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Photos of whatever it is over Louisville Ky

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posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:46 PM
K then, picture time.
Ain't much, overcast tonight.
Got a few earlier.
Below is one that has gamma adjusted, and the light circled.
As you see it here is what we see in the actual sky - three little lights - white (constant) and a pulsating red and green. Clealy seen with simple a Tasco 10x50, and clealy in a triangle.
Ya ya ya, aircraft markers. Won't be commercial hovering and I really don't see a Harrier squatting all night long, heh.

Not about to post all of them, better to just give a zip for it.
In the zip is one 15sec vid of the area.
In the zip is 2 folders: FullSize and Downsize.
( 1600 x 1200 and 500 x 375 )
Original filnames are changed to correlate Full and Down, EXIF info remained the same.
Included are day/night shots of same views (best I could at night with a silly Digicam).
Note that in the FullSize folder, files:
are not original as the rest of Full files, therefor have no EXIF (figgered better cover my a** on that one right now).

Right then, have at it ..... I am SO outta here.
26 files
160KB/S DL


[EDIT = "cover my on " to "cover my a** on "

[edit on 14-9-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:01 AM
Im back with some information, a little bit of speculation flavored with a pinch of opinion. I have spent quite a few hours wathcing the vidoe tape, researching lighting configurations, making phone calls to airports around the city, and reviewing directions of the sighting. I will address each of these in the process of this post.

First off, lets talk about the tape a bit. My camera is a SONY SURE SHOT Handycam Vision with 360x Digital zoom, Night shotand to many other filler features to worry about right now. If you have more questions about the camera, visit

I recorded approximately 6 minutes of this UNITENTIFIED Flying Object. Some of it is shakey, but alot of it is pretty steady. I had propted the camera up on the top af Lady Vs car to get a good shot. The film shows a mass of strobing white lights pulsating at different frequencies. They come and go out of focus, which I found strange since I had the focus set to infinity. One thing about tis object. What you see on film, and what you see looking at it with your own two eyes is a little different. When looking directly at the object, there seemed to be a red light in the middle of 3 white lights in an L pattern. The red light stayed on constantly without blinking, however, it did not show up on the film at all.

As I stated befor, I filmed this object from Lady v's house, as well as my house. Agian, spotted from 2 locations. In an earlier post, I stated that the object in quedtion was filmed in a northerly direction. I WAS WRONG. I reviewed a local map and found the direction to be west by northwest. This direction is from Lady V's house. From My place, It was filmed ditectly to the west. From this, I could make an educational guess to approximate location of the object. It seemed to be about 1 1/2 miles hight and located somewhere between Irquois park following west from there to the far side of dixie highway. It would make this a 4 mile radius at 1 1/2 miles in altitude.

Youve heard the description and the location, so lets examine some facts I have uncovered. So far, Its not a blimp. We know she did not mean the cars in the pictures, she ment the white light at the right top corner area of her original post. There is an international airport close by, so this was my first course of investigation.

between work and school, I called Louisvill International airports general information line and after 10 minutes of automated choices, I got a real live operator! Any way, I asked about about radar info, and apparently this is not something I can get from an international airport. Next, I called Bowman Field Managers office, and talked to the same person I talked to last week about the blimps. I asked about radar infor for area I thought object was in, and I was given another brush off. So I could get no corraboration from any airport personell.

So what now? I started to do some research on Aircraft lighting to come up with a match for the pattern I saw. Here is a quote from an FAA Hand book.

"This is taken from FAA-H-8083-3-AIRPLANE FLYING HANDBOOK

The standard instruments required for instrument flight under 14 CFR part 91 are a valuable asset for aircraft control at night. An anticollision light system, including a flashing or rotating beacon and position lights, is required airplane equipment. Airplane position lights are arranged similar to those of boats and ships. A red light is positioned on the left wingtip, a green light on the right wingtip, and a white light on the tail."

There were no green lights on this object, so that ruled out a civillian aircraft.
Same thing with the helicoptors. The lights dont match up. So, based on lighing patterns, this is not a civillian craft.

Here comes the speculation, mixed with a dash of opinion. I read threads in the avionics section here every once and awhile about new types of rotery craft in development. There is a new type of rear thruster being developed that eliminates the need for a rear rotor. I did some research on this mornig befor I went to work. I could not find what I was searching for on any website that I would deem as legitimate, so Im not saying this is fact. From here on out, this is my opinion of what this might be. This is a new type of rotry craft being developed by our government and tested out of fortnoxx. Godman Army Airfield is located there and has more than adequite space and rescources to do these types of test flights and developmental testing. Im not saying that Fort Noxx is the new Area 51, but now that the gold is gone, there still seems to bee an abundant amount of activity that goes on there. here is a list of all the regiments there.


* 1st Armor Training Brigade Headquarters
* 1st Battalion 46th Infantry 1st Armor Training Brigade
* 1st Battalion 81st Armor Regiment 1st Armor Training Brigade
* 1st Squadron 16th Cavalry Regiment
* 2d Battalion 46th Infantry 1st Armor Training Brigade
* 2d Battalion 81st Armor Regiment 1st Armor Brigade
* 2d Squadron 16th Cavalry Regiment
* 3d Battalion, 81st Armor Regiment
* 3d Squadron 16th Cavalry Regiment
* 46th AG Battalion (Reception)
* 5th Squadron 15th Cavalry Regiment 1st Armor Training Bde
* 703d Ord Company
* 1st Bn/N Trp, 3/16th Cav
* 2d Bn/O Trp, 3/16th Cav
* 16th Cavalry Regiment
* 113th Army Band
* 18th Weather Squadron

My final conclusion as to what this might be: A prototype rotary vehical built for HIGH altitude survalence, incorporating this new type of rear thrust.
Call me crazy, but a rotary vehical is the only thing I know that can stay in the same spot for minutes at a time, then hover down to a lower position about a mile or so, and then, assend back to its original position, or higher. This thing is man made. The lights look like aircraft lights, they just dont match ANY KNOWN pattern of civillian aircraft lights.

No for the last thing. The Video. I want to post it, but I dont know how. My camera has audio and video RCA outs. My laptop has USB 2.0. If you want to see the video, send me a u2u and tell me how to do it.

Finally, Im sorry to any one I may have dissapointed with this post. I only have what I could find to go on here. And that admittedly isnt much, its all I got. If I find any new info, I will post it. I havent stoped investigating, this, this is just what I have at the moment.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:20 AM
Before anyone screams discrepancy:

The red light stayed on constantly is adverse to my white
No green lights advers to my white, red, green.

That can be had as easily as atmoshpere changes, even in hours.
I do believe the night for video was clear, and for my pics is slightly overcast with that hurricane outspells to the direction and view of the object.

Right then.


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
Before anyone screams discrepancy:

The red light stayed on constantly is adverse to my white
No green lights advers to my white, red, green.

That can be had as easily as atmoshpere changes, even in hours.
I do believe the night for video was clear, and for my pics is slightly overcast with that hurricane outspells to the direction and view of the object.

Right then.


Good point
I didnt think of atmospheric disturbances. Could easily distort light with interupted wave lengths (Google Youngs Double Slit Experiment).
Something else I need to consider about those light colors. its possible that the white lights wernt white at all if the conditions were right.

*edit for typing. Never was to good at it!*

[edit on 9/14/04 by Kidfinger]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 02:42 AM
OK, I was under speculation of the yellowish light being the light in question since the white light only appeared in one picture. Though that brings up the question of why posting the other two? Misfit said that this had a green light before reading kindfingers post then said that it may be from an atmospheric conditions. As far as I know, green is not a color that would show up in the sky because of the atmosphere. I think cause of the distance that one saw the color and the other did not.

I just watched something in the last few days on TV about Nasa doing current test of a light weight high altitude single wing solar powered satellite type 'plane' that would appear to be stationary from the ground (cause of its tight turning radius)but can currently stay in the air for about a week. I will try to find more info on the 'plane' that I am talking about. Wonder if that is what your seeing?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:25 AM
*eating humble pie*

so.. the original photos were of tail lights and a house light after all, as jarhead said. I guess I was wrong. Whoever took the photos MUST have know this from the

This could have been cleared up pages ago... I'm v disappointed.

[edit on 14/9/04 by muppet]

[edit on 14/9/04 by muppet]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:59 AM

We know she did not mean the cars in the pictures

what teh heck! i think the 11 pages of bitching proves that no one did.

but still, thanks for clearing that one up, at least now we can get down to the real issue of the weird, if somewhat small U.F.O

[edit on 14-9-2004 by BLUELol]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:11 AM
Well, I'm just at a loss for words...

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:07 AM
Why would I post cars when there is truely something that continues to show up two or three nights a week at the end of my street!?

Thanks Kidfinger for all the hard work you have put into this! I will continue to check nighly fot this whatever abd hope to get shots of it very low in the sky again.....I would also love to get a telescope to look at this better.

Kidfinger.....what type of shape does this thing have that you can tell? Also....why would they have it in the same area night after night?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Ok...I have been talking to hubby all morning about this whole thing.....I am going to concur that "yes, the pics in the first photo are most 'likely car lights', illuminated by the flash of the camera......when hubby took pictures (see page 13) he put it on a tripod and had it on timer, he used no flash and lowered the EV to no light, whatever that means. The night the pictures I put up were taken, whatever it is, was very low in the sky right above the tree line...whomever took those (my middle son and I were both taken pictures that night) most likely had a hard time lining it up .... it was on auto flash, and we were holding it by hand but it was there because we were seeing it, And yes, all unintentional, as there is nothing to gain by hoaxing, If I wanted to be childish and play silly little games, I wouldn't of invited anyone from the area to come look at it....however....everything still stands. YES, there is something at the end of my street night after night, we now know, most likely man made......however, the name calling, putting words into my mouth....was one ever said it was a UFO, just a "something" that is still there night after night.
Download zip to see full original photos

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:38 AM
Lady V-

This may seem like a dumb idea/question: Does the object come close enough that you could possibly light it up with one of those portable spot lights? I realize that may cause concern of drawing unwanted attention to you, but I thought it might help you get a clearer view, especially if it keeps coming back.

[edit on 14-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
Lady V-

This may seem like a dumb idea/question: Does the object come close enough that you could possibly light it up with one of those portable spot lights? I realize that may cause concern of drawing unwanted attention to you, but I thought it might help you get a clearer view, especially if it keeps coming back.

[edit on 14-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

No...I don't think so. We really want to get a telescope and look at it. I wonder if anyplace rents them LOL Why would they keep testing it in the same area night after night? Also, could they tell we were taking pictures of it? It seems to disappear when your taking pics

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:51 AM
I think that you can rent a video camera with night vision capability. forget the spotlight idea was stupid. Sorry.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
however, the name calling, putting words into my mouth....was one ever said it was a UFO, just a "something" that is still there night after night.

You know, the door swings both ways here. At the moment you started to go off on those who were seeing tail lights (page 4) - noone, noone had called you a liar nor a hoaxer; quite the contrary. People were merely presenting what they were seeing when they started to get bashed by you as well as other members.

One might say an apology is in order here.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Durden

One might say an apology is in order here.

That has been taken of, it was done immediately!!! I have received several replies, all but a couple were understanding of the situation, thank you guys!
In case I missed anyone...I will extend that apology here also. to all
I wanted to write you personally and let you know how sorry I am at any confusion about my pictures. Even though done in innocence...... I felt I owed you that much. Again, it was done unintentionally. Hubby does think that in tying to line up the tree line, we got the house by accident....I hope you accept my apology. I feel like a total dufuss!

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:35 AM
I strongly suggest you to visit BTS.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by partykid
I strongly suggest you to visit BTS.

Why is that?...I'm getting ready to go look at Telescopes..

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:42 AM
Why would this need to go to BTS? We still have an unanswered question posed. We still have photographs of the object and now more than her have seen it, filmed it, and still can't figure it out. Because of a misunderstanding, are we to now write off whatever is hanging in the sky over Louisville because there was a mistake about what we were supposed to be looking at? In her first post, you'll notice she says the object looked much different in real life than in the picture. She was unaware the camera had illuminated the reflectors as well. This is a common mistake by those who aren't well-versed in nightime photography.

We have a valid mystery regardless of whether its man made or otherwise. I mean, how many orb photos do we have to see and awe about before someone realizes they too are a figment of the flash on a camera? I would only asked that we reserve judgement until someone has gotten to see that video and perhaps get it uploaded so the rest of us can see it as well.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by LadyV

Originally posted by partykid
I strongly suggest you to visit BTS.

Why is that?...I'm getting ready to go look at Telescopes..

Lady V, you might also check into a T-ring adapter so you can attach your camera (if it has a protruding lens) and get a good close-up picture. You'll likely have to set the timer or somehow remotly trigger the shutter because doing by hand generates too much shake when shooting through a scope. For some good advice on scopes, see this;

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by astrocreep

Lady V, you might also check into a T-ring adapter so you can attach your camera (if it has a protruding lens) and get a good close-up picture. You'll likely have to set the timer or somehow remotly trigger the shutter because doing by hand generates too much shake when shooting through a scope. For some good advice on scopes, see this;

Uh hu...not me or DS, I'm leaving the picture taing up to hubby from here on out!

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