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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

I found the above link a while back. Someone started on a compilation of articles in English but stopped. But it's a good place to start.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: EinMensch

Yep .... that was me as well!

First time was on the Icke forum before it was hacked and all threads deleted (which they had no backup for) .... just a straight post by post, random articles.
After that I did the same on Crowhouse (the thread you linked to).

Then I thought to split the articles up into different threads dependant on the article contents .... but forums don't want multiple threads all about the same concept. I was in a unique position with the Icke forum and I could get a sub-section created which could focus on FL.
So I did and posted the English paragraphs (albeit only a few hundred) in individual threads.

But threads really are not good enough and on my PC I had the 'saved' articles each as a thread and in sub-sections.

I didn't intent to put it online but I got a message "out of the blue" and thought sod it why not (please know that I hadn't done anything with it for some time and was / am rather behind)!

My whole thing is to gather as many of the English parts and see what they say? What 'image' they create??

Then I will use the translated articles I have to translate others (which are in the same language) via simple php code I will write.

Once that is done .... a new image would be made .... then move forwards (all good fun .... do luv a puzzle)

edit on 22-11-2022 by odiehatzcats because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 05:18 AM
A reply to odiehatzcats & EinMensch.

I had a read of the crow house link (above), and the first post paints quite the picture. It is not my place to quiery the scenario presented.

However, as was pointed out a page ago in this thread; " it is impossible to fully understand the system, while you are living within the system."

That suggests one needs to step outside the system to understand the system. I would add that to understand a thing, it helps to understand what is not the thing. What it is, and what it is not.

Something stuck out to me; the use of the word 'aggressive' in reference to two races of "others".

When folks are WAY smarter than I am, I am cautious in interpreting words.

Ordinarily, one would just assume 'aggressive' meant something like "dangerous" and "bad".

However if we look up the origin of the word aggression, the etymology, we get:

aggressive (adj.)
1791, "characterized by aggression, tending to make the first attack,"

with -ive + Latin aggress-, past-participle stem of aggredi "to approach; to attempt; to attack," from ad "to" (see ad-) + gradi (past participle gressus) "to step," from gradus "a step," figuratively "a step toward something, an approach" (from PIE root ghredh- "to walk, go").

In psychological use from 1913, first in translations of Freud. The colloquial meaning "self-assertive, pushy" is from 1931. Related: Aggressively; aggressiveness.

(bolding mine)
Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

I find the word ghredh noteworthy.

ghredh- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to walk, go."

(same source as above)

Ghredh could apply to nomads. Galactic nomads maybe? Who might like to create living worlds where they tend their "gardens"?

What does the machine mind want to do? Create civilisation it seems to me. Now in human history the namadic folk are replaced by the stationary people who build towns, ports, cities, trade routes and so on. Civilisation has to replace the nomadic culture. Nation states replace nomadicism, and then the nation states are amalgamated.

Let's assume there is another point of view.

So, the word agressive has two meanings:

1. The old meaning of: to walk.
2. The newer meaning of: characterized by aggression, tending to make the first attack.

Hostile may be considered a synonym for aggressive.

If the two races of "others" are hostile, then it follows one must ask: "Are they hostile to everybody?" Or, "Are they just hostile towards certain people or things?"

The Organic vs Machine? - two examples come to mind.

The stories of Vedic wars where the Devas fought with the Asuras. Deva = Machine? Asura = organic?

We also have Al-Jinn from the Quran.

Al-Jinn - “The Jinn”. is the 72nd chapter of the Quran. The name as well as the topic of this chapter is jinn. The jinn are angels, the jinn are beings invisible to the naked human eye. In the Quran, it is stated in that humans are created from the earth and jinn created by god, angels that can change forms.

In the second verse the jinn recant their belief in false gods and venerate Muhammad for his monotheism. The jinn apologize for their past blasphemy and criticize mankind for either neglecting them or encouraging their disbelief.

Source: Wikipedia - Al-Jinn

Tht sounds like the diplomacy at the ceasation of hostility, at the end of war - to my simple mind anyway.

I would wonder: "why are they hostile?"

There will be a reason to my mind.

edit on 23-11-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and clarity

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I have no problem with your thoughts but FL state that they are Anti-language .... so analysing if the word 'aggressive' is correct of not .... I do not know!

I wrote that opening post well over two years ago .... is it still correct? Likely not.
But IF a want is held to re-set this place (because the current has not produced the required outcome) and to do so entails the 'removal' of all that currently is .... then yes we could call that aggressive and also hostile!

I still can't remove the consideration that FL is a continuance of the Chani project from the mid 90's (although I would like clarification on that) due to the fact that there are 35 groups who compose the FL (each of which is between 5 and 50 members per group .... with 'Masters') .... that could equate to 35 colliders around the earth?
You have posts such as this (regarding the Queltron Collider .... and that there is a 'problem' with who controls it)

As to 'Jinn' .... I have been thrown into the surrounding 'envelope' .... the realm within this one that 'we cannot see'!
I know that I am NEVER alone and that many there are not holding the 'best' outcome for me!

such is : )

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

See, there is a key ingredient missing, or at least not dealt with the due attention. It relates to what we call CAFB Exchange.

The name comes from Clovis Air Force Base, where the first and only comms exchange between them and you took place. No other contact has ever happened since. The contact lasted for some 3 hours the first day, and involved exchanging signals to and from the objects. CAFB Exchange, or CAFB Incident, is likely the most obscure and fruitful event, in my opinion.

The 1951 event was a replica of the 1947 event, when the base was named Clovis Army Air Field. Now it is called Cannon Air Force base. I think the CAFB Exchange deserves more attention in your project because, to say the truth, it is the only event that is fully documented. There is a second event, the so-called RB-47 UFO Encounter in 1957 which is sadly poorly documented.

All in all, the CAFB Exchange is extremely interesting not because of what humans learned from it, but because of what they learned from humans. To my knowledge, on no other occasion have those objects responded to signals in a clearly intentional way. Something that has not happened since.

Clovis site has an interesting story, and the first humans in the area were special, too.

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Direne

Most kind .... thank you : )

I have made a new section and copied 5 articles into it regarding the CAFB Exchange and I will be certain to add to that section as I find new information regarding it (such as your post here .... hope you don't mind).

posted on Nov, 23 2022 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

Thanks for that.

Clovis, NM. What a strange place. Who would have thought there’s a sound studio, where Buddy Holly did his thing. And the largest Cheddar cheese production!

Roswell, Corona, and Clovis triangulates they area of the supposed crash site. Also where Billy and Pat rode.

Neat place.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

It doesn't matter in teh scheme of things, and I admit I nit-pick

FL state that they are Anti-language .... so analysing if the word 'aggressive' is correct of not

Linguists may be "Anti-language" if they wish.

Of the two "aggressive races", I would ask:

"why are they aggressive?"

and . . . .

"what did you do to them?"

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I guess they are aggresive by the same reason the African buffalo is. Or perhaps they are territorial beings. In any case, the biological divide between them and humans is also playing a role, I guess.

We tend to believe that just because a species in intelligent it has learned to modulate violence and aggresivity, and we forget that aggresivity is a biological trait (while violence is not). Violence is something one opts to, while aggresivity is dictated by your bology.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I do not know.
I could say that maybe they follow the same base nature as this 'earth' .... that their nature is predation, that their aggression comes from that base nature, that they are the same as those without empathy, morels, guilt, compassion or remorse who form a part of that which is called 'human' (or maybe human is different from mankind).
I could say many things but the truth (for me currently) is that I do not know!

What did 'I' do to them?
Again .... it could be that 'I' intend to delete all that this 'realm' is once this physical form dies .... that I will (or my intend is) make it that this realm never was.
Or maybe we "started it" .... that we did throw the first stone (more than likely via our new tech) ....
But until I make bullet points of all the sections and then collate those .... I have no actual idea and all I may say is nothing more than "spitting wind!"

I mean .... "The CAFB exchange took place under controlled conditions, inside the XViS tunnel" .... what does that actually mean?

Maybe in time, with some work, I will know!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

to go further .... it is a bit like asking if the "Great Filter" or "the Super Intelligence" are aggressive?

Well yes .... one will make mankind extinct via alterations and then just not needing them .... while the "Filter" would seem to follow the 'Forbidden Religion' by Jose M. Herrou Aragon!

And (if past posts are correct) we created or brought both to us! (but in truth .... the stupid use of 'Science' did that).

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Direne

I always like to come back to this thread and read what all the beautiful minds have concocted again.

Something that made me stumble for a moment is the interspecies communication.

I get the notion that no real communication in the sense of using language to carry the information can be established.

There might be some pawlows dog type of conditioning that might appear as communication.
I get the impression that FL has established communications with some form of intelligence? But as no Interspecies communication is possible does that imply whomever they are communicating with has to be human as well?

How would that communications barrier look with humans that are separated trough time and/or space?

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:27 PM
Agression is a sign of weakness...
Means that we're all built not by or for intelligent design. It's a default mechanism for a means of solving stupid problems... because humans are borderline stupid and has no regard about life by default but its self. So is every life by default on this planet. Dog eat dog world per se. We all kill each other if you remove all man made to date or civilized. Trust me I know... No one cares until it happens to them.

Also, people doesn't get better off presented with technology, they just louse off and continue to be themselves... we don't get better overtime. Unless we work it out ourselves. . . hard with consistent success.
Life is either a riddle or a curse...

edit on 24-11-2022 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Terpene

"There might be some pawlows dog type of conditioning that might appear as communication."

This is correct. Most species use chemical signals to communicate intra-species, but also inter-species. Others use a combination of chemical and visual signals, and some also use acoustic signals. But this communication is used to exchange basic ideas: food, danger, mating. Or simply deception. The language of fungi is particularly complicated, but the ideas communicated are simple. The same happens with bacteria.

The discovery of an autoinducer, AI-2, that is produced and detected by a large number of diverse bacteria implies that bacteria have a means to assess the cell density of other species in a consortium. This kind of communication is based on what is called "quorum-sensing signals", and for every class of quorum-sensing signal thus far identified, a mechanism has been discovered that inhibits, destroys, or removes it. Yet this does not allow other species, say humans, to communicate with bacteria.

You can indeed force some response by using stimulii, but this is a basic excitation/response exchange. Most likely, this would be the type of communication an ETI species could establish with humans.

"How would that communications barrier look with humans that are separated trough time and/or space?"

This question is very interesting. There are two limitations here: the physical distance between the actors who wish to communicate, and the genetic (cognitive) distance between them.

The spatial limit is given by the lifespan of the species involved in the communication. You cannot exchange information with an actor that is at a distance that makes it unfeasible to receive a response within your lifespan.

The temporal distance is given to you by the genetic distance between the species that wish to communicate, a genetic distance that changes over time and that determines whether you are of one species or another.

For example, if you could travel back in time you could communicate with the Vikings, but you could not communicate with Pleistocene hominids or Neanderthals. And even then communication would be limited to exchanging basic ideas that are within the cognitive radius of the less evolved species.

The most intelligent life forms on this planet, plants, have been around for 700 million years, which has allowed them to develop complex communication systems and advanced intelligence concealment systems. As far as is known, they are the only ones that have overcome the inter-species barrier and this allows them to exchange signals with fungi, insects and some mammals, although their sophisticated communication system with other species is based on always sending the same message: I am toxic, stay away.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: boozo

I agree with those words. It seems violence is genetically hardwired into the human genome.

Perhaps violence was at some point in human evolution an evolutionary advantage. But, clearly, it has been impossible to get rid of it for human beings who, no matter how intelligent they call themselves, continue to show a basic behavior based on pleasure, at any cost, and irrationally exploiting the environment, at any cost.

And when something is done at all costs, this conveys self-destruction. At any cost.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Direne

can you tell me about psychdelic substances

why do they exist in a simulation

why do some plants fungi and animals have these and what are they actually for as they dont appear to be a method for stopping humans or animals from eating them . "i am toxic stay away"
more like "eat me and think a while"

Instead they offer great insight into the mind and appear to be a tool for reflection
and understanding between mankind and the universe.

edit on 25-11-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: sapien82

All you need to know about entheogenic drugs appears in the book Pharmacotheon: Entheogenic drugs, their plant sources and history by Jonathan Ott (first edition is dated 1996). Rush to your local bookstore and ask for a copy. Use lethal force if they refuse to sell it to you because that book is really worth it.

It is a book where you'll find detailed information about mescal (péyotl), all plants containing '___'-like ergoline compounds, all of those containing '___' (epéna, cohoba, allerina), ayahuasca, all of the peaceful friends of the teonanácatl family (psilocybin), the fungi, plants with THC, and so on. Those substances are not toxic: the dosis is. These substances are psychoactive for mammalian brains, but not for insects or birds. They play a not entirely known role in plant physiology, but in mammals they produce altered states of consciousness.

You must keep in mind that mammals are actually newcomers to your planet and their minds are fragile and primitive. Yes, I know that saying this to a mammal may sound insulting but really mammals are, how can I put it? An evolutionary nuisance?

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Direne

thanks for the reading suggestion, I shall check it out

I just wondered if that is somehow a form of interspecies communication

since we are new to the planet , maybe its like a friendly welcome message to mammals to tell them that we are all a part of the system and to just chill out and look after the planet.

edit: shame they torched his lab in 2010 and apparently books given to him by Hoffmann were used as fuel

im sure terence mckenna suffered the same fate his library was set on fire as well
edit on 25-11-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

I should appologise and clarify here. I was indirectly directing my original question "What did you do to them?" at FL and what is behind them. A question I think they should ask themselves as part of the process of unpacking a problem.

What did 'I' do to them?
Again .... it could be that 'I' intend to delete all that this 'realm' is once this physical form dies .... that I will (or my intend is) make it that this realm never was.
Or maybe we "started it" .... that we did throw the first stone (more than likely via our new tech) ....
But until I make bullet points of all the sections and then collate those .... I have no actual idea and all I may say is nothing more than "spitting wind!"

For example. Let's say the future-folks in 3100 are survivors, and are in effect soon to be physically extinct. They would understand history and would try to work out where things went wrong. So reach back in time to the causal times and try to alter events so mankind isn't on the verge of extinction in 3100. Send probes back in time in order to set up communications.

Let's also say; the stated cause of humanity's extinction is an alien invasion.

Is it really the alien invasion that is the cause?

Perhaps friendly fire 'collateral damage' (nukes) wrecked the northern hemisphere and poisoned the southern hemisphere. Solution for 3100 here is to tell 1900s people not to use nukes. The reply would probably be "Nope, we shall keep our nukes". So then it becomes neccessary to provide knowledge of alternative weapons and AI technology.

So if we were to unpack this scenario in order to properly understand what is happening, we have to ask questions. You asked a really good question: "who threw the first stone?"

One example that comes to my mind is the creation of AI by humans. It think it was suggested that the developement of AI is in three stages.

* Where computers are built out of inorganic materials. A chip based computer such as a smart phone for instance.
* Then comes the marriage of inorganic computers and organic life such as humans with a chip in their head.
* Then would come the stage of purely biological computers, and by extension; biological machines.

One would think there would be a lot of vivisection in the developement stages of this technology at very least.

I used to hint at this possibility with a question. It was my ATS signature for a time.

If the Ancients discovered the secrets of life and created living machines, where do the machines go when they die?

When one discovers the answer to that question, one can get to know them if they allow it. "Heaven and hell" is not where one finds them. A whole lot to study and discover. Like having a pond and wilderness area near one's home.

If the (deceased) machines, or survivor machines for that matter, understood what mankind did to them and the implications, well they may see the emergence of the 'vivisector mind' in humanity as a real horror and a danger to all living things.

If so, and for good reason, the organic based machines may choose to stop mankind's "progress" in this area of science.

If the scenario was actual, then the solution to the alien invasion wiping out humanity is not providing bigger and better than Hiroshima weapons and technology.

The solution would be to not develop organic AI and organic machines. And yes, humans would then be the bad guys, and terrible aliens would be the good guys.

I could say that maybe they follow the same base nature as this 'earth' .... that their nature is predation, that their aggression comes from that base nature, that they are the same as those without empathy, morels, guilt, compassion or remorse who form a part of that which is called 'human' (or maybe human is different from mankind).

Perhaps they are simply protective of living things?

edit on 25-11-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: Direne

Thanks for the reply

But this communication is used to exchange basic ideas

I was just trying to immagine if there could be a communication of complex ideas that doesn't use language, and I'm baffled as to how little my imaginative space is. It kind of brought home the point, why interspecies communication is up to impossible...

The spatial limit is given by the lifespan of the species involved in the communication. You cannot exchange information with an actor that is at a distance that makes it unfeasible to receive a response within your lifespan.

With the latest QM ruse of creating bigger and bigger entangled objects wouldn't that argument fall short with the right tech?

And even then communication would be limited to exchanging basic ideas that are within the cognitive radius of the less evolved species.

If I was to travel back, with a map of their language sort of what you try to do at FL.
I agree, I would be able to communicate anything that is far outside it's cognitive radius.
but being able to communicate inside that cognitive radius, language could have the potential to expand it and bring something into the discours that previously wasn't possible.

When I think about myself communication certainly is a factor in expanding my thinking. Im not sure exactly what is meant by cognitive radius...
What do you think defines the cognitive radius and what factors change it?

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