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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by lldd182

A) This is Fox News BS. Why do people still take them seriously?

B) When you're fighting for the employment and freedom rights of EVERYONE, the incidental effect on a few people does not matter. at all. It is all for the long-term, eventual good even for those people that allegedly got laid off.

In that case send in the firemen on an icy cold morning and never let the hoses run dry for a week straight.
Cleaning the streets is for the better of the whole community than the few who are out there spreading their filth.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:43 PM
I have got to ask this question. Who would get all this money that ow in New York has received if they all picked up and went home in two weeks?

I heard it's something like 500,000 and more that they have received. Someone is going to come out of this making a big chunk of change. Then I guess when it was over it would be okay to be one of the 1%.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:44 PM
how many small bussineses have been killed by the status quo?

how many will survive if we just keep doing what we do now?

how many are already in china?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:45 PM
anything to make they look bad.
tourists are stopping to have a look.
so if they dont drink your coffee it must be crap.

thesis people are a inspiration.
a focus for us to think about.
and see what is wrong with us and the system.

people dont wont to See their problems.
they are cowards and wont to burry their heads.

in the long ago old days.
the rich used slaves. them days will be back soon.
YOU will be a slave and have nothing at all.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:50 PM
So, one business lays off 30 people while the banksters and Wall Street put millions in the street ....... kinds sounds like crap to me ....... I laugh at people who think that people who get a SSI or disability check of $700 a month are getting rich on the government while corporations steal billions of tax dollars from both ends of the government.
edit on 2-11-2011 by fnpmitchreturns because: spelling

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by citizen3273676

Can somebody explain this logic to me? I keep seeing it pop up in every OWS thread and personally it makes no sense. Someone says something derisive about OWS and then someone's response is, "Well, that's the way things are now." It seems like a lousy protest if you're trying to justify your actions by comparing yourself to the very institutions you're protesting against.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by buddha

And once again we see the OWS supporters attacking the victim. I thought the whole point of this protest was to stand up for the little guy. However, every time the little guys try to stand up for themselves their very character is called into question and they are made out to be villains.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by buddha
anything to make they look bad.
tourists are stopping to have a look.
so if they dont drink your coffee it must be crap.

thesis people are a inspiration.
a focus for us to think about.
and see what is wrong with us and the system.

people dont wont to See their problems.
they are cowards and wont to burry their heads.

in the long ago old days.
the rich used slaves. them days will be back soon.
YOU will be a slave and have nothing at all.

The way I see it is. They make themselves look bad.
Rape, Drug use, robbery and thugs, etc.

But they insist upon policing themselves and ostracize anyone who wants an actual cop to help them.

They are a inspiration for me to show them for what they really are. Stooges. Some paid. Some not. They are being played like a fiddle and don’t even realize it. Just look at the list of those who support them.

The supposed 99% (Which to truthful is maybe…10% to be generous, are rich, spoiled, entitlement kids or drifters) are the true cowards. They refuse to place the blame where it lies. Government. They know espouse for even more government. How stupid is that?

They are nothing but unknowing slaves.

edit on 2-11-2011 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by citizen3273676

Can somebody explain this logic to me? I keep seeing it pop up in every OWS thread and personally it makes no sense. Someone says something derisive about OWS and then someone's response is, "Well, that's the way things are now." It seems like a lousy protest if you're trying to justify your actions by comparing yourself to the very institutions you're protesting against.

That's easy to explain,
It's called making excuses, the instinctive kneejerk sheeple reaction to stay on course. The study of sheeple in the wild is a facinating subject, very predictable, obstinantly stubborn to a point of shear (pun intended) insanity.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by nenothtu

"The "paid disinfo agent" charge again? There goes YOUR credibility, running away just as fast as it can.

Wave bye-bye to it, now...

Just think of it as the "paid disinfo agents" redistributing some wealth towards themselves. Y'all are all for that, ain't ya?

I want to know where I can sign up for that program - since I'm against OWS on principle, there's no reason I ought not to make a bit of coin while I'm at it. Where's my check?

No logic, you say? How about demonstrating some "logic" for us, then. Go ahead, try... just once. It would be refreshing!

Sure! If if want logic. You yourself had proven my point how lacking in logic you have are. Need pills? Try an asylum, good for your ...mental heatlh.. even if you true problem lays in your lack in conscience as you had proved in your consistant diatribes against OWS.

Did I ever claim you BY NAME that you are a paid anti-OWS plant? Please retract that accusation and APOLOGISE if you cannot find it, or your own long torned and shredded 'credibilty', if you even had any by your numerous senseless hate filled anti OWS post had shown, even if I, only an insignificant nobody whom you often would insidiously misqoute, or please...go quietly into the night and I will let you off.

You want to be refreshed? Try reading my post again, as I take this effort to do so, just for YOUR benefit alone, which I don't normally do. No reply needed, for I will comprehend your pain when you had been 'show handed'. I don't do this to anyone here, but your senseless attacks the courageous OWS'sers whom had sacrifice time, effort and even life, braving all discomfort, to stand up for us all, take pleasure that you are the 1st person I am doing it to in my years here, and hope will never need to do it to anyone else ever again.
Enjoy! :-P

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
It seems to me that there is a small PAID minority of ATS members who seem to run around looking for any OWS post to immediately denigrate the efforts of the courageous OWS'sers.

Afterall, the 1% are not fools and are do certainly feel threatened enough in the media and real life by the unmasking of their misdeeds to part with some pennies to pay the unconscionable to ensure OWS is silenced, made fools of, and threated with contempt, and ensuring fence sitters and unpaid ignorants to join in the bandwagon to be be anti OWS'ser.

Too bad the anti-OWS will fail, for they are easily unmasked. They no logic or even sense of realities in their posts. :-P

I am not sure if you are attacking me or the person you replied too. I mean your post could be interpreted either way honestly.. If it was to me then no I will not retract anything I have said because I have nothing to retract. You said that the OWS group has sacrificed all thse things and you said life? When has anyone actually died unless I missed something?

Originally posted by napayshni57
Have you seen this news story?

NYC arrest records: Many Occupy Wall Street protesters live in luxury

Are they sure they are the 99%?

This actually doesn't surprise me at all. It has been my experience that the majority of the local protestors are quite literally trust fund babies. Living off mom and dad and not working a day in there lives. Thanks for posting that though.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Just reading your title alone - I say, what the hell do they expect - ofcourse it will effect other peoples livelihood - you can expect to change systems and society without any pain - sad but true.

If changes don't come about - every ones livelihood will be effected anyway in the long run - no one will escape!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by lldd182

A) This is Fox News BS. Why do people still take them seriously?

B) When you're fighting for the employment and freedom rights of EVERYONE, the incidental effect on a few people does not matter. at all. It is all for the long-term, eventual good even for those people that allegedly got laid off.

Why to go on reading more then the first post
There are several other links to it including *gasp* MSNBC and the NY Post */gasp*

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

ill explain it, the point of the story is to cry wolf at ows as a movement whole. as in look owsers whole point about corruption/greed/the purchasing of our elected officials/tax payer bail outs/ohh sh#t if we dont stop paying our debts by borrowing our country is gonna fail has no point because look a coffee shop went out of business.

my response was sarcasm laced with history/future predictions obviously i failed please allow me to clarify.

who sent all our jobs to china?

who made it harder and harder for small bussineses to survive?

what is the current outlook for the future of small business in america?(that ones really long if you discuss regulations/tax laws/unfair advantage/subsidies being given to big business bailouts )

imo its kinda hipocritical to defend the status quo and use the loss of a coffee shop as argument against ows. when tens of thousands of small businesses have been all but killed by the status quo.

we have to borrow money off of china in order to keep our country running think about that....

btw not because comunism is a more viable system but because our system is rigged and not the free market free economy in a constitutional democratic republic system that so many have earned for us. sure do wish someone in america comes along willing to fight for such an ideal(hint)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by buddha

I think we already are the slaves. We just call ourselves employees. They pay us so we can leave the plantation and go to our own spot instead of us having to be close to them during non working hours.

This movement reminds me of the 60's now those that were protesting in the 60's are the ones being protested against today.

Watch out for what you dislike because you might become what you dislike.
edit on 2-11-2011 by napayshni57 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by fnpmitchreturns
So, one business lays off 30 people while the banksters and Wall Street put millions in the street ....... kinds sounds like crap to me ....... I laugh at people who think that people who get a SSI or disability check of $700 a month are getting rich on the government while corporations steal billions of tax dollars from both ends of the government.
edit on 2-11-2011 by fnpmitchreturns because: spelling

Ummm not eve sure where you were going with this one...... I am kind of lost actually.. What does this have to do with people losing there jobs due to a protest that no one wants to go through to buy coffee? Furthremore how does hurting a small locally owned business have anything to do with Wall St, Corporate Greed or any of that stuff other then being a business

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:42 PM
apparently when you spend 4 million dollars to build a restaurant to target rich people on wall street you also think that gives you the sole right to do so.

except that unlike the restaurant the protesters arent getting payed for it.
edit on 2-11-2011 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by circuitsports
this has to be the most ironic story ever - couple opens 4 million dollar restaurant to target rich people on wall street and then complains in a free market capitalistic economy that someone would then dare do the same thing for non profit.

Ohhhhhhhhh! So that is the agenda of the so called "99%" to open up non-profit restaurants on Wall Street. Finally, now we can all understand what this "movement" is all about. It is about replacing for profit with non-profit, is it? No one makes a profit and everybody donates the profits they made...wait, that doesn't really work out....hmmmmmmm. Maybe you should think that through again.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

That would be more Faux News bias reporting. A thousand hippies would only help a coffee shop!

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

What about the non fox news sources JPZ provided? Too inconvenient to discuss?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Cutting off money is the single only way to make something happen in this world. The laid off with joint he masses. What else would they do?

It's by BoA decided to cancel the $5 fee. Fear of profit loss.

Tis the only way. Let the small business' suffer. Their suffering elects new people.

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