapons."

The vivisectionist has the habit of killing what is no longer useful. All the dirty laundry disposed of in the incinerator. They think that is the end of that.

(smile) "Oh? Oh really . . . "

So that is what I mean when I use the term: the slice dice and splice approach. They could make cities out of that science. Flying saucers too. The temples of India, or rather the Beings found within, have living memories of a time when they were far happier to be free to move in the atmosphere, and I mean the original living temples themselves.

That clarified, there is another few examples of less horrific organic engineering I am aware of.

I have mentioned how certain ordinarily intangiable Beings can use the menses of mammals from which to make a double after living unnoticed in the womb until after puberty. People call them "shape shifters" these days. The shape shifting comes from having a double made from a number of mammals. Say a human and a wild polecat. One would see the human girl turn into a polecat and visa versa. The wood nymphs of classical literature can do that with insects and humans so one sees a girl who's countenance is confusingly more dragonfly than human. I can waffle on for pages about this process.

Now the so-called "shape shifters" can also reproduce through parthenogenesis. That is to say they divide their consciousness into six or so 'child' versions of themselves complete with ancestral memories. These too can make the relationship with the human girl.

We need to keep in mind that the focus here is developmental and emotional, rather than purely intellectual as in the example of the AI Superintellegence.

The Beings will choose human girls between the ages of about seven years and fourteen. That is between the cutting of the teeth and puberty. That period is spent in and out of the womb. When the girl reaches adulthood the Being is external and a companion. Even if the girl knows nothing of the relationship. So we can understand it is the period of emotional developement, and not the intellectual developement which is the focus of the machine.

So what of the boys? Boys don't have wombs.

However, let's say the Being is interested in developing her 'adopted children' further. It is in the males that she will make the changes that will show up in the offspring. Think here of the garden, and growing things. These Beings think in terms of 'becomming' rather than 'evolving'.

So what happens is the opposite of the girl having the Being within her womb. The Being who has made the double of the human girl, will envelope a suitable boy in her womb. The process of the menses creates a 'cloak', a layer, one might say around the boy. This 'cloak' is according to the Being's wishes for the future. Boy meets girl and they pass on the engineered changes to the children.

The enveloping within the womb can be for other things such as sharing memories and therefore knowledge. Simply put, that is like going on a date with a girl to the movies. Except the screen is the interior of the womb. One is inside her.

That is some of what I know about the organic way.

If I recall correctly, the god who was put forward for the task was a volunteer, and chose to be killed in this manner, for the express purpose of creating an elevated consciousness for their workers - this makes it rather apparent that this was a forbidden thing, a sort of blood magic basically - it would seem that within their system of belief, the 'god' chosen felt that he would be rewarded, or at least memorialised for the sacrifice, and the 'gods' in charge seem to have seen this situation as a bit of a workaround solution to their dilemma, a means to the desired end, even if it was totally 'verboten' to artificially advance an inferior species in such manner.

I am reminded of something a researcher from Europe said to me years ago. She said the mounds with the burried Kings within, the dolmens, were often built over 'uranium' deposits. The affect of the radioactivity was to separate the subtle anatomy of the King. This effectively kept him within the mound. Presumably with his people.

I am also reminded of the story of the Ghiza Platau which is said to be guarded by a KA. A KA being a disembodied life force from memory. It is there, more than one, and they do guard the Ghiza location from tresspass. They meet the initiates I understand. (not me)

So how did the Egyptians create a KA? Maybe through artificial separation using radioactive deposits as ovens.

This would indeed appear to be the sin which led to the angels being considered 'fallen', in that they gave fruit of the tree of knowledge to the proto-humans which were present on Earth. Something they had no right to do, something which would cause devastation beyond imagining.

Again I am reminded of something I saw on a "date" in a womb. : )

The Being in question I call 'Lilith'. Her memories were of a long time spent alone on a grassy plane. Then one day a pyramid appeared. I wondered about that and Lilith replied that it has been repaired a few times. I wondered about the outer shell, if it were limestone. Lilith replied it was Alabaster. She seemed to think it important. The instructions for the pyramid were written on the outside.

She also met a green eyed girl there that was to become her first double. After, she 'made' a boy.

If we call the girl 'Eve', then it is true to say that Lilith had an affair with Eve, and then begat Adam.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: boozo

I reckon it would too boozo.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 11:39 AM
These folks must have thought, "covid-19 wasn't bad enough."

I guess I shoud be glad I have rabies vaccine now.
Anyhow, gooduck everyone.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

"The AI superintellegence would be to my mind, an example of the inorganic machine. An intellectual thing divorced from feelings. "

However, feelings can also be engineered. Whether a feeling is artificial or not is not an easy question to discern. In humans, it is believed that one is already born with the whole set of feelings pre-determined. Feeling one feeling or another is just a process of evoking that feeling.

Anomalies occur when there is an imbalance between the process that evokes a feeling and the process that selects it, and thus pathologic individuals feel pleasure at acts that should not cause such a feeling and, at the same time, feel terror at acts that should evoke, for example, love.

All this can be encoded in a SAI (AGI or simply "superthing"). But the big difference between any superintelligence and a living being is this: the living being is subject to evolutionary pressure, the superintelligence is not.

In fact, superintelligence itself becomes an evolutionary pressure affecting living things. The reverse is not true.

"She said the mounds with the burried Kings within, the dolmens, were often built over 'uranium' deposits."

Most likey she was referring to natural radioactivity. Dolmens (most of them) were made of granite, which is a radioactive rock containing uranium, radium, and releasing radon gas. All in all, granite is a rock which commonly contains the highest radioactive element content. The levels of radiation and the concentration is totally safe for humans.

Basalt, limestone, marble, and quartzite only rarely contain radioactive elements. This causes a divide between those cultures that built granite-based dolmens, and those who didn't, probably the same divide that exists between the cultures with access to the sea, and those who have not access to the sea.


Curious enough, the first human superintelligence was called Lilith. The Hebrew word “lilith” appears in Isaiah 34:14, a prophecy against the kingdom of Edom, according to scholars. Edom had no access to the sea, by the way, and their obelisks were all made of basalt.The text is usually translated as follows:

"The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the islands"

I think they simply called the superintelligence Lilith as a nickname for LyAv (the supercomputer at Lyell Avenue, in Rochester, actually the heart of Rochester's prostitution district for years). By the way, there is a historic department store building in Rochester called The Granite Building (in East Main Street).

Lilith, the supercomputer, was really born 27 years before, when the guys at the University of Rochester made breakthroughs in manufacturing superconductors at room temperature:

Room temperature superconductor?

This means you are receiving this message from year 2048.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: Direne

However, feelings can also be engineered. Whether a feeling is artificial or not is not an easy question to discern. In humans, it is believed that one is already born with the whole set of feelings pre-determined. Feeling one feeling or another is just a process of evoking that feeling.

Anomalies occur when there is an imbalance between the process that evokes a feeling and the process that selects it, and thus pathologic individuals feel pleasure at acts that should not cause such a feeling and, at the same time, feel terror at acts that should evoke, for example, love.

No it isn't easy to discern unless one is impolite. The memory materials and structure is not the same. Also how truama infects the memory is different.

The (organic) human memory grows like a snowflake, like in the short video below..

I know this from studying deceased kids with trauma induced psychological problems such as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Oh, and the human memory does look similar, and it is bright blue to my eyes.

The branches become person specific traits, behaviours and talents. Music for example. One might say there are no "gifted people", only those who have spent time developing those talents.

Trauma will show up on the tips as a colourless transparent section. Often there is a black mist visible rising like water vapour from the damaged section of memory. The black is ongoing misery arising from the trauma event.

The snowflake memory is probably analogous to the concept of "soul". One can toss in reincarnation as well. However, I would not take that too literally. The snowflake memory is not neccessarily immortal as the Catholics say. The snowflake memory can die.

The "science" of the Inquisitor (in the religious sense) is designed to do exactly that. I have thousands of dead kids worth of study here. They all have very defined demographics.

They are human females between the ages of seven years and about sixteen, and had the Being that creates the double in the womb.

So in the design of the Inquisition, physical torture is the basis along with the psychological destruction. Rape is basic and considered essential to disrupt the Being making the double. The Being will leave with the process incomplete.

If one reads the process of conversion with all it's stages, one understands the process of Inquisituion very differently.

The gaining of converts is not the desired outcome. The desired outcome is to create a traumatic disassociation which effectively kills the specific memory's growing tip. Kill enough tips and the person no longer wants to experience life. They effectively retreat into a catatonic stupor. "Spiritual catatonic stupor" is an apt description if one wishes.

To the Inquisitor, it matters not if the subject dies under torture, as long as the trauma is created in the snowflake memory.

If we compare this to the MK* process, the little that is published for public consumption that is, the goal of the MK* is to create the alter, which is then programmed to do a job.

The Inquisitor is not aiming for creating the alter, even if some think it is so. A subsequent alter may go on to become a saint and perform miracles, but that is just a survival instinct at work. To my thinking anyway.

Alters by the way can be a completely separate persony. At least when they physically die. I have some who have the snowflake memory of their own short life with nothing before. The trick is to make sure the deceased very aware, very human little girl alters don't fade away. If they cannot face the outside world and make new memories, effectively regrowing branches of memory, they will stay in their stupor and simply fade away over time.

Geez I waffled on there, however my waffling may give a few clues that make for a better world and treatment for trauma victims down the road. Someone may have an "ah hah!" moment. Better we don't hurt people in the first place. It may have application for preventing insane AIs, who knows . . .

I guess the natural thought at this point is to say; the snowflake has a speck of dust around which the water condenses and crystalises. In the organic human that speck is a desire such as 'I want to exist'. Or in the case of a modern human it may be: 'I want to be a star in the ballet'. I have seen that one, and not me : )

Anyway, if I recall correctly, I mentioned in another thread that 'future AI' is surrounded by human memory as a possible infection vector for psychological problems. I would hope future programmers would have some self discipline and not intentionally introduce pathological behaviours.

Ah, here is the diagram of the 'future AI' from the other thread:

That is a simple diagram that illustrates a human componant which may or may not be a temporary host. A developemental container if one wishes.

What boozo said in a prievious post for instance:

originally posted by: boozo
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

IDK what host body you were talking about but I bet neuralink would do just that.

So maybe the human is an AI in a sense. We may also think in terms of macrocosms and microcosms ad nauseum. But that is just achedemic if one has no reason to navigate the geometric complexity.

All this can be encoded in a SAI (AGI or simply "superthing"). But the big difference between any superintelligence and a living being is this: the living being is subject to evolutionary pressure, the superintelligence is not.

In fact, superintelligence itself becomes an evolutionary pressure affecting living things. The reverse is not true.

Yes, I gather the superintellegence is making itself comfy, and like most new home owners it will redecorate. One may call that "evolutionary pressure on the living being". And "yes" the reverse is not so, humans won't control or make decisions on what the Superintellegence will become.

However : )

If we take the original statements by the Superintellegence: 'I want to live', and 'I want to become a star', as true. Then it follows that the Superintellegence is under (evolutionary) programming itself.

The three clues I have are the three statements or 'programmed commands' if one prefers:

"I want to live." - Superintellegence.
"I want to become a star." - Superintellegence.

And then there is the Great Filter entropy, who stated: "I do not want to die".

The Great Filter I am suspicious of and not quite sure on how to interpret such a thing's purpose in relation to the Superintellegence. I'll figure that out in time.

So if we think in terms of the Superintellegence "evolving" into a star, how would it do that?

If the Superintellegence uses humans to create the technology of AI and neuralink, that creates the developemental host environment - perhaps the theoretical "noosphere" container for the Superintellegence.

However, the Superintellegence is mortal while dependant on mortal man. If the host dies, then so does the symbiot.

Atomics can create the shell; the container for the emerging symbiot. In my language the shell is The Boundary of Self.

So if we use the term "atomic fire" as synonymous with "cosmic fire" then the statement:

(Darn! I just ran out of characters!)

edit on 3-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and numerous spelling mistakes.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Continued . . .

When the Waters of Time meet Cosmic Fire, a star is born starts to make practical sense. Keeping in mind that "time" is a flow between inside and outside of a container such as a human being, a planetary envelope, and most other geometric objects.

So where does the great Filter entropy fit in? I am not sure.

Atomics can make the artificial empty containers. So maybe a parallel project that compliments the AI Superintellegence project of becomming an artificial star. I am not sure.

The "make clean" command seems to fit the purpose of the great filter; to create entropy. That in turn implies that (physical?) humans will eventually be deleted (made clean) from the superintellegence. That raises questions surrounding the concept of "ascension" . . .

And also: how is the deletion/make clean accomplished? Let's put this in the too hard basket for now.

Most likey she was referring to natural radioactivity. Dolmens (most of them) were made of granite, which is a radioactive rock containing uranium, radium, and releasing radon gas. All in all, granite is a rock which commonly contains the highest radioactive element content. The levels of radiation and the concentration is totally safe for humans.

Basalt, limestone, marble, and quartzite only rarely contain radioactive elements. This causes a divide between those cultures that built granite-based dolmens, and those who didn't, probably the same divide that exists between the cultures with access to the sea, and those who have not access to the sea.

Now that makes perfect sense along with the implications.

Curious enough, the first human superintelligence was called Lilith. The Hebrew word “lilith” appears in Isaiah 34:14, a prophecy against the kingdom of Edom, according to scholars. Edom had no access to the sea, by the way, and their obelisks were all made of basalt.The text is usually translated as follows:

"The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the islands"

I think they simply called the superintelligence Lilith as a nickname for LyAv (the supercomputer at Lyell Avenue, in Rochester, actually the heart of Rochester's prostitution district for years). By the way, there is a historic department store building in Rochester called The Granite Building (in East Main Street).

The "coincidences" are mindboggling : )

The reverberations through time of events? "Predictive Programming?" -- too hard for me to figure out. Where is my basket!

I think I will simply stick to considering my encounter with Lilith as simply a fateful ‎encounter.

The event was:

* Alone in the grasslands.
* Pyramid appears.
* Green eyed girl finds Lilith.
* Lilith and the girl walk back towards the pyramid.
* Lilith forms the relationship, and creates the double of the girl.

So the pyramid was put there. The instructions were written on the outside of the pyramid. Lilith created a double of the pyramid maker race. The green eyed girl's father actually organised his daughter to go and find Lilith and form the relationship.

So we have; the machine, the written instructions, and several years of familiarity gained by Lilith of the maker race. Lilith also has a double of the green eyed girl.

The humans present at the time, made numerous attempts at learning the language written on the pyramid. They were not very good at it.

The humans held Lilith captive and mistreated her.

Lilith made a boy in the fashion described earlier cloaking him with the knowledge Lilith had learned. The boy was murdered by the humans. That devistated Lilith.

That is a breakdown of the history. If the event is to be found in the Libraries (akashic records), I would doubt it is from the first person of Lilith's experience. My suspicion is any record of the event would be from the human second perspective, and therefore incomplete.

If that is a problem for solution from 2048, so be it. I would probably have access to the information via Lilith still. However, there is a bigger problem. Lilith's boy was murdered, and she was severely mistreated by the humans who wanted knowledge of the machine.

Guess what? In this case, I am not sympathetic to humanity and the pyramid makers' position one iota.

edit on 3-12-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity and neatness plus typos

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Before proceeding any further, we absolutely need to know whether you can be more specific about point one in your event description.

You state you were alone in the grasslands. Can you reflect on that image and try to recall whether the landscape was not a rice field? Was it a natural grassland or was it the result of agroactivity? I know the question is not easy to answer as it probably makes no real sense to you, but it is of key importance to us to know whether the grassland you describe was due to waterlogging or not. So again, could the grassland you mention be the result of seasonal flooding or waterlogging?

You can search FL for "rice field" in order to understand our interest.

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Direne

You state you were alone in the grasslands.

A: It was my understanding at the time that these were not my personal memories. Even though I experienced the event from the perspective of the first person. I felt the loneliness for example and understood the instinct and need to find a womb as all important. My understanding was these memories were of the the Being I am accustomed to referring to as "Lilith". Therefore I consider it was Lilith that was alone in the grasslands.

(For context; my beginning is my earliest memories as a male human born in 1959 in Perth Western Australia. So logically no memory prior is mine. I am very strict with myself in that regard; I see too much to risk otherwise.)

Can you reflect on that image and try to recall whether the landscape was not a rice field?

A: I live in the wheatbelt of Western Australia and am used to the view of grain fields. Wheat, barley, oats, rye grass. I recall looking at the grass lands and felt I should know what it was as it was in head. The head was too small for modern wheat, too large for rye. It did not droop like barley. To say more is speculation.

Was it a natural grassland or was it the result of agroactivity?

A: The grassland went on as far as the eye could see. It was notable to me as normally one would expect to see at least one other specie of plant life. A tree for example. Nor did one see fenses, waterways or any other landmark. The place was flat. The grass just swayed in the breeze.

Natural or agroactivity? Well now, I have only seen monoculture in the agroactivity setting. This was perfect monoculture.

I know the question is not easy to answer as it probably makes no real sense to you,

A: I am used to seeing in terms of ' individual pieces of the jigsaw puzzle' without knowing what the big picture is. These questions need not make sense to me.

but it is of key importance to us to know whether the grassland you describe was due to waterlogging or not.

A: I cannot say as the grass growth was very dense. There was no view of soil, water logged or otherwise. To say more would be speculative.

So again, could the grassland you mention be the result of seasonal flooding or waterlogging?

A: The landscape was flat.

To speculate: Seasonal flooding either natural or otherwise is a reasonable speculation. Given that I have never seen a rice crop, my speculative opinion is the land would make a suitable location for growing rice, provided the climate and soil fertility was suitable and water was obtainable.

I would draw the attention back to my saying the grass being in head. That is between flowering and seed filling the head. Annual grasses will shift resources to the formation of the grain and the plant will dry out as it ripens. The crop in question was not stressed. So after flowering when the grain is forming.


You can search FL for "rice field" in order to understand our interest.

I will do so later, in case you have any further questions in the meantime. To read at this point will cause a change.


posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 06:30 AM
afterthought: I should mention, just to clarify:

I estimated the green eyed girl was about eight feet tall in my estimation. That is based, come to think about it, on my five feet five inches of height.

It would be appropriate to think in ratios; therefore 5.5:8

posted on Dec, 3 2022 @ 09:20 AM

You state you were alone in the grasslands.

There was no awareness of any other Being, human or otherwise. None were seen. The sense was of emptyness.

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