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Photos of whatever it is over Louisville Ky

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posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:01 PM
I still strongly think that they are cars. but I want more pictures from the spider lady.

I always hope I'm proven wrong when I write about Ufo pics. I want them to be spaceships!


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 12:48 PM
First of all, I will appologise for nothing I say. I couldn't give a damn if people think i'm a liar and/or idiot on the internet.

People who have been 'analysing' these pictures have proved nothing other than they don't understand that the pics are at a jokingly low resolution and can't be zoomed on effectively. I'm downloading the zip file now which should have some pictures worthy or manipulation.

The person who was going on about having a 'professional monitor' so could see things better. I suggest you look up how pixel based images work. Your monitor cannot undo the pixelation of an image at large zoom...

The car idea looks good on the surface but IMO the 'reflection' is far too bright to be from a camera flash meaning the lights must be on... Now what are the chances of 2 cars pulling out of their driveways at exactly the same time as each other and being parked at the exact same angle?

OK after looking at the fullsize images I'm confused, what am i supposed to be looking at? I was under the impression that we were looking at a triangle with 3 lights. one on each corner? Now I can see one bright light. 2 other slightly lighter ones. Now at first I thought maybe they were the 3 corners of the triangle. But they can't be. You can clearly see stars between the lights...

Also could I have the original pictures please. I'm fairly sure these would show a hell of a lot more stuff at high resolution...

Oh and the lack of reflection from the power/phone lines is strange...


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Well...hubby and I went out and bought a telescope! We've always wanted one's a pretty nice one that can do a lot....but hubby can explain all we're in wait for "whatever" it is, to appear again.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
Well...hubby and I went out and bought a telescope! We've always wanted one's a pretty nice one that can do a lot....but hubby can explain all we're in wait for "whatever" it is, to appear again.

If you want tips on it's use I'm sure cmdrkeenkid will help you out. Bit of an expert he is.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by pennyforyourthoughts
I still strongly think that they are cars. but I want more pictures from the spider lady.

I always hope I'm proven wrong when I write about Ufo pics. I want them to be spaceships!

Um, that "spider" is mine, her name is LadyV.

Originally posted by A5H
Also could I have the original pictures please. I'm fairly sure these would show a hell of a lot more stuff at high resolution...

Originals are in the zip, "Fullsize" folder 1600x1200.
Same name in the "Downsize" folder is the same pic, but more suitable 'finding' size.

Went out and bought a telescope today (ouch). I have not the equipment for camera adaption, but, this tele does have AV out, so if nothing more, I can (should something definitave result) take a digi shot of a TV monitor (color) and post it. Hell if I have to I'll drag the 32" outside and digi THAT!!! lol.

K then, do us an anti-rain dance please!! heh


[edit on 14-9-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:49 PM
Buy a cheap tv card for your pc then connect the av to the tv card and use screen capture to get a bright photo of that thing.

Can I pleaaaase call her spider lady???

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by pennyforyourthoughts
Can I pleaaaase call her spider lady???

Can we call you drachmaforyourthoughts?

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:20 PM
Ive been reading this all the time. This thread is giving me headache, for the love of god, please close it. It is getting nowhere, sensless blabbering covers this thread, nothing more.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by partykid
Ive been reading this all the time. This thread is giving me headache, for the love of god, please close it. It is getting nowhere, sensless blabbering covers this thread, nothing more.

Would not quite call going on a spur and buying a $200 telescope and another $45 on astronomy software as getting nowhere.

Don't like it don't read it.


[edit on 14-9-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:40 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by antipigopolist
for cryin' out roswell...this is a UFO forum!
"heh, you either set yourself mighty high that I was referring to you, or made like Benny Hill with assuming" -

UFO - Uninidentified Flying Object.
Exactly what this is.
We do not know what it is, it is far in the sky, and it obviously is an object, or we would not be seeing it.
Sounds like the right forum to me.

Originally posted by antipigopolist
clarity was asked for. I made a few simple requests to clear up any confusion/conflict. If ya can't see that...then...well....let's just say...avoid traveling salesmen.

Clarifying is what I/we/other posters have been striving for since this started.

Originally posted by antipigopolist
The fact that my u2u to LadyV was exactly the topic which you refered to with heavy amounts of sarcasm, it easily could be misinterpreted as being directed toward

Don't know what to tell you on that one eh. It was not a u2u, nor was it to LadyV, it was email to me.
Add to that is my comment about a note was previous grabbing your attention.

Originally posted by antipigopolist
"the antipigdudeladywhatever" as you so branded.
Anyone can see this slant on a "nik" for what it is, Misfit.

Again don't know what to tell you. taking the first part of a nik and adding context to fill in the part that is forgotten is just something I and many others on the net do.

Originally posted by antipigopolist
And "assitude"? "Disbelief" would have been more apropos as she might have documented and deleted something spectacular. But your comment still made me smile.

I guess thats relevant to your u2u to her that I didn't read.


Anyway, I'm just waiting for it to be dark, maybe put this damn mayhem to rest.
One way or adamnother (that's "context adding"), SOMETHING is going to get posted with some useful info. Mite have to go this weekend and grab a rinkydink vid-cap card to get it.


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:55 PM
[edit on 20-10-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 09:09 PM
Well, after a telescope viewing, I am more stumped now than before.
(Mead Polaris 60mmm w/ 9mm & 25mm lens plus 2x Barlow)

This is def 3 colors: green, red, white.
They appear to be circular themselves, yet all three seem as one, tight together.
It is, also, VERY far out there. Judging this by how little my telescope woud magnify it, adding to that the fact of a distant jet that you could hardly see the beacons by eye was so magnified you could pik out the tail numbers if daytime with the same magnification.

I know this tho, Friday I will be at the PC store for a vid capture card.

Bud from here (ATS) came over and looked at it also - just as baffled as myself.

Will def post back Friday with pics.


posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by k33l

Originally posted by sublime4372
looks like the tail lights on 2 cars. 2 red brake lights and a license plate bulb.

Yeah, I think I identifyed the object!!! It's the DeLorian back in action!!

have you seen this man?

Anyhow, any guys have any other hypothesis other than a blimp

Hello K33l
I am sure you are a guy. But how old are you actually?
Good wishes.

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Koka
Giving the configuration of the lights I strongly believe its a blimp. The only thing that gets me is the lack of sound.

In each of the pictures the lights are always in the same position.

The red lights would appear to rotate around the white lights when the blimp is turning.

As to why it is not lit up in some manner, well maybe it is the Homeland Security Blimp, if thats not a joke.

This is how I see it, it's just a quick mock up as I don't have access to a decent photo manipulation package on this machine.

The white lights would probably be the cockpit, if thats what they call it on blimp, in fact I guess the correct term is an Airship. The red lights would be on the fins, and the orangey red light on the front is normally where the Airship would be tethered from.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by Koka]

The picture showed by ladyV doesn�t show or reveal anything like this above picture. But this picture above tells me that some diaper tools are used to p@@p that oval shape on LadyV's photo.
And this dirty trick is confirmed by the suspicious statement "I am not a graphic expert".
And you people don�t worry about the light up bush. I do experimental photography, and I know that the bush was too close to the camera, yet, outside the light measurement set to central weight system. The bush was light up due to a flash of the camera or a powerful light coming from behind the photographer. Another thing is that the shadows of the parts of the bush like leaves and branches haven�t occurred on eachother. This is the typical flash effect created, as the flash bounces from the same spot or same side and direction of the frame that was captured through the lens of the camera.
hmmm, ok later.

Good wishes.

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by plasmamorph

Originally posted by Koka
Giving the configuration of the lights I strongly believe its a blimp. The only thing that gets me is the lack of sound.

In each of the pictures the lights are always in the same position.

The red lights would appear to rotate around the white lights when the blimp is turning.

As to why it is not lit up in some manner, well maybe it is the Homeland Security Blimp, if thats not a joke.

This is how I see it, it's just a quick mock up as I don't have access to a decent photo manipulation package on this machine.

The white lights would probably be the cockpit, if thats what they call it on blimp, in fact I guess the correct term is an Airship. The red lights would be on the fins, and the orangey red light on the front is normally where the Airship would be tethered from.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by Koka]

The picture showed by ladyV doesn�t show or reveal anything like this above picture. But this picture above tells me that some diaper tools are used to p@@p that oval shape on LadyV's photo.
And this dirty trick is confirmed by the suspicious statement "I am not a graphic expert".
And you people don�t worry about the light up bush. I do experimental photography, and I know that the bush was too close to the camera, yet, outside the light measurement set to central weight system. The bush was light up due to a flash of the camera or a powerful light coming from behind the photographer. Another thing is that the shadows of the parts of the bush like leaves and branches haven�t occurred on eachother. This is the typical flash effect created, as the flash bounces from the same spot or same side and direction of the frame that was captured through the lens of the camera.
hmmm, ok later.

Good wishes.

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

[edit on 15-9-2004 by plasmamorph]

This was a picture edited by a member that thought it could have been a blimp. It is not a blimp. The light in question is a single bright white light only shown in one of the three original pictures. The reason the three pictures were posted is because the person that took the picture did not see these lights when taking the pictures and found it odd that these lights appeared, she had no clue what the triangle lights were or why they showed up and after seeing them, decided to post these ones also. The yellow light is a home porch/garage light and the triangle lights are cars.

The light in question has a a red and MAYBE green light somewhere near it, either pulsating on one side or moving around the white light that can not be seen in the pictures and has been confirmed by more then one person. It has been in the same general area for a while now but does change hight and slight direction some of the nights. Nothing has been seen during the day, it only shows after dusk.

I know this is a long thread but you have to read it all before posting in it. I already made the mistake by clicking on page four(4) from the start and seeing the "blimp" theory picture and agreeing that is what it was from the start.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 02:56 AM
another thing.. could it be the Helios Prototype or something like it? On the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center website(which is located in CA.. hmm CA is west!), it appearsits last flight was above the Hawaiian island of Kauai on June 26, 2003 but though the site was last updated September 3, 2004 so this is prolly not the object.

Dryden Flight Research Center website

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 03:25 AM
[edit on 15-9-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 03:21 PM
After much discussion and thought, we will reopen this thread. If you wish to comment on evidence here, do so. Keep insults to yourself.


posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 04:11 PM
Ok...lets see what we know:
* It appears several nights a week, in the same area
* It moves rather fast (we discovered this while looking at it through the telescope last night)
* Sometimes it is high in the sky, other nights it is low
* It has three lights, red, green and yellowish white, all close together, very tight
* Sometimes it just fades till it is gone, others it will move sort of in an "L" formation down over, down over, and will disappear behind the tree line.
* Myself, my kids, and Kidfinger, also on this board, has seen it.
* Kidfinger has video of it, he's working on getting it on the net for you guys

I am going to contact the local Mufon chapter...maybe they already know what it is...

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