posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:22 AM
I have been sliding around ATS for awhile now, primarily due to the recent events that have been taking place across the globe regarding the looting
of wealth that individuals have spent their entire lives working extremely hard for. After reading thread after threat I must say that I have have
come to the conclusion that the general population just doesnt understand truley how much power they have with two simple tools, the choices to
purchase and their voice.
Let me explain! During an advanced sociology class that I am taking, many students and I got into an argument about their lack of understanding
regarding what they could do as individuals to change the current greed that is taking place around the world. I could of been wrong in the
explaination I gave them, and I am more than willing to accept that, but this is the explination I gave to them.
What is the main issue that the OWSers are protesting right now, primarily, corprate greed that is taking place on a scale that has never been seen
before. I just so happened to used Apple Corp, yes, the computer manufacture, as an example. Now just as million of individuals, I too love the
products that they sell, but the truth is their manufacturing process is less than humane, and we all know it. Really how hard would it be to send
Apple Corp. letters stating, while we like your products, we believe that those who assemble your products have a right to live a fair and descent
life, and have a right to be paid a fair wage. Seeing as it cost quite a bit of money to purchase these products. The last time I checked this company
had $80 Billion that they reported to the SEC, IN CASH!!!!!
I myself have a family, so I understand that joining those around the country may not be realistic for some for whatever reason, but to think that you
as an individual has no power is ignorance at its finest, We all know that if the pocket books of these corporatons was to be effected, they would
open their ears and really listen to what we as a people have to say. We as a population have give corparations the power because we are willing to
sleep in line for days in order to purchase an iphone that really has no power to change the things in this life that truley have meaning.
Just imagine if millions of people e-mailed, sent letters, ect. to these corporate execs demanding that things change, or we as a people will cease do
do business with them. I assure you they would be shaking in there boots. Just look at the BofA and the fees they were going to charge. Enough people
stood up and said "NO," we will not be abused anymore and "Poof" the fee went bye-bye. Dont get me wrong Im all for capitalism, but ethical
capitalism, thats the key. The simple soulution is usually the right on. The problem that this country is facing is greed with-in itself. They want
things to change, but they dont want to give up the perks that they cherish,
I could go on and on, but the main point is this, instead of sending 4 million text messages a day, and thats not a dig at everyone, because I myself
barely use text messaging, sent an email, send letters to the corporations that are making profits hand over fist because we as a people are allowing
them to!
Lastly, really take a look at the elected officials and the crimes that they bend the rules to allow themselves to get away with. Its crazy and
everyone that reads this post knows it. You as a citizen could end up in jail for stealing food to feed your family because your job that you trained
for and our skilled for was sold to the lowest bidder, but the politicians, well you know, are untouchable. People this is our last chance to really
change things in this country, because whether or not you believe it, everyone of us can feel whats going on, we just dont understand how its
I would never tell you who to vote for because thats not my place nor business, but I will tell you right now Im voting for Ron Paul. People call him
a cook, but honestly what do we have to loose? Every presidential canidate before him has lied through their teeth, and quit franckly Im tired of
feeling like the idiot that feel for it again. I hope this made sense and I wasn't trying to ramble.....LOL, but Im fed up withh working my tail off
and have NOTHING while my family members, are making more than they ever have, and to boot, pay less taxes! So like I said before, we all know this is
it, so choose wisely, because regardless, we their is no wrong desicion this time, because we are on the verge of loosing it all anyways!!!!
P.S. Go after the real enemey!!!!