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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:37 PM
2nd time they caught Dubnyk going down and transitioning.That spot is a freebie isnt it?

That managing of the sphere of influence stuff is just to newage to handle i guess huh?

Anticipating where freebie shots will come from and inserting a stick there is beyond reason huh? OOops,forgot again,good DEFENSE says you cant stick your blade out on shots from that area at those times ,it creates unexpected deflections and hard reads for the goalie right,right?OMG this is reedonkulous.

posted on Jan, 2 2014 @ 11:53 PM
A hockey player who wont shoot has a lot of issues man, to much defense on the brain .

Why wouldnt a hockey player feel comfortable shooting the puck huh?

Coach in their heads so much they cannot do their jobs maybe?

Nuge is a full blown threat and the best passer on the team, change everything on the PP to give him the porper handed shooters to finish Kurri style onetimers,do it now.Hopkins and Gagner and Yakupov are the men who always seem to make those harder passes look easy and they rarely throw the puck away via bad passes.

Begin to build the 1st line AROUND Nuge and the PP AROUND Nuge,DO IT NOW - IT IS TIME. Catalyse around Nuge[brains ,passing] on the 1st line, Sammy[brains,passing] on the 2nd and Hemmer [speed zone entry]on the 3rd and Lander[brains,crafty] on the 4th.

Bleedin Hillbillies.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 12:03 AM
The season has turned into a M.O.A.B.

Look it up man.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 02:18 AM
That 2nd goal wasnt catalysed by the lack of contact on the boards,it was catalysed by the same system failure to cover a transitonal weakness shooting zone that is 100% connected to our goaltenders body mechanics.

You watch Dubby on the same replays we all watch him on and he looks like Sasquatch with the trots he goes half-way down so many times on GA.And always in the same transitional times when the shooters are in the same spots with the puck,out at the same range.The men and the goaltender need to communicate way better on those simple plays,you cannot have NHL players scoring goals from three feet into the your zone,that is just not acceptable.

That area where opponents have been schooling your goaltender is one ALL teams must take away,it has NEVER been 100% dubbys fault,or 100% Chabots problem to solve.It is a coaching issue all round.

It is a combonation of defensive schematics and goaltender body shape and style clashing.The Coach needs to fix the defensive zone coverage holes he has built into his system by proxy.

We do not have a stand-up defense and if I have said it once I have said it a thousand times, GET ADJUSTED to the stand-up defense because without it you will win nothing in the NHL this decade.

We are attempting to keep the middle covered a specific way and it hasnt worked out yet we havent made appropriate changes.

This coverage issue that results in these atrocious goals against Dubby has been around for a long time over 2 years now,teams are using TSPs ,just because your team is to contrarian to value and to use one properly doesnt mean a lot of other teams arent.If you dont learn it on a COACHING level you cannot learn to stop it.

It seems a lot of other teams do a lot of things this team doesnt do and this is likely why they win and we lose.

They arent killing us with their defense,we arent even generating offense for them to stop.

This IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE --It is Monkey see Monkey Do.

OOops,I forgot,just because the managment team says something is garbage means the entire NHL who happens to be winning games should ignore it and so should their players.

I have reached the point where I am no longer an effective teacher ,I am just to frustrated with the status quo and the overt and derelict denial that offense wins NHL hockey teams and defense supports that offense.

As a fan I am not willing to listen to Dallases defense first crap ,not one more interview.

I am not willing to buy into some song and dance story anymore whle those idiots in managment wait for yet ANOTHER top 5 pick.Wayne is NEVER coming back you tards.You need to find another resource to get the job done.

If Messier cannot figure out what I am trying to say then you are truly lost for good.

You nuts fail to consider the evolutionary changes the game has gone through,if I asked you to make me a list of the changes since you all played you would make me lose bladder function it would be so funny to read.

I really dont think you morons listen to the players at all,I actually think you all think you are smarter than the players,have any of you peeked into your pay envelopes lately?That should answer the who is smarter question right there.

The NHL has changed and the managment group has simply lost touch.

The franchise kept building for offense hoping and waiting for the NHL to evolve around to their style again,then now that is finally has they are GOING BACKWARDS and running from the cure.

I say this is cause to blow up managment totally,there is nothing left to do.

Edmonton does not have another twenty years of losing left in its guts as a City,the THREE #1 overall picks CANNOT BE REPLACED IN THE NEXT 20 YEARS.The entire managment group can be replaced by next season and produce better results than we have seen here.

FINAL ANSWER --- the entire managment group needs to be swept clean,if one man can break ranks and take a stand he can stay but the entire group of protectionist fellas needs to be shown the door together or remnants will hang around and underachieve for vengance reasons,simply wipe the entire group from top to bottom.

Run the managers who stood by and let the locker room be raped,run the coach that did it and run the Captain who came with the coach.

Make it a summer job to repair the lockerroom to EXACTLY how it was pre-Dallas.

Let the fanbase know that the history of this team is and has always been one of exciting offensive hockey,that it will never become a defensive boring style of hockey.Then make it so.

This core group of players MUST remain together,this is not a traditional set of simple assets,this is a generational group of skillsets who will soon be regularly winning in the post season.

If a coaching staff cannot manage a group like this then they cannot manage squat,if K-Lowe cannot come up with a system or a managerial focus and direction that fits this team then he needs to go ASAP.


This is very very ugly,an owner and a managment group pitted in a fight to the death with the fans of the very team they own and operate,these guys dont care one bit about what the fans think,paying or otherwise,there is only one tier of fans to that group and it is the bottom tier.

You all know the fans want managment gone,the fans have had enough,and really why should these generations offer any loyalty at all to this group?

You cannot bank memories like you bank NHL regular season points.

This city has had enough of the memories alreasy.

Ok now lets all get ready for the volley of"defense" crapola,and the "patience" party line.

This coaching group does not have the NHL experience to focus on defense for the remainder of this season,switch to all out offense,win more than you lose,take you BadMedicine like men and LEARN before you all lose your jobs and set the francise back even further.

If you can at least sort out your offense you have a chance at finding a suitable defensive structure for next season,but this group needs to score goals and badly.That is what they need to do to develop not abandon lifetimes of instinct and learning to adhere to a rookie coaches defensive aspirations which are more of a dream than their own NHL evolution ever was.

i can safely say there is NO WAY this managment group can survive this season intact unless they do something tremendous and epic,and obviously that means SCORING GOALS AND WINNING GAMES.

If you thought you were fighting for your jobs using defense as a stalwart driver,you were all nuts,now you find yourself in the exact dynamic position you were all in to begin the year,you need to produce above average NHL offense for about half a season just to get another shot next season.

YES,you will look like fools when the men begin dialing in to the NHS and start scoring 4-7 goals per game,but at least you will be fools with jobs next year,keep this defensive charade up any longer and you likely wont even get that chance,and really after seeing an NHL team abandon ALL offense and turf a season like this with this roster,maybe you all dont deserve another chance.

This has been a horriffic season and I am sick of every other team in the NHL pitying us and freaking smirking at the word Oilers.

You were going to bring in a rookie coach from the AHL to teach NHL defense to a rookie laden roster?

I highly doubt that was the case.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 02:31 PM
Accurate Player Valuation

If you dont know what you have got you cannot know how to use it.

A coach is only as good as his player valuations.

A coach who doesnt know the NHL and the players intimately and who isnt indoctrinated into the current league evolutionary direction is lacking in the resources to effectively make optimal player valuations.

Assets must be compared to peers and considered within the scope of the current NHL landscape.

This means putzers that you arent even able to make proper player valuations of your own roster.


Can it possibly get further off base than this line?I think not.

Taylor Hall is an NHL top 10 zone entry specialist now who is speed based but has excellent instincts on when to spread out the defense so is flexible.Hall can take the puck deep,and uses his speed well to re-gain postion after rushes on net.

David Perron is a zone entry specialist who uses solid transitional support to attack the wing hard and he shoots fast and accurtely.His strength is following up his shots right to the net and causing havoc there.David doesnt take the puck deep he shoots and follows the puck to the net.

Ales Hemsky is a top 50 NHL zone entry specialist.He uses speed and is an excellent passer with an excellent shot,but he has stunted shooting instincts because he was asked to be a disher for a decade of his life.Ales is capable of penetrating the o-zone on his own and taking the puck deep consistantly and setting up consistant playactions consistantly.

MPS was DEVELOPING into a potential top 50 zone entry /defensive coverage specialist.He was massively undervaluated while he was here for a variety of reason.

We have 4 lines and 3 zone entry specialists.We are working with Perron who isnt optimal in that role.We are short one zone entry specialist on the 4th line.

Putting 2 of our zone entry specialists on the same line is regressive and hurts the team overall.

It borders on stupidity.

Relying on statisticaly weighted valuations which is what we are seeing here also borders on stupidity.

Hall belongs on the 1st line working with Nuge as Nuge says when Nuge says,not as Taylor says--ever--.This line doesnt need to change anything other than the managment of itself,that needs to fall on Nuges shoulders now.Hall is a WEAPON and needs to be used like one,same with Ebbs.Hall needs to be directed,he can be even more effective than he is now if Nuge uses him as an extension of himself as he should be doing.When this line is not optimally managed only Hall is dominant .This line needs to present multiple offensive threats not just one,Ebbs and Nuge are PREMIER offensive players who need to be included in the lines offensive focus.On three different nights we SHOULD be seeing three different line focuses making three different men look awsome.This line has a lot more to give and last season when it was managed properly it began to show what it is capable of doing offensively against some of the NHLs best teams.

Perron has to work on the 2nd line until we can find a replacement for MPS,a 6'3-200+ lb winger with above average speed and defensive awareness and instincts who is happy in that role.The man in this spot on this line needs the speed and size and offensive ability to FORCE DEFENSES to react to him on every shift.This is a sore spot because David IS effective in his role but as I said when I read of the trade,statistical valuations are useless.We had an NHL caliber 2nd line last year and it was still evolving upwards.David enters the zone and shoots fast then crashes the net,HOWEVER,MPS transitioned the n-zone using his size and speed and was a constant wide threat to break it in on the wing,he was used properly to spread the defenses out wide for his linemates who then feasted offensively,add in the fact that MPS was properly taught to utilise his speed and momentum to consistantly regain superior defensive positioning and he worked his bag off skating to make that happen and you have the reason our 2nd line cannot support itself or the team.With an above average offensive 2nd line we can force teams to spread their defenses out thin and we can exploit them.If the 2nd line isnt an offensive force then teams can simply shut down our 1st line and it is as Squeakins said yesterday,we cannot have our st line take any nights off.It will be difficult to fit David in here because he is so dominant with the puck on his stick,I dont want to say it but he is perfect for the 3rd line to add serious scoring punch,although I am not sure if he is a finisher or a shooter,and Hemsky needs a finisher with him.Putting Perron and Hemsky on the same line again screws with the proper distribution of zone entry specialists on the 4 lines again,so until we see a proper replacement for MPS David needs to figure it out.I heard there is an Oiler asset playing with Curtis Lazar who seems to fit the bill perfectly,maybe this is the time to bring him in,like now.Once we find a zone entry specialist with the SIZE ,SPEED and defensive acumen to support Gagner and Yakupovs offense we are set. Without tht specific influence the lines below #1 are a serious mess.Same problems Krueger and Renney faced.

Hemsky belongs on the 3rd line using his speed to enter the o-zone and then SHOOTING or setting up a sniper with the netfront support of a beast.But we need Ales to score goals from the 3rd line.He needs to be the 100% focal point of the entire line.Very few teams can ice the speed and offense of Ales from the 3rd line.

ALL of the lines need to be 100% offensively focused and scoring power must run down to the bottom.

If a coach cannot optimally manage these lines then he cannot coach the Oilers,we have an unusually talented group of men here and we need a coach who can get the best out of all of them.

This team DOES NOT NEED to sell off any of its offensive assets to bolster its defense.

This team needs a coach who can handle this level of skill and talent and turn it into offense.Not a coach who is thunderstruck by the skill levels and underutilises them while trying to turn them all into defensive minded NHL robot-players.

Defensive players in the NHL are a dime a dozen,ANYONE can learn to play defense,it is the least difficult part of the game to master.

There can be up to 45 possesions converted into shots in an NHL game.No defense is going to carry any team through that type of offensive power,if the offense is managed properly.

No one is telling me that any defense is stopping my teamfrom scoring 45 times in 60 minutes,no way no how pal.

Defense is a defensemans game,forwards dont play defense,so NO DALLAS AND ANDREW a good defense doesnt get you more offensive opportunitys,it stops goals period.Good backchecking which is still offensive creates more possesions.Dont confuse the two impacts.

Stop looking at what the forwards do as defense,because it isnt.Defense requires specific structure and posturing and positioning.Backchecking requires creativity and ability to ad-lib on-the-fly,the ability to transition IMMEDIATLY back to the attack from anywhere on the ice without spending time developing set plays.

Defense starts at your blueline,everything higher is offense.The traditional positional title of the man possesing the puck doesnt matter,the intentions and the planning matter.

Saying that the teams offensive players dont even

edit on 3-1-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 03:57 PM
What we have here is a defensive minded coach asking the offense to support his underachieving defense.

What we need here is an offensive minded coach asking his defense to support his currently underachieving offense.

We CANNOT call back the offense to support the defense consistantly or we waste all of our skillsets.

We need a defensive structure that is KISS and that is stay at home and stand-up.

It needs to HURT opponents to attempt to gain our blueline in any way shape or form.

The n-zone needs to be where we catalyse our quickstrike offense out of.The defense needs to support this focus by stopping pucks at the blueline so our forwards backchecking on offense can make immediate transitions going back at the opponent.Why would you back in with your forwards coming in full bore right behind the puck?All you need to do is make contact and you neutralise the puck carriers very small advanatge or headstart and your forwards catch the puck carrier,you dont need to stop the playaction on your own right on the blueline every time,nowhere near that dynamic.

Two simple d-zone exits for when we gain easy possesion and a stand-up blueline presence that delays the final zone entry long enough for the ackchecking forwards to regain the puck and continue on their offensive ways.

We DONT WANT THE PUCK IN OUR ZONE,---we dont want a solid defense that can handle and manage the puck in our zone,that is what is absolutely killing us we need to stop managing the puck in our mid d- zone we simply dont want the puck there,and we dont want a small mobile defense that fires the puck out of the zone lightening fast either for fear of being dominated physically.

Dubby was being schooled by a simple TSP so we overreacted and made less than optimal changes to the defense to shore up that hole,the changes were not optimal.They were adequate as a stopgap measure only.

Now we are facing the need for a total defensive makeover,and it doesnt include any small men,we have J Schultz ,the rest need to be cut from the same cloth.

If you cannot stop Intuitive Dynamic Managment tactics at the blueline you my friend are screwed.

Once again we come to square one with this backwards arse hillbilly managment crew,IS THE NHS A REAL AND TANGIBLE DATABASE or is it nothing but smoke and mirrors.Think before you answer because the stakes are extremely high here,if it IS in fact a serious influence then the defensive change to a stand-up style is imperative to complete immediatly.If the NHS is simply one fans sounding board and holds no water then dont worry about it man you are right on track.

A betting man would lay the farm on this bunch of ingrates continuing to disenfranchise the NHS and continuing to fire round after round of silvertip bullets into their own feet by maintaining the status quo and continuing to support a state of denial.

I am trying to tell a managment group that hasent even caught up to current NHL evolution how to structure an anticipatory system designed to defeat influences these fellows dont even understand yet,it is simply to much to bother with man.

Build a stand-up defense while you still can,before it is to late and everyone targets the same types of player.Teams will begin to clue in early next season.

I appreciate and understand what Dallas has tried to do from a defensive standpoint,it isnt very complicated,but it is newage in some ways,it does break from tradition.The problem with Dallases defensive structuring is that if doesnt provide the transitional capability to offense that he needs at the NHL level.

Dallases defensive schematics are quasi-NewAge Hockey System.He took a few core value drivers of a naturally offensive system and tried to apply them to the defensive side of the game,his statistical mindset saw a near perfect fit in terms of impacts he wanted to see happen.HOWEVER, the NHS doesnt support defensive shematics at all,and the drivers he tried implementing will never fully and seamlessly work for him,he will have to give up transitional ability to gain defensive stability. The tradeoff is to great.It is a regressive concept.

On the upside if Dallas would take the time to learn what the NHS is and how it works in totality he would find that the type of defensive impacts he is looking for exist within the NHS by proxy,they are naturally there.The difference is that they are side-effects of enhanced offensive tactics,not the focal point of any defensive mindset.

Dallas AND conventional hockey thinking are arse-backwards, it is great offense that leads to great defense.Focusing on defense alone in a game like hockey is simply silly.

Wasting ANY time focusing on defense is a total waste of time and energy.

Defense is a CORRECTIVE measure,only to be considered in terms of re-engaging the offense no matter where you are on the ice.

Working to build defensive STRUCTURE is even more regressive than just focusing on defense in the first place.

If you give my team 40+ chances to score on you,possesions converted into shots on net,and I cannot score 4-7 goals per game then I am in the wrong business.

There is no defense EVER that can stop that many possesion conversions from turning into goals.

Only if I waste time and energy on defense myself can this unnatural low scoring dynamic happen.

If two teams AGREE to play defense then low scores and shutouts can happen.But if just one team refuses to agree to play defensive hockey it MUST TURN INTO FIREWAGON HOCKEY.

Instead of being afraid of the big bad OFFENSE why not embrace it and become it.Especially since you posess the LIONS SHARE of the most talented offensive young minds and bodies in the NHL.

Instead of trying to structure a defensive mindset and compete your way to wins,just let your hair all the way down and dance naked under the offensive moon so to speak.

I said it so many times it hurts already.2 count em TWO goals are normally scored by freaking accident or mulligan or whatever you choose to call it in an NHL game .

Many many goals are NOT system generated in the NHL,they are flukes and are circumstantially generated from outside of system influences.

I am really saying that most NHL teams are crappy managers and have crappy coaches who need to rely on defense because it is all they CAN rely on.

I am saying that the coaching is as watered down as the skill levels are in the NHL.

Decades of the trap and overall crappy NHL hockey have created a generation of defensive minded managers who CANNOT evolve themselves into offensive managers .

It is the same backwards dynamic in hockey as in soccer,a soccer game should ALWAYS be 8-4,every single game,it is only because of poor coaching and underutilised assets that the game stinks the way it does.Hockey SHOULD ALWAYS be 8-4 or 7-3,every night.

You have to struggle and battle to keep the scores down to 2-0 or 3-1.

Teams must AGREE to ruin a beautiful offensive game and turn it into an ugly defensive scar to produce scores like this.

Do you understand yet?Teams AGREE to play defensive together,it is a crime against the game.

It just takes one team to break the agreement and all hades- I mean hockey- breaks loose!

Teams SHOULD be unwillingly agreeing to play each other defensively.How the heck can a team claim to WANT to play defensively?In all sanity,how can any coach legitimately claim to WANT to teach

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:01 PM
-they have the book on Bryz so yank him because they are shooting to confidently on him,purposefully,not just blasting,same spots from different men in different dynamics to the same areas is a TSP.

You need to use the sphere of influence better in terms of the stick and stopping the shots and passes especially high on the blueline.

-at least one of their guys is Paul freaking Bunion out there and has smashed Halls and Perrons sticks very aggressively,ask them who it is ,then have someone make a comment about the hacker to a teammate semi-quitely but close enough for aan official to hear,and give them brittle lumber and drw some penaltys off these guys.

The nail that sticks up the furthest gets hit first every time and the d-zone hacker is sticking up the officials just need to see him for what he is.DO NOT complain to the refs,let them know peripherally.

What can I say I thought to yank Bryz after the 2nd goal because I read his body language,but more importantly i read how the player shooting was telegraphing his shooting process.They are comfortable shooting on Bryz,wayyy to comfortable,and I saw it them.

I dont have any system advice,the last 2 goals were catalysed because they have the book on Bryz AND because they are using a Tactical Shooting program.So you MUST stop all passes and shots because they will shoot from unconventional spots.

Pull bryz because they know him so well and it enhances their TSP,but remember to optimise your spheres of influence and stop all passes and shots,be ready all the time.Dubby will also be vulnerable to the TSP if you dont stop their passes and shots using your spheres of influence,sticks extended and bent forward, but in superior body position in case they try to break past you you need to hit them dead center,because once you take away the TSP they will all drive the puck past you.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:08 PM
keep working Hiller down low on the ice but tell Perron and hemsky and Eberle to shoot for the top corner when they come around the net,fake the low pressure but slip/skate backwards and over then snipe the corner as you are backing away and towards the corner FACING THE NET SQUARELY.

Give Jones a tap on the shoulder and hand him a roll of stick tape and tell him he know the drill.

Tell the men to stay heavy on their sticks,the Ducks are stick workers.They like to smash your stick away at the last second,let you lead the dance then explode off of you through your stick.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:21 PM
They give relatively easy o-zone entrys,but they also have a very consistantly executed three man lateral positioning very early as well,they sacrifice blueline heat to set up the three man lateral wall,and they try to hold the line and relay the puck across their own zone with two short safe passes across the middle,its smart,now burn them doing it,target that lateral wall they execute so well,use whatever you want ,I say come in 3/4 speed with the puck from the boards and look for deflections from between the middle defender and his wingmen.Short give and gos pulling one of their lateral men over to the boards,then a deflection on net after cutting their middle man over to the far side using body position.The man finishing the give and go needs to make sure he pushes the middle defender over or boxes him out of the netfront.

Or pick the lateral execution apart however you want.

Doug weights ,enter the zone hard and fast to almost but not quite the half-wall then brake hard pull back and hit the d-man blasting past you with a short pass,or shoot low far post and use an upspeed man at the backdoor,but they ARE giving the relatively easy o-zone entrys to form up laterally,so Dougies would be eating them up tonight.

Simply taking the puck in tight to the boards to just past the half-wall then fireing hard hard passes diagonally to TWO men ,one on each side of that middle man you isolate when you come in very tight to the boards and penetrate that far.I would do this ,using TWO levels of attack on the deflections,just keep the sticks heavy as you cut to the net,both attackers on the same angles with skates and sticks trying to shovel the hard pass in,no kicking motions just lock the feet and build a wall of skates and sticks on both sides of the middle support you have isolated.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:30 PM
They re activating their offense from their high blueline they try to time it so when they get possesion just inside the n-zone their two men sprint up into the play in the middle,two stay wide on the boards in the n-zone and two stay on their high blueline waiting to activate if they get puck control on the boards in the n-zone.They are creating pinchpoints on both sides,and activating two men up the middle upon possesion,this lets them hit our blueline FOUR MENS RONG AND WIDE.Exploit this data and their syste, now.

They are consistantly trying to present strong lateral walls of pressure and simply running that laterally strong wall 200 feet upice. They are activating their attack out of pinch point possesions they are winning just over their blueline in the n-zone.Two men are timing themselves up the middle jumping in hard and fast to catch our defense in a transition point or a kill zone,exploit this jump up into the play from the middle,send in pressure to those two pinchpoints on the boards in the n-zone but in an anticiparoty move send man EARLY to catch those two men jumping into the playaction from the middle,time your pressure on those pinchpoints so you catch them AFTER those two men jump up.This way you will have a man going against their grain with speed and he will split those two men jumping up down the middle and their two d-men manning the pinchpoints will both be put of position cheating,the middle will be wide open.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:33 PM
If Gadzic is in feed Fistric to him. actually why not target Fistric and exploit his weaknesses individually,he is vulnerable normally but is extra aggressive tonight so why not light him up, target him,he is a nail sticking up further than the others so hit him first and hardest not with just the body but school him,make him a weaker link than he already is tacticlly.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 10:49 PM
The men are lazy so ask for contact ,more contact.

Stop the stick work and hit them on EVERY POSSESION and then follow that with extended hard puck pursuit,not their bodies so we take penaltys,go after the puck and go hard.

So in the 3rd you turn the tables because the refs are keyed in on the stickwork now,so STOP IT TOTALLTY.

Hit them on EVERY PUCK POSSESION and dont just stick them and let them get away,hit them and pursue hard ON THE PUCK.Smash and grab is the name of the game,use your energy and speed to light them up.

Use your conditioning now ,just remember to make an accurate valuation of the temperatures the officials are working at right now,and dont cross that line,do a 360degree turn ,and hit and immediatly pursue the puck like a dog after his bone you just stole from him.

WHATEVER YOU DO do not keep engaging with the sticks or the Refs will tilt the field in the currently leading teams direction and you will get some BadMedicine.

Just use your conditioning and smash and grab the puck then go for it hard every time,greenlight ANYONE who gets anywhere near a sniff at their middle,remember they are systemiclly a laterlly focused team.

Simple short ad-libbed give and goes,initiated EVERY time we get the puck should expose their tendancys to keep lateral positioning.

Just execute the fists phase of the give and gos at 75% speed so you can finish with speed and split their lateral wall at the right time when they are all backing in together in tight lateral positioning.

Or maybe just put this last post on hold and dont overcomplicate things.

Dont let Jones go with Fistric because he was just KOed,SEND someone after Fistric ASAP the very next time he even sniffs at Jones,he is targeting Jones for a reason,so lets get jiggy on his arse and go after him like mad,everyman anywhere near him smash him,keep the puck around him and use him for target practise,just make sure the puck is always near him so it looks ok to the refs, them turn him into a fistric-burger.Two guys hit him on every playaction ,,break him.dont stop the show to do it but if the men want to vent give them something to micro-manage into their game for the 3rd period,it might help them out.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:01 PM
There can be no defensive focus now,everyone needs to jump in to the playactions and others need to fall back defensively to cover them when they jump in,we need fluid supportive positional transitions,and a 100% focus on pucks and shots.All offense from here on in,we need to define ourselves as the energy team to the refs if we want PPs,so get aggressive and 100% offensive.

No d-man gets to waste pucks and forwards need to stay in close to them so when the put their heads down and skate it up they can fall back to support positionally.Everyone should be taking every possesion straight to their middle and aiming 200ft upice,and making only short tn foot give and go passes to break their lateral strength.


posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:06 PM
Hard to believe Taylor took a 4 minute stick foul after we had that nice chat between periods about the temperature the Refs were at dynamiclly and how we needed to do a 360 degree turn away from stickwork to avoid being victims of circumstance when all the stickwork from the first 2 periods manifests into penaltys.

Oh yes,I forgot this is cyberspace right.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:12 PM
It is not a good idea to use the single man high in the middle on the blueline 5 on 5.There are a LOT of dynamic differences between that and the PP.

You over iced the Cake trying to transfer this tactic over from the PP as it wasnt designed for 5 on 5, Petry is definately at fault for not moving his feet and bettering his position laterally,but this formation 5 on 5 has collapsed on us already since it was implemented 5 on 5.They have to much middle support with lattitude to aggressively commit to complete pressure on the puck up the middle 5 on 5.

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:14 PM
Oh bloody jesus dont pull your goalie man!!!!

posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 11:20 PM
You can tell yourself that pulling the tender was a positive,you obviously have a bad case of the Emperors New Clothes.

What a monumentel momenutm killer that was,and what a useless display of nothingness,textbook contrarian coaching decision.

This ship is lost man.

Dont be decieved by the derelick coaching focus on the other side either.with a 3 goal lead they should have thrown 3 men at that puck and driven it down your throats.

There is the potential for a false positive read here,rmember pulling the goalie like that is regressive and basiclly silly.
edit on 3-1-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 10:07 AM
Its the morning after,lets see how things look after a nice sleepy.

-primary POTENTIAL turning point of the game,Fistric hunts Jones and there is no reply from Jonesys teammates,Jones just had a KO and obviously wasnt going to be fighting and Fistric knew it,that was the primetime turning point of the game,had we gone after him as a group the entire game changes,and I dont mean gooning him I mean as a group hating on him and targeting him.

-biggest mis-read of the game was not recognising early that they had Bryzes number and were simply using a TSP,that is a tactical shooting program,the main way of identifying when a team is using a TSP is the times and places they are shooting from,they are unconvetional and slightly out of synch as they are suppossed to be.

-biggest "tidbit" missed was the temperature and evolution of the game from an officiating perspective,it is remiss to get caught up in the game and lose sight of the overall officials perspective of the game,these in-game perspectives or micro-dynamics MUST be read and reacted to for 60 minutes every night and were not properly respected.The opponent engaged in hard stick work to intimidate us and take us off of our game,they targeted the 1st line early and the coaching staff failed to read and react to that EARLY establishment of superiority by the opponent,there was no tactical pushback,there was no PLAN to follow,there was no turning around of that dynamic,this was possible but was not properly executed.Instead we went to war with our sticks which is exactly what they wanted from us.For reference purposes watch the gametape and note first Hall being drawn in mentally with a superhard stick smash then Perron getting the exact same scam pulled on him.Next time switch equipment and then draw the opponent into a repeat dynamic and then lean down and break your stick when that tactic is used,the opponent cannot take back the sound and if the stick breaks they are taking two minutes for sure.

-notable factiod, the opponent hit once on a weak spot,then immediatly repeated the dynamic and scored again,this told the coaches that the opponent WAS NOT using set plays,they were in fact TARGETING dynamic situations we were giving them regular consistant dynamics they could work off of,they were using NHS modifications and showed the tells that cannot be hidden.

- most laughable moment of the game was pulling the tender ,this is one that the coaches refuse to let go of that absolutely shoots them in the feet every time,it is a solid reflection of what is wrong with the team overall,absolute dynamic mismanagment,just laughable,the statistical drivers behind such a regressive and backwards move are sickening to me.Literally.

- the most mismanaged tactical overall was definately the use of the speartip formation 5on5,the tactic was taken from the PP and superimposed over 5on5 play and it was a disaster,the idea was admirable and 100% NHS but it wasnt engaged the right ways,it is a bastardisation of the NHS when it is implemented into the defensive structure with little to no understanding of its optimal value,Someone is trying to get the dynamic impact of NHS concepts by taking shortcuts,they are trying to evolve something to fit themselves before they have properly learned the concepts principals and optimal applications.You CAN use this formation 5on5,but you must COMMIT to it 100% and you must add more pieces of the complete tactical template that the tactics evolves out of.If you engage the full and complete template you take a huge step in the NewAge Hockey System direction,however if you try to apply the concepts improperly in dyslexic manners to create shortcuts to support a set play system you WILL shoot yourself in the foot,AND you will unintentionally disenfranchise the concepts step by step by step,improper applications will lead to false/positive reads and you will actually begin to think all of the NHS concepts are less than optimal.

Methinks,there has been a massive disconnect in terms of the english freaking language here,epic in nature.Lets take the word compete for example and how it was used this season and why it was used and the impact that was being sought through its use.

What we really needed to do was keep working on the INTERNAL compete levels we had been evolving nicely last season,instead we focused on EXTERNAL compete and proceeded to dismantle and destroy our internal compete structure.

i dont really have anything to say about the overall tactics used by the coaches,they have shown me enough times that they can come out swinging accurately ,the causality of the failures is more complicated than it looks on the surface.A lack of Intuition is the 100% core value problem here and this cannot be repaired easily,add in the reluctance to properly diagnose the issue by upper managment and you have the perfect storm.

The 1st line is NOT our lifeline,the 2nd and 3rd and 4th lines are.

The 1st line is the line that is our ticket to the dance,the other 3 lines are where we are suppossed to find our dancing feet.A balanced lineup and approach would telegraph this.

I have tried to accurately portray the ups and downs the general fanbase has been forced to also experience,remember the fanbase follows the team wherever they go emotionally,it is an emotional connection the fans have to the team.

I have sworn to abandon this group so many times that my self-ascribed nickname these days is Yo-Yo.

But here I am again documenting yet another morning after.

It is imperative that the team begin to project a balanced offense, the coaches need to tailor tactics for each line system wise,not try to force one system influence down all 4 lines.Did you see how effective Cogliano was last night,that is what I am trying to say this team needs,Hemmer should be a bottom six threat like Cogs is.

At the end of the day it is not about offense or defense,it is about finding the Winning Formula and manifesting wins.

Parsing things into defense and offense is akin to putting a statistical valuation on conceptual imagry.

Considering just one conceptual focus in the Winning Formula avoids this long-hand labor-intensive process of subscribing to a mutually agreed upon statisticlly represented valuation of intangible influences.This is the optimal way of visualising and managing the game,from one single group page or cumulative group perspective.

Why try to mix oil and water,which is exactly what you are doing from a dynamic perspective when you use a statistical representation and parse defense and offense into individual entitys and then try to seamlessly blend them together on the ice.
This is long-hand thinking,it is labor intensive thinking,it is "the hard way" to do things.

Ask yourself exactly why you would want to ascribe statistical valuations to intangible concepts in the first place?

Is it because it is easier for the majority of people to understand statistically catalysed concepts?

Is it easier to get everyone on the same page using numericlly represented concepts on a clip board?

What if there was a better way to get everyone on the same page,an OPTIMAL method.The NewAge Hockey System and its Intuitive Dynamic Managment program are this newage method of optimal integration and interaction of different perspectives.

Do you think this resource should be free to you or what?

No man is a Prophet in his own Land.

edit on 4-1-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 11:15 AM
J Schultz and Petry should be a focal points of the teams offense,Nail Yakupov and Taylor Hall and David perron should also be focal points.

The general purview of things must be altered epiclly.

Things must be viewed in terms of possesions and transitions and conversions.

The entire symmetry of the game itself must be altered to fit this Tactical Dynamic Template.

The parseing of defense and offense into seperate entitys must cease and desist.To enable this there needs to be a superior alternative presented.

The superior and optimal alternative is found within the NewAge Hockey Systems Tactical Dynamic Template which is catalysed by tangible integration of Intuitive Dynamic Managment concepts and applications.

The valuation and application of all assets must fit this TDT.

This will put everyone and everything on one specific and accurate page.

Does managment know what a TDT is and how to create one for themselves?

Unless they learned it right here they CANNOT have this knowledge because I CREATED THE CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES.

I have not really ever given the exact full and complete methodology for creating a TDT.I have given peripheral indicators .

If I am visualising the game in realtime from a 3-D interactive perspective them I am essentially identifying and interpreting and then utilising patterns and their sequential and predictable evolutions and devolutions.

When I do this I am not looking at conventional things,I am not using conventional considerations.

I am looking at dynamic interactions and dynamic impacts.

I can read and react to the games on-ice evolution faster and with more accuracy and optimal anticipatory valuations then any NHL crew of coaches can.

I can TEACH this skill to coaches,players and fans as well.

There are no tricks or huge obstacles,everyone already has some degree of Intuition that they use every day.

The best paralell to give the general populace is handwriting,if you put your pen or pencil in your non-dominant hand and try to write legibly it is difficult,this is because you havent built up the cerebral muscle-memory or Intuition to trust the dynamic template your hands use to enable high speed writing from your dominant hand.

We ALL have the capacity and ability to train and enable our weak perspective so it can become our dominant perspective.To learn to use a pen or pencil comfortably and optimally ,to create an ambi-dexterous perspective we can use optimally.

Anyone who plays a sport with an implement knows how this works and can try it out,anyone who plays pool or darts can do the same.In fact anyone who kicks a soccer ball or plays any sport can practice balancing their perspectives at any time.

How much is the Textbook and Coles Notes version of the Winning Formula worth to a team that wants to be the absolute best?

I do not work in any way shape or form with analytics teams for the record. No snake oil.They cannot keep up with the learning curve.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 12:00 PM
Just because I care and I can.

The Lightening pull the trigger from the centerman with right wind primary support and left wing secondary support,and consistant tertiary defensive support.They use one specific right wing influence to pull the trigger from there to mix it up as a secondary offensive system driver.

Their team stats sheet they thoughtfully provide proves this.

These patterns should reveal everything the coaches need to dismantle the Bolts system influence and neutralise them,then kick the snot out of them.

If we choose to we can break it down to an individual MAN-ON-MAN individual Tactical Dynamic Template which will tell every man specificlly and exactly WHO he will need to outperform and when and where they will need to engage them to set up tactical offensive and terminal playactions.

It is not difficult to win in 10 game streaks.Or go 20 games earning at least one point.

If you know an opponents primary,secondary,and tertiary pressure outlets you own them and can run their show from right in their own wheelhouse.

If they give you the TDT data you require right on their own websites then it is as easy as pie to prepare to dominate them.

You just need to know how to reverse-extrapolate statistics into dynamic impacts,then create full and accurate TDTs,then simply execute them optimally.

If I can do this on my own in a few hours,imagine what kind of damage the coaches could cook up for opponents if they just kept me on speakerphone in their heads 24/7.They already have a solid communication system in place based on sttistical thinking with the men,so if just the coaches learn the NHS they can implement it optimally with few changes.The other dynamic which is even better is for the players to all learn this same technique as a group.But as we have witnessed firsthand that this dynamic means the coaches and managers need to trust the players and if they dont an implosion happens.

If I ask Gagner to go out and do a specific task on the ice I am confident he will find a way to get that job done.Same with Nuge,Hall,Ebbs,J schultz,Jones,Yakupov and a few others.These men are the bread and butter of a winning team.

I need to valuate my assets compared to their peers,not my wishlist .If a man can go out and manifest the impact I need any way he can but consistantly deliver that impact against his peers then I can achieve anything I want to as a coach.

This roster is absolutely LOADED with men like this.

The coaches need to learn how to ask their men to provide impacts instead of system projections.To break it down for them individually.

The men KNOW the system the coaches are teaching,and the coaches know the system,but the system cannot produce the on-ice impacts the managers are aiming for.

This is a communication issue,not a technical issue,and it is a system performance envelope issue as well.

The small mistakes Dallas refers to in post game stints,are presented as if they were mistakes on the players parts,when in reality they were superior tactical adjustments by opposing coaches.

The reasons his players make second tier decisions with the puck is because they are being pressured into them by the opponents system influences.It is not mistakes from individuals ,it is tactical and surgical defeating of his system.His primary system pressure outlet is identified by the opposing coach and he is then forced into his secondary outlet which the opponent coach has booby-trapped,and wha-la a goal against that looks like a simple blonde moment from one of our men.But really it is anticipatory tactical execution by opposing coaches catalysing this consistant impact.

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