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Photos of whatever it is over Louisville Ky

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posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 06:09 PM
Howdy folks...


No offense...but I think you did capture ( or your son did ) a UFO of terrestrial origin...

From what it looks like it may be a helicopter ( I don't think it's a blimp )...

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 06:43 PM

Lady V has been a credible posting member of this board. These outright accusations against her are unwarranted and unwanted and need to stop. PERIOD! GOT ME? GOOD!

Amen and Amen! Thank goodness for Mods!!

First, If LadyV is still reading this thread, I'd like to say 'consider the source' on some of these posts. Look at the numbers on some of these guys-- low points or even negatives. Some don't know any better and some may make a regular habit of this naughty behavior-- (trolls I think they're called when they do that intentionally to start a row.) Plus--don't get mad, get even.

Secondly, as something of a new comer myself, I would say to all of you who haven't been around long enough to be familiar with some of the 'senior' posters---read for several days before you say much.

Read the rules, and P-l-e-a-s-e read the thread from page one. I don't care if you are Einstein, if you miss the original post, you could misunderstand something!!

I have found that if a member's pt level is sky high, that's because theyhave contributed to a lot of forums, and likely have some credibility. ( you will notice certain members are consistently treated with some major respect among their 'peers'.)

Still, you can disagree without being nasty. For instance if I think Ladyv's lights aren't so great, I can say so without claiming she didn't know where she pointed the camera!!

( Maybe I could sign up for some of that new fangled 'parking in the sky'--it'd keep the cat tracks off my new paint job, and keep the old car alarm from going off at 2am !!)

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 06:59 PM
Jarhead's post sinched it for me.
It's 2 cars.

But what I can't seem to fathom, is why when a reg member posts a pic, we're all supposed to jump on the bandwagon of believeing it's real, and any attempt to debunk, has people excited, and saying we can't do it?

Deny ignorance? Then stop being ignorant, and let people have free choice, free belief, and free will, and stop trying to run this site like a boot camp.

[edit on 12-9-2004 by AnonymousID]

Edit for poor language.

[edit on 12-9-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:10 PM
It's not a bootcamp or a playground anonymousID, its a discussion forum. Please keep it clean and avoid the censor circumvention.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:15 PM

Deny ignorance? Then stop being f.ucking ignorant, and let people have free choice, free belief, and free will, and stop trying to run this site like a g.oddamn boot camp.

Ok theres no need to for that,

Firstly LadyV is a respected member so we are more inclined to listen to what she has to say.

ufo or not she saw what she saw and shared it with us,(she did not have to)

Please respond in a manner that can be discussed, She has only posted what she saw as something strange in the sky.

Help her figure out what it was.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
Here's the deal people. I will take pics to show below the tree line before I leave for work and try to get them up when I get in tonight...after that I am through with this thread and won't be back. I will call Kidfinger if it shows again, and if he wants to post pictures...that's fine, but I will look elsewhere to post mine. This has been quite an experience for me and an eye opener in debunking and how people see has taught me a good lesson though, so it had it's value....if in the future I see a picture and think it's something other than what the poster says it is, I will do a bit of research on the poster and not just the photos...I am a mature woman, I'll be 50 in October, I'm not a child, not a prankster. I'm a very down to earth person, I'm not a game player at all. I'm a "what you see is what you get type of person" who would have absolutely nothing to gain by posting fake pictures. I'll try to get the other pics up tonight..and then you guys can debunk and make accusations about them too....

Have your kid or whom ever took the first one go and take a new one at same local in daylight. FOr what it is worth I believe the photo is real and have no idea what it is. However it could be one image croped over another in a digi cam this is possible. Looks like cars to me. I am not saying I think you croped the photo but maybe your kid did or perhaps it happend on accident? Not implying your faking it in any way just trying to deny ignorance=)

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:06 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:15 PM
Picture of the end of my street. House has on their inside lights off to your far left and YES..those are car lights! Notice the width between the lights


Same house as it was turning dark to show that we have no street lights on our street

This is what I got when I took a picture of it dark. No car lights were on, maybe the flash highlit them? I don't know that much about photograpy.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:24 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:32 PM
It's a "FinePix A 205 Fuji Film Digital 2.0 mega pixel" Whatever that means.

EDITED to add that I made them smaller in adobe Photo Delux Home..the were like 1600 and I took them down to not take up so much space on the board.

[edit on 9/12/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:37 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:02 PM
what use are these last photos? we still would need a daylightpic of the first picture from same angle and same position, you or your son took, to see evidence that you shot the sky and not in a horizontal direction.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:10 PM
Well lets see, I was told there was a street light in the photos so I showed there were not street lights on my street.....I showed what the cars down the street would look like...but your's all pointless...because I could of taken the pics somewhere else all together couldn't I...of course, it seems to me that if you took a picture of a car at night with the lights of the metal around it would either glare or reflect or something....I'm sick of, I have tried to do what people ask, only to be told something else. DId you get my U2U?

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:42 PM
Alright, I recieved a phone call from Lady V about 1 hr ago. It was in the sky. I walked out my door, but couldnt spot it. Got my camera and my car and went to her house. Her son showed me where it was. As soon as I looked in the direction he was sowing me, I saw it. it was not low in the sky or very close this night, but it was in the SAME direction. I pointed my camera and rolled the film. Thats right, I got something on camera. I just walked in the door, so I still need to review what I have before I post anything else on this. I just want to say that it was NOT an airplane. I filmed it in the same position in the sky for 3 to 5 minutes. Also, when I got home, I could see it now since I knew exactly where to look. Sighted from TWO locations.

I need a mods help with something. I know Im going to have to put a copy of this here to download. Could you help me with this as I have no prior experience doing this type of thing. I''m asking for a mods help on this one because so far, they have shown to be the most helpful when you need a neutral opinion.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Thank you for posting more definitive pictures. I've lined up your original and recent photos to help answer your original question on this thread. But, who knows what that bright white light could be. Thank you for allowing me to analyze your photos on this forum.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:30 PM
Well...I have to open in the morning.....why I do that to myself I'll never know! LOL, to keep employees from killing me I guess....

I did a quick look and it is gone. It was very high in the sky tonight. It varies...the night the pics were taken, it was very low, just over the tree line...the other night, when Kidfinger was was sorta in-between and actually moved back behind the trees moving down, over, down, over, and he missed it...perhaps when Kidfinger gets a better look at the film, we can figure out what it is

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 01:47 AM

Jeezuz, some of you folks are making like LadyV is trying to prophesies the end of the world ffs - and Elvis, no less, is the armadas' CEO.
Where in the statement (original post header) "Something odd in the sky here in Louisville tonight" do you see "this is a UFO, dare you to debunk"?

I see some mentioning "the original pic", I even saw a note about how stupid it was (jist of - including assitude, not verbatim) to dump the original pics. Oh, like this is a slick little Canon 35mm/70-210/Macro with negatives; and that it is known by all first-run Digicam owners that the original has tech value.

For the antipigdudeladywhatever - that was a wasted attempt for a debunk AND (more so) discredit using 'who took the pics, mom or son". If ya'd look at time stamps of the pic posts, you'de see the first on the 8th and the last on the 12th. You think somehow possibly maybe just slightly that, oh my god, they both took some pics? Hot damn a revelation!!

So then, Let me do 13 Sep after 11pm EST or so (perhaps the following morning depending on my status), and I will post:

With the same digicam for use, FinePix A 205 Fuji Film Digital 2.0 mega pixel, mounted on a Velbon panhead 3-axis Tripod sat on a sturdy bench\table;
the "bench" will have chalk-outlined as to its position in the drive (jeez ya want want pics of that too?)angle of attack(s) per view will be matched using a Stanley 8" bubble level strapped firmly (get the DuckTape Red!) to the lower pan; angle mark(s) for verical angle(s) to be a strip of double-thick(retail) masking tape on the bubble itself.

Cam exposure will be set to its cap, 2m, with an EV of -0.6 (best it will do for low light) for night shots, and maybe +0.7
or so for day.

will use the delay timer so as no blur.
will use flash and no flash of each shot.
will set res to 1600x1200(2m)
will use zoom and no zoom, and midway if I feel like upping that much more (36mm - 90mm, 2.5�)
will also take the same shots during the daytime, with the cam set to Auto, simply because that mode for day is just fine

The pics, both day and night, will be angled for both the object in question, and of a horizontal position down the street, in the same due-West direction (the same shots she's been showing!)
In other words, all correlating - object to tree to bush to street, both day and night.

These pics I will upload directly from the camera to my ISP's FTP, will post that addy when there. If it comes up dead, just give it a rest. Will disappear when I need those few mb's, could be an hour after could be never (will post that)

Now then, is THAT g*ddamn technical enuff to back up "Something odd in the sky here in Louisville tonight"?
(disclaim' : Recipients of last statement know who they are - the rest were cool :=]
Tax, tags, and license not included; void where prohibited.


[Edit = un-finished sentence]
[edit on 13-9-2004 by Misfit]

[edit on 13-9-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:10 AM
Good one Misfit!!

The holier than thou debunkers need to realize they are supposed confine their debunking 'skills' to the photos, not accuse people of lying about something so mundane as 'which way the camera was pointed', or 'who's finger hit the shutter button.'

Reminds me of those people who can only win an argument by hunting for typos in the other guy's post. (If we wanted to read 12 pages of that level of intelligent banter, we'd read AOL message boards)

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:13 AM
I will say this again, I have done as much research that I can from my end. Things keep comming up that make this more and more confusing. I would be very happy to figure this to be of ET origin! That would be great, a day after day view? It should inspire someone to take a drive one night and to see how close they can get to whatever is there!

Misfit... Have you seen these lights and/or been to the location the pictures where taken at and have talked to ladyv?

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 06:48 AM
Im getting ready to go to work, and then school, so I wont be home for about 16 hours. I wanted to let you know that I was up till 3 am this morning watching the video and researching aircraft light configuration, approximate position over Louisville. I will say this. I dont think its E.T.. I DO think its man made and VERY ADVANCED. Im going to call Louisville International Airport and see what they had on thier scopes last night. Sorry I cnt post more about the videp yet, but I have a life outside of ATS, granted thanks to ATS, that has dwindled!

Will post agian tonight.

MODS I still have some questions, I was hoping for a vollenteer, but I guess Ill just enie minie mynie moe and pick one.

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