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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by dubiousone
This is your firendly English spelling teacher.

There is a big difference between a Lively Hood and a livelihood. Just saying. My hood is still as lively as was before the protests began.

But I get your mneaning. You just chose the wrong spelling for it.

I for one respect wht our fellow Americans who are making a public statement at the various "occupy" sites are doing. They are getting the nation's and the world's attention. Their cause is one well worth the effort. Raising awareness is one the first conditions required for peaceful change.

I'd be there with them if I didn't have to work for a living and wasn't responsible for others' welfare.

They're going the wrong way about it
edit on 3-11-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

brilliant point. now, let's wait for msnbc to settle the score.


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:02 AM
saw that one coming...
Remember Grasshopper people wont go into area's where protests are happening to shop / do business...
and most protesters dont have money thus wont patronise nearby businesses..
lastly if protest violence gets too bad business owners will lock up shop for both their own safety along with the safety of their customers..

Failure to think before acting .. Instead of hurting the ones they're upset with the protesters hurt those whom they claim to represent.

And that Grasshopper is why the mindless masses need competent leaders to think for them. They are not ready to think for themselves and be responsible for their actions.. Thus they fail in achieving anything.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Maluhia
Most of these fighters for freedom are still asleep at 11 a.m.

bastards! such insolence. lol. don't they know that waking after 11 am
is helping le terrorists win this war on terrorism?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:26 AM
If OWS and the people behind it really wanted to make a difference in how things operate, they would not be occupying financial districts across the country.

The protests from the '60s are being mentioned pretty often lately, and perhaps they should be, because they did eventually have an effect. You have to remember, though, that it took years of protests, not just a few months. They were also intelligent enough to protest where they would be seen and heard by the people making the decisions.

Get one of the non-profit groups that are supposed to back the 'common man', have them charter buses and move the protesters to someplace where the federal government will have to listen if it wants to function.

Oh, say the Capitol Mall, get a few hundred thousand people surrounding the Reflecting Pool and in the streets chanting, "Do your jobs or get the f out!" and see what happens then. If they are going to use the First Amendment as an excuse for camping out on public property, then the properties and halls of the federal government are the most public of all.

Just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
saw that one coming...
Remember Grasshopper people wont go into area's where protests are happening to shop / do business...
and most protesters dont have money thus wont patronise nearby businesses..
lastly if protest violence gets too bad business owners will lock up shop for both their own safety along with the safety of their customers..

Failure to think before acting .. Instead of hurting the ones they're upset with the protesters hurt those whom they claim to represent.

And that Grasshopper is why the mindless masses need competent leaders to think for them. They are not ready to think for themselves and be responsible for their actions.. Thus they fail in achieving anything.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
I wonder how much of that 30% drop in sales is related to kids going back to school? Honestly, I would be interested to see his sales numbers for this exact time last year, and not compare current sales to the sales volume of six weeks ago, before the kids went back to school.

You can't see his sales numbers from last year, he only opened in June. What you need to do is look at other shops sales numbers from last year, and compare them to now to see if there is an issue.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

Well I could be wrong here, but most occupations that I have read about are in city halls. I think that is the next best thing to being in D.C. I mean they might eventually reach that point but I dont see that happening for two main reasons. 1. Nonprofits barely scrape by providing the services they offer so there is no way they could fund a mass exodus to d.c. 2.Individual occupations, minus New York, barely have any money. I mean they are being heard the same as if they are in dc. They are still making headlines and most people are aware of their cause (even if misinformed). If this were happening in dc I dont think it would be as peaceful as it is currently. Frankly, while I support the cause, I think most city governments have been very accommodating which I did not expect. I dont think the same would happen in dc.
edit on 3-11-2011 by acmpnsfal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I don't buy that article. If the protesters have access to the store, you figure, 2,000 people out front of a coffee shop and no one is buying coffee? I'm calling bologna on that one. Not everyone of those protesters is out of work or is camping overnight. Some have actual lives and money to spend on these stores.

Any event will bring people into the neighbouring stores.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Did I ever claim you BY NAME that you are a paid anti-OWS plant? Please retract that accusation and APOLOGISE if you cannot find it, or your own long torned and shredded 'credibilty', if you even had any by your numerous senseless hate filled anti OWS post had shown, even if I, only an insignificant nobody whom you often would insidiously misqoute, or please...go quietly into the night and I will let you off.

He never said that you claimed directly that he was a paid anti-OWS plant. He said:

Originally posted by nenothtu
I want to know where I can sign up for that program - since I'm against OWS on principle, there's no reason I ought not to make a bit of coin while I'm at it. Where's my check?

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
You want to be refreshed? Try reading my post again, as I take this effort to do so, just for YOUR benefit alone, which I don't normally do. No reply needed, for I will comprehend your pain when you had been 'show handed'. I don't do this to anyone here, but your senseless attacks the courageous OWS'sers whom had sacrifice time, effort and even life, braving all discomfort, to stand up for us all, take pleasure that you are the 1st person I am doing it to in my years here, and hope will never need to do it to anyone else ever again.
Enjoy! :-P

I actually had already gone back and read your original post again and I have to say, it made no sense the second time either. Maybe I am just unable to understand your 'logic'.

Rather than attacking those whose opinions are not directly aligned with yours, why don't we all stick to the topic, which is OWS directly affecting others livelyhoods.

I don't understand how people wouldn't have realized this already. Of course the Occupy movement is going to affect other commerce in the areas that are being occupied. Any time a large group of people are in a relatively small area it will affect local commerce. That has been proven repeatedly in the past.

Did OWS target this coffee shop? I find that highly doubtful.

Is it affecting every other business in the direct area? Probably.

Could a quick shift in paradigm by the business owner have resulted in an increase in business for this coffee shop? Probably again.

If you read the article carefully, you will note that the proprietor and his wife run a successful restaurant as well as this coffee shop, so they are probably not hurting to much, only their ex-employees.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

They are there for the FREE stuff that the leftwinger groups are bringing them. Supposedly they are given FREE food and drinks. Obviously you haven't been reading much about what has been happening there.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:29 AM
Let me TRY to enlighten some of the people who have no idea what has been happening with the OWS movement.

Occupy Wall Street's Got Beef with Big Food

They're protesting agribusinesses this Saturday at Zuccotti Park .

What goes into the mouths of the OWS movement has been getting just as much attention as what comes out of them. NY Post has criticized protesters foreating like kings,” with daily menu items like salmon cakes with dill sauce, quinoa salad, and spaghetti Bolognese with roasted beets.

Of course, all this press means theZuccotti Cafehas been attractingprofessional homeless people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters, just to get free food. A scaled down menu of PB & J sandwiches was devised to solve this problem while still feeding the masses, but maybe on Saturday protestors and freeloaders alike will be schooled on the virtues of local, organic, and sustainable food practices?

The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country.Click here for previous columns.

And who do you think is paying for all this free food?...

Leftwinger groups with ties to giants like SOROS...

Or maybe the protestors believe that all sorts of cooked food just grows on trees at the "Zuccotti park" and others like it?...

Go ahead and keep eating for free and THINK your are protesting against the rich elites...

The mayority of the OWS movement are SUPPORTING the rich socialist/liberal elites and they either don't know it, or know it but don't care...

edit on 3-11-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by YouSir

As for your other retort I fully support there right to assemble. I could careless that they assemble and protest that is there right and something I fought for and served for. I would never question that. Does that mean I have to agree with them and give them cookies and tea? Nope not at all. At this point there protest isn't a protest it is just a sit in free love party in the park.

Ummm.....then recognize that the constitution does'nt limit them to a timeframe of your choosing or to a permit or to a "special zone"......Get used to the fact that they will be there....for a long, long time........and if you join the clarion call for them to be forcefully removed then your oath meant nothing.........

You laugh at reply about voting, but frankly if you do not vote then you have 0 right to complain about what you get, and I mean that 100%. Whether the voting system is corrupt or not (which I thoroughly believe it is) does not mean that you should just stop doing it. It is your civic duty to vote and it's also your civic duty to run for office if you feel you can make a difference. In my view if you can't even take the time to express your opinions or take the time to participate in voting then you have nothing to moan about as you are getting exactly what you are giving...................nothing

Ummm.......I do vote...I know...shocker...huh? all elections that I am elegible....even the primaries.....
My observation is that it changes...nothing..........The system is fracked and it's going to take alot more than "voting" to fix it...........I perform my civic duties........been to TEA party protests.........and you know what?
It changed all those freshmen Tea party candidates got in and then voted to extend "the patriot act"........and the extension of war after war after war.......I saw the joke......just did'nt get the humour...


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by YouSir
Do any of you actually stand up from your comfort zones...from behind your monitors and do anything to rectify what you complain about?...Did'nt think so...

All of you constitutionalists, you libertarians, you social conservatives, you tea partiers........are thoroughly comfortable with the present economy and governmental abuse....the corruption and power tripping of our representatives......Admit love revel in it....let it wash over you like a flood....your...rocked by it...

YouSir, do not know me and are absolutely unaware of the things I do in my region to fight for a constitutional government. I am a constitutionalist and I am not comfortable with the present economy and am vehemently opposed to the present governmental abuse. I am in regular communication with my Senators and Congressman letting them know how I and others feel about the job they are doing, or as usual, not doing.

You must be.........cause there you sit....comfortable...zoning...We all hear your keys clack the loudest only in referance to OWS....."those bong toting hippies"...who crapped on a beloved POLICE car

Apparently you cant see the satire in such a human act.....A primitive expression that defines what TPTB deserve...better than all of your useless threads, your waste of bandwidth...

I have never claimed that all the OWS are hippies, or anything else, for that matter. I recognized the satire of the act to which you refer, but believe that the point could have been made in a less offensive manner.

You winers hate OWS and those who have the cajones that you never grew...yet where are you?...Hmmm? we see you on the street facing down the corporate enforcers...getting shot in the face...for your beefs and your beliefs?......Thought not on that score as well....

Your all jealous that OWS stole your limelight...the limelight that you never claimed because you never showed up....You dont like OWS simply because they stand up and face that blue line because of their beliefs...and all we hear from your are the ramblings of the jealous and the afraid.........

Put up already................or shut the hell up........................................................Nuff said


I hate nothing, sir, I simply believe that they are protesting in the wrong place, using the wrong tactics, trying to achieve a goal that few of them actually understand. I have stood and faced lines far more dangerous than that blue line because of my beliefs and will do so again if needed.

Lastly, I have put up my life for what I believe in, have you? So, not only do I have the right to oppose or support whomsoever or whatsoever I choose, as do you; but I have earned that right. Can you say the same?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Chalupas
Just wanted to clarify that playing bongos in the park, smoking dope, sleeping in tents, raping children, selling drugs, and harvesting criminals is not a good way to stand up against "tyranny".

Raping children? Proof

Could you please tell me what do you plant to harvest criminals?

And exactly what is your issue with sleeping in tents or playing bongos?

Oh yeah, and what do you comments have to do with the topic of this thread?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:42 AM
That people are oh so worried about "their jobs" shows they have no idea of the impending financial doom coming. You quibble over the scraps you can wring while others die of starvation hoping it wont be you. When you realize it will be, and soon. We'll see some real "Occupies". With real resistance. With real power. The time for awakening is almost over. We need some big movement.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:45 AM

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by Phantom28804

Last I checked we have our own individual liberties as stated in the Constitution but yet somehow more and more people seem to think that not so true, and then you wonder why I accuse people of socialist agendas.

I actually agree with quite a lot of what you said in the rest of this post, but I could care less what others think about the way I exercise my individual liberties. What I care about is how our government is restricting if not downright abolishing our Constitutioinally stated individual liberties.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804


As soon as you said FOX I knew it was a lie. They admitted in court they are a "ENTERTAINMENT NEWS NETWORK" so they can make up whatever they like. If you are going to report something and call it accurate you should not quote FOX.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:10 AM
I can't believe that this thread has gone on as long as it has.... All of the same BS claims of how filthy the OWS protesters are and how bad they smell is ridiculous and irrelevant if it is the truth... I'm sure they haven't gone over 2 months without coming in contact with soap, water and change of clothing like the 9Th Marine Regiment did during the first 3 months of 1969... People keep applying "Class War" to what is going on right now and anyone that has experience in combat can affirm that war is dirty.... The fact that 9 out of 10 new businesses fail in the 1st year seems to have been ignored by the people "reporting" the news of the coffee shop that is losing business...

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