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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by AncientAstronaut
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Who speaks for the many, and who speaks for the few, and most importantly who defined needs? I can not help but admire people who speak for themselves, nor can I help but feel disgust for people who claim to speak for me without any regard for who I am or where I stand.

Your needs outweigh the needs of others, and this is perfectly acceptable as long as you are not imposing your needs on others at the expense of their needs. You have needs, do you? Fulfill those needs and be done with it. If more did this, then the needs of the many would be moot, wouldn't it?

edit on 3-11-2011 by Jean Paul Zodeaux because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
I just saw this article on FoxNews and didnt' see anything about it on here already, but apparently a local cafe is having to lay off workers due to lack of business from the OWS movement. So now the "99%" are now essentially affecting their own.

I just found this interesting as they claim to be supporting the rest of us, but it would seem they have no regard for other people that are working and need to work.

Why would they care about someone losing a job, when they do not have jobs either. Seems most of the OWS crowd are unemployed liberal arts grads, trust fund kids who do not have to work, and the hipster tag alongs looking to get laid and to fit in.

I am sure more than a few in OWS would consider it a victory anytime a business is shut down.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Key words : Fox News.
Seems like a cafe would get more business with young protesters outside.

Except they don't because this is a cafe for the wall streeters which is why Donald Trump knows about them and mentioned that the got rave reviews when they opened. So this is a case of Rich people not venturing too close to OWS for over priced coffee that OWS wont buy.

I also highly doubt this guy had to cut his staff. He's a multimillionaire. He has had what 2 or 3 months of bad business (due to the police)? Maybe he should take it up with the police and city rather than Fox News. If he actually had a real problem rather than just something to cry about.
edit on 3-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Phantom28804

Key words : Fox News.
Seems like a cafe would get more business with young protesters outside.

Not when the protestors do not buy from the businesses, and potential customers avoid that block.

I swear, some of you would disregard a weather report if it was on Fox News. And often the same ones who criticize Fox News, would cheer over slanted stories on MSNBC.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Read the article.. It isn't the protesters causing the problem.
He said people are turned off by walking down to how it is sectioned off by police barricades, etc.
I would call a story on MSNBC for what it is just the same.

Fox tries to make this sound like a little local coffee store. And it's not that just because the owners are rich they don't deserve the business a smaller shop would enjoy, but the fact is they will be alright.

Why are they enjoying less business? Well this snipped leads me to believe their coffee and menu items are way overpriced and the rich people aren't venturing down near the protesters. Again, wall streeters aren't going down near OWS to buy expensive coffee that OWS wont pay for. So I say lol.

"It's a very sad situation," Trump told by phone. "They opened up to rave reviews and now because of Occupy Wall Street, nobody's going down there. People are shunning the area; it's a very big problem." Read more:

edit on 3-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Phantom28804

Key words : Fox News.
Seems like a cafe would get more business with young protesters outside.
I also highly doubt this guy had to cut his staff. He's a multimillionaire. He has had what 2 or 3 months of bad business (due to the police)? Maybe he should take it up with the police and city rather than Fox News. If he actually had a real problem rather than just something to cry about.
edit on 3-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

How exactly do you sell stuff to people who are protesting for free stuff? And when the protestors have thier own free's kind of hard to compete with that.

And he may be a multi-millionaire...and he got that way by making good business not having staff he doesn't need.

Running a business isn't a charity...he can't just pay people that he doesn't need...or else the whole business will fail and everyone will be out of job instead of the few he had to cut.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Reread my post I edited it.
It now explains why his business is lacking now IMO.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Are you viewing the world from the bottom of a well. This has nothing to do with which station is reporting it. That's the tactic of those who want to perpetuate the lie and cover up for the thugs.

We know you have flooded the Internet with lies. People are not dumb enough to let a bunch of Anarchist keep this up.

I've now communicated with two people in NYC who went to the location themselves to get the truth. One mailed a copy of the Anarchist literature they are handing out to a friend. If anything from what they experienced FoxNews is being kind.

Once the creeps take over the protest is over, the genuine people won't stay and I'm betting most are already gone. Now its all the releases from Rikers Island, Anarchists and paid SEIU Thugs. They are threatening the protestors with revenge if they report the crimes to the Police.

I don't think they can get away with the lies anymore. When Occupy Oakland shut down a major transportation hub yesterday and started the vandalism the truth became in our face apparent.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Everything you just said is b.s.
Feel free to continue though.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by AncientAstronaut
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Can I quote you on this when OWS gets swept off the streets so that the People can go about their business?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Some people need a serious wake up call. Non- violent protesting accomplishes NOTHING, when your opposer is willing to use violence. Simple as that. If you bring a flower into a gunfight, you lose, unless it´s some kind of ultra-special ninja flower.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

I may have some facts wrong and this is due to the lack of my education. I am from the UK and never spent much time in school. So i am and always will be educating myself. With this aside i understand that if your favourable or unfavourable towards OWS movement. That both sides if remained unbiased would archive i greater understanding. I am all for OWS be it the fundamental ideology but also know there are more peaceful activists than the element that is shown by media due to control of these company's. There many interprations on OWS like i stated

The 99% and there individual back round are so diverse there preaching and reasons may differ for being a part of the OWS such as school fees, jobless prospects, retirement funds and so on. BUT the source of there despair is solely caused by greed of conglomeration, banks,wall street the 1% in short

I am against the Inequality and the influence the super wealthy have on us all around the world not just the US. Also i to want Wall Street reform and TPTB to start raising taxes on the wealthy in the US i understand it is mostly Republican who are the unfavourable of these policy's. In the UK it is the Conservatives i am a man who grow upon the streets but i have educated my self. So if you start net picking at some things that i will state this does not justify your side of the argument solely because i will go away and come back with facts. which means no winer or loser. So through this nothing is accomplished that the way of human nature. I will admit i am not unbiased in this debate so i can not help to think of policy's that should be implemented with out favouring the 99%.
here is what i have stated before what the true 1% is to me

It is the people who control most of the worlds assets in the form of ,money like banks and the fed which in turn control your finical life these affects of greed affects the average family's life limitedly and is easy to see to all.Then comes the geopolitics oil ,gas,etc. The individuals who influence the play of geopolitics and the control of natural resources, This part is more on a wider scale it effects country's through staged wars and creating enemies through propaganda which in turn causes rifts between country s which manifest into hatred then takes a life of it own. THEN the conglomerations move in. It is not the rich who have millions its the rich who have trillions who have the forms of influence that call the shots above our government's this is the true 1%.

the ripple affect of the 1% example heres something i stated

Whole towns were once reliant on factory's theses factory's were the heart and soul of these towns. The population of these towns were hard working middle class who worked in the factory's for generations. Until the factory's decided to move the company's abroad due to cheaper labour costs. Now you have towns full of unemployed. Which in turn they lose there homes and materiel possessions so people have to relocate, schools close lack of pupils,so more family's relocate in the end you end up with a once middle class town resembling a ghost town. this population now has now prospect of a better life due to greed by 1% RIPPLE AFFECT

edit on 3/11/2011 by indisputable because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by LionOfGOD
Some people need a serious wake up call. Non- violent protesting accomplishes NOTHING, when your opposer is willing to use violence. Simple as that. If you bring a flower into a gunfight, you lose, unless it´s some kind of ultra-special ninja flower.

No, its protesting for the sake of protesting, that does no good. Just camping out in a park to say your mad about things by doing "Down Twinkles" is not going to accomplish anything.

Thats when you need to have some focus, some goals, and some ideas about how things can be done better. Because they have no specific aims to keep them focuses, some of these camps will fall apart very soon as it gets cold.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

are you Serious ! did you look at their Website Really!

Milk street

THEY CATER TO THE ONE Percents!! LITERATELY!! ( I would assume )

Corporate Catering

well maybe it just me .. But..

After 30 years of unsurpassed commitment to culinary and service excellence in Boston, Milk Street Cafe is bringing its catering expertise to Wall Street. Located in the heart of the Financial District, our Executive Chef, Steven Mettle has created a menu featuring delicious and healthy food that is prepared fresh daily and can meet any dietary or budget needs.

Here give them a Call and ask Them who they Cater For ? What Company's?

Order online at or call us at 212-542-3663. We will be happy to assist you with your specific needs!

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Read the article.. It isn't the protesters causing the problem. He said people are turned off by walking down to how it is sectioned off by police barricades, etc.
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Really? Its the polices fault? Do you think those barricades are there year round or? They just put them up for the holidays or what? Why do you suppose they are there?

Heres a hint..............its a protest!

I swear you guys will justify anything........

Also, who cares who he sells his goods to? He started out small and built his business up, thats how he BECAME a millionaire..............

This proves to me that the agenda isnt about the 99 percent..........its about redistribution of wealth and bringing down the WHOLE system of capitalism and ushering in something much much worse.......

Im sure those 21 people he had to fire , sure as hell arent going to join the OWS movement, way to alienate people you need for your cause........


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by firepilot

Read the article.. It isn't the protesters causing the problem.
He said people are turned off by walking down to how it is sectioned off by police barricades, etc.
I would call a story on MSNBC for what it is just the same.

Fox tries to make this sound like a little local coffee store. And it's not that just because the owners are rich they don't deserve the business a smaller shop would enjoy, but the fact is they will be alright.

I had to point this out as this was truly hilarious to me. The point has nothing to do with the business owner or how much money he does or doesn't have. You said he was a multi-millionaire and your proof is what. That wasn't said in the article or any of the other articles posted by other sources. That point is moot as I am referring to the 21 employees that were laid off. So whether he will be alright or not is irrelevant. What about the staff that he was forced to lay off? I guess they will be alright too....

But then again like most Pro-OWSer's you are blind to anything that you don't want to hear or see, and you call us "sheeple"

edit on 11/3/2011 by Phantom28804 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

For New York their prices are pretty decent. I could get soup and a sandwich for about the same price there as I could at Panera.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
Catapulting the propaganda much? If at this point in the game you are still believing fox news then you are:

A) a professional paid shill coward.

B) brain washed imbecile.

C) a sociopathic troll.

D) all of the above.

I should believe you instead because?

A. Maybe the loud mouth that goes around calling other people idiots is instead a paid disinfo agent from a competing news network ?

B. You've brainwashed yourself into believing your words have power

C. Fox news isnt an internet troll but you are

D. Do something more positive with your life like seeking out I dunno proof ?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804


They're trying to change the world. Guess whats going to happen? CHANGE!!!
Sure, people are going to be let go, etc, but destruction has to happen to rebuild. Yin and Yang.
Don't want change and then run away when change actually happens!

-Pablo Neruda

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804

Yeah. It is a 2 (or 4 I forget what it said) million dollar restaurant owned by a guy that owns another NY city restaurant. The owner is a multimillionaire. My point was also about the workers laid off, they place does well, it had good reviews if they had less business for just the few months that OWS has been in motion that isn't really enough to warrant a staff cut. Knowing what is causing the problem with business allows you to know that it could end any time and you could take other steps before cutting staff. The people running it did it to make a point (if they even fired anyone. They did it for the story. For all we know they fired people for another reason and then got free publicity by saying this to Fox.

I don't believe the story. It's B.S. More propaganda for you guys to buy into. It's so sad to see ATSer's buying into Fox News.

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