It is time to let the rubber hit the road here.
I have roughly analysed the last 3 games,and all of them produced points for the team.In all the games proper adjustments were eventually made.
The coaching crews read and reacts have been to slow and not accurate,they have been leaning.
Because I am now fully confident that they are simply suckling longer than normal trying to gain more advantage than they need I am removing the teat
from their collective mouths.AGAIN.
Here we go again,into the deep dark hole of underachieving, claiming that a lack of defensive awareness and committment from the men as being the
The Yotes still use some core value drivers in their system left over from Waynes tenure.Just these two drivers will allow them to pick apart a
>defensive> focus.
I clearly say the team needs Yakupov on th 2nd line with Gagner and Perron to start with Perron being a swing vote,if he can cut it which I think he
can , fine if not he is 3rd line material.Yakupovs shot needs to be utilised properly and this means supporting him and it 100%.This team NEVER HAD
the 3-4 years it needs to learn Dallases methods,NEVER had the time to begin with.Contractully the roster cannot give that latitude.
This team can ice 1-2-3-or-4 offensive lines,but it cannot ice two defensive ones.This is a no brainer and the team DOES NOT have the lattitude to
support Dallases learning curve,he entered the fray with a predominantly defensive mindset and resume,and he was severely undergunned at NHL level
If we de-construct the roster immediatly we can build a defensive team in the next 2-4 years,if we trade two of the three #1 overall picks and let it
all go ,we can build a defensive team for Dallas to call his own,but we will NEVER WIN A PLAYOFF ROUND THAT WAY.The entire league is trending upwards
towards offense and OUR team is CONTRARIAN and heading in the opposite direction at the worst possible time in NHL evolutionary history.We have the
PERFECT roster and NO ONE who has a snowballs chance in hades of optimally managing it.
I though Eakins was a newage wizard,who brought offensive AND defensive new ideas to the table.
This has not proven to be the case.I dont even want to know what Mac-T was thinking,methinks he thought he had found a way to shut the NHS up,that he
had found the man who could understand and action it ,that he had found an abnormally high source of Intuition.HE WAS WRONG.Dallas was a peripheral
NHS fan,not a true student.There is Intuition all right but defensive focused intuition.
Now hear this you managerial buffoons,you desperately need help here ok.
Now you have the number one source of existing NHL level learned intuition in Messier working for you being underutilised because no one wants to ask
him to LEARN anything because everyone is so afraid of him and they believe there is NOTHING that a man of Marks reputation can possibly learn at this
PRODUCE WINS. You managerial fools dont understand that Marks biggest weakness was turned into his biggest strength via his maturation,Mark Messier
has an ELITE ability to SELF-POLICE,to very quickly make accurate self-valuations.He can learn ULTRA-QUICK if he is given the optimal data.
You bufoons also have another slightly above average learned intuition source in Dallas albeit he is a purely defensive minded influence,moreso than
any of you anticipated.
So now you have a WORLD CLASS premier Intuitive offensive mind and a strong but green defensive source of above average Intuition,but you cannot even
bring the two minds together.
Someone at the top knows what is needed but refuses to accept that this is a very very rare commodity,Intuition is very very rare in potent
Finding a world class and NATURAL source of competative sporting catalysed Intuition is so exceptionally rare that it takes a perfect storm,Wayne
Gretzky is the one and only NATURAL BORN hockey example I am aware of,EVER.
I am one of these exceptional cases forged in the perfect storm.
I have watched this team struggel for decades,ever since Messier left here,I knew then what the causality of the struggles was and it is exactly the
same as it is today decades later.
This is no secret to anyone with above average levels of intuition,we SEE IT IMMEDIATLY.
It is a challenge to the 98% of human beings who DO NOT SEE WHAT HIGHLY INTUITIVE PEOPLE SEE.This number encompasses ALL OF THE OILERS MANAGMENT
GROUP,with the exception of Messier who is in a league of his own but is STILL a LEARNED Intuition machine.
Bringing Mark back was the perfect thing to do but now he needs a NATURAL SOURCE OF INTUITION to work WITH HIM,showing him the way so to speak so he
can use his assets optimally in the right places at the right times.
You BUFOONS brought Messier in to do MY JOB and thought Eakins could do messiers job,bloody fools you are.
Another underhanded blackball attempt.
Sure if Mess reads my posts he will learn where I am coming from,but it is NOT ENOUGH TO LEARN IT BY ROTE,YOU MUST BE ABLE TO TEACH IT AS WELL.
Wayne applied his intuition to the ice,I apply it to the entire franchise.
In Marks day the team itself understood that if they could all share equally in presenting ANY CONSISTANT onice set of dynamics against a single
opponent that Wayne would find them ways to win nearly every night,so they made this dynamic happen by ALL BUYING IN TO THE EQUATION.
We had that exact dynamic growing last season and then ownership brought Dallas and Andrew in to implode that phenomenal growth and evolution,and they
did a great job,toss in a few purposefull trades to snuff out the existing lockerroom dynamics and wha-la another #estorm just like the last several
It will never happen,and you can bang your collective beanbags against the walls as long as you fell the need to do so.
Bringing Messier in was a great idea but mis-useing him was not a great idea it was extremely stupid.Expecting Mess to pick my brain and unveil the
NHS is as stupid as expecting him to pick Waynes brains,it is not and never was going to happen that way.Messier can LEARN FROM ME as he LEARNED FROM
WAYNE.If you cannot even understand Marks personal evolution how can you manage him as an asset.
Other NHL teams understand these things and I am sick and tired of dealing with a group of ignorant underhanded crooked whiny protectionist
ex-winners,who are content with complaining and simply moving deck chairs around,and never making impactfull progressive changes.
Sam,Nuge,Taylor,Jordan,Nail,Justin,David-you know darn well better because your own Blues were using the right side faceoff circle area low post shot
catalysing the forced rebound to the backdoor as a core value driver before you were traded,you just didnt know the Kings got it from me and so did
your coaching staff but you still know what your team was doing when you were traded-- yes David I know.I apologise to you all for turning my back on
your season,but this is a curative measure that cannot be delayed anymore.
This managment group is going to implode your roster and destroy the perfect storm that is still churning here,
edit on 31-12-2013 by one4all because: (no reason given)