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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:55 AM

edit on 20-11-2011 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by cyber
Apparently one step in front of Rossi, (they just do preparation for promotion differently),
Sounds like a public commitment
Dutch company Van Staden PTY, together with Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
According to witnesses, have working prototype of 100 MWatt’s Cold Fusion reactor working
Last 90 days producing super dry steam powering axial steam turbine and generator,
Same technology (hydrogen –nickel atomic fusion), Beijing even questioning The Three Gorges Dam hydroelectric Project after “good news” from Shanghai,
So people I think technology is here...... Simple, to shame billions of dollars spend on “scrap”
Projects of leading nuclear physicists, to shame all PHD’s which said: cold fusion is not possible”

Now show me an official statement from Beijing "questioning The Three Gorges Dam hydroelectric Project". Thank you in advance as I know you would not post such a thing without proof.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by yampa
Rossi declines an offer from a nuclear scientist to do tests (and somehow mistakes 13MW for 130MW).


Customer's spokesman, Domenico Fioravanti, retired colonel of the Genio, doesn't tell anything that would be revealing of its identity, but is Rossi himself who gives Focus something more:

"We are building a 130 MW thermal plant, made of 13 plant such as the one you saw on October 28th: but it's a military research and I can't reveal any further detail, not the name, nor the place, nor the nationality of the customer"

[N.d.R. attention - Mats Lewan (NyTeknik) pointed out that 13 generators, each one of 1 MW, are not a 130 MW plant... Right, I apologize to readers: once I have clarified the issue with Rossi will correct the information.

Andrea Rossi's answer: It will be a 13 MW thermal power plant, consisting of 13 "1MW Energy Catalyzer" like the one in operation in Bologna on October 28] "

How convenient. He has a paying customer where no details can ever be provided.

I know this is probably way off base, and illogical, but how about if he does NOT have a customer and he is simply saying he does and using the military as an excuse as to why he can not provide the details everyone will ask him for.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by RING0
Another "Official" web site;, "In Association with Andrea Rossi", has popped up, looks like it has been fully approved and sanctioned by Mr. Rossi.

Looks like Mr. Rossi is pressing forward with this controversial project, the site is configured to give information about the E-Cat devices and to accept orders.

He said somewhere that he will need three months to set up for mass production of the E-Cat units. All hell should break out when and if this ever happens, either the customers will be ecstatic that the LENR machines really do work, OR they will be making public announcements that the units do not function as advertised and they are unhappy and suing Mr Rossi for fraud. I am looking forward to news about the sale of one or more of these devices to a legitimate paying customer and hearing what they think about it.
edit on 16-11-2011 by RING0 because: grammar corrections

I look forward to that as well, I am just not holding my breath since I do not think a legitimate sale will ever occur.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04

I look forward to that as well, I am just not holding my breath since I do not think a legitimate sale will ever occur.

Can you stop filling every page of this informative and progressing thread with dozens of meaningless repetitions of 'I THINK THIS IS A FAKE!'. We understand that you think it's a fake. You are adding nothing.

This topic will remain interesting until it is properly debunked, and it will never be debunked by people behaving as you are.

A point about the reality of this customer or not: according to Rossi - the initial purchase of this reactor/s is paying for two years of proper, to-be-published research into the e-cat at the University of Bologna. Wouldn't the whole thing unravel very quickly if he is not able to fund the university? Do you not think the invested academics might publicly raise this issue asap to protect their reputation?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by yampa
This topic will remain interesting until it is properly debunked,

It has been properly debunked, it was up to Rossi to prove it worked, he was unable to do that.

But like other free energy scams, (like Orbo etc.) some people just blindly believe any rubbish that frauds like Rossi put forward

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by yampa
A point about the reality of this customer or not: according to Rossi - the initial purchase of this reactor/s is paying for two years of proper, to-be-published research into the e-cat at the University of Bologna. Wouldn't the whole thing unravel very quickly if he is not able to fund the university? Do you not think the invested academics might publicly raise this issue asap to protect their reputation?
Do we know who those "invested academics" are, so we can ask them or expect news from them?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

I'd imagine he means all those academics that turned up to one display or another from Swedish Universities or the Italian academics involved.

I'm sure there are other prestigious academic people who have been present at one demo or another, and none of them (to my knowledge) are screaming about fraud...which isn't proof of anything i know, but at least it is evidence they have not detected a fraud.

In fact, these guys were present:

Hanno Essen, a theoretical physicist at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology and chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society, and Sven Kullander of Uppsala University, chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Energy Committee.

Essen and Kullander gave the E-Cat a solid thumbs-up. It produced too much excess heat to have been originating from a chemical process, they wrote in their report, adding that, "The only alternative explanation is that there is some kind of a nuclear process that gives rise to the measured energy production."

And another from MIT:

"Basically, there's a new physical effect that I think was found in the lab more than 20 years ago by Fleischmann and Pons [University of Utah electrochemists who were later derided for their work on cold fusion]," said Peter Hagelstein, an MIT professor of electrical engineering and computer science and one of the most mainstream proponents of cold fusion research.

"It was not accepted by the scientific community. It's been laughed at and criticized. However, over the years the effect has continued to be seen."


And this guy too (from NASA no less, or CIA)

Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, described LENR as a "promising" technology and praised the work of Rossi and Focardi.


These are just a few. Admittedly they were not allowed to inspect the device closely, so is still up in the air of course, but even so, they are not crying foul about it.

edit on 20/11/2011 by spikey because: Added info

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by yampa
A point about the reality of this customer or not: according to Rossi - the initial purchase of this reactor/s is paying for two years of proper, to-be-published research into the e-cat at the University of Bologna. Wouldn't the whole thing unravel very quickly if he is not able to fund the university? Do you not think the invested academics might publicly raise this issue asap to protect their reputation?
Do we know who those "invested academics" are, so we can ask them or expect news from them?

I don't know the names of the people who are waiting to do the research. If you are interested, why don't you find out? What are you going to ask them?

"2) the University of Bologna (Department of Physics) is ready to carry out direct experiments on the E-Cat as soon as the contract signed with EFA Srl (Andrea Rossi’s Italian company) will be put in effect: this is the only reason why the University of Bologna researchers attended as observers to E-Cat experiments. The University of Bologna is carefully following the situation development."

"As the abundance of technical reports, news stories, photographs and videos show, University of Bologna professors Giuseppe Levi, David Bianchini and Mauro Villa have been intimately involved in the promotion and testing of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat experiments."

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by yampa
I don't know the names of the people who are waiting to do the research. If you are interested, why don't you find out? What are you going to ask them?
I thought you might know.

I will try to find them.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

What am i, chopped liver?

You won't have to look too far...i've listed a few a couple of posts up.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by spikey
reply to post by ArMaP

What am i, chopped liver?

You won't have to look too far...i've listed a few a couple of posts up.

That MIT guy obviously doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by spikey
What am i, chopped liver?
I hope not, that would be too weird.

My understanding of what yampa said was that the "invested academics" were from the University of Bologna, so my question was only related to that, not to all other possible academics (or not) from all over the world.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:19 AM
IMO I doubt if all those bloody academics listed to date have any idea
what the hell, they are inspecting or looking at and seemingly not knowing how to interpret
a heat / energy balance sheet, if it was provided at all.
Rossi is factoring in also the waste heat recovery in the external heat exchanger,
which is already accounted for in the steam generation
and the sizes of the main steam pipes do not convey in any way 479 kw worth of steam at atmos pr..
Ok if the unit has run stand alone and the COP is greater than unity, he has still acheived something.
Needless to say, I and many others are not yet convinced.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by spikey
And this guy too (from NASA no less, or CIA)

Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, described LENR as a "promising" technology and praised the work of Rossi and Focardi.

What makes you think he was there? hint - he was not. The garbage surrounding the e-cat continues!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection
IMO I doubt if all those bloody academics listed to date have any idea
what the hell, they are inspecting or looking at and seemingly not knowing how to interpret
a heat / energy balance sheet, if it was provided at all.
Rossi is factoring in also the waste heat recovery in the external heat exchanger,
which is already accounted for in the steam generation
and the sizes of the main steam pipes do not convey in any way 479 kw worth of steam at atmos pr..
Ok if the unit has run stand alone and the COP is greater than unity, he has still acheived something.
Needless to say, I and many others are not yet convinced.

I wouldn't put it past well qualified people to not notice obvious problems, it happens all the time in science. But surely the work required to vapourise 675 litres of water an hour is well known? It's been known and established and endlessly calculated by industry and science, over and over for hundreds of years?

I don't understand your argument about waste heat. Point is, they maintained this 70c temperature difference via the evaporation of water. Please point out specifically where this calculation is flawed?

Also, are you really saying that this pipe couldn't handle 675 litres of 1bar steam an hour?

I ~bet you could put 675 litres a minute of unpressurised water through that pipe.

The heat exchangers in the large test were barricaded off from close examination, but they aren't the same ones as from the small test. They were something large enough to handle the supposed throughput.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by yampa

I can gauge that you are not an engineer by any means.
But anyway, if you got an handle on the balance sheet. Pl post it.
No that pipe will not handle 479 KW worth of steam at atmos pr.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection
reply to post by yampa

I can gauge that you are not an engineer by any means.
But anyway, if you got an handle on the balance sheet. Pl post it.
No that pipe will not handle 479 KW worth of steam at atmos pr.

Gauge all you like, I'm not claiming any credentials. But I don't have to be an engineer to look up tables proving you are wrong. That pipe must be at least 3" or 80mm?:

So that pipe is approximately the standard recommended diameter for a pipe carrying 670kg of water steam per hour at 1bar. What was your point again?

The steam temperature was supposedly at 115c + for most of the data, and one end of this steam pipe has a huge fan assisted heat sink. As an expert in steam engineering, perhaps you could provide us with an estimated steam velocity for those kind of conditions? You also haven't technically explained your 'wasted heat' idea. Please do elaborate.

If you would like some analysis of data from earlier experiments by a qualified engineer:

"Updated analysis of E-cat test October 6
by David Roberson, Oct 28, 2011.
I have been reviewing the data obtained during the September and
October tests and can now confirm that there is proof that the E-cat
generates a large amount of excess energy. Proof has been before us for
a long time but it is not easy to discern

David Roberson has a BS in electrical engineering from North Carolina
State University and now works as an engineering consultant in the fields
of radio design, general electronics design, and software"

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by yampa

Thanks for posting.
I do not wish to get into any thermodynamics / fluid mechanics tutorial here.
Besides that is not a bloomin 80 mm pipe. The ID I estimate is not more than 30 mm.
Now screw the whole set up. Is there any known figure of how much condensed water
was collected from the steam oulet of the HE and at what temp. That will give an idea of how much water
was converted into steam in the first place.
Besides electrical and electrnics engineers are quacks as far as thermobynamics and fluid mechanics are concerned.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by yampa

Gauge all you like, I'm not claiming any credentials. But I don't have to be an engineer to look up tables proving you are wrong. That pipe must be at least 3" or 80mm?

You can read the pipe size from the photo, the end cap says 2 1/2 inches.
2.5 in = 63.5 millimeters

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