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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Navieko
reply to post by spoor

Wouldn't the experts that were present there during the test call them out on it and announce any suspicion of fraud to the press afterwards? Are you claiming everyone there was apart of it... or that they were too stupid to see what was going on... while you figured it out by watching a small video clip?

Might be hard to believe that the thing really worked as they said, but your theory is equally hard to believe.

What experts? Who exactly were these experts and what did they have access to? The answer is they had extremely limited access and the "buyer" is unknown. Tell me how it is far fetched to say they are in on the fraud.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by cupocoffee

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

please supply the names of these attending experts

Has it not occurred to you that things like the identity of the customer, the location of the plant and the identities of the engineering team are being kept secret for a good reason?

The bad guys watch sites like this one and PESN too, you know.

Publicly name the customer and the engineers, and you might as well put a giant bullseye over them and a huge sign saying "assassinate us now!!"

Publicly state the location of the power plant, and you might as well put a giant bullseye over it and a sign saying "sabotage this now!!"

Don't you guys ever look at things from the security perspective?

These people are taking sensible security precautions. Disclosing too much information too soon would put them and the power plant at risk unnecessarily.

This is what I have been telling people!! This is exactly why Rossi keeps his identy hidde... damn he forgot to hide his identity!! Then how has he avoided those darn hit squads!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04
What experts? Who exactly were these experts and what did they have access to? The answer is they had extremely limited access and the "buyer" is unknown. Tell me how it is far fetched to say they are in on the fraud.

Funny how they are unable to name these so called "experts" - It looks like they do not even exist!

They know that they are "experts" but do not know what their expertise is!
edit on 15-11-2011 by spoor because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Areyoupeopleinsane

Lets look at the two choices he has:

-----Peer review, scientific test route-----

Rossi lets his units be independently tested poked and prodded (and dont forget the obvious potential the surreptitious dissemination of his trade secrets by intent or mistake).

The units pass after how many months or years.
What does Rossi get?

1) A piece of paper and published articles indicating that it works.

Yes because Rossi has not been at this for months or years already? And he has no paper for those months and years, clearly paper is better than no paper.

-------The commercial customer route-------------

Rossi, demonstrates the unit to a potential client, and if it works, the client buys the unit.

What does Rossi get?

1) Money

2) Penetration into the marketplace and an immediate history of use is begun.

3) Proof comes automatically with the existing units working in a commercial location.

If you had two inventors with the same invention, one has a paper from a third party saying it works and a prototype, and the other inventor has no paper, buy has a unit already purchased by a customer and working at a that customers location.

This is exactly the way con men work. Hey this is real let me show you my friend er customer who is very happy!

Rossi knows it works, and he doesn't need to prove it to any of you....just the customer...which he did and they bought it.

(National Instruments bought it)

Oops... did I let that slip.

NI did not buy anything they are not his customer, in fact Rossi is THEIR customer, he is buying from them.
Oops... did I let that slip.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by yampa

Good follow up article from Wired on the 6th November.

Following his first sale, Rossi now says he has orders for thirteen more megawatt-class E-Cat power plants. He's offering them to anyone at $2,000 (£1,250) a kilowatt, which works out at $2 million (£1.25 million) per unit, and says he has customers in the US and Europe. Rossi says a domestic version rated at a few kilowatts is at least a year away. He is also working on adapting the E-Cat so its heat output can converted to electricity, but this will require higher working temperatures and will take two years or more.

This is not quite what you'd expect from a fraudster.

So selling units and making $2million per sale on isn't what a fraudster would do? Does he give them away?

Firstly, the demonstration should have been much more convincing. The shipping container housing the E-Cat setup should have been hoisted from a crane and visibly disconnected from any external power supply.

We agree, they should have disconnected it if it was not a fraud,

As with all conjuring tricks, the audience should have been allowed to inspect the apparatus. And why only claim 470 kilowatts when you're supposed to be producing twice that amount?

Maybe he planned on 2 generators but decided it looked too fake, who knows why.

If the whole thing was set-up, and the mystery customer a fake, it was not well calculated to convince anyone else. Secondly, this is normally the point at which a con artist starts issuing shares, asking for capital, or taking "deposits" from gullible consumers. Anything to grab some cash from those willing to offer it.

You mean like $2million a unit?

Instead, Rossi is apparently only taking orders from large customers who will be checking the devices work before they take delivery. These are people with good lawyers to write contracts and deal with any complications. They are not easy targets. Whatever he's doing, he's going for the longer game.

Who are these customers and who are their good lawyers?
edit on 15-11-2011 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by ctdannyd
Although this will be great if true, the only real way it will be sucessful is if the owners release the info into the pubic domain NOW.

As was noted in other areas of this thread, governments, big oil and the like will NEVER let this happen.

Make truely free energy, TRUELY free...

This is not free, if true it would be cheap, never free.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by OccamsRazor04

NI did not buy anything they are not his customer, in fact Rossi is THEIR customer, he is buying from them.
Oops... did I let that slip.

No you didn't slip, but lol you forgot to throw in rossi's sterling customer allan.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Apparently one step in front of Rossi, (they just do preparation for promotion differently),
Sounds like a public commitment
Dutch company Van Staden PTY, together with Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
According to witnesses, have working prototype of 100 MWatt’s Cold Fusion reactor working
Last 90 days producing super dry steam powering axial steam turbine and generator,
Same technology (hydrogen –nickel atomic fusion), Beijing even questioning The Three Gorges Dam hydroelectric Project after “good news” from Shanghai,
So people I think technology is here...... Simple, to shame billions of dollars spend on “scrap”
Projects of leading nuclear physicists, to shame all PHD’s which said: cold fusion is not possible”

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:14 PM
DGT, Defkalion Green Technologies, working on same technology and they are
Apparently one step in front of Rossi, (they just do preparation for promotion differently),
Sounds like a public commitment
Dutch company Van Staden PTY, together with Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
According to witnesses, have working prototype of 100 MWatt’s Cold Fusion reactor working
Last 90 days producing super dry steam powering axial steam turbine and generator,
Same technology (hydrogen –nickel atomic fusion), Beijing even questioning The Three Gorges Dam hydroelectric Project after “good news” from Shanghai,
So people I think technology is here...... Simple, to shame billions of dollars spend on “scrap”
Projects of leading nuclear physicists, to shame all PHD’s which said: cold fusion is not possible”

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by cyber

As much as I'd like to have a lower electric bill, I'm going to wait until the eggs hatch before counting the chickens. You may be well advised to do the same.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by cyber
So people I think technology is here...... Simple, to shame billions of dollars spend on “scrap”
Projects of leading nuclear physicists, to shame all PHD’s which said: cold fusion is not possible”

I dont think similarly, since the inventor himself did not do a convincing demo and presumably his peers or licensees have beaten him to it, besides that link does not work.
Any more details available on this100 MW gen, would be helpful.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection

It's possible that the intended link was this one, as it points to comment with the same text and by someone with the same name.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:13 PM
Another "Official" web site;, "In Association with Andrea Rossi", has popped up, looks like it has been fully approved and sanctioned by Mr. Rossi.

Looks like Mr. Rossi is pressing forward with this controversial project, the site is configured to give information about the E-Cat devices and to accept orders.

He said somewhere that he will need three months to set up for mass production of the E-Cat units. All hell should break out when and if this ever happens, either the customers will be ecstatic that the LENR machines really do work, OR they will be making public announcements that the units do not function as advertised and they are unhappy and suing Mr Rossi for fraud. I am looking forward to news about the sale of one or more of these devices to a legitimate paying customer and hearing what they think about it.
edit on 16-11-2011 by RING0 because: grammar corrections

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by RING0
I agree with both the options you listed as possibilities, but there's a third option you didn't even list which might in fact be the most likely option:

What if he doesn't sell any to legitimate customers, because no customers are convinced enough to buy? I know I'm not convinced.

Then they won't have working units, and they won't be suing him for fraud.

Time will tell, I guess.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by RING0
Another "Official" web site;, "In Association with Andrea Rossi", has popped up, looks like it has been fully approved and sanctioned by Mr. Rossi.

The site in question makes no mention of the Oct 28th 1 MW demo.
It also says that Rossi has a Phd from Milan uni.
A flashy site nonetheless. I wish them luck though.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Rossi declines an offer from a nuclear scientist to do tests (and somehow mistakes 13MW for 130MW).


Customer's spokesman, Domenico Fioravanti, retired colonel of the Genio, doesn't tell anything that would be revealing of its identity, but is Rossi himself who gives Focus something more:

"We are building a 130 MW thermal plant, made of 13 plant such as the one you saw on October 28th: but it's a military research and I can't reveal any further detail, not the name, nor the place, nor the nationality of the customer"

[N.d.R. attention - Mats Lewan (NyTeknik) pointed out that 13 generators, each one of 1 MW, are not a 130 MW plant... Right, I apologize to readers: once I have clarified the issue with Rossi will correct the information.

Andrea Rossi's answer: It will be a 13 MW thermal power plant, consisting of 13 "1MW Energy Catalyzer" like the one in operation in Bologna on October 28] "

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Angelic Resurrection

Originally posted by RING0
Another "Official" web site;, "In Association with Andrea Rossi", has popped up, looks like it has been fully approved and sanctioned by Mr. Rossi.

The site in question makes no mention of the Oct 28th 1 MW demo.
It also says that Rossi has a Phd from Milan uni.
A flashy site nonetheless. I wish them luck though.

"Four Swedish entrepreneurs, two of them particle physicists, run the site which since a couple of days takes pre-orders for Andrea Rossi’s E-cat. Ny Teknik got an interview.

The site was anonymous at launch, but Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-cat, stated that the website represented his North Europe commercial branch.

Hydrofusion is run by four Swedish entrepreneurs – CEO Magnus Holm, Niclas Sandström who is operations manager in the UK, sales manager Peter La Terra and Stefan Helgesson who is a web strategist.

Magnus Holm has a D.Tech and Niclas Sandström a PhD in elementary particle physics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg."

edit on 18-11-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by yampa

"We are building a 130 MW thermal plant, made of 13 plant such as the one you saw on October 28th: but it's a military research and I can't reveal any further detail, not the name, nor the place, nor the nationality of the customer"

Funny the military shelling out 26 million euros.
Why would they want 13 units for research anyway.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection


posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by yampa
reply to post by Angelic Resurrection


Good Heavens.
A black ops curtain? What a pity.

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