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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 09:57 AM
This thread is about NHL hockey and a new way to institute a system of play that NHL teams can use to win hockey games,

Moma2 is a visual thinker,and an Intuit,and has brought a new and slightly Aspie perspective to a competative sport.
Moma2 means Most Outstanding Athlete to and it is a reference to the fact that Moma2 has a sucessful and predominatly winning athletic background.

This thread is being written by someone who is a visual thinker so at times it will jump around and the writeing styles may change drasticly and quickly so please be aware that as difficult as it may seem it is important to try to keep up and just let yourself visualise some of the posts if they get colorful.The contrast in writing styles is supposed to drag you out of the box and give you something to contrast with in your own thinking style,it allows you to visualise certain aspects of the conversation but keep the rest lineal or straightforward.

Many of the ideas and philosophys posted will run counter to traditional views and tactics,this will immediatly become apparent ,and realise it is intentional and please dont feel the need to point out the tradionalistic perspective in a defensive dynamic or we will be endlessly debateing,when we should be learning something new together.Please compare and analyse the two perspectives,but lets not argue which perspective we are focusing on moveing forward with,that being Moma2s new perspective.we will be surgicly dissecting the traditional perspective and dicarding it completely and totally.

Moma2 believes that all sports are the same at the core value level,that all competative dynamics are also the same at the core value level, therefore winning requires the same tactical approach no matter what competative dynamic is being considered.

All actions need to be catalysed by a forward motion,every single one.Defence is a product of offensive failure,it is to be avoided as a core value goal and component of tactical planning.Defense will not be considered as a catalytic factor in any facet of the structure of this system of thinking and winning.

Time management and awareness is a key component of a winning perspective and we will focus on it heavily,it is the driving force behind momentum initiation and maintenance.

Possesion and transition are two major core values of our winning system and are also critical in all competative dynamics.we will focus on those dynamics.

Communication is another core value we will constantly be referring to,both styles and methods of delivery.We will learn to establish a "common ground"or a "same page"from step one on.Everyone will need to learn to speak in new communication styles,everyone.

Team play is always focused on a catalyst,one component must always be a catalyst that the group works off of,and each line must have a defined leader who they all listen and react to,and that line must be prepared to support that catalytic player 100% even if that man is double teamed,they must consistantly support their leadership structure on every shift.

The line-leader is like the nervous system of the line he can be anyone on the ice, is the man who is the catalytic leader of the hockey line we ice,he is the leader when he is on the ice and everyone is always keying off of him,as he will be makeing on-ice tactical adjustments every second he is on the he will be the lighthouse for everyone to look to when they need immediate direction.

Positional play--positional play will not be considered primary for us it will be secondary,we will abandon the concept,as it is regressive and prevents us from maintaining forward momentum and victory.Positional play is replaced by a practice called "GAPPING"and htis is a method of maintaining a specific and fluid amount of space between each team member on the ice.

Time and Space---these are concepts traditional hockey has created--they are meaningless to us,we will not consider them.We will institute as core values "conservation of motion"and "Conservation of Energy".Conservation of Motion is based on the concept of doing less moveing to accomplish more tacticly,it is the catalyst of the principal of Gapping.,we want to move ourselves as little as we can and have as great as an effect as we can manufacture by that movement,we never react to our opponent we are always focused on our Gapping and our tactical control of real estate or the ice surface.Conservation of Energy is based on the concept of smooth flowing movement combined with a forward moveing focus which allows our players to expend as little energy as possible shift by shift resulting in a consistant provision of performance level for 60 mins by all of our men.Winning is based on consistancy and we need to consistantly provide an adequate amount of energy and power to our system for 60mins--the entire game.This concept allows us to double-shift players ,something which we will also be incorporateing fully into this new system.Moma2 Backatyaoilers.

Cycleing,we will be useing two types of cycleing,one a full rink cycle which will be the base of our entire system ,and two a half rink cycle which will be the base components of our offense and defense.

Spear-tip ,this is the main catalyst of our full rink cycle,it is a man who is ALWAYS our first asset to engage the opponent,and he will be dictated by our gapping and conservation of motion principals.

We will expect all players on the ice to be supporting the cycle at all times,and never be reacting to the opponents actions,we will always maintain momentum and flow or conservation of energy,this is how we power our winning formula.

We will never use set plays,we will always develope our plays off of our core values,we will use our momentum and possesion of the puck to dictate our offense,we will expect all 5 men on the ice to be aware of and institute terminal offense at EVERY opportunity.

Possesion of the puck-we will NEVER surrender the puck by dumping it in or voluntarily giveing it away,we know that there are a finite number of possesion opportunitys given to both teams in every 60min contest so we will NEVER surrender even one,we will focus on earning as many of our opponents possible possesions as we can from that basic overall number we know will happen in 60mins,there is only a fine line difference numericly in possesion numbers game in and game out,we recognise that and adress it agressively.

Goal scoreing--we recognise that scoreing goals is the path to winning,always,that the whole purpose of stepping on the ice is to score goals,every possesion is an opportunity to score a goal and must be treated as such.we say that every pass is a potential one-time shot because we understand that there are a finite number of necessary passes required to score a goal and the fewer the better,passes beyond the offensive blueline will never number more than three without a shot being taken,the zone will NEVER be gained without a shot being taken immediatly.every man on the ice has an equal responsibility to provide offense and to take a shot in net---we never say a "shot on net"because that is defeatist thinking and we even need to change how we communicate about the game ,we are trying to learn to become visual thinkers together,so defeatist verbal references need to go.Every player MUST be thinking and acting shot first on our initial zone entry.

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:31 PM
Goal scoreing--we always have a structured communication conduit attatched to our offensive focus,as a result we institute this dynamic as a core value--we always have our lineleaders execute a specific goal scoreing shot on a defined area of the net on a shift by shift and or a period by period or game by game basis,to be defined by the coaches.Our "tactical shot program"will be a pre-game discussion every game.It should look like this.

|we view the goaltender as an impediment to our final zone transition and the completion of our momentum thrust,we recognise his strenghts and limitations and we address them at their core a result we tacticly expose him and prevent him from engageing us on his terms and we do not allow him to dictate momentum in any way,we negate his ability to contribute to his system in any defineable way.And we do this by viewing him in a 3rd dimension in his net,we look at the net and define the three zones the goalie has to function in mechaniclly,we call them from the feet to the knees--zone #1,from the knees to the hips-zone #2,from the hips to the shoulders-zone #3,from the shoulders to the head-zone#4,these are core definitions and need to be respected and adhered to,remember that whatever shot choice you use will be dependant on two things--the zone you are targeting on the goaltender and the specific area of the net itself within the goaltenders zone your lineleader is telling you to primarily shoot through.These two core value components of "tactical shot program"planning need to be communicated effectively from the coaches to the lineleaders to the players EVERY GAME.We make it look like this----line one in the first period is assigned zone #1 as a primary shooting area for the first period so they are shooting anyway from anywhere at the zone from the feet to the knees during the first period as their primary assignment and then as their secondary assignment they will shoot at a specific net area if their zone assignment isnt open say the top right corner ---so if they are in a shooting position they will first look from the feet to the knees and if that is choked they will instinctively go top right corner ,so as a system we ALWAYS have control of our assets and momentum and flow..Then the second line will be assigned zone #3 as a primary and low left post as a secondary focus,so now we can count on the lineleader on the second line haveing his men focus on our defined objectives in a creative manner.So line two for the first period will if open for a shot,target first the area from the hips to the shoulders as a zone assignment and if that is choked then they will quickly and instinctively shoot to the low left post,and each line will be tasked with this structure.Now we as a 5 man unit not only control momentum and flow but we have a crystal ball and know where the predominate number of rebounds will DEFINATELY BE comeing to and this definitive data consistantly provided allows us to implement a two dimensional offensive system platform because we CONTROL the shot placement of the rebounds when we recover them and this ability enables us to properly utilise our half-rink cycle to initiate our offense off of our defensive or full rink pllatform,it will be defined as a "hybrid base"later.The function of the full rink cycle will be defined as our hybrid base platform.we call it the HYBRID BASE PLATFORM because it can hybridise itself from offense to defense and back again seamlessly with the implementation of CONSERVATION OF MOTION--AND--CONSERVATION OF ENERGY,remember those core value components?Well heres where they apply.

We are a possesion team so our communication must be elite and the conduits maintained and adjusted constantly and accurately,we need specificly dedicated managerial resources to do this,we must realise communication is a key component of winning anything at any level in any dynamic.So it will be properly treated at every level.we want our men to have clearly defined and directed BUT INSTINCTIVE reaction abilitys,again by the implementation of COM and COE ,these core values enable us to trigger the reaction that lets us use our instincts,that speed of execution comes from properly manageing our half-rink or secondary cycle which we build and dictate off of our transition choices and
5 man offensive trigger responsibility to system execution.

Transitions--our transitions ALWAYS ENGAGE IN A FORWARD CYCLEING MOTION-MOMENTUM-OR DIRECTION-,forward,forward,forward,at all times flow forward and dominate ice or realestate until you utilise your transitions to a terminal shot position,then use the same flow and cycle to recover and reengage the rebound,then use that same flow and direction to recover defensive posture if recovery is not sucessful,that same flow and directional Hybrid cycle allows us to exert maximum pressure with minimal effort and attention,we will ultimately have the closest recovery and support man to the puck at all times

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 01:09 PM
at all times covering every inch of the ice.We will be executeing this at higher speed than our oppents systems can adjust to useing set positional defences.Defences based on set plays and zone transitions.

Spear tip---this is the man who finds himself in the system dictated position defined by his Gap distance from the puck and his flow or direction of cycle,picture a rink in your mind--now imagine all five players are skateing alone in a full rink cycle going completely around the rink behind the nets,keeping an equal amount or distance or STRIDES between each other as accurately as they can----now see as they are cycleing they all begin to cut their north/south distance down so they all smoothly cut in front of the net in their full-rink cycle--------they have picked up speed slightly by cutting down the length of their cycle so they are now going faster without working any harder[COE]and they are closeing their GAPPING--or the distance between them[COM]as they maintain a faster adjusted full rink cycle,we still call it a full rink cycle because once we adjust for our spear-tip we will also own that area from the front of the net to the boards in both zones all the time.----------now imagine that as the 5 men are equally gapped and smoothly whizzing around in their cycle that as the man closeing on the net at a terminal north/south direction end gets to the net he shoots right to the boards and goes behind the net,but because of the speed of the full-rink cycle the second man closes fast and cuts in front of the net maintaining his speed and GAPPING with his support man behind him as they both continue the full-rink cycle now as a 4 man unit,see one man behind the net as the other four are now closed into a HALF-RINK CYCLE ,,,do you see how their speed has increased another gear because they have shortened the n/s cycle even more into the HALF-RINK CYCLE,now imagine that the man who is stationed behind the net has a puck and there is one opponent engageing him,,,,,as the player in the 4 man cycle closest to the puck closes he breaks out of the half rink cycle and engages the teammate behind the net as a support man,and he is careful to ALWAYS come in with speed and power and directional flow moma2 backatyaoilers so he can force the puck in the direction of our cycle ,,,because as he engages and we use our numbers advantage to pop the puck in the direction of our cycle we ALREADY have the first man who was originally behind the net to use his NOW SUPERIOR BODY POSITION to either recover the puck or to IMMEDIATLY SPRINT BACK INTO THE HALF-RINK 4- MAN CYCLE, and adjust his speed and GAPPING to maintain that cycle----------now imagine that our man behind the net who came in as support sees that the puck is lost,,,now he sprints back down ice and will maintain the blueline side of our defensive 4-man cycle,and it is a 4-man cycle because when we lost the puck the man closest to their high blueline in the HALF-RINK CYCLE immediatle SPRINTED DOWN ICE into a dominant SPEAR-TIP position so that as his support men come back to him they can immediatly break into another defensive HALF-RINK CYCLE,useing his engagement of the puck as a catalyst for timeing their support comeing out of the cycle,which will in part be dependant on the GAPPING at the moment of engagement with the puck.Remember that the defensive SPEAR-TIP can always take the puck BACK BEHIND HIS NET as a tactical move because our men are ALWAYS comeing in and closeing on the puck FASTER than the opponent due to COM/COE and proper GAPPING,so we always control PACE and MOMENTUM,we maintain the ability to change gears without loseing cycle or system integrity and flow.
edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:06 PM
Implementing offense into the hybrid base,stoll,effectively-----there is a very basic and seamless way to integrate offense into the hybrid base of this system if you ARE CONDITIONED TO PLAY IN A SYSTEM THAT IS CONVENTIONAL AND BASED ON SET PLAYS.

This is called hybrid system offense and it is not the same as the hybrid definition we use for our NewAge system that I am createing.Because the entire system is comprised of what we would call the core values of our full-rink cycle.

The way to integrate this offense,Moma2 LA,is to begin to use the speed of the rush to eliminate one of your zone transitions,because the set play nature of the hybrid system doesnt want to ever surrender a transition it is a good adjustment and another hybrid will have difficulty adjusting to the additional core value being added from the rush,but there are e-tra adjustments needed to make the seamless transition without loseing system integrity of the hybrid itself.

To make the transition seamless and effective the defencemen need to adjust their first pass positioning comeing out of the d-zone and the forwards need to provide good neutral zone support,moma2 backatyaoilers the defensemen need to be able to threaten with the end to end rush comeing out of the d-zone as much as they can,and the forwards always need to be probeing for open lanes in stride so they can be hit with good passes and simply take the middle with the rush and drive it to the net,when two hybrids play they ceate a hybrid checkmmate and the more they each tighten up the defense the harder it gets for them to add even elemental offense,so the transition must come from a new element that the hybrids by nature do NOT embrace,something like the rush.The rush is only one facet that has a significant impact in a hybrid checkmate,
edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by one4all

I erred in posting 3 zones of goalie mechanical function,there are four,if you roll three lines you can define three zones.In fact if there are errors,sorry but i forgot thereis a time limit on edits.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:36 PM
the game is all about forward momentum and outsmarting your opponent during changes of pace.

create opportunities by opening up the ice, anyone without the puck should be working to draw their defense to the outside if in their end.

playing defensively you want to always be angled towards the play while maintaining your area of influence staying between the play and your goalie, keeping the puck to the outside.

get over the red line, dump it in, someone should already be on the puck in that moment with a guy trailing behind to cover for a possible cycle, third man in goes to the net for rebound or pass when the defense open up.

all 5 guys need to be playing the same system, but you can have different lines using different styles to accomodate your needs if you're ghosting the other team.

capitalize on their mistakes and play disciplined, but tough, never show any weakness and always play for your team.

16 years exp.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Hockey is about scoreing as many goals as fast and as definitively as you can in 60mins,it is about calculating how many possesions are available in 60mins and engineering the game so that you are the master of the majority of those possesions and that as many of those possesions are transitioned into shots as possible.It is about incorporating as much north/south motion into the systems focus as possible because that is the fastest way to convey the puck into the net which is after all our goal so to speak.Momentum is a by product of possesion and north/south movement incorporateing an adjustable cycle to support that movement and initiate it as many times numericly as possible,this momentum is the only way to apply terminal pressure on an opponents system to recover the puck after our initial shot,this constant and measured or GAPPED north/south movement supported by a spear-tip first blow and a 4-man cycle is the best way to ensure our system actually posses the puck more times than our opponent ,it is a very simple breakdown of our overall focus and system direction.we play a possesion transtion game,we posses the puck more times than the opponemt and we convert those possesions into transitions which we then use to initiate goals or if we miss,rebounds which we engineer through shot management to give us even more opportunitys to recover and reshoot the puck.

We look for mistakes in the opponents transitions,not changes of pace but on our offensive thrusts we will utilise changes of speed when executeing our zone transitions in an north/south direction predominantly,this will be a tactical move to enable zone entry supporting our transitions.hence our shots,the pace of the game or the speed of execution will be at top speed as much as we can dictate it to be because this will effectively enable our system to engineer more possesions and opportunitys to recover the puck.So we really dont try to force the opposition into makeing mistakes by changeing our pace,we are always at top speed or near there,we arent baseing any aspect of our system initiation or execution on forcing mistakes from the opponents all of our focus is on scoreing goals as fast and furiously as we can for 60mins,we plan and try to posess the puck for more of the 60mins than the opponent and to do so we execute a dominant strategy of controlling as much ice coverage or physical space ownership for as much of the 60mins as we possibly can.,this is our goal,when we do not posess the puck we never send set defensive methods into action,ever,we simply support our cycle and ice ownership,and through the properly supported and executed four man cycle we ,look for opportunitys to re-incorporate the puck back into our cycle so we can move it north.south into the net.The places we will be recovering the puck from will predominantly be from areas of transition for the opposition,and this is because those are the weakest moments for their system and because we alawys have the two closest men to the puck no matter where it is on the ice due to our gapping and cycleing,we are always in a dominant positional dynamic wether we posess the puck or not so our recoverys will mostly come from getting to the puck before it can be transitioned from one zone to another by the opponent,we will be owning more ice and our positioning will control the opponents actions more than traditional contact and physicality,unless we tacticly choose to engage physiclly..So we dont really look for mistakes comeing out of changes of pace we look for recoverys based off of pressure exerted on an opponents "territory possesion" and resulting body position when they attempt to transition the puck from one zone to another because these areas and situations are like bottlenecks and those areas are where most interactions between their puck carriers and our cycleing players will occur,hence more of our recoverys will come from those areas..transitions are the target areas of focus,and changes of pace attempted by an opponent do not change anything about our approach to the game because we have no defensive mindset,we are a possesion transition team and we NEVER think from a defensive mindset,the entire 60mins and entire ice surface are components of a 60min race to score as many goals as we can,and because our system is the premium method of creating puck possesion and allowing transitions leading to goals,we pursue and execute that gameplan for 60mins.

we never play defensively defense is a byproduct of our offensive execution and focus so our defensive sphere of influence or defensive positioning dont matter,because we are constantly initiating a north/south cycle we are always in proper body position by proxy,we cant help it,and not only are we always in the proper position we are always comeing at the puck from both sides faster than our opponents closeing at superior speed,as a result of our 4-man cycle spear-tipped in our defensive zone we always have our faces toward the opponents net looking up-ice we are always closeing in that direction and on the puck with our heads up faceing the right way with our butts faceing our goaltender and with our focus on a north/south direction or movement,in other words we are ALWAYS in a DOMINANT puck recover position for 60mins as a 5-man unit.

We NEVER--EVER dump the puck in ,that is considered a failure of an offensive thrust and it means more hard work to recover and repeat,we NEVERRRRR relinquish a possesion of the puck for anything less than a goal,pretty passes and hot shots mean zero,we focus on goals and the recovery efforts after the mistakes that dont end up as goals,we always have a man behind the power point of the opponent or rather we are always in a dominant position on terms of area of ice owned through our GAPPING maintenance and execution,the spear-tip initiation means we always have a man stretching our sphere of influence from behind one net to behind the other.we never CHASE the puck,we recover it as a byproduct of our consistantly maintained and executed full-rink 5-man and half-rink 4-man cycles useing implementation of the spear-tip to posess more ice than the opponenet can for 60mins.chaseing the puck requires set plays and set defensive mindsets NEITHER OF WHICH WE WANT TO HAVE,remember we aim to score at least four or more goals every game and we want to initiate at least 15 shots per period and 45 plus per game,for 82 games,we dont need to worry about divideing them up between men over the year because everyman carries EQUAL offensive responsibility every night,so we will see more parity than any other team in the league.

Different lines NEVER use or play different styles and we NEVER ghost teams because we NEVER THINK DEFENSIVELY,we only correct improperly executed offensive thrusts designed to score goals,and it is imperative that our cycles be executed and supported for 60mins,we dont have room for any devience from that program from ANYONE for 60mins,our game is very simple but requires 100% committment from all 6 men on the ice,you will see later in the thread how much direct influence the goaltender has on nearly all 60 mins we play when you see how much work we put in to shutting down the goalies sphere of influence or ability to support his system.You will understand when you see how much more work we task OUR GOALTENDER WITH,we need our netminder involved in the game directly for 60mins because we recognise his critical importance to maintaining our cycles and therefore scoreing goals,we need him to help us score goals MORE than we need him to stop the other team because we execute to posess the puck for more of the 60mins than other teams do.Our goalies need to perform like the Edmonton Oilers Dynasty team goaltenders,staying involved in the actual momentum generation for a full 60mins,moma2 backatyaoilers.

.As I said we will bust up conventional hockey teaching and attitudes CONSTANTLY and COMPLETELY by the time we are done realiseing this newage system and perspective on the game.

Even the goalie and the stick,man need to get themselves orientated to the system requirements they are tasked with,feel sorry for the coaches because they need to change the most and the fastest to incorporate a new perspective into their teaching mindset.

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

i can tell by your in depth understanding of the game that you have a lot of experience,what do you think about the principal of constant offensive attack for 60mins with absolutely no practice time or resources devoted to defensive planning and execution??Doesnt it seem a little weird to think of NEVER discussing the defensive side of the game at all,does it seem strange to think of yourself always naturally being in the best possible body position either faceing the play or flowing with it ALL THE TIME,how about the idea of ignoreing every member of the opposition except the puck carrier as you focus on maintaining your cycles and owning real estate.Imagine never haveing to react to an opponents on ice position or think about complicated defensive positioning or adjusting,think about releasing yourself from 50% of your mental responsibility on the ice traditionally and focusing it on offense to make it a 100% effort and focus on offense and scoreing goals for 60mins.In this system everyone has equal responsibility to score goals,it is the only system that truly equally divides the shots equally and based on effort level and attention to system needs in equal proportions.This is a fun and energiseing system to be a part of and the challenges are many and constant,but can you imagine scoreing four to six goals every night for 82 games because this system generates 45 plus high percentage scoreing opportunitys per game.And in doing so it stifles the opponent and removes them from the game ,literally you play your system not the opponents so we ignore every opponent except the puck carrier,because we dont need to worry about where they are EVER because we already know we are all in a dominant position on the ice.

Did you play for 16 yrs??

Could you tell me how you feel about players loseing their sticks and the current common practice of the plyer continueing to try to instigate themselves into the play as opposed to an all out sprint immediatly after recieving support to the bench for lumber??Because in our system as soon as we lose our stick or we are free of immediate contact we SPRINT STRAIGHT TO THE BENCH and our linemates cover for us immediatly because they all know what the proper thing to do is so they EXPECT ME TO SPRINT OUT OF THE CYCLE AND GO TO THE BENCH.

And how do you feel about pulling a goalie with like 2 mins left,when hockey is a game where you can score 3 goals in that time period 5 on 5?In our system we only pull the tender if we have a faceoff in their zone with seconds on the clock,we NEVER SURRENDER opportunitys to score goals within our 60mins,we play a style that iniates us ALL into that mindset because we are ALL equally responsible for scoreing goals so we all quickly learn that we can score from literally anywhere and literally anyone can be the trigger man,and if our system dictates it the same player can have a big night like the 8 point night a center named Sam Gagner had for a team called the Edmonton Oilers,that game was a byproduct of this type of system execution.If you Google it you will see how naturally Sam scored those points and how he could have literally had three or so more points that game,all through system awareness and team commitment to that system execution,in that game Sam had to step outside of the hybrid system his team was playing and institute core value additions for 60mins,but the consistant application showed consistant results for a full 60mins and he even refused a late shift and a chance to pad his numbers which he professionally refused,showing his respect for those who played before him and refuseing to take easy non-system generated points.
Do you think as a player you would have enjoyed this type of wide open 60min goal scoreing spree every night??Do you think there is great value in busting the spirit of the opponent by scoreing so many goals they only see mountain and no sky by the end of the first period??Do you remember games like that where a team just overwhelmed you from the first minute on and just wouldnt stop or let up,a game where the puck just never seemed to come to you for 60mins.
It is a lot like the old Soviet style of the 80s,moreso thn the NA stlye from that era.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 08:23 PM
I thoroughly understand what you mean now and the moment it connected in my head I realized just how dominant your system would be to play against.

I understand what you mean about not dumping the puck in, never relinquishing control to your opponent.
personally I have always found dumping and chasing to work in establishing the zone where we would then begin possession again, a way to get deep quickly. but it only works if the first man in is right on the puck from the get-go to cycle it back to his cover.

i'm interested what your system dictates about penatly killing and powerplays

penalty kill seems fairly standard, 4 man box or diamond system working to keep the puck and play to the outside while working to ice the puck. or if you have control of the puck during penalty kill to hold it up along the boards or skate it around a bit to kill the time.

powerplay you want to move the puck around the outside, ironic since the penalty kill wants you too as well.
but the main priority is to create space for the 5th man to open up for a slot shot and goal.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by one4all

what do you think about the principal of constant offensive attack for 60mins with absolutely no practice time or resources devoted to defensive planning and execution??

the best defense is a strong offense. but practicing the defensive mindset is crucial to minimize careless mistakes. getting it out of your zone ASAP and into the neutral zone moving forward.

Did you play for 16 yrs??


Could you tell me how you feel about players loseing their sticks and the current common practice of the plyer continueing to try to instigate themselves into the play as opposed to an all out sprint immediatly after recieving support to the bench for lumber??

it really depends on the moment when the stick breaks, in a defensive scenario I would say you want to play the man with puck and try and take him out of the play. but in any other option yes you should get another stick from the bench depending how late you are in your shift.

quick shifts are necessary, no more then 45 seconds.

And how do you feel about pulling a goalie with like 2 mins left

I was going to ask you this exact same question!

I honestly am totally ambiguous. it works both ways, the 6th man can have a lot of impact if he positions himself in front of the net while the 5 vs 5 dynamic stays the same. there is always one open man possible if he finds it.

Do you think as a player you would have enjoyed this type of wide open 60min goal scoreing spree every night??

Yes, especially if my goals were precise.
I love the feeling of having done everything in my power to make the goal happen.

Do you think there is great value in busting the spirit of the opponent by scoreing so many goals they only see mountain and no sky by the end of the first period??

that means the competition should be in a lower division?
but yes, you want to get their momentum down from the get-go. finish your checks till the end of the game, you never know if you face these guys in the playoffs, you don't want to show ANY weakness to them.

Do you remember games like that where a team just overwhelmed you from the first minute on and just wouldnt stop or let up,a game where the puck just never seemed to come to you for 60mins.

I want to say no, but I can remember once or twice where teams were playing keep away the whole game.
I played a Czech national team years ago, they all had very good speed and great control of the whole rink, we ended up winning in a shootout but for most of the game we were chasing.

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

The best defence is a strong offense,I understand and I take it a step further by realiseing the fact that defenseive system attention becomes needed only after an offensive breakdown,not the other way around,and I believe that practiceing defensive scenarios is counterproductive and complicates the data load players need to carry ,I use the full-rink and half-rink cycle to negate the need for defensive set plays and instinctive defensive moves and reactions,I believe that every action on the ice should have an offensive catalyst and should be working in a forward offensive direction.Contact is a byproduct of set defensive plays,my system uses contact as much as a defensive minded system but we always use it as a component of developing offense ,the reasons we initiate or control our contact and its reciprocal actions are to create and maintain offense,not to initiate and support defense,evr,includeing in our d-zone when we are under pressure.

The team that played keepaway with you was following some of these Gapping principals i use as a core value systemwise,one core value component that they incorporated,and it was executed properly by the sounds of it,
When this system is committed to the entire60mins looks and feels like one big game of keepaway if you are the opponent and when goals are scored opposition coaches cannot adjust their systems because of the way our offense is generated and because of where it comes from,you cannot key in on any one or two players to significantly shut down our offense because the responsibility to score goals is evenly spread between 5 men,literally we will score from any and everywhere,and as soon as a terminal opportunity is there the shot will be released instinctively from every position on the ice,we NEVER use a single pass more than we need to initiate a high percentage or a tacticly planned shot on net,but gauranteed the first shot will come fast and hard and terminally from anywhere,and this will happen over and over,and we will be on rebounds first,and we will recover from contact first,we will naturally be in proper body position by proxy without needing to focus on it,our support form both sides of the puck will ARRIVE faster than our opponents will,and when it gets there it will always arrive in a dominant position to carry the play out of the ehgagement with momentum in an offensive direction,because that is our job,to score goals for 60mins.

With proper Gapping between players and with consistant execution systemwise,we recover the puck from within our cycle and at a much higher speed than our opponents,we are like indians circleing the wagons,we just pick at them as we cycle around,when we engage we always have the first support comeing in and when we disengage a man from a puck battle that man is flowing immediatly back into the cycle not looking for a loose puck because he KNOWS he has a teammate flying in at top speed in support so he knows his priority is to reenter the cycle to support it ASAP,not try to force the play or turnover,his support cycleing in will already be doing that,it is as important to focus on a proper and fast disengagement from a puck battle as it is to cycle in and execute a support manouver properly and with focus.

A team that tries to use set plays against us instinctive or planned gets run right over,because as soon as the puck starts going east/west we own the entire rink due to our cycleing and we WILL recover the puck at a much HIGHER rate than our opponent,so our aim is to maintain our cycle and exert constant pressure,hopeing that anything east/west is tried, a pass or a reverse,anything that stops them from going north/south with the puck,this plays into our cycleing game absolutely,remember our spear-tip man busts their first transition attept up or controls the outlet they use,and that man has constant support comeing in at top speed. And if the opponent does manage to get moveing north/south we still have our cycleing intact and when we do make contact with the puck carrier we will already have several of our men in a high cycle already faceing north/south and comeing in and closeing on the puck wherever it is on the ice,we will always have pressure comeing and it will always be offensively catalysed pressure with momentum and flow going north/south.

remember that in our system as we cycle if a player has an opportunity to engage the puck carrier by comeing out of the cycle he will do that and also remember that the support man will be there for us FIRST,but more importantly remember that we will have dominant body position for sure because of how and where our support is comeing from,now when the support man arrives once we establish puck dominance our first man in blasts back into the cycle to support it because he KNOWS he needs to hustle back into the cycle .

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

So basicly if you are engaged with the puck carrier and can influence the play that way,you should carry through your check,but if there is no contact imminent you should bolt for a new stick??I ask because I am targeting the times when i see players try to do this and they misinterpret the intent and continue to try to influence the play after immediate contact has been broken off,in other words if you arent touching an opponent you need to immediatly bust away,and I always see players extend that moment past the point of no return and then they are a horrible problem because they force their teammates to compensate for the lanes their sticklessness leave open all over the ice,or they are drawn out of position easily because they are essentially armless and must commit their bodies completely and at a higher speed so they can close on the opponent without a stick and still be effective--they are forced to overcommit positionally and they create more holes than if they had busted out of the play and let their teammates adjust immediatly.I see it so much i assume it is a standard accepted play because the frequency means it cannot be a fluke every time,and I cannot accept the reasoning when a goal in todays game is so critical.And if we are executeing our cycle there is no need to hesitate because a support man is simply a SET NUMBER OF STEPS AWAY,another inherant advantage to my system,in cases like this we always have the closest support man comeing in from both sides of the puck.

When the 6th man is out there it is just a matter of forceing the puck to a specific area,and planting that man there,useing your numbers advantage to just direct the puck in that sector for him,or crowd the net with an extra stick and body,I get it,but i guess i think that the mentality behind such a tactic is retroactive to a winning mentality,simply because we all know a goal is only one rush away for all 60mins of the game and the mere presence of such an option HAS to sit somewhere in the back of players minds,in a place where offense should be liveing 100% of the time,and pulling the goalie is akin to a defensive nuke,it is an act of desperation,so it should be treated as such and only considered and used if you have mere seconds left and are in the opponents zone for a faceoff,its the mental mindset that is so important and it is little things like this that erode a winning mentality.however current hockey philosophy says different than i do,but this is one of those areas that cannot be ignored,it is a winning mentality issue,we must always accept responsibility for our 60mins of work and we cant have even a small crack in that focus,pulling the goalie should be the signpost to a hard skateing practice of end to end rushes to imbed the reality that the move is a sign of a work ethic letdown.its like playing your way towards a softer shift instead of a harder one,just be conservative and make no mistakes and hang on for a few more minutes then coach will pull the goalie and maybe we can put one in!!Forgettaboutit,no way do I want to see that mentality haveing a place to foster itself in my players mindsets.But I see how players view it now,it is a huge opportunity if you are considering all of the many intangibles that can affect how those few minutes will play out,a lot of weird things can happen out there and an extra man means a lot at any time,it just seems like a poor trade off to me ,subverting a winning mindset to throw the dice once and try to hit snakeeyes,i dont view it to be worth it over 82 games,in fact I am willing to bet that I can score as many goals over that 82 games 5 on 5 by not pulling my tender if we add up all of the minutes we see this dynamic occur over in a year,I just dont see the payoff on the gamble numericly speaking,and this type of goal generation is comeing off of set plays which take practice time better used working on the cycle and timeing.i see goals scored with mere seconds left all the time it is very common,but the truth is i dont really see the consistant payoff from pulling the tender,I see a lot of empty net goals for sure,but not much else in terms of results.

I think I understand what you mean by enjoying goals that were scored precisely,you wanted to be the catalyst of the goal you wanted it to be the end result of your final transition and for it to be a concsious defeating of the opposition and their goaltender,utter dominance,a goal is always nice but when it is definitive and designed and manifested it is so much more sweet.Your mentality is what I am trying to buil,i want to empower players to see the game that way,to understand that all of them have the power within the system to be the man who manifests the gaol,the man who takes control of the system at the right time smoothly and puts the puck where it belongs back on the center dot,so we can get it back there again as soon as possible.But I know how you see it i think and it is that wanting to be the man with his hands on the wheel I am trying to teach through the construct of a new system of play.How did you develop this feeling?Was it always that way?Do you remember when you began to appreciate intentionally orchestrated and executed goals more than fortuitous ones??Maybe the age or level or moment?Or was it just a natural evolution that happened as you began to understand the game more??Do you feel more like you are jamming it to the tender when you score cleanly like that,or do you feel like you are jamming it to the d-men and opposition forwards??How do you catalyse the motivation behind how you feel??What do you think makes you enjoy this dynamic so much??Where is the sugar that takes you there??

edit on 13-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

I am happy you can see the potential in the system,i believe the basic core values to apply to all competative dynamics,I think it would turn soccer on its head,those games should all be 6-4,there is so much creative offensive potential .

The powerplay and PK would operate exactly the same way as 5 on 5, does with all of the same core values,we would simply use a spear-tip man ,which is what wayne gretzky used to be in the 80s,he would position himself behind the net and become the spear-tip without probably even being able to define it as that himself,i am a visual thinker and i know what Wayne was doing and why,he used to have his teammates initiate a half-rink cycle while he stayed behind the net controlling the defensive postureing of the opponent,then he would just keep wiggleing them around as his teammates made repeated passes through the sweetspots,by doing this Wayne was able to move the goalie around at the same time and use angles to set up his teammates in places where they could use the one-timer off of the pass the one-time re-direction usually into an open net because Wayne had shifted the goalies feet into a mexican standoff.So the PP would stay the same as 5 on 5.

The PK would become an offensive weapon totally,in fact a terminal one because if you dont play the puck right into the net every possesion ,to where our strength is you will open yourself up to us busting up ice and scoreing goals on you,our half-rink cycle means we always have someone closeing on you with speed,on the PK all we need to do is adjust our Gapping,increase the distance and thats all,the fact that we are engaged in a half-rink cycle means our speed has increased proportionately to the decrease in our cycleing distance so even on the PK we can utilise it effectively,and because we will always be engageing the puck from a dominant position and with dominant speed and direction,up ice,we will be a serious scoreing threat even shorthanded,simply because of how and where our support will be comeing from,and based on the fact that we will never throw the puck down ice back to you even shorthanded ,YOU will have to adjust your PP to face this challenge,and because we dont use set plays and all other systems do we will immediatly nave an intrinsic situational and positional advantage as soon as we force you to adjust your PP to our cycleing aggression and our constant offensive focus.It is another way to posess momentum,the key is to NEVER surrender the puck to the oponent therby preventing them from dictating the on-ice dynamics and flow or momentum,our core value goals are very non-traditional,as we are suffocating the opposition with our tactical control of the entire ice surface for 60min,5 on 5,shorthanded and on the PP our focus is the same ,get the puck back to the center dot so we can do it all over again as fast as we can.We never sit on a lead,we run up the score because it isnt us decideing to do this it is our systems reaction to their system,so we are obligated to score relentlessly for 60mins every game.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Powerplay you want to play the puck around the inside not the outside,you want to position you spear-tip and the puck behind the net and then use the 4-man half-rink cycle to utilise the 4 cycleing men and their sticks to domintate the outside with their body position [we dont play the puck around the outside at all just our body position and cycleing men the puck ALWAYS STAYS ON THE INSIDE OF THE CYCLE AND THE CIRCLE]and ALL have their sticks to the inside effetively circleing the wagons so to speak ALWAYS maintaining superior stick position and ALWAYS being in a position to use the one-time re-direction shot ,constantly being able to convert a pass into a one-timer.The most effective aspect of this PP is that all the cycleing men are in a perfect position to shoot on net through their entire cycle both when they are closeing on the net from the front and after they have come around as they are skateing back down ice direction.Moma2 backatyaoilers.Normally the best way to initiate this PP is to take the puck straight down the middle to the boards behind the net ASAP,and effectively by going down the middle you force the d-men to make a decision to either stop your momentum and deny you a direct scoreing chance down the middle by engageing contact or to direct you to the side also useing a lighter more tactical engagement,most times if you carry speed in the d-man will be forced to opt to direct you wide,and this is where you pinch him out in front of his own net and establish control behind the net.

This is a true shooting gallery in its purest form and it is the BEST way to run a PP,and this one I give to Wayne Gretzkys brain because wether he was coached to or not Wayne was doing this naturally.So Wayne Gretzky used this method and for all I know many teams have ,but this is what my system does because it is consistant with our 5 on 5 and our PK,it is simply system continuity for my system.I am an Edmonton Oilers fan and when i see their talent level and the youth of their 3 number one draft picks ,I immediatly think of the word dynasty if they were to utilise this system.There are many more reasons why this system will dominate the NHLteams that play a "hybrid"system and a lot of them are related to a flaw in the system they predominantly play--a hybrid system,that has the same core value achilles heel,I believe over 75% of the teams in the NHL play a version of this booby-trapped hybrid system,even the Oilers play a hybrid system with all of their talent. Momma2 can be u2ued here to answer any questions,I havent really structured the methodology of this system I am just describing it as I see it each time I log on,dont worry ,if you just try to go with it,it will all come into view over and over,each time a different scene of the same movie,just freeze framed for your convienience and presented in words as if it were a series of cartoons or pictures ina one of those trick books that you flip through the pages to watch the horse gallop or the man dance,this is how I am presenting this data to you,so if you can just let me lead the dance and simply step in anywhere you choose to take the lead and add your data,we will be on the same page,and anyone reading please add ANYTHING you think is relevant but please dont start off with why something is wrong,it just wastes time ,so we will assume what you are adding is a positive from the get go and then we wont waste time negotiating the validity of new data,we will just immediatly incorporate it and have a peek at how it looks,together through my eyes as you add to my vision and I to yours as you read what I write and how I see it.This means that virtually anywhere I am in this "system book"I can immediatly apply whatever I am discussing or outlineing to your perspective DEFINATELY AND IMMEDIATLY,in other words I can upload directly into the picture without needing to mentally rationalise anything,I just need to see the new data added to the existing picture I have and it is done for me.So really trul-y--anything,any topic,anytime,you just shoot from the hip in a forward manner and we will be able integrate your data,remember everything has a pattern so virtually anything you can add can and will be incorporated if it ADDS to the system in a forward manner,and the natural fit will take into consideration of evolution of the overlall system structure in real time,in other words it is ALWAYS a work in progress,and eagerly open to improvement and flexible enough to incorporate it.

edit on 14-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:41 AM
I am trying to do the same thing this guy is doing.For everyone.
The Coyotes put a lot of faith and trust in a guy who has not seen the ice during a game in years. Sequestered in an out-of-the-way room, he watches several monitors and attacks a laptop computer with a vengeance, hoping that even one of myriad things that he sees can give the team an edge.

"All I'm doing is marking the entire game," said Steve Peters, the Coyotes' video coach. "Everything from all of our system play - from neutral-zone forechecks, (offensive-zone) forechecks, hits, goals, penalties, power plays - we're marking anywhere from 600 to 800 different pieces of information during our game.

"I see probably more hockey than anybody here, but it's always in a little room. . . . I've never seen the Coyotes play live for 15 years. I've never seen them play hockey. It's frustrating."

Peters' calculations and data are pored over by the Coyotes coaches between periods, and it usually leads to adjustments as the game progresses. During the night, he also is in contact with coaches behind the bench and in the press box.

The role of a video coach has evolved over the years. Peters is at the forefront of that movement and is gaining the confidence of coach Dave Tippett.

"Best in the business, best I've ever seen in that role," Tippett said. "There's a couple things that make him excellent at his job. One, he takes pride in what he does - his work ethic is excellent, his details are excellent - and he knows the game.

"All the intangibles you need in a person like that make him do a good job, he's got. He's a very, very valuable part of our staff."

Maximum speed
Peters never slows down, either on game nights or during the week when he's looking at video of upcoming opponents, thriving on multitasking.

"I think that's when he's at his best," Tippett said. "He relishes that kind of thing. . . . As a player, you have excitement, get playing, and coaches, you like to get into the game. He gets in there and he gets in game mode, and he does a great job for us."

Peters is a former college goalie at the University of North Dakota, also Tippett's alma mater, and both won NCAA championships. Though Tippett went on to have a solid pro career, Peters, who backed up eventual Hall of Famer Eddie Belfour in college, knew he'd have to find a different niche.

When his collegiate eligibility ran out, he helped coaches with the video at North Dakota and realized it was something that came natural. He used that early training as an eventual springboard, joining the Coyotes at the invitation of then-General Manager Bobby Smith after his resume was rejected by 20 teams.

"It's an interesting job because you have to know hockey and because you have to be able to communicate with the coaches and the players," Peters said. "You have to be a little tech-savvy; you got to be able to run computers and satellites and all that, so it mixes two things together for me, so I feel like I'm challenged. Every day there's something different."

Free pointers
Technology has evolved rapidly since Peters joined the Coyotes, and the job has reached the stage of specialization. But in the not-too-distant past, Tippett said, coaches were the ones who had that task.

"When I first started coaching, I was that guy; that's how much it's evolved," he said. "It's evolved into a regular person now. It's a big part of the game now. Coaching staffs break down so many things, pre-scouts and things like that are all very important to the outcome of the game.

"He's by far the best guy I've ever been around in that role."

Players also seek him out to look at video or get his input.

"Petey does an unbelievable job," Coyotes captain Shane Doan said. "It's nice when you go in there and he's able to point things out quickly and clearly and concisely to you. He just watches so much hockey, and he sees your own personal tendencies so often, that it's something that can help."

It has taken Peters time to build up those relationships with players, and it's reached a comfort zone now, he said.

"There's a lot of interaction with the players," he said. "They ask what happened on this play or what could I have done on this play, or we'll sit down once in a while and they'll want to see things, and I think I'm safe - I'm a part of the coaching staff, but I'm not a coach."

"So they feel safe in communicating with me, so I think those relationships have grown, too, over the years. When I first started, I was in my 20s, we didn't have that. Now these guys trust me."

Video coaches around the NHL share information but not all the secrets. And in this age of evolving technology, teams cannot afford to play catch-up.

"It's kind of like the Cold War," Peters said. "Whatever the other team has, you better have."

Read more:

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:53 AM
i feel the need to share my perspective of the way hockey is played in its entirity,video coaches deal with real-time dynamics and that is their entire job as it takes a huge amount of work,well that is just my warm-up because i am a visual thinker,I see a way to teach EVERYONE how to see the game in a new way,not just one team on one night ,i want to give this system to the people so they can watch a better more evolved game.Game day play-by- play and all the research that requires are like opening the book to me,it doesnt even require effort to do those things,it is one facet of a multi-dimensional perspective I carry every second.I hope some of the data I am giveing will one day be utilised by many many coaches and players and understood by many fans in the future.And winning gets attention so I am here letting it all hang out--hopeing some coach somewhere listens to me and comes back for more data,sucess breeds investment but everyone needs a first dollar to frame I simply wish to be validated and recognised as the innovator of this system of play,I have never ever seen it broke down my way or anaysed my way.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:40 AM
The Hybrid---the best way to explain the hybrid is to shut it down and then look at the pieces that are left over,so we start be negateing its on-ice value and then we look at why we were able to dismantle it and remind ourselves why we do not play it .

The hybrid is the base of my system,it is the base that is used to generate transitions between zones on the ice,that is its only purpose and value ,to enable the initiation and execution of transitions between zones,all of the core values of the system called the hybrid are designed to allow set transitional plays to be developed without loseing defensive integrity.The retention of defensive integrity as these transitions are initiated and planned for is the achilles heel of the system,and it is what we will use to stop the hybrid.Remember that all 5 men on the ice have spent years adjusting to one version of the hybrid or another,without covering the entire history right now,lets suffice to say that everyone knows the basic set up and have used it since they were kids.This is because the hybrid is is based off of the historic evolution of the game that occurred before the "trap" became popular because a few cups were won useing it.Hockey evolved during the 80s into an offensive game,in the 90s it turned into a "trap"dominated league and then it evolved back in the direction of offense as teams began to adjust and add offense to their "trap"style systems keeping as much defensive integrity as they could.The high risk that occurs when you break the set plays required by the hybrid puts a heavy level of responsibility and on-ice positional and transitional awareness upon the players,data they simply dont need to be processing,they dont have time to do this on the ice,the game is to fast,the hybrid with its set plays is DESIGNED to slow the game down,it is designed to control the pace of the game like the trap was designed to do,teams are trying to do what LA is doing this year,just play as basic a transition game as possible and use the techniques the hybrid offers as accurately as they can,and they are doing just that,staying focused on execution of their transitions and then adding offense as they go in small bits and pieces,LA is abandoning the set plays offensively that the hybrid has given them in the past and they are adding offense in a creative manner,to their detriment it opens them up horribly to be scored on every time they try to add offense due to the fact that there are so FEW ways they can introduce offense without sacrificeing defensive integrity.Pheonix who is playing LA right now does the same thing,in fact you could seamlessly blend both of their systems into one easily.

Now all you need to do is stop the execution of the first transition and you negate the effect of the hybrid as a system,it doesnt matter how you stop it,and it doesnt matter what you use as a defensive attack,you simply need to stop or interfere with the first transition,because the system is based off of set plays LA is forced to make the hybrid perform like a normal hockey system a non-hybrid,but they cannot do it,they are bound by their requirement to use set plays to initiate and complete their transitions,all teams are.If you stop or re-direct their first transition you inescapably disrupt their momentum and flow,and because the ONLY way they can generate momentum is off of set and planned transitions ,once you interfere with their first transition comeing out of their own zone you put a NUMBER on their options,you bottle-neck their system and you can actually effectively predict their entire systems reaction quite easily.then you can build your offense off of their hybrids reaction to the first transition elimination or re-direction,it can be subtle re-direction it doesnt need to be a flat out fore-checking stoppage of the transition,because the hybrid cannot generate speed the conventional or pure hockey way -teams useing the hybrid need to utilise an up-speed man to complete their transitions sucessfully so step two after influenceing their first transition is to victimise the man they are bringing in up-speed,usually the middle is left wide open when a hybid coach looks to bring in the up-speed man.

So really the very basic key to stopping a hybrid is to stop or redirect the first transition and then step two is to hammer the hybrid down the middle for bringing an up=speed man into the play,punish the hybrid every time an up-speed man is engaged and they will start to collapse,and as soon as a hybrid begins to collapse it tightens up defensively and that is when it really begins to show its core weaknesses,as the hybrid is pressured and it begins to collapse its history comes clear because you see when a system is based on set plays in hockey and it is pressured and tightens up,the TRANSITIONS become even MORE important,but this time to defensive integrity or basic as the system gets more defensive it becomes more vulnerable.
edit on 16-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 10:29 AM
To stop the application of offense to the hybrid all you need to do is use the neutral zone to stop the upspeed man from being implemented,especially when he comes into the o-zone a micro-second after the puck carrier intentionally engages the d-man in a pick motion,the formation matters not,simply look for the up-speed or off-speed man and negate him however you choose,there are many efficient ways,thats what coaches are for.They just need to "see"what they need to do.A hybrid usually only has one pressure relief direction ,mayyyybe two,so if you can visualise three steps ahead you run them around at will.Remember the set plays and how they are the achilles heel of the system??And realise that LA is abandoning set plays at the offensive blue-line,but they are dependant on set play transitions and the use of the up-speed man to get there,so they are easily shut down as is any hybrid.

This is how you stop the hybrid 100% of the time.

What you do after you shut it down is another story,mostly because if you are already playing a hybrid system then you yourself have limited,ha ha ha,options in the introduction of offense to your own hybrid platform.

Understanding how offense is added to the hybrid makes it exceptionally easy to victimise teams playing it,Phoenix has figured out how to add offense very much like I am trying to teach,well at least they are ending up in similar shooting positions,I am sure this is a legacy of Gretzkys time there.So they are closer to executeing a perfect hybrid than LA is ,they just cant figure out how and why LA is shutting THEM down,hint hint,LA is chokeing out the Yotes first transition,ha ha ha,Jarret Stoll is a Moma2 fan.I am useing teams who are currently playing playoff hockey as examples simply because we can all watch them together,but 75% or more of teams play a version of the hybrid,so we could use almost any teams in our discussions and everything would still fit properly and our results would be consistant across the board.Because most of my hockey viewing was dureing the 80s I am an Edmonton Oilers fan so most of my philosophys are based on high octane 80s style hockey.But as I said the team names dont really matter because in the NHL results catalyse changes and teams dont change for long stretches,but when they do change they do it all at once,we are on the edge of one of those evolutionary moments and I am trying to push us over the edge by presenting the Excaliber System to the NHL,a hockey system based of pure unadultered offense,60mins of scorching relentless offense.

And because I resent the direction hockey has evolved since the 80s ,i am pushing us all back 25 yrs and I am trying to illustrate how badly we have let our game atrophy by creating a new and uber-sucessful hockey system,one that is built to NATURALLY feed off of the hybrid system 75% or more of todays teams play,we are talking about building a system that was born to predate or feed on the hybrid system without adjustment.Moma2s vision is behind this system and will carry this new hockey perspective forward until it is accepted and implemented league wide,if LA wins this year which they will unless someone listens to moma2 then the landslide will begin next year.Teams will rush to adjust their own systems to win like LA has been winning.This is what I am looking for a faster evolution in that direction so that my favorite team has a better environment to thrive in with all of their pure offensive talent.

You see there are core value components of my system which I will add only at the end of this thread when we all are able to visualise the system smoothly,the team that implements my entire system data load will NOT play a hybrid system they will play the Excaliber System created by Moma2.The integration of my style of offensive thrust into the hybrid base or platform is a natural evolution that believe it or not is exactly like the hybrids parent systems offensive thrust.You see my system is built on a hybrid base,so where other team stall and stop evolving the system,and implement set plays,I do the opposite,I go the other direction.I encourage the system to de-volve back to its natural state,but to do this I must remove currently popular hockey tactics and then ADD certain new but historicly sucessful core values along the way.
I hope this post helps show how to shut down the hybrid and in doing so I hope it outlines how the hybrid works at its core value level.
edit on 16-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:53 AM
I want to say no, but I can remember once or twice where teams were playing keep away the whole game.
I played a Czech national team years ago, they all had very good speed and great control of the whole rink, we ended up winning in a shootout but for most of the game we were chasing

Sorry,I dont know how to make this come up as your quote,but this was almost prophetic in nature,because the Slovakian team just dispatched Canada at the World Hockey Championships,and if you get a chance to watch the game you will be surprised how they did it,the technical side of the game.It is much easier for an underdog team to match up in the defensive side of the game because it is stopping offense but if you are a powerhouse team COACH and you even consider playing defense against a team whose only chance to matchup is through defense you THE COACH should be back at home not leading our national team,DEFENSE DOES NOT AND NEVER HAS WON ONE SINGLE HOCKEY GAME.

And to think my favorite team the Edmonton Oilers,moma2backatyaoilers,one rife with elite talent ,3 # draft picks tieing a record with the old Quebec Nordiques,who would even look in the direction of a defensive minded coach like Team Canadas is a travesty to say the least.This is one of the reasons I espouse an offense only mentality,history tells me that offense has won every victory since the dawn of time,without scoreing you have nothing to defend.

I thought it was excellent that we had recently discussed this exact same dynamic and then it manifested itself as reality,ha ha ha.

edit on 17-5-2012 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:08 AM
We need to express how we add offense after we shut down the first transition of the hybrid,creating a system checkmate.

Once you establish that the first transition is eliminated you still need to score goals yourself,and after you have initiated the first transition shutdown most of your offense will come from the middle,guys will need to drive to the net after knocking pucks loose on the forecheck,in a hybrid system checkmate EVERYONE needs to have the green light to go for it and set plays arent the best way to go,initial shots and rebounds allowing second shots will be the tactic,the first shot will usually come off a broken transition and guys will need to lead by going straight up the middle and their support needs to come with them,bust down the middle,after stopping the first transition.Give and goes are like gold.

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