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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

Well for one I never once stated that Fox news wasn't biased nor did I say they were a reliable news source, but multiple news sources have been cited on this thread alone. So I suppose they are all on the same agenda. Sorry but I view things a bit differently. For example if I see that say huffington post, or some of the other sources cited on here I don't take them for the gospel truth. I do research on the mainstream media and alternative medias to get some sort of backing to the story. When I find multiple reports on the same subject I take it a bit more seriously.

I mean I could just as easily post on a alternative news source and say that I had just seen martians landing in my backyard and I am willing to bet someone would believe me based on nothing but my word alone. The problem with the way things are now is that people have to information overload and they don't know how to process it all. The internet allows you to explore almost any reality/fantasy and find backing for your beliefs and or fears. Before the internet there were nowhere near as many doom and gloom theories, no where near as many speculations about war and peace etc.

Sometimes I wish we could go back to the days before the internet where people just lived there lives. God I miss the 80's and 90's. As for the comment about age I would be willing to bet I am either older then you or a lot closer to your age then you think.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I would like to say that it is sad that it took something as meaningless as this argument to get my first ever thread that went more then 2 pages!! Wow I really hit the hotbed with this one lol.

Oh well honestly I love debate and I will argue till you or I are blue in the face. As long as you take the time to read and reply with a intelligible response you will get a reply. If you are just go.

Your source is fox news give me a break then you are going to be ignored. as for the my rebuttal about the media outfits. What else would I say? the man replied to me with a video and nothing else. He didn't even state an argument just said here and gave me a video.......... guess what its made by him!!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by nenothtu

I like having two sides of the commentary.

I say that because, really? Where are the real journalists nowadays.

We rarely see news anymore, unless it's breaking.

But at least it gives me two sides so I can read between the lines, look at other media sources and decide for myself.

There's really only one "news", no "sides" but they just HAVE to put that spin on it, don't they? See, when they start the spin - and that goes for ALL of them, it's no longer "news" it's "opinion and commentary".

All I'm saying is that if Fox put the same spin as the rest of the media does - spinning all to the "left", the collectivists wouldn't know whether to crap or wind their watches. Suddenly, Fox would be their darling, too, reporting the same news, but putting their own spin on it.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804
So Interesting What Fox News Has To Say, The Article Below is Written by A Man Who Has Been to The Protests in New York and Sees "The Millennial Generation" as Less Drug Using and Sex Crazed as Their Baby Boomer Parents With Their Tales Of Glory as "Viet Nam War Protesters" Way Back in The Day, and Have Been More Respectful of Other's Rights To Boot! Interesting Read All!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by arjunanda

I will be happy to read through that, and thanks for your input on the subject at hand, but I really wish that you or someone in particular could explain to me why it is that Fox News seems to be the focal point of 90% of the retorts. As stated time and time again it's not just them that reported the story. It just seems, like the proverbial thorn, you all can't get past it.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

You've hit the media nail on the head.

But people are easily led it seems and they like "their" news sources.

I guess it helps them reaffirm their beliefs.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804
I Only Mentioned Fox News As They Were The Only News Outlet Mentioned in The OP, No Bias Intended
And The Article Has An Interesting Generational Slant To It! Thanks For The Reply And Peace

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

My efforts? They are doing a fine job of making themselves look bad, and you are helping as well.

So you are saying being in contempt of a criminal enterprise that has extorted yourself and your fellow Americans in peaceful gathering as a practice of our constituted right is making us alll look bad?

That does not make sense what so ever

Yet you take a tabloid style media network serious?

lol @ you

The point is very valid. So it's ok to disrupt the livelihood of the 99% to support the 99%.

Nobody is disrupting the livelihood of the 99% other then the insatiable greed of Bankers and Criminals on Wall Street hence the reason why we are there to begin with

Sorry but I highly doubt that coffee shop is part of the so called 1% and I am more then sure the employees that were laid off did not run outside to thank the protestors for being freed from the slavery.........

You make assumptions based on zero evidence, maybe you should get a job at FOX news. You fit the mold.

The efforts of the pro-OWS and yourself are laughable as not one of you has come forth with a valid argument as to how it is ok.

Then you have not been paying attention, or selective in what you read.


This is America

I am sure if they continue and the coffee shop goes out of business he will be very happy that they were supporting him...

I would not be so sure of anything, we are in a rough economy all ready

The fact is that OWS does not represent 99% of the population. The only thing they represent is apparently a lot of rich under loved kids that are looking for some sort of acceptance in life, free loving hippies who think the world should be handed to them on a silver platter, unemployed that are rightfully pissed off by the crap economy we are in, and the socialists that want to make everyone live the same way and have the same thing everyday because it's not fair for someone else to have more.

This is what is called a straw man argument and fallacy

This may be a skewed view, but kind of like "Faux News" that is the appearance your OWSers are sending the world. Someone said they are peaceful and have done nothing wrong. However, the facts outweigh the claims. Oakland setting, trash cans on fire, busting out windows of cop cars, allegedly throwing knives and other items at police. This may not be documented so it is hearsay just like a lot of stuff thrown out on this thread today. However if you watch videos of the OWS movement in NY there is plenty of examples of protestors antagonizing the police, and frankly when you do that expect bad things to happen.

Nothing compared to getting shot in the head with a rubber bullet and being put in critical condition after fighting for your country, and things like the constitution. Skewed view is an understatement, your priorities are clearly with serving the 1%

Shame on you

You can bitch and moan all day on the inter webs and hate us until your hearts content, but we are not going anywhere and we are perfectly fine with the hate. Because if they are hating you... then you are doing something right.

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win" - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

In capitalism, man exploits man, and in communism it is the other way around.

Funny and true at same time...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

You win.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
reply to post by SLAYER69


Those mansions are hillariously funny.

Them commie insurgents live in the lap of luxery, get their professional "community organizers (hmmm Obama claimed to be one hmmm) to hire some city street bums at $10/hr to go hang out with and play the part of poor vitcitms of the evil Capitalist system.

You know what the difference between capitalism and communism is?

In capitalism, man exploits man, and in communism it is the other way around.

So sad...

But so true.

The only difference is with capitalism, is I may yet find a way to a better life. But it doesn't come easy or cheap.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 09:58 PM
You can make an argument the OWS movement is affect everyone's livelyhood, fact of the matter is these guys aren't affecting their 99% by protesting outside that guy's coffee shop...the guy is a millionaire, his landlord is Donald Trump and it was a 4 million dollar COFFEE SHOP, this isn't some pop and pop restaurant here. The guy had a staff of almost 100 people working at his coffee shop...are they affecting the workers there? Yes, but I would like to read an article about those people's wages and benefits before I pass any kind of judgement, from my understanding, and I live in Chicago, working at a coffee shop isn't exactly going to pay the bills at whatever, they can go and protest now with the movement

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

So you accuse me of being supportive of the 1% because I disagree with your views and those of the OWS movement? I am part of the so called 99% as I am a working class that works for the local government making under 30 grand a year. So now because one of your own disagrees with you I get thrown into the 1% you are against. Yet I am the one that is using rhetoric to make you look bad? There is not one thing you have said that has any backing behind it. You completely ignored the laid off employees with a line as "Who can say what they did" and you blindly just dismiss everything. You said it was easy for me to sit behind a monitor but you don't know me and what are you doing? You are doing the same thing as me. Are you sitting in Wall Street right now with your smartphone posting against me? Are you involved in the movement? If you are great more power to you. The fact still remains that 99% of the OWS group are what I said. There is a small 1% that is there for an actual grievance that for some unexplainable reason they do not feel like taking up with the government rather Wall St instead ?

As for the greed of companies and the wrongs and injustices that were done there I am full on against that. I think lobbyists should be thrown out of congress and I think that companies should abide by the same laws as you and I. Do have a problem with groups like Enron selling stocks before they go belly up and having nothing done? Absolutely, but I don't see anything happening from the OWS movement they have been there moving on 2 months and nothing has happened. I guess it will take another 2 months. Maybe the big Corporate Greed monster is just waiting for you to get bored and go home and they figure that willl happen before they have to change anything. Or maybe just maybe there protest isn't having any affect cause they are protesting Wall St...........

You can throw out all the name calling you want but in the end it makes no difference to me as I know you about as well as I know the guy living on the other side of the city from me. Which is not at all. Same as you don't know anything about me. So you are judging everything on my disagreement with you and the OWS movement. Good Job!!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 0ptw0
You can make an argument the OWS movement is affect everyone's livelyhood, fact of the matter is these guys aren't affecting their 99% by protesting outside that guy's coffee shop...the guy is a millionaire, his landlord is Donald Trump and it was a 4 million dollar COFFEE SHOP, this isn't some pop and pop restaurant here. The guy had a staff of almost 100 people working at his coffee shop...are they affecting the workers there? Yes, but I would like to read an article about those people's wages and benefits before I pass any kind of judgement, from my understanding, and I live in Chicago, working at a coffee shop isn't exactly going to pay the bills at whatever, they can go and protest now with the movement

Lemme guess who called FOX news complaining about his Million Dollar coffee shop being threatened by those damn protesters

Cheap SOB owns a multi-million dollar Coffee shop but is too cheap to pay Alice $5.50 an hour to pour a cup of joe

Now why am i not surprised?

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

Nobody is disrupting the livelihood of the 99% other then the insatiable greed of Bankers and Criminals on Wall Street hence the reason why we are there to begin with

Sorry my Anonymous friend, But evidently,you failed in adding the BIGGEST crooks and liars to your group of merry pranksters,the Politicians. Why?

How conveniently,you left them out of your little rant......Then you wonder why 99% of America doesnt agree with you. Eating the rich? Then what? Your stomachs wont be satisfied with that meal. Second course,the middle class?

When you get your fill on the Bankers,and maybe the Politicians,will you camp on the average citizens lawn,and ask for the redistribution of their goods also?
How Noble OWS speaks for everyone,with their own brand of agenda....

Is this movement proud that they are being hijacked by the Left,the Unions,the Radicals ? The Average American isnt buying into this movement. Redistribution is not being televised.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
Duh, they are all broke! They can't afford a $6+ cup of coffee, that is why they are out demanding free stuff.


That is actually not true. According to polls taken 85% of OWS is employed:

The problem is that OWS doesn't care about anyone but themselves. Everyone else, to them, are fascists or shills for the banks.

edit on 2-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

It takes millions to rent space on Wall Street. For much of New York City for that matter.

You may have millions in assts, but if you can't turn a profit...even selling coffee, you will still come up broke.

Simple math.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

i had my business so i know what kind of coverage you can get , i got this proposal from those guy , insurance to cover the fact your are not making money , those kind of insurance are here in case of disaster , sickness and anything else that can impact your revenue you name it.
In this case considering that barricade are from nypd , he can ask for a compensation to the new york city council or something alike since im not from the usa , but in europe it working like that.
there is even insurance for unemployement so im surprised that you are not aware of that.
of course those insurance above doesnt come cheap, but considering the guy owned another business and receiving public in his shop, he should have a good coverage.

and since insurance company are owned by banker it quite funny.

edit on 2-11-2011 by cyberether because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Sorry my Anonymous friend, But evidently,you failed in adding the BIGGEST crooks and liars to your group of merry pranksters,the Politicians. Why?

Because i left the "Politicians" out means they are not included? NO in fact they are, who gave the bailouts to Wall Street & Bankers.



How conveniently,you left them out of your little rant......Then you wonder why 99% of America doesnt agree with you. Eating the rich? Then what? Your stomachs wont be satisfied with that meal. Second course,the middle class?

Who says we want to eat the middle class? Do you imagine things then believe them? Or wishful thinking?

When you get your fill on the Bankers,and maybe the Politicians,

You claim i left out politicians then consider it a possibility?

will you camp on the average citizens lawn,and ask for the redistribution of their goods also?
How Noble OWS speaks for everyone,with their own brand of agenda....

Of course not dont be silly, average citizen are not the 1%ers we speak for the 99% not the 100%

99% does not equal everyone

Is this movement proud that they are being hijacked by the Left,the Unions,the Radicals ? The Average American isnt buying into this movement. Redistribution is not being televised.

Is Bill Orly writing your posts for you?

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:35 PM
How many times has Fox attempted to slander the protesters and the entire movement so far? Exactly. I do not believe a word they write, or a thing they say. Some if it is true, but not all of it, so I do what anyone with common sense would do: throw it all out.

I mean seriously, is this even logistically possible? I do not think so.

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