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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

That is actually not true. According to polls taken 85% of OWS is employed:

This is true. Most people i met at OWS were middle class blue collar workers like myself and yes I am employed.

The problem is that OWS doesn't care about anyone but themselves. Everyone else, to them, are fascists or shills for the banks.

This is false

OK now that is as silly as assuming OWS are all unemployed hippies. In saying everyone else is fascists or shills for the banks is not the same as saying we are the 99%

It is the 1% that are fascists or shills for the banks

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Many to most of the OWS protestors are employed. The 'Average Citizens' are the people down at the protests for the most part as well. I don't see them wanting total redistribution of everyone's assets. That is a very drastic leap in logic and not at all realistic, which is obvious.

Why is it so bad that some local businesses are being TEMPORARILY affected by some of these protests, which is apparently much worse according to some than corrupted employers/employees at the various financial institutions being protested to PERMANENTLY affect thousands of peoples' jobs, retirements, and investments?

The biggest issues I've seen raised by the protests are in relation to the corruption that was and still is allowed to run rampant through the financial sector. Sure, some may want to twist this into a 'They want complete socialism!' argument, but that isn't the case. I think this is a good thing to be happening and hopefully some good comes of it in a peaceful way.

- Dredge

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

OK now that is as silly as assuming OWS are all unemployed hippies. In saying everyone else is fascists or shills for the banks is not the same as saying we are the 99% It is the 1% that are fascists or shills for the banks

Yeah unless we disagree with you.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Not everyone at OWS thinks the same way, we are talking about thousands of different people from different walks of life with different politics, needs, wants and like. Even some Fascists or shills for the banks may not even in turn disagree with OWS people entirely either.

Food for thought

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Not everyone at OWS thinks the same way, we are talking about thousands of different people from different walks of life with different politics, needs, wants and like. Even some Fascists or shills for the banks may not even in turn disagree with OWS people entirely either.

Food for thought


That didn't even make any sense!

Did you just tell me that some OWS members are fascists that disagree with being fascist?!

edit on 2-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by jjkenobi

wow this has to be about the umpteenth time I've seen marijuana use slandered and then that stigma applied to the ows crowd. and just look how many stars you got for saying it.

what a bunch of ignoramuses you all are.


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Dredge
Many to most of the OWS protestors are employed. The 'Average Citizens' are the people down at the protests for the most part as well. I don't see them wanting total redistribution of everyone's assets. That is a very drastic leap in logic and not at all realistic, which is obvious.

Why is it so bad that some local businesses are being TEMPORARILY affected by some of these protests, which is apparently much worse according to some than corrupted employers/employees at the various financial institutions being protested to PERMANENTLY affect thousands of peoples' jobs, retirements, and investments?

- Dredge

The problem is,"If you aint with us,your against us" mentality. I can totally agree with Ending the Fed. Totally. But that statement,mantra repeated over and over makes the average citizen nervous. Second,for someone living check to check,day to day,has his employment shut down,for the sake of "protesting,he loses out. He is on the bubble also.Sacrificing the few,for the many doesn't help him, if that check keeps him,or his family out of the cold. If these people blocked California's State capital,I would be impressed! But they are not.Why not is the REAL question. Redistribution IS a topic spoken at OWS. Dont think it hasnt been.
edit on 2-11-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:57 PM
It's on Fox News because it's showing how a mom-and-pop capitalist business is being ruined by a greedy, prosperity-killing, socialist movement.

It's not on MSNBC, CNN, or ABC because it's showing how a mom-and-pop capitalist business is being ruined by a humanistic, socially conscious movement.


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by TheRemedial
reply to post by Ittabena

Speaking of Omelets, the OWS is further fail because if they are trying to start a revolution they are doing so without the support of the farmers. Revolutions start with those who provide food.

LOL! I thought the idea behind protesting was "Hey, there's a problem. Lets go do something to bring attention to our issue and possibly have our grievances addressed." I didn't know it went "Hey, there's a problem. In order to effectively overthrow the current government by force, and therefore have our grievances addressed, we need to secure a proper food supply and pool our resources into a proper people's militia."

Are you Dwight Schrute? Quick, which bear is the best bear?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

Because i left the "Politicians" out means they are not included? NO in fact they are, who gave the bailouts to Wall Street & Bankers.

Sorry,but this movement started on Wall Street. You failed to mention Politicians,because your anger of Bankers,is what drives this movement. If this movement had BALLS it would be occupying DC in force. Its complacency at letting UNIONS march side by side in solidarity,makes me ,and many others believe in political agenda. I have been to OWS in my state,marched asked questions,so you cant convince me otherwise. I saw first hand on how the liberal swill,have supported this from day one.I marched with minority's. I marched with people who want JOBS. The Jobs our President told us he had,with his Hope and Change BS. Their anger is misguided,and is being used to further hate. "If you aint with is ,your against us". I heard that all day too. So Im not with you,then what ? What the hell are you and OWS going to do to me ?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

What? That didn't even make any sense! Did you just tell me that some OWS members are fascists that disagree with being fascist?!

Do you suffer from poor reading comprehension? I did not say that at all, stop tying to twist my words. I was saying shills and such in representation of the 1% I said that even some of Wall Street Shills and Bankers may even agree with OWS in turn.. go read it again and again and however as many times that it takes.

My point is not everyone thinks alike, you generalize a group of individuals as thinking like one person. It goes both ways. For example some of the OWS crowd are there because it seems cool and it is rebellious. Some are there because they want change and some there for political reasons and what have you. And some bankers don't even like what they do and were born in to what they do. Like some cops sign up thinking they can help society and some do it because they want the power of authority ect ect

You thinking everyone is sharing the same brain does not make sense

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by MrWendal

You're comparing two different things. The sit-ins occurred at places that were segregated. Therefore, they were causing a loss of business to places that were against them. In this case the protesters are hurting those people they are supposedly fighting for. In the end that's not going to help their cause, but hurt it by turning away people who might have supported them.

Businesses don't matter. Only the perpetuation of humanity matters. The future of our species depends upon our willingness to understand the universe that created us and it depends upon working together peacefully as a species to advance technologically. Selling coffee doesn't f***ing matter at all. Are you kidding me?? In this lifetime you care about who sells coffee? People are starving to death this very second and you care about local businesses? The day every human on the earth can recognize one another as a brother or sister and can coincide to allow every living entity to experience a second of happiness is the day I will feel anything other than sorrow.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Sorry,but this movement started on Wall Street. You failed to mention Politicians,because your anger of Bankers,is what drives this movement. If this movement had BALLS it would be occupying DC in force. Its complacency at letting UNIONS march side by side in solidarity,makes me ,and many others believe in political agenda. I have been to OWS in my state,marched asked questions,so you cant convince me otherwise. I saw first hand on how the liberal swill,have supported this from day one.I marched with minority's. I marched with people who want JOBS. The Jobs our President told us he had,with his Hope and Change BS. Their anger is misguided,and is being used to further hate. "If you aint with is ,your against us". I heard that all day too. So Im not with you,then what ? What the hell are you and OWS going to do to me ?

Perhaps the misguided youth at ows would have you hung? Maybe it's you who sees it as "with us or against us." Why don't you help the misguided to understand that you are an ally against corruption? Unless you want them to fail?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Best unintentionally hilarious thread title this year! Don't you people have spell-check or dictionaries or life experience?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Sorry,but this movement started on Wall Street.

Yes i know and?

You failed to mention Politicians,because your anger of Bankers,is what drives this movement.

Yes we are angry at the bankers but what does that have to do with me not mentioning Politicians? I thought i made that clear that Politicians are to blame as well.

If this movement had BALLS it would be occupying DC in force.

I agree with you there we should be beating down doors in DC, however the people that are criticizing OWS are sitting at home in an arm chair telling us what we should be doing instead of doing anything UNLIKE the people at OWS. By the complaining about OWS is the same as doing nothing at all, at least in just making the effort says a lot more then what the critics are doing besides being counter productive.

Its complacency at letting UNIONS march side by side in solidarity,makes me ,and many others believe in political agenda.

The Unions can be there if they want who are we to tell the Unions to go home? Anyone can join Occupy Wall you have to be a Democrat to join the Unions? Of course not, just because there are some factions there that have Liberal roots does not change the movement.

I have been to OWS in my state,marched asked questions,so you cant convince me otherwise. I saw first hand on how the liberal swill,have supported this from day one.I marched with minority's. I marched with people who want JOBS. The Jobs our President told us he had,with his Hope and Change BS. Their anger is misguided,and is being used to further hate. "If you aint with is ,your against us". I heard that all day too. So Im not with you,then what ? What the hell are you and OWS going to do to me ?

I was there too and that is not what i seen, and for that reason I do not believe you. I seen people singing kubayah my lord and showing solidarity not separation.

What will we do to you? Nothing unless you are a corrupted Bankster or a Wall Street Tycoon even a Politician that has incriminated himself in some instance if not involved why worry?

Why So Serious?

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I just saw this article on FoxNews and didnt' see anything about it on here already, but apparently a local cafe is having to lay off workers due to lack of business from the OWS movement. So now the "99%" are now essentially affecting their own.

I just found this interesting as they claim to be supporting the rest of us, but it would seem they have no regard for other people that are working and need to work.

This was pointed out when the thing first started and the reponse from the pro OWS as "oh well you need to break a few eggs"

I'd love to try to break my sledge hammer on a few occupiers.
edit on 2-11-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Dystopiaphiliac

I talked to many people at the rally in my city. I cant get them Jobs. If I could I would. There lies the problem. I swear,most want Jobs,and they would be cool with just that. I understand people are pissed,but both Dems and Repubs HAVE to be held responsible,FIRST! They write the Laws,that gave bankers the right to pillage America,and the world! Im a Independent,BTW. If this movement wants something more then protesting,they have to get the Unions out of their mists. I have yet to see that happen. Nor do I believe,it can be done.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by MrWendal

You're comparing two different things. The sit-ins occurred at places that were segregated. Therefore, they were causing a loss of business to places that were against them. In this case the protesters are hurting those people they are supposedly fighting for. In the end that's not going to help their cause, but hurt it by turning away people who might have supported them.

Businesses don't matter. Only the perpetuation of humanity matters. The future of our species depends upon our willingness to understand the universe that created us and it depends upon working together peacefully as a species to advance technologically. Selling coffee doesn't f***ing matter at all. Are you kidding me?? In this lifetime you care about who sells coffee? People are starving to death this very second and you care about local businesses? The day every human on the earth can recognize one another as a brother or sister and can coincide to allow every living entity to experience a second of happiness is the day I will feel anything other than sorrow.

Man you really contradict yourself in your post here. "lets live in peace and if you work in a coffee shop to support your children it's ok if they starve to death my brothers and sisters I love you"


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Honestly,I can care less what you believe. I saw peaceful protesting the day I went,but it had political overtones,that you couldn't ignore at a apolitical rally. Your Mob Mentality doesn't represent anyone,except those protesting. "So what" is something I expect from someone that doesnt understand WHY ALL of America isnt at your OWS party.

Peace,stay safe.............

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

I talked to many people at the rally in my city. I cant get them Jobs. If I could I would. There lies the problem. I swear,most want Jobs,and they would be cool with just that.

What city was this? Because most OWS i met had jobs were blue collar workers like myself. Funny you say all these people were there looking for jobs lol then you also said that the Unions were there. You are aware that the Unions are employed right? What city was this again?

I understand people are pissed,but both Dems and Repubs HAVE to be held responsible,FIRST! They write the Laws,that gave bankers the right to pillage America,and the world! Im a Independent,BTW. If this movement wants something more then protesting,they have to get the Unions out of their mists. I have yet to see that happen. Nor do I believe,it can be done.

I am Independent as well. But why would getting rid of the Unions be beneficial? They represent the working middle class. If you take out the middle class you have Rich and Poor left. Sounds more like class warfare to me.

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