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OWS Now Affecting Other People's Lively Hood

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

They don't need the barricades there.
No those people will probably join the movement, while they collect unemployment. : P

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:51 PM
d00d. Fox News. Nice.

Yeah. Like I'd even buy that for a dollar...

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Actually his other restaurant is in Boston. And how can you be sure he is a multi-millionaire? Even a restaurant of that size is probably going to have investors. Not to mention he could have taken out loans as well. Also, you keep bringing up the Fox News angle despite being told time and again that there are other links that corroborate the story in the thread. Being too lazy to actually read the thread is one thing, but to continue to spout the same rhetoric after being corrected can only be called one thing. Disinformation.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

They've actually decided to take the barricades down due to cases such as the one mentioned in the OP. So we'll see in coming weeks if there's any change in business.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Aninonymous
reply to post by Phantom28804


They're trying to change the world. Guess whats going to happen? CHANGE!!!
Sure, people are going to be let go, etc, but destruction has to happen to rebuild. Yin and Yang.
Don't want change and then run away when change actually happens!

-Pablo Neruda

Yeah, but OWS wants the rest of us to rise from the ashes of THEIR mistakes, then rebuild the world to their order, so that their Masters can be at the top of the heap.

Change may be coming, but surprise definitely is, if that's what they expect!

edit on 2011/11/3 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Its sad to me to see fellow ATSer's no longer reading through threads, or you would have noticed this is way more then just Fox News, and honestly it doesn't matter to me what you think because frankly its my right to protest them just as much as its there right to protest me.
edit on 11/3/2011 by Phantom28804 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Donald Trump talked about the restaurant and it's near/on wall street. So either It's a super expensive place doing very well (they own another restaurant so if they opened a second they are likely doing well) OR Trump was fed the information to comment on it which would make it blatant propaganda.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by hypervigilant

"Class war"... the same OLD claim made by socialists/communists to get the ignorant masses to support them, and it is the same thing the OWS movement is doing alongside the leftwinger groups and the rich elites...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by v1rtu0s0
I highly doubt the are losing business because of OWS. They should be raking it in...

As for Faux News... Well, we all know Faux News viewers are the most misinformed:

I can't believe you used HuffPo to try to discredit Faux News!

The irony is so thick you couldn't cut it with a chainsaw!


edit on 2011/11/4 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

They don't need the barricades there.
No those people will probably join the movement, while they collect unemployment. : P

Fantastic response...........the response was not rubuttle but, "oh they dont need those"

After again you made the false allegations that its the polices fault and not the OWSers......

And your last line....."while they collect unemployment"

No THOSE people will probably go find another job or atleast beat the streets doing it, instead of suckling of the gov TEAT like the OWSers seem to be pushing so hard.........

I also notice your lack of response for the fact that its OWS fault these people are unemployed now......

Good show man, good show

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Yea ok Fox News really cares.....I mean when the tea party was disrupting town hall meetings they were all for it. I mean who cares what was on the agenda that night? It could have been something realy important but it had to be postponed so the tea party could rant....where was their outrage then?

Ummm... Town halls are sort of like government facilities, aren't they?

You know, places where governmental business is transacted?

Or have they turned your local town hall into a privately owned coffee shop?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

The last bit was sarcasm hence the ; P
They may go for unemployment though, who are you to say they wont? Neither of us know.
Either way, the police put the barricades there, that is pretty obvious.

What YOU don't know. Is that the occupiers are calling on their ranks to buy coffee from this particular establishment when they do buy it to help with the business they are losing due to customers avoiding the area. OWS is doing nothing to impede their business. That is the risk of business owning right? Things happen. He has a great location, I'm sure they will do fine. It can't really be blamed on OWS no matter how much haters want it to.
They are losing business because their wealthy customer's don't want to be near the peasants ; ) Here is a link to the restaurants website.
edit on 4-11-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Unfortunately, it's looking more and more obvious that they DO really want to "make a difference in the way things operate". We, and this includes me, have gotten into the habit of saying "they're doing it the wrong way", because their end objectives are not the same as ours. We wan to see the corruption and money connections gone out of politics.

Their objectives are entirely different.

They are only "doing it wrong" if they intend to continue a Constitutional rule of law. For that, it makes far more sense to pressure government. The fact that they are ignoring government and pressuring private citizens and financial institutions tells where their true objective lies.

No sir, they're doing it "right", but not for the benefit of the People. What they are after is some of that "fundamental transformation".

Watch the targets to learn the objectives.

You make a very good point.

I just wish that more of the people protesting in the Occupy movement would take a step back and think for themselves. I know, that is probably too much to ask of the average citizen.

Too few people nowadays are willing to put their preconceived and spoonfed opinions to the test and find out what is really going on, or to risk themselves and their comforts.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Wolfenz

For New York their prices are pretty decent. I could get soup and a sandwich for about the same price there as I could at Panera.

Isnt Milk Street Café ON Wall Street ?


Corporate CATERING !! to those 1% percent;ers ! For making those Great Share Holding Deals (Stock Exchange )

I wonder if these Business are Effected too?

Results for
Financial District (Wall Street) Catering
Cafe Laid Off 21 Workers Because of Occupy Wall Street, Owner Says
November 1, 2011 7:39pm | By Julie Shapiro, DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

Read more:

"Now, Wall Street is deserted," Epstein said. "The only people who walk down Wall Street are people who have to walk down Wall Street. It's transformed from a beautiful pedestrian mall to a police siege." Read more:

But he said he couldn't condone Occupy Wall Street's tactics. "This movement is not serious," Epstein said. "If it was, they would not want small businesses going out of business. Read more:

He calls his Business SMALL a 23,000 square Foot Restaurant ? and 97 Workers ..

The only people who walk down Wall Street are people who have to walk down Wall Street.

he had 97 Workers!? at New York ! Alone ? at a Restaurant ! ? and is 23,000 square Feet ?
Thats One Big Restaurant .. 4Million invested into the restaurant with private investors and Epstein himself

Someone Please Enlighten me Here as The Only Numbers of that magnitude where Im from is at the

AWESASNE MOHAWK CASINO and that has 4 restaurants within the Building ! and is 50,000 Square Feet


"It's the death knell to a business plan," said Epstein, who added that kosher restaurants are perceived as having "high prices and low quality."

Read more:

What the customers will notice are a few technological innovations designed to improve their dining experience. One comes from Epstein's pet peeve: "I hate wobbly tables," he said. "We got a company from Australia to do a bungee cord system on the bottom of the tables, so they never wobble." Read more:

Hired a Company from Australia to Secure Wobbly Tables with Bungee Cords

Epstein also wants to prevent long lines from forming at the registers during lunchtime, so in addition to the cafe's nine regular registers, he bought two handheld registers. Managers will circle the floor with the handheld registers, allowing customers to pay on the spot with credit cards. Read more:

What 9 registers ? and 2 Handheld ! ? This is a Restaurant Right ? Not a Grocery Store Right ?

Epstein plans to stay open on weekdays only, assuming the Monday-to-Friday crowd provides enough business to justify the time off. "I'd like to have a life," he said, adding that it's also easier to higher staff if they can take weekends off.

Read more:

Read more:

OR is it Because all of the Stock Exchanges on Wall Street Closed !on The Weekends ?

"This deal would never have happened if it weren't for what's going on in the economy," Epstein said. Read more:

Milk Street Cafe Brings International Food Court to Wall Street

Read more:

I Wouldn't really Call this Business Owner MARC EPSTEIN a person of the 99% Percent!, maybe way Lower

edit on 4-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

Ohh 4 million was investedn in the Building
edit on 4-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
But honestly, who cares? It's not any OWSers fault that company isn't selling coffee, you've got thousands of people outside in the cold, i'm sure you can sell some damn coffee.

Geez, I love it. Yeah, who cares if a private business is harmed by the protests. I guess you need to break a few eggs to make an omelet, huh? A few people must be sacrificed for the good of the revolution.

How about this: The guys regular customers don't want to have to wade thru hundreds of unwashed hippies to get their coffee. And the hippies at OWS are just looking for free handouts.

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
So utterly transparent.

So utterly clueless

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Well first things first lets re-address what the 1% is. According to the menifesto of the OWS movement. The 1% are the multi-billion dollar corporations. Sorry but this restaurant is not in the 1%. It is not a corporation. It is not a giant food chain like McDonalds. It is a 2 location restaurant. It doesn't matter who they cater too. That is like saying that because the CEO of a giant corporation is guilty of using the bailout money to buy a yacht that means his entire company staff is guilty as well. So by that mentality when one of the OWSer's threw a rock at the cop that means the entire movement is now violent towards police using the same logistics you just used.

You all are so busy making excuses for every wrong that happens that you can't even open your eyes beyond a slant to see the whole picture. To use an old expression if it were a snake you would be dead already. Regardless of how many times you try and discredit my post and others lke it the facts do not change. For all the effort spent in trying to make me and others look bad you could have written a request of the president himself, had it signed by a few thousand people to sign it already. You don't want to change anything you just want to bitch.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 11:47 AM
that depends on how true the report is, the 1% might be influancing the media to push their own agenda (stopping the OWS). but then again they might not be

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
reply to post by Wolfenz

Well first things first lets re-address what the 1% is. According to the menifesto of the OWS movement. The 1% are the multi-billion dollar corporations. Sorry but this restaurant is not in the 1%. It is not a corporation. It is not a giant food chain like McDonalds. It is a 2 location restaurant. It doesn't matter who they cater too. That is like saying that because the CEO of a giant corporation is guilty of using the bailout money to buy a yacht that means his entire company staff is guilty as well. So by that mentality when one of the OWSer's threw a rock at the cop that means the entire movement is now violent towards police using the same logistics you just used.

You all are so busy making excuses for every wrong that happens that you can't even open your eyes beyond a slant to see the whole picture. To use an old expression if it were a snake you would be dead already. Regardless of how many times you try and discredit my post and others lke it the facts do not change. For all the effort spent in trying to make me and others look bad you could have written a request of the president himself, had it signed by a few thousand people to sign it already. You don't want to change anything you just want to bitch.

Right He Not a 1 Percenter of his So called small Business !
How much did he make so far since June> ? well before the Occupy ..

2 Business Cafe Locations yeah and one of them is on wall street a Very BIG restaurant with 9 registers !
Got it .... Small Business

He is One that is Just Soul,ly Cater To Them ! Those 1% Percent,ers as His Business is on Wall Street ... of a Cafe with 9!!! Registers! and that's is 23,000 Feet more Less to Cater the Ones that make those Deals with & FOR the 1 percenters ! and He Epstein I WOULD ASSUME has Allot of Connections of those 1%,ers One is Well Know Is Donald Trump !

Ive Heard Of a Another place Long ago with Big Connections of a Famous Small Business of People of a All types of Big Business People to Celebrities in a Night Club back in the 70s early 80s in NYC on 54th Street that had Meeting's and Deals going on their as well ... Most Famed Business Deals End Up in a Restaurant..
Or Some Meeting Place

I DID not Say Epstein's Mike Cafe a Corporation I more Less mentioned That ...

Doesn't Matter Who they Cater Too ? Of Course it Matters ! Loose Lips Sink Ships ! With Connections

What ? Bail out Money Yaht >? People that Work For Him is also Guilty ... WTF.. ?

Im Sorry for the Workers those 21 or is t 23 of them .. Probely the Corporate Catering Staff.. that goes Out to their place of Business or Hotels

So by that mentality when one of the OWSer's threw a rock at the cop that means the entire movement is now violent towards police using the same logistics you just used

Well the Public learning from the Corrupted Media will assume ...

Kent State
Bloody Sunday

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

What do you mean what bail-out money. The money that was given to the companies as part of the bailout tha twas used by CEO's instead of being used by the company that is one of the biggest gripes of the OWS group. But yet you just dismiss it like what are you talking about....... Makes perfect sense to me.

I also love how you just assume and decide that the laid off employees were corporate caters to further dismiss the point of the thread.

Great Job OWS is doing to impress your righteousness on me.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by GeorgiaGirl

Meet some of the impoverished OWS 99%. err I mean Mumzy and Daddy's house. I wonder if Chad is available for some badminton this afternoon down at the "Club". [Darn it I broke a nail typing this!]

Texas: This mansion has five bedrooms and, from the looks of it, plenty of space for a drum circle. Its economically disadvantaged occupant was arrested while “occupying” Wall Street on October 5.

New Jersey: This quaint 3,800-square-foot manse sits on a quiet cul-de-sac, and it’s valued at nearly $500,000. The poverty-stricken Occupy Wall Street protester who lives here was arrested on October 5.

California: Just a half-hour’s drive from Berkeley, this victorian boasts 3 fireplaces, granite countertops and a wet bar. It’s a 5,000-square-foot anti-capitalist’s dream — at least for one cash-strapped Occupy Wall Street protester arrested on October 1.

California: Just a half-hour’s drive from Berkeley, this victorian boasts 3 fireplaces, granite countertops and a wet bar. It’s a 5,000-square-foot anti-capitalist’s dream — at least for one cash-strapped Occupy Wall Street protester arrested on October 1.

Read more:
edit on 2-11-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Stalk much?

So you are saying protesting wall street is only for the poor?

Why don't you post my house while you are at it?
edit on 5-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

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