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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Here's evidence of another business disruption - NOT from Fox News:

"[They're] destroying my business," explained Stacey Tzortzatos, owner and manager of Panini & Co., a Wall Street lunch hotspot right next to Zuccotti Park. "It hasn't gotten any better. In fact, it's the opposite."
edit on 2-11-2011 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:56 PM
insurance can cover for the loss usualy. in this kind of event.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I just saw this article on FoxNews and didnt' see anything about it on here already, but apparently a local cafe is having to lay off workers due to lack of business from the OWS movement. So now the "99%" are now essentially affecting their own.

I just found this interesting as they claim to be supporting the rest of us, but it would seem they have no regard for other people that are working and need to work.

Ummm......Please.....I hear you anti-OWS keyboard warriors railing against the government the economy and everything under the sun...but thats all you do....whine...

Do any of you actually stand up from your comfort zones...from behind your monitors and do anything to rectify what you complain about?...Did'nt think so...

All of you constitutionalists, you libertarians, you social conservatives, you tea partiers........are thoroughly comfortable with the present economy and governmental abuse....the corruption and power tripping of our representatives......Admit love revel in it....let it wash over you like a flood....your...rocked by it...

You must be.........cause there you sit....comfortable...zoning...We all hear your keys clack the loudest only in referance to OWS....."those bong toting hippies"...who crapped on a beloved POLICE car

Apparently you cant see the satire in such a human act.....A primitive expression that defines what TPTB deserve...better than all of your useless threads, your waste of bandwidth...

You winers hate OWS and those who have the cajones that you never grew...yet where are you?...Hmmm? we see you on the street facing down the corporate enforcers...getting shot in the face...for your beefs and your beliefs?......Thought not on that score as well....

Your all jealous that OWS stole your limelight...the limelight that you never claimed because you never showed up....You dont like OWS simply because they stand up and face that blue line because of their beliefs...and all we hear from your are the ramblings of the jealous and the afraid.........

Put up already................or shut the hell up........................................................Nuff said


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by cyberether
insurance can cover for the loss usualy. in this kind of event.

Really? What kind of policy would that be? Protest insurance? Police blockade insurance? Act of God? Come on! I suppose you believe that insurance covers the cost of health care too! That's all that is needed is insurance. Sigh.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Seems to me the right wingers would love this. Capitalism working as intended. Demand for coffee goes down, business goes under. Free markets are great right?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Yea ok Fox News really cares.....I mean when the tea party was disrupting town hall meetings they were all for it. I mean who cares what was on the agenda that night? It could have been something realy important but it had to be postponed so the tea party could rant....where was their outrage then?

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Anonex
reply to post by Phantom28804

Seems to me the right wingers would love this. Capitalism working as intended. Demand for coffee goes down, business goes under. Free markets are great right?

The demand for coffee did not go down, access to it on Wall Street was restricted, just like the way government does to capitalism regularly, restrict it. People are still buying and drinking coffee, they are just avoiding all the nonsense.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by YouSir

Your entire post is laughable to say the least as you type away at your keyboard behind your monitor and stand as a voice for OWS. Posts like yours just are a practice in hypocrisy as you did just did the very thing that you accuse me and others of.

You have no idea what myself or others may have done? I can tell you for one that I have written numerous letters to my local representatives. In fact today I signed a petition to hold banks accountable for there actions. I have and always will stand up for my rights. I vote every election, and I speak up when my voice needs to be heard. You do not have to be standing in the streets to make a point or protest. However, I would gladly do so if I agreed with the protests in question. I however, do not agree with the majority of the OWS party line nor do I agree with the Socialist agenda behind it.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:15 PM
sorry but we just don't need fancy restaurants, and i realize the people that run them do but there needs to be less luxury in america, and in the regard of luxury we gain extra physical comfort while others lose theirs We are so spoiled that when we say we want to actually make a change in the world, and than begin to make it, and it affects something like this, we cling to that which is a part of the system we want to make different.

(also i personally beleive its obvious that fox news is using this as ammo to say, "see! look!!.........")

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:15 PM
I cant link the article since im using my cell. But this Huffington Post article says the loss in business was not due to the protestors but to the police blockades.
'A manager at the cafe confirmed the reports. She also said that
Marc Epstein, the restaurant's owner, is now interested in
hiring back the 21 employees whom he claimed he laid off
because the blockades -- which police originally put in place to
control the nearby Occupy Wall Street protests -- have impeded
access to his restaurant's front door for six weeks'

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:16 PM
Fox news fail unbiased reporting win.

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
However, I would gladly do so if I agreed with the protests in question. I however, do not agree with the majority of the OWS party line nor do I agree with the Socialist agenda behind it.

It was EXTREMELY hard to march with people,that I knew had an agenda.
I did it so my questions could be asked,and my conscience could be cleared.
No one can say I didnt see,what I saw.
OWS is nothing more then a farce.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Meet some of the impoverished OWS 99%. err I mean Mumzy and Daddy's house. I wonder if Chad is available for some badminton this afternoon down at the "Club". [Darn it I broke a nail typing this!]

Texas: This mansion has five bedrooms and, from the looks of it, plenty of space for a drum circle. Its economically disadvantaged occupant was arrested while “occupying” Wall Street on October 5.

New Jersey: This quaint 3,800-square-foot manse sits on a quiet cul-de-sac, and it’s valued at nearly $500,000. The poverty-stricken Occupy Wall Street protester who lives here was arrested on October 5.

California: Just a half-hour’s drive from Berkeley, this victorian boasts 3 fireplaces, granite countertops and a wet bar. It’s a 5,000-square-foot anti-capitalist’s dream — at least for one cash-strapped Occupy Wall Street protester arrested on October 1.

California: Just a half-hour’s drive from Berkeley, this victorian boasts 3 fireplaces, granite countertops and a wet bar. It’s a 5,000-square-foot anti-capitalist’s dream — at least for one cash-strapped Occupy Wall Street protester arrested on October 1.

Read more:
edit on 2-11-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)


So tell me Slayer,were they down there,protesting with their gardeners?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:22 PM

It was EXTREMELY hard to march with people,that I knew had an agenda.
I did it so my questions could be asked,and my conscience could be cleared.
No one can say I didnt see,what I saw.
OWS is nothing more then a farce.

Did u march in an OWS protest at any point?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by facewhatly

It was EXTREMELY hard to march with people,that I knew had an agenda.
I did it so my questions could be asked,and my conscience could be cleared.
No one can say I didnt see,what I saw.
OWS is nothing more then a farce.

Did u march in an OWS protest at any point?

I did,in Milwaukee.

I marched all the way actually. To the place my Father worked at,A.O. Smith.

Your point is?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

I believe their point is trolling as they as well as many others blindly only read Fox News.. Also I would like to point out that the barricades wouldn't be there if the protestors weren't. Though I pointed that out before. I seem to be repeating myself, and I think I will hold further comment till someone actually posts a actual response. I would rather debate with people like YouSir that at least took the time read.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by sonnny1

I believe their point is trolling as they as well as many others blindly only read Fox News.. Also I would like to point out that the barricades wouldn't be there if the protestors weren't. Though I pointed that out before. I seem to be repeating myself, and I think I will hold further comment till someone actually posts a actual response. I would rather debate with people like YouSir that at least took the time read.

I read the Fox News piece,and a few others. If you want to talk about the congestion of all the OWS stories,the media spin,or those posting about the current subject,that's fine. If you want to call ANYONE with an opinion a troll even if they are not on topic,thats fine also. Thats the beauty of ATS. Thats why there are Mods. Thats also why they enforce their rules on this site. I actually went to an OWS rally/protest/march.I try not to get my info from media spin,because its a wash at times.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Just wanted to clarify that playing bongos in the park, smoking dope, sleeping in tents, raping children, selling drugs, and harvesting criminals is not a good way to stand up against "tyranny".

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:41 PM
Reply to post by Chalupas

Riiiiiight you must be spewing that nonsense about zuccotti park that everyone against OWS tends to love.

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by YouSir

Your entire post is laughable to say the least as you type away at your keyboard behind your monitor and stand as a voice for OWS. Posts like yours just are a practice in hypocrisy as you did just did the very thing that you accuse me and others of.

You have no idea what myself or others may have done? I can tell you for one that I have written numerous letters to my local representatives. In fact today I signed a petition to hold banks accountable for there actions. I have and always will stand up for my rights. I vote every election, and I speak up when my voice needs to be heard. You do not have to be standing in the streets to make a point or protest. However, I would gladly do so if I agreed with the protests in question. I however, do not agree with the majority of the OWS party line nor do I agree with the Socialist agenda behind it.

..........You vote in every election?........... signed a petition........? wrote letters to your representative.........?

WOW........your practically an that righted all the wrongs and scored one for the Gipper...

If you think that I support OWS you could'nt be farther from the truth.........get it through your head that I dont have to support the movement...........yet I will ALWAYS support their right to assemble and air their grievances...
However if you detractors allow their movement to set the agenda then dont complain about the outcome......


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