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Police officer pepper-sprays seated, non-violent students at UC Davis

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet

Originally posted by CharterZZ
reply to post by mileysubet

So to you its ok to be pepper sprayed for sitting in a public place.

What a load of BS
edit on 19-11-2011 by CharterZZ because: (no reason given)

When I block access to a public pace..."Yes I expect to be removed from blocking it" can quote that if you want.

What the cops should have done is physically removed the protesters one at a time. If the protester became violent during this process then the cop could spray him/her to control the protester and even then only as a last resort. Then maybe arresting the protester if necessary in the proper way and removing them from the scene into a waiting van to be processed back at the cop shop . However to stand there spraying them all on the ground like garden weeds is totally out of order and shocking to say the least. Gandhi would be spinning in his grave.
edit on 20-11-2011 by tarifa37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by spoor
Stupid people block path, stupid people refuse to move, they are then moved.

Simple really, it was their choice , they should start taking personal responsibility for their own actions!

Epic Fail is Epic.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp
Im actually suprised no one shot that cop in the face, if i was there i wouldnt be able to control myself watching that happen to innocent people.
Why does the government not want us to have a voice?

they dont mind us having a voice...because they can just ignore it...its when we gether together collectively that they dont like it.

they know if we wanted to we could remove any government from power...its a shame most people dont realise that

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
They could have easilt arrested those people one-by-one with twist-ties.

or they could have moved off the path when told to - their choice, but with choice comes repercussions.

then what is the point in protesting if you just pack up and move along when told to?
edit on 20-11-2011 by Silicis n Volvo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:00 AM
Ron Paul just got 20 more votes.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Many FAIL to realize that the FAILURE to comply with a police order or request to disperse is probably what brought this on.

I do not agree with it per say but I really find it hard to have empathy nor sympathy for those who FAIL to respond to a verbal order to disperse in a non violent way.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:22 AM
I have been sliding around ATS for awhile now, primarily due to the recent events that have been taking place across the globe regarding the looting of wealth that individuals have spent their entire lives working extremely hard for. After reading thread after threat I must say that I have have come to the conclusion that the general population just doesnt understand truley how much power they have with two simple tools, the choices to purchase and their voice.

Let me explain! During an advanced sociology class that I am taking, many students and I got into an argument about their lack of understanding regarding what they could do as individuals to change the current greed that is taking place around the world. I could of been wrong in the explaination I gave them, and I am more than willing to accept that, but this is the explination I gave to them.

What is the main issue that the OWSers are protesting right now, primarily, corprate greed that is taking place on a scale that has never been seen before. I just so happened to used Apple Corp, yes, the computer manufacture, as an example. Now just as million of individuals, I too love the products that they sell, but the truth is their manufacturing process is less than humane, and we all know it. Really how hard would it be to send Apple Corp. letters stating, while we like your products, we believe that those who assemble your products have a right to live a fair and descent life, and have a right to be paid a fair wage. Seeing as it cost quite a bit of money to purchase these products. The last time I checked this company had $80 Billion that they reported to the SEC, IN CASH!!!!!

I myself have a family, so I understand that joining those around the country may not be realistic for some for whatever reason, but to think that you as an individual has no power is ignorance at its finest, We all know that if the pocket books of these corporatons was to be effected, they would open their ears and really listen to what we as a people have to say. We as a population have give corparations the power because we are willing to sleep in line for days in order to purchase an iphone that really has no power to change the things in this life that truley have meaning.

Just imagine if millions of people e-mailed, sent letters, ect. to these corporate execs demanding that things change, or we as a people will cease do do business with them. I assure you they would be shaking in there boots. Just look at the BofA and the fees they were going to charge. Enough people stood up and said "NO," we will not be abused anymore and "Poof" the fee went bye-bye. Dont get me wrong Im all for capitalism, but ethical capitalism, thats the key. The simple soulution is usually the right on. The problem that this country is facing is greed with-in itself. They want things to change, but they dont want to give up the perks that they cherish,

I could go on and on, but the main point is this, instead of sending 4 million text messages a day, and thats not a dig at everyone, because I myself barely use text messaging, sent an email, send letters to the corporations that are making profits hand over fist because we as a people are allowing them to!

Lastly, really take a look at the elected officials and the crimes that they bend the rules to allow themselves to get away with. Its crazy and everyone that reads this post knows it. You as a citizen could end up in jail for stealing food to feed your family because your job that you trained for and our skilled for was sold to the lowest bidder, but the politicians, well you know, are untouchable. People this is our last chance to really change things in this country, because whether or not you believe it, everyone of us can feel whats going on, we just dont understand how its happening.

I would never tell you who to vote for because thats not my place nor business, but I will tell you right now Im voting for Ron Paul. People call him a cook, but honestly what do we have to loose? Every presidential canidate before him has lied through their teeth, and quit franckly Im tired of feeling like the idiot that feel for it again. I hope this made sense and I wasn't trying to ramble.....LOL, but Im fed up withh working my tail off and have NOTHING while my family members, are making more than they ever have, and to boot, pay less taxes! So like I said before, we all know this is it, so choose wisely, because regardless, we their is no wrong desicion this time, because we are on the verge of loosing it all anyways!!!!

P.S. Go after the real enemey!!!!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:49 AM
I don't see how the flourish of the spray can in front of the gathered crowd could be seen as anything but a theatrical attempt to incite violence. Like a "let's see what we can do to them before we get to crack skulls."

They probably should have gotten a response by now, I'd think. I wonder why not.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Pepper Spray is used for non compliance.
Should the officer then go "Hands On" and risk a physical confrontation with a protester, which 99% of the time ends poorly for said protester?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Apparently someone wants a civil war in the USA and also uses some police braindeds to achieve this goal.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:24 AM
I just watched a video from the fascist police state they call USA the land of the free, where innocent students are attacked with a self defense weapon for peacefully protesting to high tuition fees.


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:42 AM
My blood boils watching stuff like this. How another human could do that to peaceful people sitting down is beyond me. They were blocking a path? Oh my god, please tell me it's not true... WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! For crying out loud, is that really the absolutely pathetic excuse some people will use to support this type of tyrany? If that police officer was an actual cop, who wants to help protect his community, then he should have flat out refused to use physical force against protesters unless it was actually needed. There was NO need here. None. Nada. El freaking zilcho. This cop is nothing but a thug, a souless thug doing the bidding of a corrupt goverment, and he looks like he was enjoying it. I hope those kids get mad, I hope they get organised and I hope they learn to fight back properly. We can only be peaceful whilst hired goons beat us for so long, there will be a straw, and a broken camels back. The backlash is going to be ugly, but it's coming.

blocking a path. lol.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:43 AM
I fully expected to see a sniper bullet explode the pigs head and blow a cavern in a pig behind him. But bummer.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by macman
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Pepper Spray is used for non compliance.
Should the officer then go "Hands On" and risk a physical confrontation with a protester, which 99% of the time ends poorly for said protester?

Pepper spray is BANNED for use in war, but perfectly ok to use on your own citizens? Nice.

And no, the cop should not go hands on, becasue there is NO NEED TO DO SO. The only ones being violent were the police, the only ones causing any agrovation was the police. the ONLY ones who should have effed off were the police. Well, the nazi jack boot SCUM who wear the uniforms.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 07:51 AM
This is another reason why me and my buddies are going to the shooting range this week before TSHTF. He just picked up 2 40 cals. and next month 2 assault riffles. I haven't shot a gun in over 10 years because my best friend killed himself playing Russian Roulette, well beside COD
, so now I feel it's time to get some rounds in before it's too late.

I will stand fast to protect my liberty and freedom from those who dare attempt to force them from me...

Be ready, be prepared, because the days of freedom are over... It's time to stand tall and take back our government.

We need a leader...

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by mileysubet
They where blocking a through fair, The policeman had every right to remove the people blocking the common path, (as I am sure he and several (verbally) others did multiple times). peaceful protest does not include interfering with the passage rights of the people commuting.

These individuals where attempting to make maryters of them selves. They where doing these actions to get attention, although they where breaking the very laws the supposedly protect.
edit on 19-11-2011 by mileysubet because: (no reason given)

so this completely excuses this officers actions? is this what you are trying to say without actually saying it? sounds like it?
this is plain wrong, and could be considered torture by many, including myself. If you can't see something wrong with this, then you need to go reflect there for a moment pal.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:10 AM
If those cops aren't a little more human like in their actions, we'll have another young life to sing about, just like Sandy.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:30 AM
What people need to do is pick up their guns and go stand with the protests looking all menacing and nasty as the police do, maybe it will cast a mirror on the police' consciences and they will wonder if one day they will be on the other side of the battle lines protecting their children/grandchildren.
Guns are there to protect the people from the governments hired goons aka the police too.
I aren't saying shoot at the police, but it will make the police think twice about their actions.
All the government are doing is sitting this out, nothing will be achieved without creating an obstruction in the way things run, I wouldn't bother blocking a path, block highways and roads in and out of Manhattan and Washington.
Silent, compliant, peaceful protests have NEVER worked ever!
edit on 20-11-2011 by keepithush because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by keepithush

I couldn't give you more than 1 star so here are 5 more *****


So what are we waiting for? Oh yeah that's right... we don't use that paper anymore...


edit on 20-11-2011 by SmArTbEaTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 09:08 AM
The whole worlds watching. And we are.

These cops enjoy this.

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