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Photos of whatever it is over Louisville Ky

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posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:20 PM
If LadyV is from the Preston/Genen Snyder are of the city, she also knows that Louisville International Airport is approximately 2 miles from that area. I have worked there for the past 11 years during the night shift and I have never seen anything in the sky. Also, UPS lands about 120 planes during that time period and they start leaving about 2 in the morning. Now you figure that one out.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:33 PM
pfcret, I saw the direction she took these pictures. 65 runs almost parrallel to the back of her house. probably about 2 miles away. The object was spotted in the northern direction. ALL comercial craft, even UPS planes have to fly in from the south. They fly directly OVER 65 in order to reduce air pollution in the city. She would have to been looking southwest to spot an incoming aircraft. Not only that, but even if it was an aircraft, there would have been sound from the engines if it was that close. I live about 1/2 mile from Louisville international Airport. On the Evangel side of Preston. I can sit on my front porch and watch the planes fly in from the same direction 24/7.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:37 PM
:::::::::Sigh::::::: I'll try to take pics again....Then if it's still not hell with it! It's the same damn shrub
I'm getting tired of defending myself.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:41 PM

SO you too are calling me a liar? I am so sick of this...

who cares? do you expect us to trust you blind?

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:47 PM
Look the glide paths to SDF are from the NORTH, SOUTH, and the EAST. There are two runways north and south and one east and west. Ft. Knox has it's own airfield and ETown has it's own. But like I have said I have worked outside for the last 11 years, on the night shift and have never seen anything nor have heard any one say they have seen anything either. I am not saying it didn't happen, but use your own mental capacities to figure it out.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:50 PM
SDF, Louisville International Airport, is north of where you said her house is.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:00 PM
As for believing me blind...this never started out as an "aliens in ships thread" was a "I saw "something" and I don't know what it is" thread. I wanted some help in finding out....It doesn't "fly" over, it sits...or moves oddly.....I know what a plane looks like day and night....then in trying to figure out what is is.....I'm accused of taking pictures of cars, parking lots...I guess deep down I don't give a butt. I know where the the sky is
I'm just not accustomed to being called a liar...I'm a pretty much tell it like is person.....from here on out, I will post what I get and what I can if and when it comes back....if you think I'm gaining something by hoaxing...oh well, think what you want...anyone seriously wanting to help me figure out what it, is welcome...the rest of you can go find something better to do...if you think so badly of me...then why waste your time? Don't bother posting to me....

[edit on 9/11/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:22 PM

I have superimposed your nighttime picture at 60% transparency over
the top of your daytime picture. This is how it looks using the angle you've provided. I matched tree limb for tree limb. Notice the angle of the pole.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:33 PM
so you still say you took a photo from the sky? for my taste you defend yourself a bit too much, smells fishy but i might be wrong.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:48 PM
Look, you guys wanted a day time photo and you got it. So she wasn't at the exact same angle as her son when he took it? Who cares. Its clearly evident to me a few more feet would not have us looking at a parking lot.

You all, in your rush to judgement, saw something a bit familiar and decided that was it. We could spend the rest of the night speculating about what the lights resemble and come up with all kinds of thins.

The bottom line is, these are not cars in a lot and there were no blimps in the area. We are to encourage these unanswered questions to be posed. No one lied to you. No one asked you to believe something. Someone posed a question about something they sought answers too.

Lady V has been a credible posting member of this board. These outright accusations against her are unwarranted and unwanted and need to stop. PERIOD! GOT ME? GOOD!

Lets have no need to take actions any further in this. Your opinions and expertise are welcome. Your name calling IS NOT!

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:53 PM
To me, it's very obviousl that what we're seeing here, are 2 vehicles.
There are 2 red tail lights, a license plate, a white light from possible a store or street light down the block, and to the left, to me, what looks to be the front porch of a trailer, with a bug light over the door.
This is NOT a UFO.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 02:00 AM
why are some of you members here on ATS?? You attempt to debunk anything, everyone is lying, all their evidence is fake. You supress people from giving their own experiences.. Lady V is telling the truth,

For you boys who want the exact angle, and so forth, knowing that still won't be good enough for you.. you probably don't get laid enough, it is the root of your egomanical demands.

Is it a craft? I have a monitor, with super high resolution, made for commercial use, i enlarged the pic enough for myself, there are no cars!!!

Not sure what it is, but I could see many - what appeared to be enities around the lights.

I think they are drawn to Lady V for spiritual reasons, or the energy in her area.

Here is the pic, a portion of it blown up to see the lights. No cars present.
I even did a negative image , a solarization w/desaturation, etc. Nothing, the pic appears to be genuine!

In the digital world, the 4th dimension, spirits will appear in the purple or green spectrum of light, or both. Like i said,, I C Spirits

[edit on 12-9-2004 by Knightmare]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 04:07 AM
Knightmare, do you want to reduce the size of that image, please.

LadyV, As you claimed at the start and has been pointed out numerous times since, you wanted to identify what the lights were, you at no point claimed the lights to be of Extra Terrestrial origin.

Don't feel like you have to defend yourself anymore, ignore those posts that aren't relevant, if people can't be bothered to read the thread, don't spare the time of a response.

There has been some disgusting accusations from individuals on this posting, and in my opinion some should receive a ban rather than a warning.

Feel free to U2U me.


posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 04:49 AM
Everyones intilted to their opinion as well as post them. We are trying to figure out what the lights are, I have only seen one person name call 3 pages ago. So for you guys saying we shouldn't be on ATS, and we are all debunks and blah blah blah you might as well just stop posting. We are not debunking (well I'm not) we're just trying to get every detail we can. I'm not going to believe someone because I'm told to, nor should anyone else.

Thanks to Jarheard yet again for pointing out the tips do match. But we need to see lower then what the pictures show to see if theres a road or parking lot there.

[edit on 12-9-2004 by d1k]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 05:02 AM
Did it appear again last night??

Looking at the daytime photos, it looks like you could point some
spotlights or torches without disturbing any neighbours.
Maybe even car headlights if you could angle the car.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:12 AM
Panzer, I can not believe now that you saw the daytime pics that your are so quick to say that this is something other then either a hoax or something ground level... I really can't believe that anyone can think it is something unexplainable.

Look at the daytime pictures, First off, Someone of a different hight took them. The person that took them are at the very least a foot shorter then the person that took the night time ones. Second, the way these pictures show is that this "bush" is a little bit shorter then the closest electrical wire. It was said that this bush is MAYBE 8 or 9 feet tall if I remember... Anyone know of any 10-11 feet tall electrical wires in there area?.. Third, I remember a little bit of an extra branch shown in the original photos that I do not see in the day time photos, I wonder why that is? It sure was prettye obvious before, what, did you trim the tree the next day? Whats going on here? Do I need to go on about how the original pictures are not facing the sky?

How about a daytime picture of the landscape line? lets see whats below these trees!

EDIT: Jarhead, can you place the pictures the other way around. Show the light one over the dark but still put the lights in the daytime picture. It will be fun to see where these lights may be in front of the trees, though I think your superimpose is still to high. I think the lights are lower because i do not see that little extra branch i saw in the first pictures.

[edit on 12-9-2004 by DrpKeeGTZ]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Aelita
Trees shot with autoflash, through a glass, what you see as "lights" is the reflection of the camera.

Explain... you can slightly see an outline... this image was not an accidental image... I don't think someone would just take a picture of trees and the night sky. Yes, these are lights.

Honestly, I think it resembles a B-2A design or TR-3A design. Both wide delta design and both quite mysterious.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:56 AM
Here's the deal people. I will take pics to show below the tree line before I leave for work and try to get them up when I get in tonight...after that I am through with this thread and won't be back. I will call Kidfinger if it shows again, and if he wants to post pictures...that's fine, but I will look elsewhere to post mine. This has been quite an experience for me and an eye opener in debunking and how people see has taught me a good lesson though, so it had it's value....if in the future I see a picture and think it's something other than what the poster says it is, I will do a bit of research on the poster and not just the photos...I am a mature woman, I'll be 50 in October, I'm not a child, not a prankster. I'm a very down to earth person, I'm not a game player at all. I'm a "what you see is what you get type of person" who would have absolutely nothing to gain by posting fake pictures. I'll try to get the other pics up tonight..and then you guys can debunk and make accusations about them too....

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:21 PM
These pics no longer work. Anyone have em saved and can repost them?

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
These pics no longer work. Anyone have em saved and can repost them?

Must be your browser. I just scanned throught the entire thread and every thing looks like its working. Try reloading the page.

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