posted on Mar, 1 2016 @ 07:32 PM
John shannon shut the HADES UP...Nail DOES NOT HAVE ONLY TONIGHT TO GEL WITH ANYONE you bushleague sober up alright?...that is not life
in the NHL Louie.... it is John Shannons big mouth spewing poison designed to cause trouble in the locker room and disconeent to feed the online Cabal
John Shannon is a part of.....what a poor example of commentary........Gene and Louie are Professionals ....the Moron in the Middle is simply a big
mouth......and Louie you really have to sep back and not support that putz......because its going to grow on you ok?
Nail doesnt need an out shut up JOhn Shannon you are supporting your online Cabal of troublemakers. by making non-sensical biased comments about Nail
like you constantly did about are a bad seed and need to be spit out.......Katz should pull some strings and get you 86ed bigmouth
troublemaker.....all you do is breed discontent in the locker-room like your buddies on ON have done for years ....... .Conner needs to learn to
manage NHL playactions.
Gene you were right.....its not fair to say anyone can gel in ONE GAME that is FAR TO MUCH are a Pro .....Shannos comment was verbal
crap and off-point and biased and made me want to puke ...IT IS BORDERLINE RETARDED...and Louie stop suckholing to drips off your chin STOP IT.
Shannon is a fool....anyone who listens to you guys knows it.He is the "Moron in the Middle".....jeepers someone needs to get rid of that idiot.
John Shannon should have been forced to take a breathalyser for looking and sounding drunk on the air 2-days ago.....what an embarrasment.
John Shannon you just keep reading Moma2s comments and suck it up Buttercup.......your commentary is BUSHLEAGUE compared to Moma2s.....and it really
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)
edit on 1-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason