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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by RING0, Reports that Rossi has signed a deal with the University of Bologna for the replication and independent tests of the energy catalyzer technology.
Yes, they have a 24 month contract, that will start as soon as the University of Bologna gets their 500,000 Euro (plus taxes), and the contract includes efficiency testing of the E-Cat and also an eventual change to make it more efficient.

Source (in Italian)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Yes, they have a 24 month contract, that will start as soon as the University of Bologna gets their 500,000 Euro (plus taxes), and the contract includes efficiency testing of the E-Cat and also an eventual change to make it more efficient

Lol. That would have to be a catch 22 situation. Mystery gets deeper by the day.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

actually - IMHO the farce gets shallower

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:36 PM
From the Rossi Blog Reader, Question to Rossi.

Herb Gillis November 28th, 2011 at 12:42 PM Andrea Rossi: How long do you think it will be before there is a 1MW customer that is willing to talk about their experiences with the product and act as a reference? Having another customer out there who is willing to act as a reference could provide tremendous leverage. This would be far more valuable than any public test. It would silence the skeptics forever.
Rossi's Reply:

Andrea Rossi November 28th, 2011 at 6:48 PM Dear Herb Gills: Today we sold in the USA a 1 MW plant which will go to a normal Customer. This installation will be visitable by the qualified public. We wait to have completed the contractual procedure through the attorneys, then we will give communication. It will be in the North East of the USA, where I have been in these days. Warm Regards, A.R.

Starting to look interesting, how far can a hoax go? Eventually we will reach a time when we will have proof, for me when one legitimate customer has an E-Cat, and says, "YES, it works!", I will then go from Fifty Percent believing that the Ni-H Reactor is real, to Sixty or Seventy Percent, when two or more customers have possession and are happy with them, I'll go to Eighty Percent. After the Peer reviewed research papers come out a few years later, I'll have already been at One Hundred Percent, because I'll probably have had one in my basement for some time by then.

I am fascinated by the extreme asymmetry between the two possibilities of it's being real or not, if it's fake, no big deal, some crazy Italian guy gets in hot water over a fraudulent invention, and some investors get badly burned. If it is real, the degree of immediate and profound change in the world will be too large to predict, we can safely guess that it will be the biggest transformation on this Planet in all of recorded Human History. Knowing this, I am a little surprised at the current low levels of public attention, many Governments and the Physics Science community are taking notice, but the average person still hasn't heard of this, that will change suddenly as information comes in. has posted a notice that they will have an announcement on November 30, 2011
This is one of the Companies that claims to have Ni-H reactor tech ready to deploy soon.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 02:53 AM
The UK Department Of Energy And Climate Change (DECC) Confirms It Is Monitoring The Situation With Andrea Rossi's eCat Cold Fusion Technology.

A few weeks ago Free Energy Truth made an enqiry to the UK Minister Chris Huhne - Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to ask if his dept had heard of Andrea Rossi's eCat. DECC is the UK equivalent of the US Dept Of Energy (DoE). We thought that the dept charged with looking after the UK's energy needs should be aware of this potentially revolutionary new clean energy technology. We received a very encouraging reply on behalf of DECC's (CSA) Chief Scientific Advisor - David MacKay FRS.

An important update

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Arken
An important update

Not really, you must have missed the bit "alleged power source........with the key trigger for further action being the publication of the work in a reputable peer-refereed journal, including full details so that academic scientists can replicate the results"

So they are not doing to do anything at all until it is published in a peer refereed journal, with full details.

So we will have a very long wait for that to happen!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by spoor

So we will have a very long wait for that to happen!

Maybe right, TOMORROW!

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Arken
reply to post by spoor

So we will have a very long wait for that to happen!

Maybe right, TOMORROW!

And we all know tomorrow never comes

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Arken
reply to post by spoor

So we will have a very long wait for that to happen!

Maybe right, TOMORROW!

And we all know tomorrow never comes

Maybe for you..... or maybe not.....

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Lol. Guys/ Gals relax.
David MacKay uni cambridge, heck of a long shot imo.
At the most he will say ' We have to abide by international aggreements / and or
Stephen Hawking will say again ' We all are in grave danger, because of someone's
greed and stupidity. "
Status Quo. Trust me

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 05:11 AM
Defkalion: “We have Rossi’s formula”Ny Teknik story in English

10:13 Tomorrow on Wednesday the Greek company Defkalion will present products similar to Andrea Rossi’s 'E-cat', claiming that the technology is developed in-house. But Defkalion earlier told Ny Teknik that it has "the formula of Rossi".

It sounds like Defkalion is admitting that they have stolen Andrea Rossi's secret E-Cat Intellectual property, but later in the story they say that it is all theirs, but there is also information that the secret Rossi Catalyzer frequency was found from spectroscopy data made by the University of Siena. While this is bad for Andrea Rossi, it will probably mean more availability of the technology when word spreads that this is real.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Arken
The UK Department Of Energy And Climate Change (DECC) Confirms It Is Monitoring The Situation With Andrea Rossi's eCat Cold Fusion Technology.

A few weeks ago Free Energy Truth made an enqiry to the UK Minister Chris Huhne - Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to ask if his dept had heard of Andrea Rossi's eCat. DECC is the UK equivalent of the US Dept Of Energy (DoE). We thought that the dept charged with looking after the UK's energy needs should be aware of this potentially revolutionary new clean energy technology. We received a very encouraging reply on behalf of DECC's (CSA) Chief Scientific Advisor - David MacKay FRS.

An important update

That update means nothing. If people are pressuring the UK government, they should be pressuring to investigate nanoparticle electromagnetic phenomena and nickel hydrogen heat engines, independently of anything Rossi is doing. There is enough existing, published, peer-reviewed work by Focardi alone to justify the funding of a small research project with public money. Same goes for EM phenomena. Sitting around wating for Rossi to spoon feed you an answer is pretty weak science.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by yampa

That update means nothing. If people are pressuring the UK government, they should be pressuring to investigate nanoparticle electromagnetic phenomena and nickel hydrogen heat engines, independently of anything Rossi is doing. There is enough existing, published, peer-reviewed work by Focardi alone to justify the funding of a small research project with public money. Same goes for EM phenomena. Sitting around wating for Rossi to spoon feed you an answer is pretty weak science.

You have a valid point, but the leading unis, just dont work that way.
Looks like you havent dealt with them in suggesting such a research, peer reviewed or otherwise,
with public or private funding. If it a fringe science considered to be kind
of disruptive to existing energy infrastructure and economy or any other industry, they will turn
it down in one pretext or another.

edit on 29-11-2011 by Angelic Resurrection because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 08:21 AM
Defkalion finally released it's promised press release, one page of information only, looks like they have no hardware to show, so Rossi's prediction that they would have no actual hardware is so far true.

HyperionSpecsSheetNovember2011-Links to PDF file
Link to the press release

PRAXEN - DEFKALION GREEN TECHNOLOGIES GLOBAL PRESS RELEASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday 30th November, 2011 Today, and through our company website, Praxen - Defkalion Green Technologies Global has disclosed its current work on Nickel and Hydrogen exothermic reaction using Chemically Assisted Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. The provided Technical Specifications Sheet is a first preparation of our pre-industrial Hyperion product. This data has been tested with progress made towards the design of a final product ready for market entry in 2012. Hyperion products will be introduced into the global market with applications for buildings, agriculture and industrial energy needs. Beyond the completion of the final product with all necessary certificates, our company has three key objectives for 2012: 1. Agreements with companies for exclusive licenses according to country / territory We have received interest in our license agreements from 850 companies from 60 countries. They have already received an invitation for testing our products on the basis of a license for their country. We expect to sign contracts in 2012 and have already started talks. 2. Third party independent tests for scientific purposes and advancement of theory Praxen - Defkalion GreenTechnologies is a strong supporter of LENR technologies globally. Greece can become the global centre for R&D on LENR technologies. We have already received numerous requests from leading scientific authorities, academic institutions and national laboratories from key countries to conduct tests on our products. Our policy is to accept their requests, under agreed protocol, and to allow publication of their findings. The process of agreeing to dates for such tests depends on the availability of our staff and labs, keeping in mind that we run a business, not a technology show room. 3. R&D-based joint venture partnerships with companies in niche market applications There are many applications that stand alone Hyperion products cannot service. In these cases, we will enter into joint venture agreements with companies that have specialized know-how and technologies in their field, but who will be able to utilize and capitalize on our technology to create entirely new products with ours. Examples of such partnerships have come from interested companies in the fields of marine propulsion, water desalination, off-shore drilling, trains, telecom towers, heavy vehicles, and micro energy sources. These agreements will be consistent with Praxen - Defkalion GreenTechnologies Global product development and R&D efforts. Praxen-Defkalion Green Technologies Global S.A. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Showing actual functioning hardware would have tended to validate the Ni-H Fusion concept, looks like we must wait for more substantial evidence.
edit on 30-11-2011 by RING0 because: added spec sheet link

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by RING0

Both Rossi and deflation have ambitious plans, but only on paper.
Every buisness projectonpaper, to start with looks lucrative and promising,
till the reality of the venture begins to reveal itself. They have surprises ahead,
and should expect the unexpected. But the least we all can do as innocent
beholders is wish them tons of luck.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Finally an interesting development in the LENR world, yesterday there was a Conferance in Italy.

[ Rome, Dec. 14: COHERENCE 2011 (II) ]
A few quotes that are Translated rather crudely by Google.
Google Translate link to Italian site
Original Italian site

According to Celani the reaction between Ni and H would be catalyzed by " PHONONS ". The phonons are not particles but the points where it contacts the thermal-electromagnetic waves in phase, produced by thermal agitation in the lattice of nickel. Are points of "summation" of multiple heat waves produced by a variety of nickel atoms that vibrate at the same frequency ... these frequencies would provide hydrogen (as HYDRIDES?) the ability to overcome the Coulomb barrier and make the merger of its proton to the core of nickel (as I understand it). [Editor's note. I'm asking Celani verification of this and other points of his speech]

Apparently, Celini has replicated Rossi's claims of getting huge amounts of heat energy from a Powdered Nickel, Hydrogen Gas process by stimulating the Nickel nano particles with specific wavelengths of energy chosen to vibrate at exactly the same frequency as the nano particles natural resonance. Mind blowing stuff because the Rossi type Ni H reaction seems to have been replicated and partially validated, since this new data is more "open sourced" than Rossi's industrial oriented operations. Scientists usually share their data and experimental techniques to assist in replication efforts at other labs, so I expect this to lead to the much asked for "peer reviewed" and published evidence many are waiting for.

More interesting info from the conference.

The power density is very high, and some of his reactions Celani has exceeded 1400 watts per gram of nickel, which is higher than that of uranium fission in the "cladding" Zirconium. Although Celani you hear talk about "technological reality", as it has exceeded 200% yield for two weeks. Celani has worked very hard with the Japanese architect Arata great scientist. The Japanese government has funded plenty of not only the research but also those of three foreign groups who have had full access to the laboratory by Arata. Celani was able to perform various types of experiment and measurement, even the "craziest". Among these groups was that of MIT and INFN (of Celani and ...).

Yesterday Rossi answered a Blog question to predict when his E-Cat would reach the 90-100% level of acceptance as genuine and real by the public, his reply.

edited,...."The answer to your questoion is simple: the more plants will be in operation, the more this tech will be recognized. Too much persons are talking where it’s just matter of working. I think in a year the revolution will spread. We are working much more than you can imagine and making extremely important allegiances. Warm Regards, A.R."

Rossi has kept to his stated timelines so far, with a good record of doing what he said, when he said he would, so if this is real, and it looks more real as time passes and information flows in, we should be in a very interesting situation by this time next year. I expect we should be hearing about a functioning unit bought from Rossi within three to six months. If this was a simple matter of Rossi and his claims I would be saying he is delusional, but with this latest information and the NASA's head Scientist Bushnell publicly supporting Rossi's claims, I see a tipping point arriving, if and when it goes over it will have an unstoppable inertia. I am moving from 50% belief to 55% with this recent experimental verification.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:03 AM
News from New Energy Times Blog, this site operated by Steven B. Krivit is very critical of Rossi's claims.

link below to story;
Shells Interest Indicates Major Shift for LENR

edited snips.
Royal Dutch Shell, plc, one of the largest energy companies in the world, is interested in exploring low-energy nuclear reaction research as a possible game-changer in the energy business.

The current Shell initiative follows an inquiry from the United States intelligence community into LENR. Both news items are powerful indicators that 2012 is the year that LENR will move forward into serious technology research.

This is the kind of shift I would expect to see if the LENR phenomanon were real, big players in the Energy and Military sectors getting involved.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by RING0

Its all talk at the moment and lot of gobbledygooky paperwork.
Lets wait till we can see a convincing protype thingy.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection
reply to post by RING0

Its all talk at the moment and lot of gobbledygooky paperwork.
Lets wait till we can see a convincing protype thingy.

Convincing for who? You?

As the famous quote go's "You prove it works...I'm selling it" And that is correctly what Rossi is doing. He has no time to waste convincing the skeptics or the general public. Instead he's said "I have a device that produces X amount of energy. Put $2mm in an escrow account to show you actually have the funds to buy it, I will set up and let you test the unit at your facility and if you agree it works you release the money to me"

A simple and effective way of getting your product into the market NOW instead of wasting time trying to convince everyone it works.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Areyoupeopleinsane

As the famous quote go's "You prove it works...I'm selling it" And that is correctly what Rossi is doing. He has no time to waste convincing the skeptics or the general public. Instead he's said "I have a device that produces X amount of energy. Put $2mm in an escrow account to show you actually have the funds to buy it, I will set up and let you test the unit at your facility and if you agree it works you release the money to me"

A simple and effective way of getting your product into the market NOW instead of wasting time trying to convince everyone it works.

I wonder though, if he has any takers on his offer.
Who exactly pays for the parts and labour, b4 its ready for testing.

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