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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Mar, 3 2016 @ 08:28 PM
Sometimes you are the windsheild and sometimes you are the bug......tonight the Oilers were the windshield....the problem is that there arent really many positives which jump out from this game......other than a handfull of posts which saved Talbots arse.

I dont think the Oilers will be able to back up the bad blood the NHL has towards seems PC and McLellan have made some moves which have made it OPEN SEASON on Oilers players now.....Kassian is NOWHERE NEAR the new recipie seems to be to PUNISH the Oilers now......simply bust them last stretch will be interesting ...methinks some nose bones will be bent before this season is seems the league has lost respect for the Oilers now.....MMMmm....let the bones bend

The "hands-off" status for Hall/Eberle/McDavid/Draisaitl/Davidson........looks to be over they are now open game .Only Nugey remains a Gentleman.

edit on 3-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 09:48 AM
The Oilers are going to pick 3rd overall at the upcoming draft......they will pick up a quality winger.......last nights win was one-off.....lets keep perspective here ok, even a blind squirrel finds 2 nuts very morning...LMAO.....the biggest difference last night was that Nail Yakupov was finally used properly....and wow does he ever work well with McDavid.....he sets him up so well....this looks like a wavelength connection neither one of them control.....its simply justice for Oilers Fans who have been so patient with Management and who have endured the abouse online from ON and the MSM poisons and the rest of the advanced/enhanced stats Cabal which had disconnected everything Copper and Blue for nearly a decade.

The Flyers tried to incorporate some NHS tactics but its like when Wayne Gretzky went to LA and made the Playoffs then had the Coaching staff begin undermining him when the chips were down and Wayne had the Winning Formula working for him.The Flyers Coaches werent confident in the data and didnt stick with it....they pushed to go back to old habits and were hesitant at best but did try....Sam Gagner is still a solid leader but they are not giving 100% to catalysing around him.....they are making a piece-meal effort.They have to do a lot better at coalescing around Sam.....or they need the team to be taught the NHS basics along with the Coaches.They are not buying in 100% and they have to if they wish to evolve.....maybe the Oilers won against them last night but the Flyers need to consider how the Oilers screwed away the season RUNNING FROM THE MOMA2 CURE.....and the Flyers need to know the Oilers were dialed in with Sam in 2010-11-12-13...this version of Todd McLellans Oilers is simply beginning to get to the same point as the Isles and Flyers and Lightning and Penguins and Wild and others are at in terms of implementing the NHS Philosophy concepts and tactics......the beginning of the learning if they wish to evolve faster the Flyers need to bring in Moma2 for a few Teaching Seminars...@50K per day its worth it....log on and PM Moma2 and book some Tea-Times.....or waste time and contractual roster traction and opportunity learning the long hard way.....same deal every NHL Team is facing. Moma2s moving to a new retirement location soon so dont waste now before there is no option.

edit on 4-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 06:44 PM
MMmmm....didnt know a game was on.....I have to go to the cornerstore......I tuned in with 4:00 left in the period.....this is easy to fix....some big issues are outstandingly obvious already......

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:12 PM
Jeepers I forgot my glasses in the car and it was 2-0 CBJ.....jeepers...its 3-1...WTF?

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:21 PM

Your focus is not on task your feet are not moving,your sticks are up anticipating knocking down passes.....they have prescouted your you need to stop using the deny-defense and begin taking the need to follow through on your checks and keep driving your legs to force the puck carriers OUT OF THE PLAYACTIONS......they are targeting your puck-seperate mentality and know you are using your sticks and positioning to they ar making cute little headman anticipatory passes into open ice and simply making you stick to your sructure and burning you as Moma2 says and make solid contact with the puck carriers and KEEP DRIVING YOUR LEGS...CHECK THROUGH THEM.....pushing them completely out of the playactions
edit on 4-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:25 PM
Let the challenge go.

When you begin to take the body remember ....ARSES ALWAYS FACING YOUR TENDER....AT ALL TIMES and drive through the checks using your legs.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:30 PM
They are not willing to play pucks back behind their own net when your forecheck pressures them .....their primary pressure release is to ring in hard to a man posted up in the n-zone hugging the boards[2012 Kings NHS focus Stolly was good at].... keep your forchecking the same but use your 3rd man to pinch that option off.......look HUG THE BOARDS AND TO SLOWLY SKATE it back into their zon giving your deep forecheckers time to post up over the line......and than attack laterally....when you cut off pucks on th boards in the n-zone and get possesion those 2 deep men need to get onside SPREAD WIDE E/W so when the puck carrier sees them onside and opens it up you will have them spread wide E/W which is their Achillies heel.

edit on 4-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:35 PM
Their gapping is very tight in their zone.....and they like to attack the puck in pairs with a 3rd man on the BOARDS 30 feet dont penetrate their zone N/S at high speeds like you have been doing......lateral 3-man WIDE attacks on the blueline ......with a late UPSPEED d-man sneaking in ONLY AFTER EVERYONE IS BELOW THE DOTS and both the defense and your supports have collapsed not have the d-man jump in to early....and ATTACK TEHIR BLUELINE AT 75% speed....using short give and goes ...10-15 foot passes ,only making a pass in the n-zone if you have to.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 07:40 PM
They have pre-scouted you and are trying to turn wraparound looks into those ...."take it wide and go top corner over the shoulder shots" Moma2 called in against pay attention to how Moma2 told you to change your approach in your d-zone in terms of contact.....dont let them freewheel around and through.....stop using the periphery defense you need to get your feet moving and your hands dirty now.

For the 2nd game in a row Moma2 is calling in the PP playaction where the late penetrating support picks up the pucks for onetimers on the edge of the circle right side.....think 6-7 games ago before Moma2 EXPOSED IT......just do E/W/ pressure entering the zone....upspeed late support penetrating to the edge of the circle with a quick-release shot.

We will take the PP goal but next time do as you are told.

Forget the quick strike back on you....its because you are not applying contact.....just DO AS MOMA2 have enough time to get back into this game and apply the data..........get those sticks on the ice and those FEET MOVING and you will draw penalties ....make DRIVE THROUGH CONTACT ON PUCK CARRIERS IN YOUR OWN ZONE REMOVING THEM ONE-FOR-ONE from the playactions keeping your legs pumping hard.....ARSES FACING BRASSY AT ALL TIMES AS YOU MAKE CONTACT AND STEER THEIR BODIES DRIVING THEM FAR AWAY FROM YOUR WHEELHOUSE AT ALL TIMES .

Remember to spread them out wide E/W as you attack their o-zone,and only bring in the late upspeed support "AFTER the cluster collapses below th dots,Im not getting into why this is critical now" ,no time,just do it this way .

Remember to adjust your 3rd support man to pinch off their primary pressure relief option and keep steady on the 2-man well focused forecheck,and drag it along the boards SLOWLY in the n-zone when you pick it off giving your deep forecheckers time to get onside in WIDELY SPACED POSITIONS so as soon as the puck carrier sees them onside he can attack high speed with lateral pressure already in place .

Torts is tuned in here but dont worry....his defensive zone structure is set and he cannot change it....we are targeting his Process do as Moma2 says and stick with it to the end now OK?

edit on 4-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 08:28 PM
All right you are now controlling their d-zone have undermined their Process....

Jeepers......BlueThunder4ALL is soooo right...Todd McLellan under pressure falls right back into bad habits.....he changes lines in the 2nd intermission and goes to the heavy cycle game ....he DOESNT initiate the ORDERED CONTACT[FYI-those 3 pushback goals ALL happened because there was NO MEANINGFULL CONTACT PROJECTED IN THE OILERS D-ZONE]....he DOES listen to Moma2s IDA and IDM data to shut down their d-zone exits AS ORDERED.....the vain bugger thinks he knows everything and picks and chooses what he wants to do what a putz....this is so frustrating.....Moma2 is pulling out of this one and regrets helping tonight.....this Coaching Crew IS DERELICT and needs to go...or change....sorry but this is just stupid and really hard to watch.

This Head Coach has an attitude problem .... he refuses to buy in and listen.....this is typical of why the Oiler season went to hades after the 6 game win streak Moma2 organised.....screw these smart arse Coaches.....there is no helping them.....there is no option but to continue kicking them in their Velvet Crown Royal Bags until something falls off...........tonights fiasco is ALL ON THE COACHS....Torts has EMBARRASSED THEM......he has used the same quickstrike pushback 2/3 times because he accurately dissected the collapse defense and its "lack of meaningfull contact" then built KISS tactics around the glaring weakness....McLellan and JW and Fee are fracking clueless.....EVEN WHEN MOMA2 HOLDS THEIR HANDS.....Moma2 is OUT OF THIS TIRE-FIRE OF COACHING DERELICTION FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON......this is worse than Eakins because at least we knew Dallas was a Green Coach BSing us and con-jobbing us.......this crew of Turd-Burgelers led by Todd McLllan is just pitifull....and for the last time the San Jose Model HAS NEVER WON ANYTHING AND IS A STOP TRYING TO REPRODUCE IT.

Can we all say this together? more time for Myles "blind squirrel"Fee....NHS...HAMMER...AND...ANVIL.

Moma2 is seriously out of this entire Oilers season......Moma2 promised a McDavid breakdown but thats all that is coming until the Playoffs.....only random commentary if by some chance these Coaches get ahead in a game and the Conner exposure......but NO MORE SUPPORTS because these Coaches are so unwilling to step away from their pride and vanity.....Moma2 is walking away from the train-wreck.

This is pitifull.....they have the tools and data they need but are to DERELICT TO USE THEM....I would not want to work with or for these Spirit-busters.......bloody passive-aggressive headgames.....what a mess.

Moron in the Middle aka John Shannon ...just shut up ok? The official got hit because there are 4 OF THEM ON THE ICE idiot....not bacause Faynes decision was typical of the Oilers game-long disconnect.....are you sure you are an NHL Hockey Commentator because jeepers I dont think so I think you are an imposter.Louie should spud you just because.

This game has been the definition of Coaching Dereliction and is 100% on the Coaching Crew.....the EVER-MOUNTING EVIDENCE says something is very very wrong with them as a it Dellow/Fee/Darkhorse????Or just a refusal to listen to their Moma2?

edit on 4-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: one4all

Missed the game, but based on the highlights the Oilers' inherent roster was exposed. For the most part Chiarelli is trending towards a physically heavy team similar to the Californian teams. One glaring issue is that for bigger guys, it takes more energy to accelerate from a stopped position compared to the smaller guys. It doesn't matter if you are considered a big mobile defenseman, those first three strides will get you burned. Throw away that defense mentality.

This is why the hammer and anvil is used.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

You are very correct......and the overriding tactic Torterella was projecting with his Process details was to keep pucks just outside the sphere of influence of Oilers players ...basiclly just pushing pucks into areas of open ice 6 feet away from the potential or 1/2 engaged puck battles then water-bugging in an anticipatory manner , micro-headmanning the pucks to themselves refusing to engage 100% in puck battles and using agility to outpace the slugs.

Yes the first 3 strides will get you burned as will the 1st cut or turn......the Oilers Collapse defense has been exposed completely.....only McLellan refuses to admit it....he has a long range plan to build a San Jose Model and he will not veer.......the stark reality is that the Sharks System and Process and identity and personality has since 2012 run counter to NHL League evolution......they have been a "compete" Model since then....not a COMPLETE model.

The basic fact is that for a DECADE the Oilers have fought the NHS .....while Moma2s NewAge Hockey System has spearheaded this Eras NHL EVOLUTION....the Oilers have been engaged on a personal level with the NHS......this has resulted in a 100% devolution for the Team simply because they took an oppositionally defiant stance and vested immnse resources in scrwing with and ripping off the NHS instead of embracing and supporting it.........this has with a 100% surety exposed the true vanity driven punatively orientated personality of Upper Managment which has remained through 3 diffrent Ownership dynamics.In short the Oiler poked the wrong pony and have paid what history will show is an epic Beyond-Ballard Dereliction type of price.The biggest irony is that because through it all Moma2 KEPT PRO-ACTIVELY SUPPORTING the players and team as a whole with absurdly accurate superior optimal analysis ....AND... the Oilers steadfastly fought with oppositionally defiant focuses tooth and nail with unlimited resources ..... they have constantly and consistantly committed self-immolation catalysed around their over-reliance on advanced/enhanced stats or a numbers based perspective and philosophy................this self-destructive behaviour began with DarkHorse Analytics and has escalated exponentially to the sucessfull spread throughout the NHL beginning in the WC of the NHS Philosophy concepts and tactics.The wider it spread and the stronger the NHS grew....the more ferverently the Oilers tried to counter the NHS using contrived regressive disconnecting missive numebrs based stats focuses.

The Oilers have been the makers of their own misfortune.....NOTHING ELSE BUT INTENTIONAL INTERNAL DIRECTIVES COULD POSSIBLY HAVE PRODUCED AN ENTIRE "DECADE OF DERELICTION".........there is no one to blame except the Oildrop in the MIRROR looking back at historiclly regressive Upper Management and current delinquent Ownership which for obbsessively overexpressed loyalty reasons has refused to make corrective changes. not only are Oilers EveryFans rightfully upset at a "Decade of Dereliction" but they now have to know that Bob Nicholoson the man who was SUPPOSSED to execute the internal organisational Audit meant to fix things not only FAILED EPICLLY to FIND or COLLUDED TO SUPPRESS causality....but now they have to listen to the Mayor of Edmonton begging the "OILERS???" as represented by OEG/Bob "Slippery" Nicholson to not hardball negotiations and end up pushing 50 million dollars of periphral Community benefits AWAY FROM THE POCKETS OF EveryMan and EveryWoman...because the "OILERS" /OEG want a few more bucks????

Tell me Katz gives a darn what Oilers fans think? Tell me why AnyFan in edmonton could or would connect any good feelings or goodwill towards the Oildrop now that it represents not only the screwing over of Players and Fans but now the
screwing over of the Community and the constellation of small businesses and families who rely on the income things like
the CFR bring in to the City...these dollars put food on these families tables and clothes on their kids backs.

No one has a taste for the Oilers style of business in terms of the NHL team and in terms of how they are now screwing over the Community . Bob Nichloson is not a part of the solution he is a part of the PROBLEM.....when he failed to disclose the truths surrounding the NHS/Oilers history he became his own judge and jury.Things look very grim for the City of Edmonton and its NHL Hockey fans now more than ever.Good job Bob.

edit on 5-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: BlueThunder4All

The Oilers and Todd Mclellan know very well what the NHS Hammer & Anvil System focus is.......they simply refuse to validate or credit or in any ways aknowledge the NHS............because they are thieves and counterfieiters .....they want it to be that they are just like other NHL Teams who are picking up the NHS for the first time off the internet as Moma2 wished them all to do......LOL... but in reality the Oilers have known of the NHS since 2007/2008 and they UTILISED IT OFFICIALLY IN 2009 ON THE ICE WITH THE PLAYERS....and to top it off they have actively suppressed the NHS since the beginning in 2007........the Oilers WILL NEVER ever be able to hide their actions or to justify them or to rationalise them ..... all they can do is PAY UP and remediate THEMSELVES .....come clean....beg forgiveness from one knee....there will NEVER be a meeting in the middle......this is the LESSON the Oilers must learn to become winners......that when they LOSE THEY ADMIT IT AND PAY THE PIPER FOR THE LESSONS THEY HAVE GAINED......thse con-job liars will not even admit they were engaged never mind that they were DOMINATED COMPLETELY BY A PERFECT Philsophy built by a non-NHL and superior tactical MIND.The most epic irony of all is that the Oilers EMBRACED the Numbers cons like Darkhorse Analytics and Tyler Dellow and others and WELCOMED their poison pill impacts RIGHT INTO THE VERY HEART OF THEIR ORGANISATIONS an ALL-IN MANNER.....with only one single PRIMARY DRIVER represented by several actions WHICH HAVE BEEN TO SUPPRESS DISCREDIT AND TO COPY-CAT Moma2s NewAge Hockey System.....none of which they have ever been able to do .

Last night Todd Mclellan properly negated the opponents defensive zone management...he COULD NOT DO THIS ON HIS OWN.....his CREW do not have the acumn to do this on their own.............Moma2 did this ON-THE-FLY.....LMAO.....then they followed Moma2s data as they should have.......however they did not follow EVERYTHING they needed to follow....they were VAIN and they REFUSED TO FOLLOW THROUGH and thy dropped the ball.......and WASTED ALL OF MOMA2s WORK and effort and time.

Todd McLellan knows Moma2 outclasses him and his entire crew combined.....that Moma2 eclipses Babcock and Sutter and Quenville and every other NHL Head Coach/Crew......Todd like his peers may KMRA.....Kiss Moma2s Royal Arse.... because Moma2 CAME INTO THIS A DECADE AGO KICKING THEM STRAIGHT IN THE COJONES ....NO FEAR......and the beatdown has never stopped.That is what winners do.

It is disappointing to see a Coach like Mclellan pussy-footing around like this......I am surprised...I 100% expected him to come to Edmonton and QUICKLY recognise the situation surrounding the NHS and to then JUMP ONBOARD 100% rally the troops build instant Championship level Esprit de Corps put the fear of Moma2 in the entire NHL and with surety easily be a Playoff team this year......however this did not happen .......and this will never happen if the NHS is not retained BEFORE the last regular season game is over.This reflects DIRECTLY on Todd especilly post-Eakins.

I do not know if Bob Nicholson knew of the NHS or not,but his So-Called "audit" which right now looks more like an "audition" to the dark-side seems to be making a statement about the man himself ...LMAO.

At this point I am barely holding back final judgement on this Head Coach and his far it is looking very very bleak for next season......year 2 of McLellans contract.

Right now as we are seeing it is open season on the soon as they brought in Maroon and the few edgy players the license to Drill them was the Refs will stay out of opponents will be laying out Hall regularly and will continue standing up and NEUTRALISING McDavid because both of them play a dominant North/South speed based style which they cannot change........Nugey and Neon-Leon and Nail and Ebbs play 2-way games N/S=E/W.....all it took was very minimal accurate commentary for NHL opponents to key in on Conner and neutralise his style by simply hitting him center chest center body-mass driving through him disrgarding his pass threat knowing there is no structure available to support him in that area or option.......Mclellans System choice itself negates Hall and McDavid specificlly and also severely impairs the rest of the Cores overall skillsets.

When the Oilers were playing a Possesion/Transition highly offensive style teams were not willing to step up and commit to the hitting game so that it is clear McLellan is following the San Jose Model and that he will NOT sacrifice the collapse defense ....well ROFLMAO....everyone is going to open it up and now they will truly expose the Oilers overall lack of physicality....long before enough tough forwards and tough d-men are on board........the Oilers projection of powerfull Posssion/Transition based offense was holding back the that its clear Todd and JW and Fee cannot execute the Possesion/Transition style effectively ........well naturally everyone will come-a-hunting....especially for Hall and McDavid and Davidson and Sekera and other we cant believe they're-not-butter type players who "fake it to make it" everyones got to step up and sooner than later someones going to take rounds out of these players....just grab em and start tossing bombs on them knowing they are all soft-balls. We will not discuss how damaging McLellans open exposure of his own Teams Vanilla-Gorilla Blue-Paint state of affairs was.......but suffice to say it was only the beginning of the destruction we are about to see coming down the pipe to end this season......this years monolithic number of one-goal losses will always represent to Moma2 the clear waste of time a defensive mindset is in the NHL System-wise and Philosophy-wise another losing year of Halls and Nuges and Ebbs and Nails and now Leons and Nurses and Conners careers comes to a close.....well its simply a sad story for the men as is usual in Edmonton. Defense does not win Championships...defense has never won anything except the chance to fight another day....defensive thinking is a losing catalysed "compete mentality".....not a winning catalysed "complete mentality".Moma2 loves pounding that last statement up everyones tailpipes because all defensive or defective perspective are poisoned because of stats inputs the more advanced/ more poisoned.

edit on 5-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 11:18 PM
Moma2 is working on some absolutely new tactics for the Kings to implement this year during the playoffs......Moma2 wishes to continue the Ping-Ponging of the Stanley Cup between the Kings/Hawks to prove a point ....however....if Quenville and Stan Bowman fess up and log on here and RETAIN THE NHS well then I guess we could let the past be the past......remember the codicile was that NO TEAM USING THE NHS AND NOT PAYING PROPER RESPECTS AND RENUMERATIONS would ever win back-to-back Cups or Dynasty Definition or Designation......sooooo....if the Hawks smarten up soon enough and pay the Piper.....well I guess things change now dont they? I mean it would have to be some kind of package to make up for the unwillingness to pay respects since 2013 but after all the changes the Hawks have made one would think retaining the NHS might be the single most important move the Franchise has ever made.

If the Hawks dont step up and become the Kings WILL win again........however if the Hawks dont step up before the last regular season game and post up here....well.....Moma2 has already prepared specific data-sets built upon Trojan Horse impacts to combat Quenvilles acumen and HABIT OF TUNING IN AND USING THE NHS DATA POSTED FOR HIS OPPONENTS TO USE AGAINST HIM OPTIMALLY....yessss he is very very good now.....but Moma2 is prepared now to kick things up so far over his head he will be gasping for breath and looking up for single ray of sunlight in the dark depths Moma2 will sink him in immediatly. Moma2 knows how the Hawks have been planning to adjust for the playoffs......they are jumping the gun IMHO but so be it.......the more they try to evolve or change their proven methods of sucess the easier it will be to remove them.......they are at the top "o" the heap as we speak and really dont need to change anything,the Lightening scared them last season in the finals but it really wasnt the Lightening who scared them it was the NHS data they tuned into which exposed them in some key areas and instead of simply making small adjustments to counter this as they have been taught to do by the NHS since 2013 they have gone to far to the right side and are overdoing it .

If the Isles wish help from Moma2 all Dougie has to do is come say hello.IMHO he should get on it because the Capitols are a juggenaught to put it lightly.Moma2 will walk the Isles to the Final or the Pens if they come a knocking.But then its ring a ling Kings unless someone jumps up waving an NHS flag.

Moma2 wants a piece of the Washington Capitols BADLY.....something about needing to beat the best to know your are King of the Hill......and right now well lets say that Ovie is in his happy place and Moma2 wants to bust up his wheelhouse.....and would dearly love to help the Isles do the renovating......not to mention the side benefits of jamming the Rangers who use the NHS and are thankless and also the side benefit of RETURNING THE ISLANDERS TO THE STANLEY CUP PODIUM using the NHS which was created for the about historic syncronicity just to ram it to Katz[he isnt fully responsible ] and Lowe for being so shall we say "difficult to work with" ....LMAO.

Well we will hope the Islanders make it into the Playoffs.Drop in here Douglas,do not allow others to define your future ,take charge of your destiny.There are no NHL rules against spiritual advisors right?Where there is a will there is a way.Dougie you havent seen everything brought together yet....I know you are working on NHS principals but time is running you keep going ,you are you are doing fine so far so stay your course.....but as soon as you lock up your playoff spot you come here and find Moma2....waste no time because Moma2 wants a piece of the Big-Dog ....Ovie...hes in his prime now and hes a true challenge like Sidney is now,its really to bad they have both been slammed to the floor by the NHS IN THEIR PRIMES just because they didnt know about it .Sidney knows via Sammy but instead of coming to Moma2 he is simply implementing and not respecting .....thats not how fate works ......Ovie will look back and remember this EPIC SEASON OF HIS CAREER and he will always know the NHS denied him....because with a 100% surety this will happen unless by some really really odd happenstance the Caps come find Moma2 is possible now isnt it?

The beauty of being an UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENT....LMAO that you may do anything you want to do in the prime of your career..... Moma2 is in this position right now.The first deal shall be the last deal.

Ovie.....Sidney....Moma2s coming again to remove your potential glory......again.....since 2012 you have been removed from the NHLs history one remembers the losers fellas....all the Statistics in the world will not make anyone remember you.....only CHAMPIONS are something about it.

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 11:45 PM

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Emit1

Mario Fenech IS A GOD......Moma2 just spent 30 minutes caught between wanting to jump into the screen and throttle the simpletons cutting up the only intelligent man on the Panel who IMHO is Mario....and laughing my arse off at how well the Big-Dog handles the morons and their pip-squeak humor......I absolutely love this guy...he is a hero......hes perfectly on Par ...on point....he is an Eagle trying to soar from within the middle of a Flock of Turkeys.

Mario Fenech is Footys version of Moma2....except Moma2 played Inside/Outside Center......Mario really loved to punish beautiful.

I wrote the above comment that Mario is a HERO 10 minutes before I found and watched this perfectly fitting and syncronistic that the song "Hero" is playing....LMAO...........Moma2 would walk through the flaming fires of HADES with this cat.......THIS IS WHAT A LEADER/WARRIOR LOOKS LIKE IN REAL LIFE so pay attention for once in your pitifull lives all you basement dwelling advanced/enhanced stats con-job snowflake-splittail-Velvet Crown Royal Bag licking _ussies.

This Alpha-Male is Moma2s KINDRED [email protected] thank you for this gift.

I had never heard of Mario Fenech before.......I absolutely connect with his seriousness and his routine habits and perspectives his CHAMPIONSHIP FOCUS and his ABSOLUTION OF PURPOSE[If you can grab that]........ THAT IS HOW LEADERS THINK....that is HOW WARRIORS THINK......they are SERIOUS MEN....and they are RARE MEN......they are the DIAMONDS.

This man is the epitome of LEADERSHIP and CHAMPIONSHIP perspective.......I dont think the majority of simple-simons in never-never land even grasp where this genius is coming from.

This video below makes me rise up out of my chair and look around for a BATTLE.

This video below is testimony to Moma2s FINE EYE FOR THE WINNING FORMULA......Moma2 would have followed Mario and that cannot be said of many men.Many are called but few are chosen.

I swear to god this guy is Moma2s soulmate.

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 06:54 PM
Attention all NHS foes....heres some entertainment value fiction for you to mull over.

Moma2 is still pumped from watching Mario Fenech......and the problem is I am wondering why anyone with single ounce of leadership and WIN in their soul would waste one single second on a crooked sleazy washed up group of has-beens like the rotten Cabal of losers trying like drunken Monkeys to run a Professional Hockey Team Moma2 has had to endure for nearly a decade....I swear to god Moma2 would snap out and spud 3/4 of these arseholes on first would take very very little provocation for things to go fact I have to say this clearly....all bets are off.....if any of these limp plicked weasels ever end up in front of Moma2 without having BOWED DOWN AND BEGGED FORGIVENESS ...well then MadDog style sparks will be flying STAT and not the kind of stat you pukes are used to tickeling each others wattles with.I must say there is absolutely no chance of Moma2 ever working anywhere near anyone who is not 100% loyal and upfront and there is a 100% chance that any disrespect will result in an over the table across the room immediate engagement olde school style and no Moma2 doesnt wait to rent barns as HISTORY HAS EVIDENCED.....and no there are no status quo invisible fences holding Moma2 back from fully expressing displeasure.....Don Cherrys Rock em Sock em come to life baby ....of this you better be sure.This dialog is directed at basement dwelling nipple lipping pirating lieing momas boys with "crazy eyes" like you Slappy---especially you...old grey over the hill MSM writers with bird-like names-- age is not saving you for one second....chubby faced little Vanilla fudge packers like you Johnny Will_S.....and smartarse sidewinding ex-NHLers like you Jason......MSM hacks with names that rhyme with Pegger....lippy broadcasters whose monikers rhyme with Cannon....and fLamer momas boys with Superman -like names ....and a con-job half-wit detard whose name rhymes with Mellow.....toss in someone whose name rhymes with slow who better bloody well straighten some things out before Moma2 ends up face to face with him and another spitlisted suppressionist whos name rhymes with SOB ......and yes OH MY YES there are more like the infamous DarkEquusCaballus[funny how Cabal fits right in there huh?] ....just be aware the expiry dates on your pardons have past you now and your hasses better be able to cash the cheques your mouths and keyboards write as OF RIGHT NOW.

Now that really felt know what they say huh...the wheel goes round right? The WHEEL GOES ROUND.


Sometimes one needs to reconnect to ones past to properly envision and engage ones future.... some of you rotten little Cabal arseholes are local to have been NOT CRY LIKE BI-ATC-HES if at some point in the future you end up spudded and put to sleep by your Moma2 because every last everloving one of you most certainly already have it coming.We do not forget we do not forgive.Repent or be remediated .

Now to the game tonight.....every respectfull Oiler needs watch a video and to listen to a song Moma2 directs them to.....we WILL BE REVISITING THIS video and song in NHS terms so dont neglect to do as instructed......find and view and listen to Taylor Swifts "Are We Out of the Woods Yet".....dont ask questions many questions are like to many cooks in the Kitchen and Moma2 will let you know when to NOT ASK TO MANY LIKE RIGHT NOW......just sit on your hands bite your tongue hold your breath and do as Y'all are told...OK?

Seperate yourselves from the discourse of NHS suppressionists and detractors......make every effort to either contradict and engage them or remain deadly silent and give them the PEOPLES EYEBROW......but do not endorse their idiocy and regressive oppositional assured the battle has just been kicked up TEN DEGREES SOUTH OF HADES.Sticks and stones may break my.....well you know the rest right?....dont believe a bloody word of it because.... yes Dorothy your words can end up leaving marks on your own carcass in the real world.

Simply watch the video and remember that Survivors are WINNERS and that MotherNature and HISTORIC EVIDENCE PROVES that the minority perspective represents the only true SURVIVOR MENTALITY....Nature DICTATES that the STATUS QUO ---or---MAJORITY MINDSET ...does NOT SURVIVE...DOES NOT WIN.

If you want to be a WINNER you must CHOOSE CAREFULLY WHO YOU LISTEN TO AND ENDORSE AND FOLLOW......Moma2 is done being prim and proper and "nice".....get your ducks lined up gentelmen and get your arses to this site ASAP or you will be forgotten.Time waits for no man and Moma2 is fresh out of time or space to waste on non-believers.The time is now or you will be will be left behind.....remember this MUST LEARN TO MUST LEARN TO SURVIVE.The key word here is LEARN and not in the Hockey or competative sense...Y'all already know enough about those things to win a Stanley Cup next season.....Moma2 WILL WITH 100% CERTAINTY NOT BE AVAILABLE TO WALK YOU THROUGH YOUR NHS LESSONS ALL OF NEXT YEAR .....HOW MUCH TIME IS AVAILABLE IS NOW A GOING CONCERN.Moma2 WILL SAY there is still time to set the machinations required into embryonic motion and to school you all on how to keep the ball rolling yourselves.

Moma2 has been wayyy to godddarn nice.....those days are over now.

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 07:17 PM
Ok....didnt know the game was on early....I could already throw up watching the Oilers defense collapsing like a wet paper bag...LMAO.

Floppy goes down consistantly.

Just shoot up high bar-down from 5-6 feet over the blueline Buttman.No need to lumber all the way in....and everyone knows all you need to do is use the wraparound on Talbot....go low few times and then simply go wide and shoot high over his stick side as pie.....and look for deflections up 25-20 feet in front of him.

The slacker Coaches of the Oilers have decided to drop the forwards down to HELP THE COLLAPSE DEFENSE OUT.....LMAO... and their little wee forwards are trying to battle in the n-zone and on 15 feet either side of their SMASH THEM......hit them in open ice EVERY TIME THEY TRY TO HELP THEIR DEFENSE OUT.....the Oilers defense are quickly dumping pucks to little wee forwards just hovering STEP UP ON THEM AND LAY THEM OUT...they are small and you will immediatly gain possesion in their zone once you level one of them because they will end up on their arses or try to play a periphery game......and remember what other teams are doing to McDavid.....hitting him center-body and driving their legs through the check.

Nice job of the Oilers Coaches letting their guard down.....LMAO...a pushback goal so quick

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 07:42 PM
When Halls line is on the ice KISS......maroon is a lumbering elephant so TARGET HIM with eiher a MASSIVE HIT....or simply do as Moma2 says and HIT HALL AS HE TRANSITS THE N-ZONE or as he crosses your blueline.....hammer the little plick......make Maroon posses the puck....simply double team the puck carrier which is always going to be Hall up the wing cutting to the middle lay him out hes an easy target.....same with his linemate who is bigger than Hall but smaller than Maroon....hit Leon who will always bring in up the boards simply sand him up.....make meaningfull contact with Hall and Leon and FORCE MAROON TO POSSES THE PUCKS AS SOON AS YOU CAN make the big fella handle the pucks before he gets set up in front of the net.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 07:50 PM
Remember to pressure Nurse hard and to look for pucks because he likes to get fancy and make a one-on-one move right away to buy himself time....soooo. look for puck seperation with him,remove his stick and simply get inside on him ASAP and pressure him so he tries to haul you down or dumps he pucks away early in a panic....but work him over hes still pretty green....and lay the body on Sekera hes butter-soft.

You Jets are working it nicely....just keep er steady you are picking off the Oilers forwards in the n-zone and hovering around their blueline trying to support the collapse they have pniced and adjusted and are dumping it back deep into their own zone and giving you some more time to forecheck them and you are working the high-speed high energy forecheck really well.

Be prepared for the Oiler d-men to begin trying to skate pucks up into the n-zone now.....just stand them up hard coming in high speed on the forechecks.....send a message its a bad idea to bootleg it .....look for BIG CONTACTS the first few times they try to bootleg it..

Just keep forcing them to dump pucks back behind their net and they will cough up pucks with regularity....if hey look for long breakout psses...STEP UP ON THE FORWARDS PICKING UP THE SUICIDE PASSES AND LAY THEM OUT.

Keep on eye on Korpicosky hes using the same break-in strategy....hes the go-to guy every possesion....sooooo.....smash his little linemates and just keep body position and stick position on Korpicosky knowing hes trying to be an outlet evey single plyaction.....McDavids dumping pucks quickly now because he knows the hits are coming evey time which is good so simply KEEP HITING HIM and remove his pass option....get hard on Ebele because hes another butter-boy who will back down......just keep looking center-chest center body mass on McDavid DRIVING THROUGH HIM WIH YOUR LEGS DIGGING IN ......look to UNSEAT HIM and take him off his skates.....same with Eberle and Hall they like to be cute and try to slip by hits instead of challenging back so line em up CENTER BODY MASS CENTER-CHEST AND KEEP YOUR LEGS DRIVING HARD.

OMG I am watching Messier talking to kids and some of the parents dont even know who he is......hes just like some strange Grandpa.....LMAO.....Mess jeepers bring a younger player with you ok so the kids feel more comforable with someone they recognise.Great job and great ideas and inputs.....but LOL.....

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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