a reply to:
Agreed the NHS does not require Justin Schultzes above average in specific areas skillset...and there was a time when Moma2 supported aquiring JS
BECAUSE the Oilers refused to adhere to NHS protocals and endorse develop and implement the EveyMan philosophicl perspective.
Justin would benefit greatly from an in depth IDA and IDM assesment and overhaul,yes this would definately include eventual equipment adjustments.
In reality the Hawks would optimise JS so would the Flames and so would the Isles and Rangers and a few other teams.
MPS was beginning to implement the NHL/1-inch Punch style of contact.Before he was moved.
There are existing NHS programs which produce this equivilent impact....however they are not condensed and generic enough to be applied to a roster or
group yet,BlueThunder4ALL this is your area not Moma2s,and Moma2s data will not be posted online for free for the con-job advanced stats weasels and
thieving NHL clubs to use gratis.
BlueThunder4ALL.....we could teach these concepts to multiple NHL Players together as a team I am sure,Moma2 could xcell one-on-one but your
communication skillset would allow you to also target and hit a large epicenter cerebrally and pull a group in quickly and effectively .It works
like this......first you have to have the DYNAMIC INTERACTION EXPERIENCE then you have to have enough volume of that to define your knowledgebase
ACUMEN and then evolve it to function as NHL HOCKEY ACUMEN then you have to naturally have or develop or contract out the COMMUNICATION skills
required to effectively transfer your NHL HOCKEY ACUMEN into another persons MIND from where it may be transferred to their BODY and then on into a
specific NHL Process......this is a complicated process.
A pure NHL input cannot do this.....a pure non-NHL input cannot do this....an average communicator cannot do this....it takes a particular combonation
of skills to bring it all together.
Using ID and IDM we could together as a team take any NHL player of ANY SIZE and teach them to project a devestating body contact methodology or
teach an entire roster the same principals via Process.All we need is an NHL club with the guts and honesty to endorse the truth surrounding the NHS
and pay a fair price .....the NHS is open to working together.
Any NHL Team willing to be HONEST is a potential client....this doesnt mean they have to scream it out to the world that they are endorsing the NHS or
whatever we my chose to re-name it .....but they must be HONEST and understand that under every circumstance Moma2 will never rest until the
advanced/enhanced stats Cabal has been 100% disenfranchised..,every single member....unfortunately this presents a conflict of interest for many NHL
Clubs....so be it.
As far as I am concerned the Oilers are still far behind the NHLs evolutionary curve....and so is Babcock in TO.
I like to use this analogy especially with the Oilers and Todd Mclellan and JW....lol....what do you think is easier to do and can be done FASTER
...tieing a knot or UNTIEING knot??????Because the NHS teaches you to UNTIE KNOTS.Moma2 UNTIES SYSTEMS like a player unlaces their
skates....hey...LMAO...theres a great analogy for Players of all ages huh? Is it easier to tie your skates up or to untie them?Which action takes
more time and energy?
Lol....I gotta go, its nice outside and I have to go pick some medicinal plants from the forest.
Thank you for your comments BlueThunder4ALL,please keep them coming.