posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 08:12 PM
Cracknell laid that puck perfectly and the support was timed to hit the backdoor PERFECTLY......well done.
Its called a "FORCED REBOUND" and it is catalysed via a Tactical Shooting Program which uses Intuitive Dynamic Management to manage the playaction,
slappy....thats right use the pads to pass it to your teammates.
The Goal not counting is what it is....but the LESSON is rinse and repeat.....rinse and on that timing.
Louie made an excellent point they are stepping up on Conner...soooo....Conner is doing the right thing by triggering the "Stacked Zone entry" and
using his body to pick out a they need to time it properly so the backdoor man is in place a bit sooner.....let Conner and his"stacked
support" attack the blueline @75% speed and have the backdoor finisher come into the o-zone UPSPEED WIDE OPEN and look to just shovel it in backdoor.
So we should see Conner repeating his beauifullly played "Stacked Zone Entry"... BUT....this time just as Conner is picking that d-man out someone
will be STREAKING THROUGH THE N-ZONE HEADING BACKDOOR FULL SPEED looking for that crossice pass they know is coming .Stack Attack--Pick the d-man
--Pass backdoor--upspeed support poke it in .... ......Stack-Pick-Pass-Poke...Score...rinse and repeat.
I cannot help but jump on the McDavid Train tonight when he is up against Eichel who has verbally called out Conner since the draft.
I am satisfied no one messed with the Core and now am confident we can see some good things happen as the season closes long as Conner
does as he is told and doesnt run wild.....and as long as someone slaps John Shannon and his Oilers Nation online troublemakers who intentionally
undermine the entire locker-rooms Esprit de Corps and poison the Community against their own players to make a few stinking pesos.......Katz needs to
get proactive and wipe these people out ASAP.
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason