Its the morning after,lets see how things look after a nice sleepy.
-primary POTENTIAL turning point of the game,Fistric hunts Jones and there is no reply from Jonesys teammates,Jones just had a KO and obviously wasnt
going to be fighting and Fistric knew it,that was the primetime turning point of the game,had we gone after him as a group the entire game changes,and
I dont mean gooning him I mean as a group hating on him and targeting him.
-biggest mis-read of the game was not recognising early that they had Bryzes number and were simply using a TSP,that is a tactical shooting
program,the main way of identifying when a team is using a TSP is the times and places they are shooting from,they are unconvetional and slightly out
of synch as they are suppossed to be.
-biggest "tidbit" missed was the temperature and evolution of the game from an officiating perspective,it is remiss to get caught up in the game and
lose sight of the overall officials perspective of the game,these in-game perspectives or micro-dynamics MUST be read and reacted to for 60 minutes
every night and were not properly respected.The opponent engaged in hard stick work to intimidate us and take us off of our game,they targeted the 1st
line early and the coaching staff failed to read and react to that EARLY establishment of superiority by the opponent,there was no tactical
pushback,there was no PLAN to follow,there was no turning around of that dynamic,this was possible but was not properly executed.Instead we went to
war with our sticks which is exactly what they wanted from us.For reference purposes watch the gametape and note first Hall being drawn in mentally
with a superhard stick smash then Perron getting the exact same scam pulled on him.Next time switch equipment and then draw the opponent into a repeat
dynamic and then lean down and break your stick when that tactic is used,the opponent cannot take back the sound and if the stick breaks they are
taking two minutes for sure.
-notable factiod, the opponent hit once on a weak spot,then immediatly repeated the dynamic and scored again,this told the coaches that the opponent
WAS NOT using set plays,they were in fact TARGETING dynamic situations we were giving them regular consistant dynamics they could work off of,they
were using NHS modifications and showed the tells that cannot be hidden.
- most laughable moment of the game was pulling the tender ,this is one that the coaches refuse to let go of that absolutely shoots them in the feet
every time,it is a solid reflection of what is wrong with the team overall,absolute dynamic mismanagment,just laughable,the statistical drivers behind
such a regressive and backwards move are sickening to me.Literally.
- the most mismanaged tactical overall was definately the use of the speartip formation 5on5,the tactic was taken from the PP and superimposed over
5on5 play and it was a disaster,the idea was admirable and 100% NHS but it wasnt engaged the right ways,it is a bastardisation of the NHS when it is
implemented into the defensive structure with little to no understanding of its optimal value,Someone is trying to get the dynamic impact of NHS
concepts by taking shortcuts,they are trying to evolve something to fit themselves before they have properly learned the concepts principals and
optimal applications.You CAN use this formation 5on5,but you must COMMIT to it 100% and you must add more pieces of the complete tactical template
that the tactics evolves out of.If you engage the full and complete template you take a huge step in the NewAge Hockey System direction,however if you
try to apply the concepts improperly in dyslexic manners to create shortcuts to support a set play system you WILL shoot yourself in the foot,AND
you will unintentionally disenfranchise the concepts step by step by step,improper applications will lead to false/positive reads and you will
actually begin to think all of the NHS concepts are less than optimal.
Methinks,there has been a massive disconnect in terms of the english freaking language here,epic in nature.Lets take the word compete for example and
how it was used this season and why it was used and the impact that was being sought through its use.
What we really needed to do was keep working on the INTERNAL compete levels we had been evolving nicely last season,instead we focused on EXTERNAL
compete and proceeded to dismantle and destroy our internal compete structure.
i dont really have anything to say about the overall tactics used by the coaches,they have shown me enough times that they can come out swinging
accurately ,the causality of the failures is more complicated than it looks on the surface.A lack of Intuition is the 100% core value problem here and
this cannot be repaired easily,add in the reluctance to properly diagnose the issue by upper managment and you have the perfect storm.
The 1st line is NOT our lifeline,the 2nd and 3rd and 4th lines are.
The 1st line is the line that is our ticket to the dance,the other 3 lines are where we are suppossed to find our dancing feet.A balanced lineup and
approach would telegraph this.
I have tried to accurately portray the ups and downs the general fanbase has been forced to also experience,remember the fanbase follows the team
wherever they go emotionally,it is an emotional connection the fans have to the team.
I have sworn to abandon this group so many times that my self-ascribed nickname these days is Yo-Yo.
But here I am again documenting yet another morning after.
It is imperative that the team begin to project a balanced offense, the coaches need to tailor tactics for each line system wise,not try to force one
system influence down all 4 lines.Did you see how effective Cogliano was last night,that is what I am trying to say this team needs,Hemmer should be a
bottom six threat like Cogs is.
At the end of the day it is not about offense or defense,it is about finding the Winning Formula and manifesting wins.
Parsing things into defense and offense is akin to putting a statistical valuation on conceptual imagry.
Considering just one conceptual focus in the Winning Formula avoids this long-hand labor-intensive process of subscribing to a mutually agreed upon
statisticlly represented valuation of intangible influences.This is the optimal way of visualising and managing the game,from one single group page or
cumulative group perspective.
Why try to mix oil and water,which is exactly what you are doing from a dynamic perspective when you use a statistical representation and parse
defense and offense into individual entitys and then try to seamlessly blend them together on the ice.
This is long-hand thinking,it is labor intensive thinking,it is "the hard way" to do things.
Ask yourself exactly why you would want to ascribe statistical valuations to intangible concepts in the first place?
Is it because it is easier for the majority of people to understand statistically catalysed concepts?
Is it easier to get everyone on the same page using numericlly represented concepts on a clip board?
What if there was a better way to get everyone on the same page,an OPTIMAL method.The NewAge Hockey System and its Intuitive Dynamic Managment program
are this newage method of optimal integration and interaction of different perspectives.
Do you think this resource should be free to you or what?
No man is a Prophet in his own Land.
edit on 4-1-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)