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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Direne

You know that sounds like what terrence mckenna said once

if you imagine human knowledge as a sphere that grows every time we learn something
the volume of the sphere being the totality of our understanding
and the surface area of the growing sphere the area of our ignorance outside of our understanding

its as you say a law that prevents total understanding.
But humans seem to have got it , we know absolutely nothing well some of us get it , the rest dont so again another balancing act.
its best just like going on a new rolle'rcoaster not knowing the twists and turns the ups and downs
and just to hold on for the ride and try not to vomit and enjoy yourself along the way.
Try to make some friends so we aren't alone.

What does FL make of love ? is it timeless and transcending all.

edit: typo's
edit on 21-11-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2022 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: sapien82

It would go some way in explaining why some of the lonely get a taste.

It's the same hunger, quite beautiful when you think about the kindredness of it. Very human though that could just be an interpretation...

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I find the poems in this entry quite self-explanatory:

loneliness and solitude

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Direne

"Solitude is a great affliction; is that why you look for
other life forms out there in the dark space?
Your ship is your body, Norea.
But loneliness and solitude are two different things.
Loneliness means all doors are closed to you,
while solitude means even if the doors were wide open,
there is no one in those rooms."

The doors could be open, life could be heard and seen but the refusal to engage could still exist. Solitude may be an affliction yet I consider it being a state of mind unique to individualism, a one that can bring peace and comfort.

When I think along those lines I don't come to the conclusion that solitude is a form of self-harm. I'm also reminded of the hermit of yesteryear and how the world went to them for answers.

Thanks for the link, seems I'm not alone in my conclusions either. There's lots I could say on those poems but I'd rather just say there's a nice ring to them.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I enjoy spending time alone every now and then, its peaceful and quiet not to have to engage with other humans
you can just do nothing alone or do something you enjoy alone
either way spending time by yourself is great fun

but after a while you do get the desire to be in good company or any company

I think it was alan watts who said something about people wanting to run off into the woods to find solitude
but that society always trys to pull them back in, as if we arent allowed to go off on our own and live in solitude with nature. As it would be considered crazy! but I think we have went crazy all living together in human filing cabinets in giant concrete boxes with the forest neatly tucked into a small pot.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Forgive me for having a chuckle.

It appears I caught that bullet a few pages before you pulled the trigger.

At some point I think you lose the childish irritation with secrets. In the grand scheme of the things I don't know there's plenty I'll never get to anyway. Whatever secrets are kept from me, no matter how large they may seem, are just a small section of a single page in a large library of things I don't know. The things I need to know cannot and never will truly evade me, but they may not always reveal themselves when I want. So, I try not to let that get to me too much.

I think there are probably as many metephors for it as there are people to receive them,

Answers aren't really in the future or past, those are perceptual illusions. They are just invisible in the present so humans are doomed to forever rediscover them through mental excavation. The trouble seeming to be, the nectar is always sweetest at some other time.

This thread had a strange evolution from its roots to where it is today. I'm glad it cycled back through the recents and I caught it again. There definitely is something for everyone in these pages. I'll be checking in on FL more often, but will give them the gift of silence on this forum. It's too bad it started a bit hostile way back when, but what first meeting of cultures isn't a bit rough?

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

yeh that''s true, I think as you get older and you get a little wiser to the way humans are you are less bothered
by hidden understanding.

As the saying goes " what is for you will not go by you"

Yeh I remember there was animosity towards FL
my attitude was simply curiosity

I will talk to literally anyone, my mother always warned me not to talk to strangers
but I never listen.
I have a big problem with authority for some reason so never listen to people who tell me what to do.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 11:03 AM

Don’t trouble yourself with endless questions about God, existence, destiny, and all the rest. Instead, find out who is the person who wants to know such things.


I interpreted it as a multi-meaning. On the surface... Find your own answers.

On a deeper level... Once you find out more about your inner-verse, you find out more about the outer-verse.

Also... What if the 'who' is not related to the 'I', but is instead a soul screaming for answers?

Interestingly, the only way the soul can get clear answers from this physical incarnation in a state of amnesia, is through further refining the interface of 'I'

Quick example, as I alluded to in one of my first posts, I really dislike my day job. But I keep it around, because I'm used to it, and there are a few perks / conveniences. But what if I radically changed it, and applied myself towards something I actually like doing?

It would create a new pathway of wisdom / knowledge that I can access. And the soul would be more satisfied, because I'm nourishing the 'I'

I already created pathways through the years, by working on my physical / spiritual forms. But have been ignoring extremely boring aspects such as the right day job. So, I know what to do.

Remember, the phenomenon always requires an observer, and is most likely us from a different timeline, bleeding into our present. So if we want to change the phenomenon, we need to change ourselves. It's all connected.
edit on 11/21/2022 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: sapien82

It's why I quoted that poem

The differences between alone and loneliness are quite staggering when you think about it, add in the idea of solitude and a lot of people will come up with cloudy thoughts.

It's the why of such things that's really interesting, the lonely wife with kids has very different thoughts than a lonely child in the same family. What are either of them going to attract within any aspect of reality?

In history the hermit had different ways and different answers, it's why society probably refused to let them go. Nagging wife's and daft questions is a common theme in old stories!

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 01:16 PM
If I may ask a direct question to Direne .... which really is the whole reason that I am on this thread as it is the biggest thread on the web (that I know of) about FL (which I guess is because of Direne interaction .... although that goes against FL stance on being sure not to change anything "else we become like gods and remove freewill") ....

What I would like to ask is:

Do you, as FL, mind me collecting all the English paragraphs which I can find (along with the images) from your articles so that I can collate the information they state?

Oh and why do I wish to do this? .... I like a puzzle (I have no want to know who you are .... just the information is all I wish for)

: )

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 10:06 PM
I had a dream some time ago in which someone gave me a silver ring which featured a large emerald.. They said: "It is impossible to fully understand the system, while you are living within the system".

That stuck with me, as I'd been struggling with existential type questions & frustration that I couldn't find my way towards a grand 'Theory of Everything'.. After having that dream I became (somewhat) less bothered by the prospect of never fully understanding what was happening in the world I was experiencing. Perhaps it is of help to another here, perhaps not.

edit on NovemberMonday22011CST10America/Chicago-060006 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: odiehatzcats

No, we haven't. However, I think that was (is?) done by someone else in the Internet. Can't recall right now where I once saw it. It was a web containing only the portions of FL in English. I think it was perhaps in Mr. Icke's website or group of users in reddit.

But bear in mind that judging an entire site as FL on the sole basis of paragraphs written in English is like judging a pizza by just focusing on the olives in the topping.

posted on Nov, 21 2022 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Yes, it is impossible to fully understand the system, while you are living within the system. Worse: it is impossible to study the human brain using a human brain. That's somehow cheating.

Perhaps the role of The Watchers is just that: to study systems, processes, objects, life forms, and structures without being part of any of those. And then reporting to the Great Simulator about their findings.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: Direne

I read this . . .

"Norea, my child,

the whole universe is contained
within a single human being.
Kill one single human,
and you would have destroyed

an entire universe."

. . . and thought; The multiverse explained in 5D.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 02:57 AM
Were the Superintellegence and the Great Filter to meet each other, what would they say?

"I want to live." ~ The Superintellegence.
"I do not want to die." The Great Filter.

The question then becomes; how to grant both wishes.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: Direne

Thank you .... good to know that you don't mind my actions.

The posts on the Icke site were the third time I tried to see if anyone was interested but it was the first time that I split the articles up into sections (except on my PC of course). Never got much interaction though!
It would seem that FL is too much for many and I couldn't really understand that but this did help me :

understanding something is far less complicated than trying to explain it to someone else. Teaching is more difficult than learning. The number of teachers is less than the number of learners, and the number of both teachers and learners is infinitely less than the number of ignorant people. Sadly, in the future this still holds.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Indeed. It is a whole. They are not opposing systems, but are part of a single system. They are different processes, of course. Sometimes one dominates, but soon the equilibrium is broken and the other process dominates, at which point the equilibrium is broken once again. It is at the interface between the two processes that life occurs, with all its beauty and all its drama.

As if joy were a brief moment between two sadnesses, or as if sadness were only a moment between two joys.

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Direne

Nicely put.

I believe what happens eventually is the Superintellegence becomes a Library.
edit on 22-11-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Verily. The Akashic records...

posted on Nov, 22 2022 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Direne

Ahhh. The living libraries.

One was like the inside of a sphere where one could "pull" a planet from the wall, and zoom in like google earth. The real interesting things was I took a (living) lady friend with me. She works as a librarian and the library system she knew is how it interacted with her.

Adaptive interfaces.

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