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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by Chalupas

Riiiiiight you must be spewing that nonsense about zuccotti park that everyone against OWS tends to love.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Unless you have been living under a rock lately and have not heard, the Occupy movement has done more bad than it has good.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Sure! If if want logic.

point taken. when it comes to OWS, logic is in short supply for the proponents, so of course you don't want any. What WAS I thinking?

You yourself had proven my point how lacking in logic you have are.

Okaaay... it's one thing to say I'm lacking in logic, and quite another to point out where my logic is lacking. Care to try again?

Need pills? Try an asylum, good for your ...mental heatlh.. even if you true problem lays in your lack in conscience as you had proved in your consistant diatribes against OWS.

Got anything to back the insults up, or is this just a general rant?

Did I ever claim you BY NAME that you are a paid anti-OWS plant? Please retract that accusation and APOLOGISE if you cannot find it, or your own long torned and shredded 'credibilty', if you even had any by your numerous senseless hate filled anti OWS post had shown, even if I, only an insignificant nobody whom you often would insidiously misqoute, or please...go quietly into the night and I will let you off.

Nope, nor did I say anywhere that you made that claim BY NAME. You're just generally throwing the charge out into the ether. As a matter of fact, you do that right here:

It seems to me that there is a small PAID minority of ATS members who seem to run around looking for any OWS post to immediately denigrate the efforts of the courageous OWS'sers.

So then, I owe no apology - it's actually owed the other direction, but I neither want it nor will I accept it, so don't waste your time. My credibility will be "shredded" only if you can find a place in it to shred - so far, I note, you've had no luck, despite a bully effort

YOU will let ME off? The question is, will I let YOU off? see, you're looking at it from the wrong angle!

You want to be refreshed? Try reading my post again, as I take this effort to do so, just for YOUR benefit alone, which I don't normally do. No reply needed, for I will comprehend your pain when you had been 'show handed'.

Let me check... nope, no pain here. Care to try again?

I don't do this to anyone here, but your senseless attacks the courageous OWS'sers whom had sacrifice time, effort and even life, braving all discomfort, to stand up for us all, take pleasure that you are the 1st person I am doing it to in my years here, and hope will never need to do it to anyone else ever again.
Enjoy! :-P

Courageous? Sacrificing life? That's a lot of high and mighty rhetoric for what you're actually able to field. If I didn't know better - which I do - I'd take from that that they had some sort of focus or objective. Then again, I look at the mobs, and plainly see that is not the case.

PS: They're not standing up for me, or for any of my friends or family, either. I can't speak for other folks who I've not asked about it, but so far, in my mini poll, they seem to be standing for only themselves and their handlers. They're doing a hell of a job at promoting the platform of the CPUSA, SWP, Nazis, etc.

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
It seems to me that there is a small PAID minority of ATS members who seem to run around looking for any OWS post to immediately denigrate the efforts of the courageous OWS'sers.

Afterall, the 1% are not fools and are do certainly feel threatened enough in the media and real life by the unmasking of their misdeeds to part with some pennies to pay the unconscionable to ensure OWS is silenced, made fools of, and threated with contempt, and ensuring fence sitters and unpaid ignorants to join in the bandwagon to be be anti OWS'ser.

Too bad the anti-OWS will fail, for they are easily unmasked. They no logic or even sense of realities in their posts. :-P

Yeah! That's the post! That's the one where you claim there are paid agents with NO supporting evidence whatsoever! Thanks for re-posting it in it's entirety! The folks reading can decide for themselves where the logic truly is, then!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Wow, if they're "impoverished" then I must be living in a third world country, and I'm middle class. Too much time on the hands, perhaps? Makes me wonder what exactly they're protesting.
edit on 2-11-2011 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Firstly I want to say that I agree with you 100% I don't trust any media outlets, but the story is there and I highly doubt they fabricated it. Manipulated it to there advantage sure what reporter doesn't do that. They would do that about how sweet candy is or isn't if it worked to there advantage.

Second how can you market to a group of people that feel they should be able to get everything for free, and they are quite obviously unemployed or... well yea unemployed unless they go to work and come back to protest on a daily basis, because frankly I wouldn't keep them employed if they worked for me. I support there right to protest but I'm not going to just ignore there absence from work while they choose to express that right. If they are trust fund babies then they kind of go against the entire point of there argument (sorry but I'm sure there are a few of them) However, it's hard to market to them. Though to be fair the owner should have thought of a good marketing scheme to the cops that were protecting the barricades

That being said we get to the barricades my final point. Granted the complaints were more towards the barricades then the protestors. With that being said the barricades wouldn't be there if it weren't for the protestors. Yes sure the cops could just go away and leave them to there own devices, but in the real world we both know that will never happen. Also if you went through all the posts you should have noted the one about the Farmer's Market that is a direct result of the OWS movement not the barricades or the cops.

So in closing I do see your points but I do not think they are on the right path as the problem is still ultimiately a result of the OWS movement. The best part is they chose a private park to protest in as the cops can't throw them out, but yet they will raise immortal hell if the company that owns the park tells the City to throw them out. Either way OWS wins in proving they are being harrassed, hindered upon, or stopped by the City.

First off who, representing the OWS, has made a blanket statement stating that the OWS movement is about everyone getting things for free? I see people who are anti-OWS throw this comment around a lot and it seems to promote ignorance of their intent. Which just makes it look like what you seem be trying to portray them as. A bunch of hippies who want some free stuff and make peoples lives harder. That's just a bunch of bull# to me. It's about holding corrupt banks and corporations responsible for their mistakes in a way that will inevitably give money back to the people in which it was stolen. If someone swindled you out of $1000 over the period of year without you knowing it and you found out you would want your money back so you could take care of some extra bills or maybe even help your kid somehow....ya that sounds so selfish now doesn't it? Not so much...

And the barricade thing? Surely you won't blame the protestors for the over done police barricade? That's like blaming black people for getting the ground wet when police sprayed them with fire hoses during some of their protests....It just doesn't make sense to blame the protestors for government placed barricades. You can tell me it's unrealistic not to have them but if it truly is a peaceful protest then there is no reason to have them anyway. I would have to agree with the above poster that this particular news article just looks like anti-OWS propaganda to try and make it look bad. Also you tried to use the farmers market as an example but how did the farmers market get shut down solely because of an OWS movement? No one has demonstrated any real evidence showing that the OWS is somehow responsible for these situations other then perhaps barricades which I hardly call the responsibility of OWS. I find that personally I like many of the root ideas behind OWS but often those ideas are skewed by anything you get a news source from regarding the movement outside of actually being at a movement. I myself wanted to go to Occupy Indianapolis but couldn't because like so many people I had responsibilities I had to attend to. However the Occupy movement was going on a Saturday and I saw many people there when I passed by it. Not everyone in the movement is jobless nor is everyone there constantly. I imagine many people do go in shifts and to think otherwise is just ignorant. I invite the critics to think about it harder.
edit on 2-11-2011 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:07 PM

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by YouSir

First and foremost I do what I do because that is what I want to do. Again though you are speaking as if you are doing something more yet you are doing the same thing I am right now. Replying to a thread

As for your other retort I fully support there right to assemble. I could careless that they assemble and protest that is there right and something I fought for and served for. I would never question that. Does that mean I have to agree with them and give them cookies and tea? Nope not at all. At this point there protest isn't a protest it is just a sit in free love party in the park.

pro·test (pr-tst, pr-, prtst)
v. pro·test·ed, pro·test·ing, pro·tests
1. To object to, especially in a formal statement. See Synonyms at object.
2. To promise or affirm with earnest solemnity: "He continually protested his profound respect" (Frank Norris).
3. Law To declare (a bill) dishonored or refused.
4. Archaic To proclaim or make known: "unrough youths that even now/Protest their first of manhood" (Shakespeare).
1. To express strong objection.
2. To make an earnest avowal or affirmation.
n. (prtst)
1. A formal declaration of disapproval or objection issued by a concerned person, group, or organization.
2. An individual or collective gesture or display of disapproval.
3. Law
a. A formal statement drawn up by a notary for a creditor declaring that the debtor has refused to accept or honor a bill.
b. A formal declaration made by a taxpayer stating that the tax demanded is illegal or excessive and reserving the right to contest it.

Ok they made there protest why are they still there day in and day out? They are protesting a financial institution that frankly could care less if they sit there or not. They are not protesting the government, or the elected officials.

You laugh at reply about voting, but frankly if you do not vote then you have 0 right to complain about what you get, and I mean that 100%. Whether the voting system is corrupt or not (which I thoroughly believe it is) does not mean that you should just stop doing it. It is your civic duty to vote and it's also your civic duty to run for office if you feel you can make a difference. In my view if you can't even take the time to express your opinions or take the time to participate in voting then you have nothing to moan about as you are getting exactly what you are giving...................nothing
edit on 11/2/2011 by Phantom28804 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by GrimReaper86

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

First off who, representing the OWS, has made a blanket statement stating that the OWS movement is about everyone getting things for free? I see people who are anti-OWS throw this comment around a lot and it seems to promote ignorance of their intent. Which just makes it look like what you seem be trying to portray them as. A bunch of hippies who want some free stuff and make peoples lives harder. That's just a bunch of bull# to me. It's about holding corrupt banks and corporations responsible for their mistakes in a way that will inevitably give money back to the people in which it was stolen. If someone swindled you out of $1000 over the period of year without you knowing it and you found out you would want your money back so you could take care of some extra bills or maybe even help your kid somehow....ya that sounds so selfish now doesn't it? Not so much...

And the barricade thing? Surely you won't blame the protestors for the over done police barricade? That's like blaming black people for getting the ground wet when police sprayed them with fire hoses during some of their protests....It just doesn't make sense to blame the protestors for government placed barricades. You can tell me it's unrealistic not to have them but if it truly is a peaceful protest then there is no reason to have them anyway. I would have to agree with the above poster that this particular news article just looks like anti-OWS propaganda to try and make it look bad. Also you tried to use the farmers market as an example but how did the farmers market get shut down solely because of an OWS movement? No one has demonstrated any real evidence showing that the OWS is somehow responsible for these situations other then perhaps barricades which I hardly call the responsibility of OWS. I find that personally I like many of the root ideas behind OWS but often those ideas are skewed by anything you get a news source from regarding the movement outside of actually being at a movement. I myself wanted to go to Occupy Indianapolis but couldn't because like so many people I had responsibilities I had to attend to. However the Occupy movement was going on a Saturday and I saw many people there when I passed by it. Not everyone in the movement is jobless nor is everyone there constantly. I imagine many people do go in shifts and to think otherwise is just ignorant. I invite the critics to think about it harder.
edit on 2-11-2011 by GrimReaper86 because: (no reason given)

Well to this I would say that no one made the blanket statement from the group but I have seen a good number of them in my local movement and I have seen plenty of there propoganda on here, Youtube, their declaration, and other places. Where the statement "Everyone should be equal, redistribution of wealth, and several other comments that have led me to that belief.

As for your remark about what they are about well honestly anyone can find anything they want out of what they are about. There complaints range from corporate greed to no more war. There are so many issues being covered that anyone can find whatever they want out of there protests.

As for the barricades I am more then sure there is more to it then just the barricades, but I was retorting to that specific remark. If you read through the posts there are several remarks from other media outlets another other quotes about how people don't want to struggle there way through the crowds etc. Honestly if I was a tourist I wouldn't want to fight my way through there to try out a coffee let alone if I lived there. I find myself staying away from groups like that for fear of being mobbed. There is a guy in my town who will quite literally get in your face to throw his "truths about big banks" at you and the customers of the local Wells Fargo who have nothing to do with the business practices. They are going to there bank there is zero right for you or anyone to dictate to them what bank they should use. Although I will give you that these days people seem to think they can tell everyone how to live there life if they disagree. "Omg you took a picture of your kid in the tub! Child Abuse!" "Omg you eat High Fructose Corn Syrup? What is wrong with you? You are the reason I pay more for insurance." "You should live healthier, you shouldn't spank your kids, you should eat this or that, you shouldn't smoke, you shouldn't drink, you shouldn't be in the military, you shouldn't blah blah blah."

Last I checked we have our own individual liberties as stated in the Constitution but yet somehow more and more people seem to think that not so true, and then you wonder why I accuse people of socialist agendas.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I am sure they are affecting peoples life. There is nothing you can do without affecting other people. I think the banks have affected peoples lifes too. A lot more people in a lot of bad ways..

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I just saw this article on FoxNews and didnt' see anything about it on here already, but apparently a local cafe is having to lay off workers due to lack of business from the OWS movement. So now the "99%" are now essentially affecting their own.

I just found this interesting as they claim to be supporting the rest of us, but it would seem they have no regard for other people that are working and need to work.

Just regurgitating any propaganda coming from Faux news makes you look bad

Just saying, just part of a failed smear campaign nothing more. The only people that take Faux serious are either brain dead or part of the lunatic fringe. Might as well pick up a copy of the daily sun or national enquirer.
it will turn your brains to paste...


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by Phantom28804

I am sure they are affecting peoples life. There is nothing you can do without affecting other people. I think the banks have affected peoples lifes too. A lot more people in a lot of bad ways..

When slaying dragons, it is best to beware one does not become the dragon.

Banks have most assuredly harmed people. This does not become a justification for a mob to harm people too.

Whether that mob be gang member thug police or earnest protestors who have no clue what to do other than protest. There just is no justification, outside of self defense, defense of property, or other people who need that defense, in harming others.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: qualified the no justification thing

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Dear god in heaven... Pardon the pun, but do you realize how many people have mentioned Fox News? I think for now on I will just post articles from Fox News just to make a point. So it's not true if Fox News posts it, but it's ok when CNN says it or NPR? Give me a break there are like 10 different links to this and I am not going to waste my time providing them again, or find others that provided more links. I myself provided 2 other links. One to MSNBC and one to NY Post on the second page.

I have to ask has ATS gotten down to the point that we now only read the OP without reading anything else that has been posted in the other 7 pages? I mean come on people if you are going to argue at least do the research. If you were in debate club you wouldn't have just been disqualified you would have been kicked off the team by now. The "Faux News" "If you still believe Fox News" "Fox News smear campaign" is getting old.

I swear I do not understand how people like you can run around calling me and others out for our Anti-OWS ways or even funnier calling us "Sheeple" when no one fits the "Sheeple" term better then you for not even bothering to read more then the first post. Good job on just impressing more upon me and others that the OWS bunch is nothing more then a group of spoiled my way or no way children. I have a 2yr degree from a technical school and I am more educated then some of you with Bachelor's Degrees.. Take the time to read or get off the thread in my opinion.
edit on 11/2/2011 by Phantom28804 because: (no reason given)

Here you go:

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Chalupas

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by Chalupas

Riiiiiight you must be spewing that nonsense about zuccotti park that everyone against OWS tends to love.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Unless you have been living under a rock lately and have not heard, the Occupy movement has done more bad than it has good.

LMFAO according to who?

The Bankers? In that case YES!

Today in Oakland

3 more days , cant wait til Saturday
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

So I am guessing you are saying all media is corrupt. What about ATS? Is this not technically a media outlet? Same as Twitter (always thought it was funny first part of twit-ter), facebook, etc.. They are all media outlets so basically in closing you can't trust anyone then how can you ever form an opinion on anything if you have nothing to back your opinions on?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I just saw this article on FoxNews and didnt' see anything about it on here already, but apparently a local cafe is having to lay off workers due to lack of business from the OWS movement. So now the "99%" are now essentially affecting their own.

I just found this interesting as they claim to be supporting the rest of us, but it would seem they have no regard for other people that are working and need to work.

Your analysis is terrible. Thousands of people sacrificing their well being to send a message to the world, and you're concern is on a coffee shop that made less profits this month because they are near their protest site? Your message is no different than the style faux news uses, in that they are trying to make a movement look bad through any means necessary. Your efforts were laughable at best.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

Dude I feel ya. I see something like this practically every time I come onto this website. Don't let it get to you though. If you support the occupy movement, don't just support them, go to your local one and take part. If you oppose the occupy movement, talk all the crap you want on the internet. When we're going door to door and spreading the word, passing out flyers, attending a rally or marching, the last thing on our minds is going to be some people on the internet criticizing us.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Fox is your news source? Fox is nothing but a mouth piece for the rich and has been for a long long time.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
One of the things I love about this thread is how people immediately write it off because Fox News reported it.

I'm sure that those folk would be all up in arms if MSNBC reported that the Tea Party was negatively affecting business.

Them racists!

The actions and support of OWS are making themselves known.

They will be but a blip in the history books within a year.

More than that - if you could get Fox to run a negative story on the Tea party, then Fox would suddenly be right up there in the Four Gospels (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and then FOX) to the collectivist crowd!

Talk about an identity crisis! What the hell would they do THEN?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

So I am guessing you are saying all media is corrupt. What about ATS? Is this not technically a media outlet? Same as Twitter (always thought it was funny first part of twit-ter), facebook, etc.. They are all media outlets so basically in closing you can't trust anyone then how can you ever form an opinion on anything if you have nothing to back your opinions on?

ATS is an alternative news/conspiracy web site "anyone can join ATS and speak freely" somewhat more so then not

Facebook and Twitter is a social networking site "anyone can join twitter" and speak freely "with some degree of censorship"

FOX NEWS is extreme right wing and biased known to spew propaganda, lies, smear campaigns ect. FOX chooses who can speak on FOX and when they do usually it is scripted on a teleprompter. Same goes for CNN however to a lesser degree but with same BS never the less, hype and smoke and mirrors. MSN leans left a bit again not as extreme however all have one thing in common, they all spew propaganda because of who sponsors them and the reporters "who arent reporters" are too opinionated rather then being real free Press they are not anything like the Journalists in the old days like Walter Cronkite. Real journalism requires investigation, non bias, neutral opinion. Real jornalists approach stories with a neutral opinion.

Older folks that grew up in "those days" remember "news" not this Media machine that dubs itself "News" it is commercialized Media. And because they report some world events does not make it real. They focus on Celebrity gossip 24-7, who is f##### who in Hollywood. Who just died, Idols, things that are meaningless and commercialism has corrupted this. While wars and REAL events are unfolding they distract you away from things , agendas and sub agendas. Every network is owned by someone, not the people but people with an agenda. You report what you are told and read off a teleprompter. Once in a while the Reporters will go against the grain when fed up with what they do because of having a conscience and become Insubordinate as you may notice. Then they will get canned and sometimes not as long as they are getting ratings and then fire them when ratings drop" and if they really rock the boat and say something they should not say they get cut off and go to commercial break. Pay attention it happens often. The Media does not care about journalism, truth, news ect or what goes on in the world only ratings and satisfying special interests.

Pay attention... because that is how it is

edit: you cant trust anyone? my advice is follow your heart and question everything and everyone. No not everyone is out to deceive you but the last place to look for truth is on the tele
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

My efforts? They are doing a fine job of making themselves look bad, and you are helping as well. The point is very valid. So it's ok to disrupt the livelihood of the 99% to support the 99%. Sorry but I highly doubt that coffee shop is part of the so called 1% and I am more then sure the employees that were laid off did not run outside to thank the protestors for being freed from the slavery.........

The efforts of the pro-OWS and yourself are laughable as not one of you has come forth with a valid argument as to how it is ok. I am sure if they continue and the coffee shop goes out of business he will be very happy that they were supporting him...

The fact is that OWS does not represent 99% of the population. The only thing they represent is apparently a lot of rich under loved kids that are looking for some sort of acceptance in life, free loving hippies who think the world should be handed to them on a silver platter, unemployed that are rightfully pissed off by the crap economy we are in, and the socialists that want to make everyone live the same way and have the same thing everyday because it's not fair for someone else to have more.

This may be a skewed view, but kind of like "Faux News" that is the appearance your OWSers are sending the world. Someone said they are peaceful and have done nothing wrong. However, the facts outweigh the claims. Oakland setting, trash cans on fire, busting out windows of cop cars, allegedly throwing knives and other items at police. This may not be documented so it is hearsay just like a lot of stuff thrown out on this thread today. However if you watch videos of the OWS movement in NY there is plenty of examples of protestors antagonizing the police, and frankly when you do that expect bad things to happen.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I like having two sides of the commentary.

I say that because, really? Where are the real journalists nowadays.

We rarely see news anymore, unless it's breaking.

But at least it gives me two sides so I can read between the lines, look at other media sources and decide for myself.

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