posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 06:54 PM
Attention all NHS foes....heres some entertainment value fiction for you to mull over.
Moma2 is still pumped from watching Mario Fenech......and the problem is I am wondering why anyone with single ounce of leadership and
WIN in their soul would waste one single second on a crooked sleazy washed up group of has-beens like the rotten Cabal of losers trying like drunken
Monkeys to run a Professional Hockey Team Moma2 has had to endure for nearly a decade....I swear to god Moma2 would snap out and spud 3/4 of these
arseholes on first would take very very little provocation for things to go fact I have to say this clearly....all
bets are off.....if any of these limp plicked weasels ever end up in front of Moma2 without having BOWED DOWN AND BEGGED FORGIVENESS ...well then
MadDog style sparks will be flying STAT and not the kind of stat you pukes are used to tickeling each others wattles with.I must say there is
absolutely no chance of Moma2 ever working anywhere near anyone who is not 100% loyal and upfront and there is a 100% chance that any disrespect
will result in an over the table across the room immediate engagement olde school style and no Moma2 doesnt wait to rent barns as HISTORY HAS
EVIDENCED.....and no there are no status quo invisible fences holding Moma2 back from fully expressing displeasure.....Don Cherrys Rock em Sock em
come to life baby ....of this you better be sure.This dialog is directed at basement dwelling nipple lipping pirating lieing momas boys with "crazy
eyes" like you Slappy---especially you...old grey over the hill MSM writers with bird-like names-- age is not saving you for one second....chubby
faced little Vanilla fudge packers like you Johnny Will_S.....and smartarse sidewinding ex-NHLers like you Jason......MSM hacks with names that rhyme
with Pegger....lippy broadcasters whose monikers rhyme with Cannon....and fLamer momas boys with Superman -like names ....and a con-job half-wit
detard whose name rhymes with Mellow.....toss in someone whose name rhymes with slow who better bloody well straighten some things out before Moma2
ends up face to face with him and another spitlisted suppressionist whos name rhymes with SOB ......and yes OH MY YES there are more like the infamous
DarkEquusCaballus[funny how Cabal fits right in there huh?] ....just be aware the expiry dates on your pardons have past you now and your hasses
better be able to cash the cheques your mouths and keyboards write as OF RIGHT NOW.
Now that really felt know what they say huh...the wheel goes round right? The WHEEL GOES ROUND.
So now that the air has been cleared around here and the writing is on the wall......any of the above or ANY OF THE OTHER CABAL STAKEHOLDER GROUP
SELF-REMEDIATE VIA WRITTEN AND VERBAL WORSHIP ....are writing their own tickets.
Sometimes one needs to reconnect to ones past to properly envision and engage ones future.... some of you rotten little Cabal arseholes are local to have been NOT CRY LIKE BI-ATC-HES if at some point in the future you end up spudded and put to sleep by your Moma2
because every last everloving one of you most certainly already have it coming.We do not forget we do not forgive.Repent or be remediated .
Now to the game tonight.....every respectfull Oiler needs watch a video and to listen to a song Moma2 directs them to.....we WILL BE REVISITING THIS
video and song in NHS terms so dont neglect to do as instructed......find and view and listen to Taylor Swifts "Are We Out of the Woods Yet".....dont
ask questions many questions are like to many cooks in the Kitchen and Moma2 will let you know when to NOT ASK TO MANY LIKE RIGHT NOW......just
sit on your hands bite your tongue hold your breath and do as Y'all are told...OK?
Seperate yourselves from the discourse of NHS suppressionists and detractors......make every effort to either contradict and engage them or remain
deadly silent and give them the PEOPLES EYEBROW......but do not endorse their idiocy and regressive oppositional assured the battle
has just been kicked up TEN DEGREES SOUTH OF HADES.Sticks and stones may break my.....well you know the rest right?....dont believe a bloody word of
it because.... yes Dorothy your words can end up leaving marks on your own carcass in the real world.
Simply watch the video and remember that Survivors are WINNERS and that MotherNature and HISTORIC EVIDENCE PROVES that the minority perspective
represents the only true SURVIVOR MENTALITY....Nature DICTATES that the STATUS QUO ---or---MAJORITY MINDSET ...does NOT SURVIVE...DOES NOT WIN.
If you want to be a WINNER you must CHOOSE CAREFULLY WHO YOU LISTEN TO AND ENDORSE AND FOLLOW......Moma2 is done being prim and proper and
"nice".....get your ducks lined up gentelmen and get your arses to this site ASAP or you will be forgotten.Time waits for no man and Moma2 is fresh
out of time or space to waste on non-believers.The time is now or you will be will be left behind.....remember this
MUST LEARN TO MUST LEARN TO SURVIVE.The key word here is LEARN and not in the Hockey or competative sense...Y'all already know enough
about those things to win a Stanley Cup next season.....Moma2 WILL WITH 100% CERTAINTY NOT BE AVAILABLE TO WALK YOU THROUGH YOUR NHS LESSONS ALL OF
NEXT YEAR .....HOW MUCH TIME IS AVAILABLE IS NOW A GOING CONCERN.Moma2 WILL SAY there is still time to set the machinations required into embryonic
motion and to school you all on how to keep the ball rolling yourselves.
Moma2 has been wayyy to godddarn nice.....those days are over now.
edit on 6-3-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)