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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63

Originally posted by YouSir
Do any of you actually stand up from your comfort zones...from behind your monitors and do anything to rectify what you complain about?...Did'nt think so...

All of you constitutionalists, you libertarians, you social conservatives, you tea partiers........are thoroughly comfortable with the present economy and governmental abuse....the corruption and power tripping of our representatives......Admit love revel in it....let it wash over you like a flood....your...rocked by it...

YouSir, do not know me and are absolutely unaware of the things I do in my region to fight for a constitutional government. I am a constitutionalist and I am not comfortable with the present economy and am vehemently opposed to the present governmental abuse. I am in regular communication with my Senators and Congressman letting them know how I and others feel about the job they are doing, or as usual, not doing.

You must be.........cause there you sit....comfortable...zoning...We all hear your keys clack the loudest only in referance to OWS....."those bong toting hippies"...who crapped on a beloved POLICE car

Apparently you cant see the satire in such a human act.....A primitive expression that defines what TPTB deserve...better than all of your useless threads, your waste of bandwidth...

I have never claimed that all the OWS are hippies, or anything else, for that matter. I recognized the satire of the act to which you refer, but believe that the point could have been made in a less offensive manner.

You winers hate OWS and those who have the cajones that you never grew...yet where are you?...Hmmm? we see you on the street facing down the corporate enforcers...getting shot in the face...for your beefs and your beliefs?......Thought not on that score as well....

Your all jealous that OWS stole your limelight...the limelight that you never claimed because you never showed up....You dont like OWS simply because they stand up and face that blue line because of their beliefs...and all we hear from your are the ramblings of the jealous and the afraid.........

Put up already................or shut the hell up........................................................Nuff said


I hate nothing, sir, I simply believe that they are protesting in the wrong place, using the wrong tactics, trying to achieve a goal that few of them actually understand. I have stood and faced lines far more dangerous than that blue line because of my beliefs and will do so again if needed.

Lastly, I have put up my life for what I believe in, have you? So, not only do I have the right to oppose or support whomsoever or whatsoever I choose, as do you; but I have earned that right. Can you say the same?

Ummm......if then they are "protesting in the wrong place".........then I challenge you to start the protest "in the right place"......ALL OF YOU....that find fault with this movement.......if you go to that "right place".....then I will join you there..........and yes, I have also...........................served


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by YouSir

Here in Atlanta, the cost for the Occupy Crowd is 454k and rising. Whether that is due to overzealous police or federal govt ridiculousness it is still coming out of my pocket. It seems like the unemployed are protesting the rich and the rest of us trying to work hard to support both groups are the ones being punished

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

Spot on.

But there are those who refuse to listen.

And you know darn well that unions won't bus them to Federal public property where the protests should be, well, for the most part.

The unions know that would be biting the hand who feeds them.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by williegreen
reply to post by YouSir

Here in Atlanta, the cost for the Occupy Crowd is 454k and rising. Whether that is due to overzealous police or federal govt ridiculousness it is still coming out of my pocket. It seems like the unemployed are protesting the rich and the rest of us trying to work hard to support both groups are the ones being punished

Ummm......I agree Willie........there is a cost...that cost can be laid at the feet of overzealous bureaucrat's........who have lost sight of or never had a concern for the constitutionality of their actions......

Ever consider how much the "too big to fail" tarp/bailouts are costing us?...Trillions and Trillions........Never take at face value what the MSM regurgitates.....the protestors are not "hippies"....or enemployed bums looking for a handout.......
Yes some of them are the "fringe"........not most.......not by a long shot.......


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Dystopiaphiliac

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by MrWendal

You're comparing two different things. The sit-ins occurred at places that were segregated. Therefore, they were causing a loss of business to places that were against them. In this case the protesters are hurting those people they are supposedly fighting for. In the end that's not going to help their cause, but hurt it by turning away people who might have supported them.

Businesses don't matter. Only the perpetuation of humanity matters. The future of our species depends upon our willingness to understand the universe that created us and it depends upon working together peacefully as a species to advance technologically. Selling coffee doesn't f***ing matter at all. Are you kidding me?? In this lifetime you care about who sells coffee? People are starving to death this very second and you care about local businesses? The day every human on the earth can recognize one another as a brother or sister and can coincide to allow every living entity to experience a second of happiness is the day I will feel anything other than sorrow.

Businesses matter when they hire people. This one matters because if it has to close because of "the 99%" there will be a few more in their ranks. Sweet, sweet irony.


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by YouSir

Look, I am not supporting the govt in this. However, I see the Occupy crowd every day as I go to work. They may not be hippies but whatever message they are trying to send isn't working. Half a million has to come from somewhere and seeing how I am going to work while they are sitting in a park I have a good idea of who is paying. If you want to protest, work on a coordinated effort to get everyone to abstain from voting. Let's send the message that we would rather pass than vote for the candidates they are trotting out in front of us.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

I was there too and that is not what i seen, and for that reason I do not believe you. I seen people singing kubayah my lord and showing solidarity not separation.

Were you at the same march he was? At the same time? Of not, then you have no valid reason to not believe him. As you have repeatedly stated, OWS supporters are not all of one mind, and neither are OWS detractors. I am not an OWS supporter because I don't believe they are in the right place to have enough effect.

I do support their right to protest, but my support is not needed, it is their right.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

Now you're talking! My public relations wheel started turning when I read this. You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. What makes a business? CUSTOMERS Well...isn't there a crap load of people standing right outside of that coffee shop? BRAINSTORM find a way to get them to want to come there. It's easy to just throw your hands up and say it isn't going to work out. It takes a lot of hard work and new ideas to keep a business running.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier

Originally posted by Maluhia
reply to post by Unknown Soldier

I'm thinking you need to get out of the poppy field, oops I mean cornfield. Really? An argument that makes no sense and is barely coherent?

Such a positive for your side.

edit on 3-11-2011 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

How is it incoherent? It is common sense and mere logic. It is not coherent to you because the truth does not bode well with you and you are grasping at petty excuses. I do not live in a corn field, I live in a city. The poppy remark is insinuating that i am on coc aine . Meaning you are accusing me of being on drugs as a way to assassinate my character. Typical.

If you can not attack the data attack the person... yeah i know how that goes

edit on 3-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

I had to comment on this one just becasue you are doing the same things you just accussed the other poster of doing. Anyone that disagrees with you is subsequently attacked by you in a vain attempt to assasinate there character. It's truly fascinating to me how someone has the natural habit of blindly committing acts of hypocrisy and still somehow feel justified.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by HarbingerOfDoom

Originally posted by Maluhia
Can I ask a question - How many of you PRO - OWS ers have had your own personal lives disrupted by this movement? I think your perspective would be a bit different if your children couldn't cross the street to get home from school because these lovelies blocked the crosswalk.

What, there is only one crosswalk? Unless they are physically restraining my kids I think they could get across. And if it's so horrible to walk through a crowd of people, I could pick them up....which brings me to this

Originally posted by Maluhia
Or if you were late for a job interview because the protestors were clogging the streets?

This is why getting up and leaving early pays off. Anyone with a brain knows you always show up to a job interview early. Knowing this, and what the crowd may be like you can plan ahead and make sure you get there. Don't blame protesters if your interview is at 5:00 and you leave your house at 4:30

Originally posted by Maluhia
Or if you were kept awake all night by the silly drumming?

Turn a fan on or some other kind of white noise, take a couple benadryl, and maybe a glass of'll be out in no time, and feel great in the morning too.

Yah, blame the protesters for your own lack of responsibility

Why is every negative comment made about the protestors turned into fodder for there defenders to fire back. The true irony is that you all sound just like some of the Fox News talking heads you so vehemently hate. I mean this whole post right here reminds me of some crap Bill O'Reilly, Shawn Hannity, or even Rush Limbaugh would say... The best part is you are more then likely to blind to see the comparisons.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
reply to post by gamesmaster63

Well I could be wrong here, but most occupations that I have read about are in city halls. I think that is the next best thing to being in D.C. I mean they might eventually reach that point but I dont see that happening for two main reasons. 1. Nonprofits barely scrape by providing the services they offer so there is no way they could fund a mass exodus to d.c. 2.Individual occupations, minus New York, barely have any money. I mean they are being heard the same as if they are in dc. They are still making headlines and most people are aware of their cause (even if misinformed). If this were happening in dc I dont think it would be as peaceful as it is currently. Frankly, while I support the cause, I think most city governments have been very accommodating which I did not expect. I dont think the same would happen in dc.
edit on 3-11-2011 by acmpnsfal because: (no reason given)

I hear what you saying, but...

1. I am an accountant and most non-profits have significant disposable income, often not reported.
2. They are not being heard the same, if they were, then the politicians would be forced to recognize the validity of the message.
I believe that the risk of violence would be significantly less. The people in power would not want to defecate where they consume. They would have to be as accommodating, or even more so; because, here in the days of the Internet, the eye of the American public would be too much on them for them to be otherwise.

Also, perhaps having all those unkempt protesters in the way would force some of the lobbyists out.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by gamesmaster63

Raping children? Proof


If this has actually occurred, I find it extremely abhorrent and reprehensible, and believe that the perpetrators should be hung by their favorite body part. I look forward to finding out the truth, one way or the other.

This next is in no way a defense of any who may perpetrate such an act, but if you don't believe that a 14 year old could be mistaken for a 19 year old, then you aren't paying attention.

My daughter graduated from high school a few years ago, and some of those other students, both female and male could easily have passed for being in their 20's, from Freshman all the way up to Seniors. It is happening more and more, just check any big city's homeless shelters and police reports.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
reply to post by gamesmaster63

I mean they are being heard the same as if they are in dc. They are still making headlines and most people are aware of their cause (even if misinformed).

This is one of the biggest problems I have with the whole movement. You said it yourself perfectly. The message is not clear, and that is my biggest beef. If you are going to protest refine your point and make it. This is also another example of there "leaderless" act they have no cohesiveness. They are just screaming at the world, and quite frankly they are easy to ignore especially for those in the government. If they were at there doorsteps then that would be a bit different. Walking down the street disrupting traffic, taking a park away from the public, disrupting people's livliehood is not getting them anywhere. It is only causing dislike, distrust, and disdain with the protestors. I realize that might be entirely hard to accept but it's true.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by Phantom28804

I don't buy that article. If the protesters have access to the store, you figure, 2,000 people out front of a coffee shop and no one is buying coffee? I'm calling bologna on that one. Not everyone of those protesters is out of work or is camping overnight. Some have actual lives and money to spend on these stores.

Any event will bring people into the neighbouring stores.

So you are contending that all the sources that have been linked in this thread are all part of a mass conspiracy to stoke the fires of people like me and those opposed. Not to mention to the benefit of the "1%"

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by YouSir
Ummm......if then they are "protesting in the wrong place".........then I challenge you to start the protest "in the right place"......ALL OF YOU....that find fault with this movement.......if you go to that "right place".....then I will join you there..........and yes, I have also...........................served


I thank you for your service, as I thank all vets and actives.

Since I am part of the lower 1% I can not afford to go to DC to protest as I would like, but I do protest as I can, by getting to personally know my Representatives (I don't like them, but I know them) and never giving them a pass on not doing their jobs, representing the people that elected them.

Please understand, I do not necessarily disagree with much that you say, I just try to not generalize as you appeared to in the original post I referred to. I hope that all who believe in freedom do what they are able to, in whatever form that they are capable of doing so.

Respect and Peace

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I would imagine 99% of the OWS crowd are out of work and living off benefits, particularly those that have sheepishly latched on to the movement here in the UK. That's why they can spend all day disrupting other people's businesses. What they fail to grasp is that those workers are paying taxes that provide their benefit handouts. I'd say let the OWS protest against the system but each one should be identified and denied any benefits/social security handouts that they may be currently claiming.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:11 AM
I'm getting a good laugh out of the people saying he should sell coffee to the protestors.

This is a group of people that are demanding free college education, free houses, and guaranteed high paying jobs. Plus, they are getting free food and coffee in the camp.

Yeah...good luck selling anything to that crowd.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

A lot of things well be affected by OWS but that is the nature of a wide movement. Things will come to a halt before change is made.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by indisputable
reply to post by Phantom28804

A lot of things well be affected by OWS but that is the nature of a wide movement. Things will come to a halt before change is made.

So basically, you want to completely crash the economy so there can be "change"???

Sounds like a well thought out plan.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by indisputable
reply to post by Phantom28804

A lot of things well be affected by OWS but that is the nature of a wide movement...

I'd say OWS is more a bowel movement than a wide movement.

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