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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by blocula

Particularly with the Freemasons (to include the Masonic Knights Templar and Masonic Rosicrucians), there isnt' some secret inner group. There is a democratically elected leadership who serves within the bounds of the laws established by, and serves at consent of, the voting members.

You'd think with a secret cabal there would have been a decision passed down that wasn't made by the voting members, and I know in my state alone that the Past Master and Past Grand Masters would not let that stand.

All the groups within Freemasonry can be easily found, if you just look.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by batgirl

There's a difference between private fraternal organizations (which Kennedy belonged to one) and transparency of the federal government in regards to freedom of the press. The latter is what Kennedy was talking about after the failed Bay of Pigs operation.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by The GUT
How do you feel about the practical occult knowledge and/or scholarship of Arthur E. Waite?
Honestly, I haven't read any of Waite's texts. I know he was an avid researcher, and well versed in symbology—hence the Rider/Waite tarot deck.

As to his texts on magick, my take is that he wrote them as a researcher documenting the results of his research, and not that he was a practitioner of the same, nor that he endorsed it. I think it was more like "some people believe THIS" and he tried to make sense of it out of intellectual curiosity.

Thanks, Josh Norton, I was especially hoping you would reply.

The main reason I ask about A.E. Waite as a theorist versus an adept, is his basic assertion that the occultic arts--as believed by the serious practitioners of the "mysteries"--whole-heartedly accept that non-corporeal (higher?) intelligences exist, and at the very least, can be communicated with. AND, further, for the truly Adept, be commanded to do their bidding within certain guidelines.

King Solomon was certainly an Adept as legend goes within and without Freemasonry. Dr. Dee & Edward Kelley were most probably adepts. The difference being the capital "A" and the inferior "a."

So, I think there are two, at least, kind of Freemasons extant (correct me if I'm wrong.) Those that have joined a fraternal order of your regular, but socially motivated "Joes', and those that have taken the lessons and allegories of the "mysteries" to heart and seek further knowledge.

Btw, "Josh Norton," how brilliant and dichotomously Masonic at the same time. The name and the avatar suggest, to the average reader, this COOL guy, but to others "in tha' know" suggests this guy.

There's no judgement in my questions and asseverations--at least at this point--but, like Sting: "I have only come here seeking knowledge."


posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 03:38 PM
If only the Pope was a Freemason he could hence Canonize all Freemasons SAINTHOOD for their lovely service to humanity in their cult of Lucifer?

Right, there is nothing going on behind closed doors that might bother honest citizens, because they all democratically vote on whatever they are not told about - this really makes sense ! Talk about pinning the tail on a donkey, we are generously served in assinine diatribe from Freemasons in this thread they have hijacked.

At minute 6:00 in the first video you can denote just one example of how there is a DEEP INTERPENETRATION OF FREEMASONRY + THE ILLUMINATI + SECRET GOVERNMENT & SECRET SERVICE. It is interesting to note that there is also both an Occult and an Illuminati connotation to the term MAJI dating back to ancient Egypt if not before. Watch at minute 6:00...



All the Freemasons in the world can post hundreds of pages of denials here but they are either irresponsibly ignorant or complicitely responsible for this Luciferian plan, to use Science and our ignorance of the current status of their SECRET SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS to depopulate Earth and replace most of us with dumbed down genetically engineered servile subhumans or luxury designer clones.


edit on 10-2-2012 by Getsmart because: SECRET SOCIETIES ADVANCE A SECRET AGENDA - It is secret because "If people knew they would hunt them down and lynch them!" Quote of George Herbert Walker Bush

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Talk about pinning the tail on a donkey, we are generously served in assinine diatribe from Freemasons in this thread they have hijacked.

If you did not want people talking about Masonry why were you the first person to bring up the subject back on page one?

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

So mentioning a donkey means I am inviting you to fill twenty pages of the thread with your donkey talk?

Go get a life or hide behind your apron. You are not welcome in my company and I sincerely hope that other members here at ATS see through your willful deceit and YOUR SECRET SOCIETY AGENDA TO BLOCK THE TRUTH.

I have just had to ask the MODS to close another ATS thread in this same forum section due to you and your Accolytes derailing it with your obsessive Masonic Jibberish. This is NOT what this thread is about, and even if Freemasons are Luciferians they are not the only ones around. And the fact that you and your heinous "brothers" are totally obsessed with your sect and ready to stoop to anything to advance its agenda doesn't entitle you to COLONIZE the Secret Society section of ATS with your sickening rants.

I pity you, you've damed your souls and are bringing generational curses on the heads of your children and grandchildren. I hope that helps you sleep better at night, enjoy how cleaver you are in bringing this on them. You really are quite a role model for others here.


posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

... I sincerely hope that other members here at ATS see through your willful deceit and YOUR SECRET SOCIETY AGENDA TO BLOCK THE TRUTH.

Don't worry. We do!

I have just had to ask the MODS to close another ATS thread in this same forum section due to you and your Accolytes derailing it with your obsessive Masonic Jibberish.

That is unfortunate. Who cares about the disinfo agents? Let them post their BS. Legit researchers will know what they're up to & see through their drivel.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
So mentioning a donkey means I am inviting you to fill twenty pages of the thread with your donkey talk?

Yes, considering you, as the Original Poster, brought it up. You obviously thought it was germain. Why else mention it, right?

Go get a life or hide behind your apron. You are not welcome in my company...

Maybe when the website changes its name to Above Get Smart that might actually mean something.

This is NOT what this thread is about...

Again, why were you the first person to bring up Masonry on the first page?

And the fact that you and your heinous "brothers" are totally obsessed with your sect and ready to stoop to anything to advance its agenda...

Being that you were the first person to mention Masonry in this thread it would appear that you are the one who has the obsession and is inadvertently advancing people's knowledge of the Fraternity.

I pity you...

You should direct your pity were it's most needed, to those who get personal visits from Satan (whom I do not believe in).

..enjoy how cleaver you are..

I am very cleaver.....chop, chop.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

As researchers have focused on blending animal attributes with human characteristics, the Reuters news agency published a report in 2009 in which scientists admitted their comfort with a “50/50 mix.”

“The public mostly is still under the impression that this is being done at the embryonic level, and that the amount of human DNA in a transgenic animal is so minute as to be excusable,” says Horn.

“But where they want the debate to go now is, ‘Can we raise these to full maturity in the public’s knowledge and experiment on part-humans, part-animals that are fully grown?’ And by admitting that that’s now where they want the public to be comfortable with this research, they also said that they knew that there are some rogue scientists out there that are not operating with federal dollars, and they’re getting ahead of them in this technology and it could even become a new kind of a weapon of mass destruction. It could, at a minimum, become a molecular biological nightmare.”

But why is there such a strong push for animal traits?

It might be desirable for some, says Horn, because, “Animals can also see into areas of the light spectrum that we cannot see into, and that is viewed in transhumanism as a future benefit and even one of the causal reasons we would want to merge ourselves with the animal kingdom so that we can open these new modes of perceptions into realities that right now we are blinded to.”

Such abilities could provide a huge military advantage, and Horn says for more than a decade, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has been pouring billions into research for what it calls “the extended performance warfighter,” also known as “supersoldier” technology.

“The interesting parts about the extended performance warfighter is that it even includes literally altering the DNA of soldiers,” he says.

Some fear soldiers fighting future wars will be genetically enhanced to have some characteristics of animals in their DNA. (Image: Trans-Humanism DVD)

DARPA calls its project “BioDesign,” and in its 2011 budget, the agency explains it “eliminates the randomness of natural evolutionary advancement primarily by advanced genetic engineering and molecular biology technologies to produce the intended biological effect.”

Horn says the real purpose has to do with immortalism.

“DARPA has an interest in figuring out how to get around the decaying process of cellular life, and they use the term creating an immortal organism,” he explains. “But it’s more than just an organism. They consider it to be potentially a lethal force that can be used in military application.

“Wired Magazine actually referred to it as a living, breathing creature. And DARPA admits that the force of this living creature, this immortal organism, could be so potent that it ought to also have what they call a ‘kill switch’ introduced into its organism so that in case it gets out of hand, we could throw the switch and stop it, or if it became available to our enemies, we could throw the switch and stop it.”

Horn says top minds at the Pentagon are marching humanity in this direction, even if it’s meant for self-defense.

“They were talking about this kind of technology in the hands of our enemies, and what they were saying was, ‘We have to get at the forefront of this technology,’” he explains. “See, this is how we’re going to be forced into this. It’s not a matter of whether we should or whether it’s ethical. We have to do it, because if we don’t, our enemies will, and then they’re going to subjugate us to their will.”

Horn points out just one the dangers of combining human and animal DNA is the potentially toxic effect it could have on our food supply.

“Very quickly we could have a human form of Mad Cow Disease,” he says. “If you’re sitting in a restaurant eating goat cheese that contains human DNA, we don’t know what the impact of that is going to be on a human. We certainly know what it did to cows and the kinds of brain diseases it created in them when they were eating their own DNA.”

“Make no mistake, this is an irreversible technology,” Pusztai said. “It is no good 50 years later to say: ‘We should have known.’”

Man trying to play God and it will end in disaster.

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

The Catholics are a cult of Lucifer? I know the Catholics don't have the greatest history, but damn.

If truth be told, I could care less if what we do behind closed doors bothers you. The Masons as well as any other PRIVATE fraternity does not need to operate by the consent of the public. It is fact that we are democratic in nature. The theory of this secret cabal is not supported by fact, but by fear and suspicion of the uninitiated.

reply to post by Getsmart

If you open the door, expect people to use it. Don't call us out when its your hypocritical butt who started the discussion.

I don't think any of us here asked to be your buddy or if we were "welcome in your company". We're not here to block the truth, but spread it. Just because fact and truth don't fit in your little world it doesn't mean it is not true or factual.

You seem like a sore loser. You don't get your way and you go crying to mom and dad. If we said we had gone to the Moderators, you'd scream cover-up and bad mouth them with accusations of nepotism and cronyism.

We discuss the topics brought up in the thread. You called us Luciferians and we have a right to counter. This isn't a one-sided argument no matter how much you want it to be.

We're the ones with the sickening rants? Really?! Do we need to compare each others posts?

Don't pity us, we're not the ones filled with hate and fear. And God will judge our souls, not you.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 08:44 AM

So We Already Mix Human & Animal DNA? UK Urges Oversight

July 23, 2011 4:56 PM EDT

The UK Academy of Medical Sciences urged oversight and caution for scientific experiments involving the mixing of human and animal DNA.

What can happen if scientists push the boundary too far?

“The fear is that if you start putting very large numbers of human brain cells into the brains of primates suddenly you might transform the primate into something that has some of the capacities that we regard as distinctively human speech,” said Academy of Medical Sciences member Thomas Baldwin as an example.

"These possibilities that are at the moment largely explored in fiction we need to start thinking about now,” he added.

So far, mixing human and animal DNA have produce useful medical results. For example, testing medical treatments on animals that have received human DNA and cells have helped advance solutions for stroke and Down syndrome patients, reported Reuters.

However, other scientists are pushing the boundaries, or thinking of doing so.

For example, a team at UK’s Newcastle University injected empty cow eggs with human DNA in 2008. Back in 2005 in California, scientists created mice with a small amount of human cells for their brains and nervous systems.

US scientists are mulling the creation of a mouse with more human cells in its brain, but they haven’t pulled the trigger.

The UK researchers recommended a government appointed body of experts to regulate such research in this sensitive and controversial area.

This article is copyrighted by International Business Times, the business news leader

Of course this is only the extent of the knowledge that they are putting out to the public. God only knows what the Power Elite are allowing twisted scientists to do in secret. You never find out even a parts of the truths on these kinds of matters until decades later. Were they talking publicly about the MK-Ultra experiments or Project Paperclip to the press at the time, of course not.

And I do not believe these experiments are being done for the good of humanity, not when The Mother #ers at the Top allow carcinogens, cancer causing agents and pollutants in our food, water and everything else under the sun. THEY are waging war against our immune systems and killing us for their god Mammon. Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry, prevention doesn't sell. I wouldn't be surprised if Military so-called Intelligence is behind these 'experiments' mixing human and animal genetics.

There was a model who worked on one of Rod Stewart's videos, she got talking to him and according to her, he told her he had found the Fountain of Youth, he said he was having human embryonic stem cells injected into him and it was keeping him young. This could very well be bull# but if there is a scientifically minded person out there, could you tell me what you think the effect would be of having human embryonic stem cells injected into a human on a continuous basis would be?

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by batgirl

...And I do not believe these experiments are being done for the good of humanity, not when The Mother #ers at the Top allow carcinogens, cancer causing agents and pollutants in our food, water and everything else under the sun. THEY are waging war against our immune systems and killing us for their god Mammon. Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry, prevention doesn't sell. I wouldn't be surprised if Military so-called Intelligence is behind these 'experiments' mixing human and animal genetics...

Hi Batgirl,

But we're supposed to find it cool, and even democratic, since they are given the illusion that they each have their own special part in the cabale of Luciferian conspirators against the rest of humanity. I expect that any genuine democratic vote on a wide scale would move for them to be permanently dissolved, their organizations first, and only later the constituants... if that doesn't do the trick. LOL

They had best wake up fast and realize that they are each exposing themselves to Termination With Extreme Prejudice in very justified retaliation for their role in genocidal plans. This would come from those who, without having so much as harmed a fly, are exposed to heir use of chemicals, GMOs and tainted pharmaceuticals to surreptitiously murder our families in the name of eugenics, population control and advancing their Master Plan.


edit on 11-2-2012 by Getsmart because: The Luciferian Cabale is using BioScience and Genetic Engineering to end Humanity as we know it!

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:57 AM
Im thinking some masons go for A.Pikes work, and some do not.

But to say that there is not Luciferic Ideology contained in Freemasonry is insane. The profane are reading up on the Lodges, they are using the words of the written teachings of freemasonry, and they deserve credit for seeking knowledge with a skeptical mind--Im confused as to how a man could ignore their own faith in G.A.O.T.U.(the Great Architect of the Universe)

Also, ALL Freemasonry is rooted in Hebaru Mysticism-
All Freemasonry is Socialist (or more acuratly--humanist-the idea that man is God) in nature.
All Freemasonry has 2 threads. Operative (exoteric) and Speculative (esoteric).

I expect some of the members (penis joke) understand this, and some do not. But to blatheringly defend your opinion without stating this these claims are true--sounds like an obvious lie, to anyone coming to this board for "truth".

We know a leopard by their spots.

edit on 11-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by rainbowbear
But to say that there is not Luciferic Ideology contained in Freemasonry is insane.

When you say 'Luciferic Ideology', what exactly do you mean? Are you refering to Devil-worship? If so, how do you rectify this line of reason with those who do not belive in this fictional entity?

Im confused as to how a man could ignore their own faith in G.A.O.T.U.(the Great Architect of the Universe)

How is anyone ignoring their belief in God?

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Hi Getsmart

As far as their Master Plan goes, their Luciferian Master Plan, at the core of it is a great diabolical evil and evil by it's very nature destroys itself in the end, evil eats itself eventually because that is it's nature. We are not fools. We can see that they have attempted to turn darkness into light and light into darkness, to turn the truth into a lie and a lie into the truth. It's the world of the Mad Hatter in Alice's mk-ultra/monarch Wonderland. Up is down, down is up and the meanings are inversed.

Well you know in spite of all that the Truth is still the Truth, Deceptions are still Deceptions and Atrocities are still Atrocities. At some point in time the Real Truth and Light is going to shine and they will scurry around looking for a place to hide and some will be ashamed that they allowed themselves to be so easily decieved.

And I can guarentee you that that Light that is truly pure and truly holy will not be the light of Lucifer.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by rainbowbear
Im thinking some masons go for A.Pikes work, and some do not.

But to say that there is not Luciferic Ideology contained in Freemasonry is insane. The profane are reading up on the Lodges, they are using the words of the written teachings of freemasonry, and they deserve credit for seeking knowledge with a skeptical mind--Im confused as to how a man could ignore their own faith in G.A.O.T.U.(the Great Architect of the Universe)

Also, ALL Freemasonry is rooted in Hebaru Mysticism-
All Freemasonry is Socialist (or more acuratly--humanist-the idea that man is God) in nature.

untrue. flat out lie, or a complete ignorance of how things work. I suspect the former. Each mason must have a belief in God. what they call him is not important. But God is who they are referring to. It's our belief that Allah, Jahova, God, all the other names that religions have adopted are speaking of the same entity. A single all knowing, all powerful, earth creating God.

All Freemasonry has 2 threads. Operative (exoteric) and Speculative (esoteric).

I expect some of the members (penis joke) understand this, and some do not. But to blatheringly defend your opinion without stating this these claims are true--sounds like an obvious lie, to anyone coming to this board for "truth".

We know a leopard by their spots.

edit on 11-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2012 by network dude because: a

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Each mason must have a belief in God. what they call him is not important. But God is who they are referring to. It's our belief that Allah, Jahova, God, all the other names that religions have adopted are speaking of the same entity. A single all knowing, all powerful, earth creating God.

Are we discussing operative or speculative definitions?

operative definition of god: It is what ever god you want it to be
speculative definition of God: Nature (or belief in many gods, not a christian god, or jesus)

both are opposite of orthodox christian doctrine either way you slice it. So enough of the "one true god" BS--

again--this MUST be defined before we go much farther....

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by rainbowbear

monotheistic. say it with me one time.

One, all powerful, world creating, God. Some folks believe he had a son named Jesus. That guy. The big cheese, the head honcho. I am running out of ways to describe God to you. Think of it like this, if you were being dangled from a 45 story building by a very bad man who had a hold of just your ankle and he threatened to drop you, I am speaking of the one you would call to help from. That guy.

Are we clear?

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by network dude

ok, so you are speaking of the exoteric, or apparent, meaning of God. And you are correct.

But thats not the only meaning--you are free to believe that is what masonic doctrine for who god is, for yourself.

please understand, that some masons believe in the other, more esoteric meaning for god. And it is the god warned about by your interpretation of who you think god is.

If you dont know this for yourself, its not as though I can make you understand. Im in a position of knowing. All I can do is point out the inconsistencies of your religion.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by rainbowbear
Also, ALL Freemasonry is rooted in Hebaru Mysticism-

Even the Christian orders of Freemasonry such as the Order of the Temple?

Originally posted by rainbowbear
All Freemasonry is Socialist (or more acuratly--humanist-the idea that man is God) in nature.

Where do we say that man is equal to God? In fact, I remember we are taught to be respectful to God and pay him homage from creature to Creator.

Originally posted by rainbowbear
We know a leopard by their spots.

Then why do you call us dogs if we are leopards?

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