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I make my own liposomal vit C. This stuff is frickin AMAZING!!!!!

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posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:28 PM
I just made a batch using powdered sunflower lecithin, I followed the directions step by step, but there was no foam at all the whole time I stirred it while it was vibrating in the jewelry cleaner for 30min. It kept its brown color, and it has the sour taste everyone says but it almost has a metallic taste too. Did anyone else get the same results or did I do something wrong?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:15 PM
I don't know how there could be no foam after mixing lecithin. It's a pretty foamy substance. Something had to go wrong somewhere down the line.

Distilled water, check?
Ascorbic acid, check?
Lecithin with at least some water blended ahead of time, check?
Lec-water and asc-water blended together before putting in sonicator, check?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by RedCairo

Do you put them in the blender separately ?
I thought you had to mix them together before blending....

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:39 PM
I mixed the (Swanson) non gmo sunflower Lecithin powder into 1 cup distilled water in a glass mason jar, let it sit for 30 minutes, in another mason jar I mixed 1/2 cup distilled water with 1 tbsp of ( Now foods) vitamin c crystals, and kept mixing it until the crystals were completely dissolved.

After letting it sit for 30 min I poured the Lecithin mix into the blender for about 2 minutes then added the vitamin c mix and ran blender for another 30 seconds. I then poured the mix into the sonic cleaner and stirred for 30 minutes while the machine ran, and it never foamed at all the whole time.

I took just a tbsp of the mix afterwards and it was sour but had a metallic taste also, but it didn't upset my stomach at all. Am I missing a step? I followed the direction on page 1.. what brands are you guys using maybe the serving sizes are different?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:45 PM
also I'll add that the color really didn't lighten up to the milky color, its more like an almond color

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Ragnarokkr

I think there is too much emphasis made on the bubbles.

When making mine, I have very little bubbles.

As long as you're final product isn't separating, I wouldn't be concerned.

Regarding the metallic taste: Is it a new machine? Did you clean it first? Run a plain water batch first?

Some have reported a metallic taste with new machines.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Julie Washington

It sat all night in the fridge and there is no separation, yes it is a new machine. I clean water with the vibration on a few times and wiped it down with a paper towel, maybe I didn't clean it good enough

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 11:50 AM

Julie Washington

I'm thinking of trying this for my daughter, 13 yrs old.

She suffers from daily numbing of the left side of her face and turns into a severe pounding headache. This happens for just a few minutes, then goes away and happens again a few minutes later. Like it comes in "waves". Not all day long, but a few times per day.

She has been to doctors, tried migraine meds and had a CAT scan (all clear), seen a chiropractor 2 times per week for 3 months (no more work to do on her spine/neck/jaw), and even tried biofeedback.

Any thoughts on whether this may or may not work for her symptoms? I saw a thread recently on a guy who came back from a death sentence of the flu and a diagnosis leukemia, and is now healthy.

Just looking for an answer to her problems... any thoughts?

I highly encourage you to try it on your daughter. There is no risk to her, as there are no side affects.

Now trying to understand what is going on with her neurologically is another story. Have the doctors labled her diagnosis yet?

I did a quick google search and came up with Hemiplegic Headaches. Read this and let us know if it sounds like the symptoms she is experiencing.

In any event, the bottom line is that this could be nuerological which Vitamin C is excellent for. Vitamin C restores and repairs brain nerves, so if that is her problem, it should help.

If you decide to try it, be sure to give it some time... keep her doses elevated for maximum effectiveness.

I would be very interested to hear about your results. I've had a doctor do in lab vitro testing and confirm that it does promote positive cell and nerve growth.

Hemiplegic Headaches

Thank you very much for that information! It very much sounds like it could me a mild form of this.

We have gotten nowhere with doctors.
The chiropractor did say it appears to be neurological and talked about sending us to a neurologist who would probably put her on meds if anything. Miserable to live with, but not life threatening and would probably improve with time.

I ordered a 30 day supply of Lipo C, and will come back with the results.

Thanks everyone for your responses and advice.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

You say you ordered a 30 day supply...

Did you order the pre-made Lipo Lav's stuff?

If so, beware that she should be taking at least 3 doses a day, so their little packet would really only be a 10 day supply.

The Vitamin C Therapy will not heal anything unless she is taking high doses. That is part of the confusion and many failed medical studies...

3,000 - 6,000 mgs. per day for maintenance,

10X's that amount if sick.

Per Dr. Levy.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:08 PM
I got very interested in making this LVC with an ultrasonic cleaner, lecithin and food grade AA but I become increasingly more skeptical.

I am sorry but I need to cite some other skeptics I came across the net where the ACTUAL verified beneficial results of LVC are "anecdotal" at best or where one website just cites another one about the benefits WITHOUT REAL, SUBSTANTIAL PROOF.

(If people report "they feel better" or have a "positive feeling tingling down from the head", I am very sorry but this doesn't prove anything about the effectiveness of LVC)

Worse, it IS NOT EVEN PROVEN that ultrasonic cleaners using the method(s) described CAN EVEN MAKE LIPOSOMES!!!

It's all hear-say and there seems not even any validated study that the lecithin emulsion and putting them in the cleaner would create liposomes. If that's not the case it's simply an emulsion with a rather poor bio-availability of 5%.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea a lot but I would still like more real facts about the benefits of LVC, I am still not convinced.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 03:02 AM

I got very interested in making this LVC with an ultrasonic cleaner, lecithin and food grade AA but I become increasingly more skeptical.

I am sorry but I need to cite some other skeptics I came across the net where the ACTUAL verified beneficial results of LVC are "anecdotal" at best or where one website just cites another one about the benefits WITHOUT REAL, SUBSTANTIAL PROOF.

(If people report "they feel better" or have a "positive feeling tingling down from the head", I am very sorry but this doesn't prove anything about the effectiveness of LVC)

Worse, it IS NOT EVEN PROVEN that ultrasonic cleaners using the method(s) described CAN EVEN MAKE LIPOSOMES!!!

It's all hear-say and there seems not even any validated study that the lecithin emulsion and putting them in the cleaner would create liposomes. If that's not the case it's simply an emulsion with a rather poor bio-availability of 5%.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea a lot but I would still like more real facts about the benefits of LVC, I am still not convinced.

Not got time to break this one down fully but in answer to:

Worse, it IS NOT EVEN PROVEN that ultrasonic cleaners using the method(s) described CAN EVEN MAKE LIPOSOMES!!!

I do know THERE IS ABUNDANT EVIDENCE that ultrasonic energy makes liposomes.!divAbstract ticle

the above are probe sonicated, the below has a section on bath sanitation (see chapter 2.4.3 Size determination by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS)) - it's a Thesis, but if you do a google scholars article search you'll come up with weeks worth of reading

using I searched "liposomal bath sonication efficacy": QMwAA

there are many, many more - I'll leave it up to you to research it yourself. I personally found enough information to warrant choosing a UC over an extruder - as the quality of liposomes, the ease of use and the % encapsulation was more than adequate for my requirements. Admittedly the smaller jewellery cleaners might be lacking in power but they will still give some degree of liposomal encapsulation (albeit 60-80%).

ETA :it seems like you're calling for a clinical and peer reviewed trial on liposomal Vitamin C - this would cost money and what big pharma corporation is going to spend money on an (un-biased) investigation into the efficacy of a treatment that can be made at home for next to no money?

edit on 23/2/14 by boxertwin because: clarifying linked information

edit on 23/2/14 by boxertwin because: ETA

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 03:41 AM
Ah, the endless pressing need for authority figures to give us permission for something to be real.

Proof requires a GREAT deal of financially-invested research and time to come by it.

Prior to proof, there is 'evidence,' which is what you get during the expensive and time consuming yet interesting research toward an answer.

Prior to that official evidence, you get unofficial evidence, that is to say, data -- anectdotal reports, including from researchers and others in the science or medical industries; a case study is merely an anecdotal report with documents from someone who happens to be a professional. The unofficial evidence includes layman N=1 research and social correspondence of various kinds.

Perhaps years from now we will be to the official evidence point and more years from then to the proof point. Along the way probably many things will be learned and maybe we (as in 'humans') will even have come up with better ways to go about it.

People who feel so fantastic and are so healthy that waiting for decades+ (if ever) for science to get around to proof is good with them, don't need to bother of course. No worries, threads like these are not for them I guess.

This proof requires a lot of money, and a) the money comes mostly from vested interests who don't want to prove a non-patentable substance is great, let alone have people not get as sick in the first place and not need the medical industry, and b) there is already evidence supporting (a) negatively affecting vitamin research for the last century, including specifically with ascorbate, so that situation is not likely to get better, which means the 'proof' research is likely to never happen, and instead it'll be an effort to establish publicity toward the opposite, regardless of whatever is real.

People who are more experimental, hands-on, just-do-it sorts, might want to give it a try prior to some "official authority figure" -- which will also mean the pharmaceutical industry, as they have captured the agencies and journals regulating science -- stating it is "proven."

Lecithin on its own is a fabulous supplement (quite a bit of research on that one actually, thanks to it being a food supplement), as is Vitamin C -- even without regard to the details of liposomal encapsulation. Encapsulation would make it vastly better. Emulsion might even have some effect of its own. But given everyone's blender and process and temperatures and more may vary, and given the biochemical individuality of every person and their situation, the only real test of whether their own resultant formula (no matter what its detail) works for them specifically, is to actually try it.

It is not going to get any more or less true, any more or less effective, based on either testimony or science. It is whatever it is.

We do not actually require the permission of authority figures to try out a new form of vitamin+phospholipid and see if there appears to be any personal result from it... and it does not hurt anybody to try it out, so it's not like the world has to be warned against taking a vitamin.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:46 AM

Julie Washington
reply to post by tinker9917

You say you ordered a 30 day supply...

Did you order the pre-made Lipo Lav's stuff?

If so, beware that she should be taking at least 3 doses a day, so their little packet would really only be a 10 day supply.

The Vitamin C Therapy will not heal anything unless she is taking high doses. That is part of the confusion and many failed medical studies...

3,000 - 6,000 mgs. per day for maintenance,

10X's that amount if sick.

Per Dr. Levy.

Liquid Advanced Liposomal Vitamin C, SunFlower Formula 1000mg per dose is what I bought.

Thanks for the dosage information, because I was kind of unsure.

Are there any reports in this thread that you know of, of adverse reactions or problems due to high doses, that I need to be on the lookout for since it's for my young daughter.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

The only side effect I had was a slight headache about the 2nd week in - I attributed this to detoxification. Also high dosage vitamin C will dehydrate you so be sure to keep your fluid intake up.

I'd be mindful of allergic reactions to soya lecithin but you're using sunflower lecithin (be sure it's non-GMO and organic if you can get it).

Here's an interesting article to get you started:

I very often hear people say that any excess C that one ingests is at best wasted or at worst dangerous. First, let me assure you that vitamin C is completely nontoxic. Except for some gastrointestinal distress, NO amount has ever been shown to be toxic (see the discussion of side effects below). So what about the stories that taking over 250 mg (or some other relatively low level) is a waste? Tom Matthews of The LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION recently explained it this way (edited for clarity):

[T]aking large doses of vitamin C is a bit like attempting to fill a pail to the brim where there are no holes in the sides at all below a certain level, but the density of holes grows as we get closer to the top. If you keep pouring it in fast enough, you will still be able to make the level rise. From this viewpoint, it looks very much like you are simply wasting a lot of water which flows out of the holes in the pail to no purpose. However, to carry the analogy a bit further, suppose that the ability of vitamin C to fight a disease, prevent free radical damage, etc. is analogous to the water pressure at the bottom of the pail. When some injury or disease strikes, it may be analogous to the pail springing a leak below the healthy level of holes - even right at the bottom, and again the pressure of the water may be analogous to the power of vitamin C to fight the injury or disease (and if such is the case it may be important to pour the water in even faster - take higher daily doses of vitamin C - under those circumstances). After the disease or injury is fixed/cured (low hole in the pail plugged), then it is reasonable to reduce the inflow back to maintaining a high level ready to fight off another attack.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

There are no adverse reactions for high dosages. Keep in mind that Dr. Klenner and the Dr. Roridan are using doses as high as 100,000 mgs. by IV to treat cancer.

However, with that being said, there is a possible adverse reaction to soy products by some, who then choose to use sunflower instead. This is just an allergic reaction to soy.

Also, with someone who is quite ill and the vitamin c starts killing off bad cells there is a reaction called

The Herxheimer Reaction

This is a detoxing of the body and could make you sick. This is very rare. This is something someone who is treating cancer with high dose Vitamin C should watch out for. Also, vitamin c can interfere with some chemo drugs.

Also, Liposomal Vitamin C has been known to cause "false" high blood sugar readings on home test kits.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

You need to consider making the home made Liposomal Vitamin C. The commercial product is just to expensive. You will be spending at least $100 per week just to get enough.

A month supply of vitamin C and lecithin is about $15.

Affordability is key.

The commercial stuff is 30 doses, not a 30 day supply. Your daughter should be getting 3 per day for maintenance or at 6 per day to get well.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 04:30 PM
I`ve read through most....well not most but quite a bit of this thread.
Unless I`ve missed it.....I haven`t noticed this video.

I`d like to know of what others think as to what this lady is saying....

Can`t seem to get it right when I try to post videos although I`m sure the link works.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by lambros56

In that video the lady whose husband runs expensive commercial Liposomal C company is putting down home made version. What can poor lady do, sell her new yacht if their their sales keep going down?

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 08:02 PM

reply to post by lambros56

In that video the lady whose husband runs expensive commercial Liposomal C company is putting down home made version. What can poor lady do, sell her new yacht if their their sales keep going down?

Yes, I've seen this video.

It's amazing how people will lie to make a buck.

I don't care what they "say" their study shows, I know what benefits I've already seen on myself and my friends.

The fact that I can take 12 grams of Lipo C in one day with no diarrhea is testament enough.

If this wan't really liposomal there would be plenty of people on this forum with diarrhea problems. That alone tells you the home made lipo C has liposomes.

The lady in the video is full of !@%$.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 09:40 PM
Hi I'm a long time follower of this thread and find it fascinating, mainly due to having 'incurable' health issues so I'm told. Anyway I have a few questions hoping someone can help:

1. I read on another site that you can build a tolerance to LVC, effectively needing more and more to do the same effect. Has anyone found this to be true or untrue?

2. What is the vitamin c content of taking 1g of LVC solution? I know that if i take 1g of normal vit c I'll absorb about 15% (effectively 150g vit c). I know that absorption rate of LVC is much higher but I also know that 1g of solution isn't 1g of vit c, so I guess my question is what amount of LVC solution is equivalent to 1g of ascorbic acid in terms of what's absorbed?

3. Is there anyone here in Perth Australia that would be willing to show me first hand how to make it?

Thanks guys

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