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Pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being kicked, pepper sprayed

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Apologies - my brain associated 'Fox' & 'reporters' incorretly.

But you're giving credence to some blogger and an 'anonymous source' to slur this woman, so you're proving nothing, whilst calling for videos as proof from her.

And you're not reading anything that was linked, and therefore incorrectly asserting that Fox News had anything to do with it. So... hypocrite?

I thought this whole thing was terrible until I ACTUALLY READ THE BLOG! Then I started to question.

TPTB don't even have to try anymore. They set up an emotional trap and watch as you tear each other apart arguing.

Here's a novel idea: Wait for the facts before you go flying off the handle.
edit on 23-11-2011 by ShockTruther because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Toffeeapple

I'm not being superior, I'm being level-headed. Believe whatever you want. I chose to question and look at it from all sides instead of faithfully taking the word of someone who apparently is in no rush to prove her story.

Alright, "matey".

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by ShockTruther

Apologies - my brain associated 'Fox' & 'reporters' incorretly.

But you're giving credence to some blogger and an 'anonymous source' to slur this woman, so you're proving nothing, whilst calling for videos as proof from her.

And you're not reading anything that was linked, and therefore incorrectly asserting that Fox News had anything to do with it. So... hypocrite?

I thought this whole thing was terrible until I ACTUALLY READ THE BLOG! Then I started to question.

TPTB don't even have to try anymore. They set up an emotional trap and watch as you tear each other apart arguing.

Here's a novel idea: Wait for the facts until you go flying off the handle.

So I misread that article, clever-clogs . I've never flown off the handle once, but do object to your over-inflated ego.

We can all wait to see what facts arise - as I pointed out a while back, it should be easy enough for an official investigation to verify (or otherwise) the pregnancy. But in the meantime, while some are insisting that a pregnant woman who attends a protest is guilty of all sorts, because she should know she'll get smacked around, others of us will argue against the logic and morality of that point. If that's ok with your superior self, of course.

Also, the production of a dodgy document by an anonymous source, presented as evidence that she's lying is very fishy, and will not go uncommented on.
edit on 23-11-2011 by Toffeeapple because: Missing digits - sticky keyboard!

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Toffeeapple

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by Toffeeapple
She's not obliged to show them to reporters - I personally wouldn't trust Faux News reporters as far as I could shot -put them. And it only says she's not collecting her records till after a remembrance ceremony. Have a heart!

Who said anything about Faux news???? She was talking to a blogger who first came up with the story then she started talking to a guy from the stranger which is a small news operation.

Is it the norm over there for arrest sheets to be publicly released? I'm finding that odd.
edit on 23-11-2011 by Toffeeapple because: (no reason given)

Nope it is not normal.It came from an anonymous source, does it really change anything? In a few days once this gets investigated the entire truth will come out.

Apologies - my brain associated 'Fox' & 'reporters' incorretly.

But you're giving credence to some blogger and an 'anonymous source' to slur this woman, so you're proving nothing, whilst calling for videos as proof from her.

So let me get this straight, if it comes from fox it is not credible but if it comes from a smaller operation it is also not credible. And if it is not telling you what you want to hear they are "slurring" her? Am i right so far?

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by ShockTruther
reply to post by Toffeeapple

I'm not being superior, I'm being level-headed. Believe whatever you want. I chose to question and look at it from all sides instead of faithfully taking the word of someone who apparently is in no rush to prove her story.

Alright, "matey".

What story is it that I'm trying to prove? Please elucidate.

You don't think it's acting superior to refer to everyone else as - paraphrasing - the ignorant sods who are taken in by it all? I do.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by Toffeeapple

Originally posted by PrimalRed

Originally posted by Toffeeapple
She's not obliged to show them to reporters - I personally wouldn't trust Faux News reporters as far as I could shot -put them. And it only says she's not collecting her records till after a remembrance ceremony. Have a heart!

Who said anything about Faux news???? She was talking to a blogger who first came up with the story then she started talking to a guy from the stranger which is a small news operation.

Is it the norm over there for arrest sheets to be publicly released? I'm finding that odd.
edit on 23-11-2011 by Toffeeapple because: (no reason given)

Nope it is not normal.It came from an anonymous source, does it really change anything? In a few days once this gets investigated the entire truth will come out.

Apologies - my brain associated 'Fox' & 'reporters' incorretly.

But you're giving credence to some blogger and an 'anonymous source' to slur this woman, so you're proving nothing, whilst calling for videos as proof from her.

So let me get this straight, if it comes from fox it is not credible but if it comes from a smaller operation it is also not credible. And if it is not telling you what you want to hear they are "slurring" her? Am i right so far?

Fox is known to be controlled. That's irellevent, since, as I've already acknowledged twice, I misread the article.

Explain why this blogger & the anonymous source are more credible than the woman.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Toffeeapple

Yeah, if you take the time to look back. I was the first one to say that it was fishy...

Good lord, sorry for calling you out. Didn't mean to offend you by questioning Saint Jennifer.

And if you had actually bothered to read the blog where this was first reported (as I said there are several links that you ignored) then there would be absolutely no way that you could make the mistake of associating it with Fox.

Stop being an American stereotype and actually read the source material.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:05 AM

The posters here who think women deserve
to be beaten, raped and killed for where they are, or what they
wear etc. have themselves no moral ground.
The woman who had a miscarriage did no heinous crime to
deserve being attacked.


The posters who are blaming the victim, would you also blame any
woman being raped because of what she would wear ? ?

FYI it's the perpetrators the are in lack of control,
just as the police in this situation.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Toffeeapple

Again, reading comprehension... sigh.

I was saying that SHE is in no rush to prove HER story.

I didn't say anything about you trying to prove anything. I simply stated that you refuse to read and therefore you are incapable of asking all of the questions that need to be asked.

Make sure to re-read this twice if you're going to reply to it.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by Toffeeapple

Explain why this blogger & the anonymous source are more credible than the woman.

Simple the reporter was simply asking her to provide the pictures of the ultrasound that she had in her possession, that would at least back up the claim that she was pregnant. She refused even after she was told that her story was sounding suspicious. But like i said earlier the cops are now investigating and this will all come out soon

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:09 AM
Who takes an infant to a protest that has the potential to turn violent?

I thought maybe that needed rephrased.

Who pays cops to do such things?

I thought maybe that needed rephrased.

The whole think stinks of unnecessary on her part and on the part of the police.

Thinking about this is depressing and mentally taxing in a bad way.
I'm off to ponder how porcupines mate...

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

The posters here who think women deserve
to be beaten, raped and killed for where they are, or what they
wear etc. have themselves no moral ground.

Seriously! Where are you people coming from? What thread are you reading? Who is saying anything about women deserving to be beat, raped and killed???

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by ToneDeaf

I concur. Those who blame the victim for the crime are damaged people, emotional cripples of some sort. There's so many damaged people now, it frightens me. Yeah, how dare she go to a peaceful protest and not cause any trouble! What a horrible person! (sarcasm)

I'm making a nice list of people to ignore from now on based on their inhumanity in this thread.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Toffeeapple

Originally posted by ShockTruther
reply to post by Toffeeapple

I'm not being superior, I'm being level-headed. Believe whatever you want. I chose to question and look at it from all sides instead of faithfully taking the word of someone who apparently is in no rush to prove her story.

Alright, "matey".

What story is it that I'm trying to prove? Please elucidate.

You don't think it's acting superior to refer to everyone else as - paraphrasing - the ignorant sods who are taken in by it all? I do.

Calls em like I sees em.

How would you describe the heated arguing over who is in the wrong, while completely ignoring the credibility and motivation of the accuser?

Classic misdirection technique.
edit on 23-11-2011 by ShockTruther because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by PrimalRed
A couple things here
1. That "point" does not remain, if she is lying about being pregnant it is not a far leap to say she made up the kick and the bike ram to the gut.

And then it's not a far leap to say that if she is lying, so are other people, and then it's not a far leap to say this is ALL made up, and from there... Well, I guess you'd just make a lot of "not far" leaps back to those dastardly unions and their cattle-rustling Methodist ways... Actually, it is in fact a far leap. You're already making the leap of her making it up, mostly because you want her to have made it up

While you're humping air over the prospect of having your very own "Backwards B Girl," her individual story is still irrelevant to the assault committed by the Seattle PD. The police did attack people. This woman did go to the hospital afterwards.

2. You do NOT have the "right" to be on the street.

You do, actually. Invented ordinances don't actually trump constitutional law. Essentially, your convenience does not overcome my right to assembly.

If you go back through the thread you can see videos where people are walking freely all around even the protesters. The only ones who got sprayed were the ones refusing to get out of the intersection.

And everyone else who happened to be within a few dozen yards. So you know how aerosols work, PrimalRed? We're not talking about one of those little keychain-sized cans of mace here.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by PrimalRed

It's mostly the part where you're in a huge hurry to dismiss whatever she says in favor of what her assaulter says. And there are posters on this thread saying she was asking for it, or somehow deserved it.

As I said before, this is a pattern of behavior often witnessed with regards to rape cases - where the victim is often vilified while the accuser becomes a hero.

Your coach is barred from coaching after it's found out he was complicit in the rape of dozens of underage boys? Riot in his defense! Your favored presidential candidate tried to coerce several women into sex-for-jobs? Rally to his side, those whores are persecuting him!

...That sort of thing.

Like I said though, I'm certain you're not that sort of person - just eager to latch onto absolutely anything you think might "discredit OWS." like a desperate little limpet.
edit on 23/11/2011 by TheWalkingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:28 AM

I think we're at odds without a good reason. If you look further back to 16-17 I said:

"On the other hand it could be the old double-cross. This incident could be designed to scare some protesters away, while inciting others to violence. Afterwards when she can't come up with proof it helps to discredit OWS. Double whammy for TPTB."

The motivation of a homeless girl with nothing to lose should be in question. I'm not saying this is the case, but the question should be raised. Who benefits from flaring emotions on the streets? Why is this story full of holes already? What impact would it have on the image of OWS if it turns out that she was lying? And who would benefit from this?

I know Fox would have a field-day with this story if this girl is not legit.

Again, I'm not stating this as fact, but you should wait to find out where the boat is going before you get onboard.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Her assaulter hasn't said anything, so how can anyone side with something that hasn't been said? The police department hasn't made any statements yet...

Again, stop getting caught up in the emotional trap. Take a step back and ask who benefits from increased tension on the streets potentially leading to violence? Not OWS. Nothing is confirmed yet.

This is a battlefield with the people on one side and TPTB on the other. If you allow yourself to get caught up in emotions before you have all the facts then you are playing into a well laid trap. The generals on the their side are incredibly clever. Wait for the facts and then we can discuss who is a victim and who is to blame.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:41 AM
A police report with her name on it may suggest one of two things:

1) She is trying to get revenge on the police for something that happened a few weeks ago


2) She was co-opted/blackmailed by the police to do this in exchange for letting her go.


Check out Black Bloc provocateur strategy. One strategy is to blackmail people with criminal offenses. The criminals wear masks and work to turn protests violent and in exchange they get off the charges.

Strategy wins the war. Not misplaced emotions.

I thought this was a conspiracy forum for Christ sake. Question everything. "Follow the money" and see who would benefit in various scenarios. Right now there are no facts, only the testimony of a homeless woman - the most disenfranchised and therefore potentially the easiest to manipulate class of person in our society.

THINK!!! Run all the scenarios and question!
edit on 23-11-2011 by ShockTruther because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

It's mostly the part where you're in a huge hurry to dismiss whatever she says in favor of what her assaulter says.

Who is the assaulter i am siding with? I was not aware that there was one named and giving comments to side with

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