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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by no1smootha
reply to post by blocula

...and what, pray tell, does this have to do with the "Scientific Orthodoxy"? Are you upset that Creationism wasn't interjected into High School biology books or what?
edit on 12-2-2012 by no1smootha because: Grammar
For those that may have not noticed,just about every idea and every subject thats been mentioned throughout this thread is related and they are all inter-connected within eachother...

Lucifer is mentioned in the threads headline and so in my recent reply i explained in detail who and what i think lucifer actually is...
edit on 12-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

That picture doesn't show anything "Luciferian" or Satanic. Nor is that garb strictly used in Masonic Lodges; we usually wear just suit & tie. The times we've warn the costumes for a degree is few and far between. Your last post with this picture wasn't censored for the image, it was censored because you broke a rule.

I don't agree with everything from the supposed "scientific" community, but to say that they in general are "Luciferian" is absurd.

reply to post by Getsmart

33rds are chosen for their bloodline? So the fact that there were over 400 of them consecrated last year in the Southern Jurisdiction alone means that there is that many royal lineages? The 33rd degree is not the highest degree in all of Freemasonry, just the Scottish Rite branch.

I guess some people just need a boogey-man, a scapegoat. For you it is manifested in "those damned Luciferians".

The garb, costumes, of Masonry would have been of the Old Testament.

The British Royal Family, specifically the Duke of Kent, is the head of the United Grand Lodge of England, not of all Freemasonry. The British Masonic leaders have no authority outside of their jurisdiction.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:27 PM
Not all science is a bad thing. I mean look at all the technological advances through science; you are on the internet and using a computer of some sort.

I have known certain Universities to organize weekend bus trips to which only Masonic Professors are invited.

Can you list events and what Universities practice this? What professors are the Masons and who is excluded? From the sounds of it, it looks to be unsubstantiated rumours.

A butchers apron? How is that apron bad?

One must sacrifice a great amount to live a righteous life. There is nothing naturally sinister about the word sacrifice; it's how it is used.

You are way, way, way, too obsessed with the Scottish Rite being the height of all Freemasonry.

This apron you show is not a Masonic one, it is one by the anti-Masons. It reflects their opinion, not the practices, policies, or true symbols of Freemasonry.

reply to post by blocula

We don't worship or idolize Satan.

reply to post by blocula

Anti-Masons are really too ignorant to be rational or logical. You think you know better or more than the actual members? Or that you're somewhat clever enough to have "discovered" our inner secrets while us "actual members" are too "low" on the totem pole to figure it out. Hubris I say.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by KSigMason

A butchers apron? How is that apron bad?

One must sacrifice a great amount to live a righteous life. There is nothing naturally sinister about the word sacrifice; it's how it is used.

If you are sincere then you are not very apt to speak about the subject, not understanding in the least what is involved in the SACRIFICE which is being denounced here in this thread, the type of Sacrifice perpetrated by Luciferian Cults which among other things rule the fields of Science and Education. I was myself co-opted to perform such a sacrifice on another child and can therefore speak a lot more wisely than you about what goes on in such cases. This is NOT third party hearsay, nor is it a figment of my imagination. It was so compelling and traumatic an experience that I dedicated my life to vindicate the victims of such hideous crimes. Some of this was detailed in the following ATS thread posted right here in the Secret Society section:

Black Nobility Exposed Video With Names

The Beatles were shocked when they discovered LUCIFERIAN SACRIFICE !

Must Have a proper APRON when things get really MESSY !

I guess you are very complacent as far as the significance of SACRIFICE. The APRON made of lambskin is impervious to blood. And it is indeed blood which is drawn in the Human Sacrifices used to grant 33rd degree Masons among other Luciferians POWER. Here is in a nutshell how it is done when YOU INVOKE DEMONS:

"There are several ways in which an entity can attach himself to a human being, discovering/locating them enables us some degree of knowing how severely it may have penetrated into the 'being' of the individual that is hosting it. How do they get there? One of the methods that is used for this to take place, is for the entity to be 'put' there via ritual, using rituals the aid of dark forces are invoked, and there is always a 'price' that needs to be paid by the one invoking these dark entities, other then surrendering his own soul to the devil, the payment is usually/always Life force energy , the more power that is requested upon, the higher the price. It is the blood of a living being that is the currency, a source of life force energy".

Conjuring Demons and Entity Attachments

I cannot help but be amused that individuals who belong to Secret Societies and who invoke DEMONS claim to not believe in Lucifer and to not believe in Alien life forms outside of our field of perception. What sort of Magick do they think is performed in their Masonic Rituals ?!?

Regarding the Masonic Bus Trips at a leading University, I am not divulging more as I choose to not reveal my identity to a public which includes extremely devious and dangerous individuals who are members of murderous Secret Societies. It is against ATS rules to do so, given they have a duty to protect the privacy and the safety of their members. I have however disclosed the specifics of such goings on to trusted ATS members who know me well and are aware of the professional reasons for which my testimony is credible.

It is therefore as a professional in the field that I have posted this thread expressing my alarm at how deeply the Scientific and Academic communities have been penetrated, not just by Freemasonry in which many members are fairly innocent and themselves grossly duped, but more largely by outright SATANIC groups with Luciferian practices and rites as well as an AGENDA to use FABRICATED SCIENCE penetrated with falsehoods to bring Humanity to live within a FAKE REALITY MATRIX which renders them powerless in ignorance and helps muster in their INHUMAN MASTER PLAN.


edit on 13-2-2012 by Getsmart because: the LUCIFERIANS SACRIFICE THE INNOCENT for Power...

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

OK, you might have grown up with Wackos, and you may have seen the things you claim, but nothing you have ever said links masonry to your nut job people. There is nothing in masonry that hurts anyone, lest of all, a child. Most of the charities that were created are there FOR CHILDREN.

If you want to tell people all about how you think aliens and Lucifer come have frickin tea parties with you, that's fine, but when you bring your sick twisted little fantasies into my life, I am going to say something. You have no idea what we do, you have no idea why, and you have very little idea what goes on in normal life apparently.

You need to deal with the source of your issues. Go put Mummy and Daddy in jail. Quit trying to pass the blame to those who have nothing to do with your mental issues.

edit on 13-2-2012 by network dude because: Augustusmasonicus won't share his beer

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:09 AM
It has been the actions of many freemasons and satanic-luciferian cult groups that has caused many people to have so-called 'mental issues'. Go look at the the many testimonies of ex-masons and see what has been done to them, how they were driven to ruin and even at times suicide because of disagreements among the brotherhood. I suppose in your view these testimonies are all invalid. How can YOU say no one has ever been hurt by the organization of freemasonry or the 'brotherhood'. Do you speak for all people who have ever been associated with it or have had dealings with them?

How about the guy who only wanted to start a business to support his family and was harrassed and driven out of business because the masons had a monopoly on the businesses in the neighborhood and didn't want any 'not in the know' to have that a businesses their as well. There are hundreds of these people who have spoken up about what has happened to them, particularly in locations where masonic organizations are more rampant.

There are many people, particularly in England and Europe who have not been able to get promotions in their jobs because they are not 'on the square'. Newbies with much less experience but who are 'brothers' end up getting the promotions, this is all well documented in books. But of course you can sit there and say on your own authority that no one has ever been hurt by freemasonry. In your view all these hundreds and thousands of people are lying or misinformed people. There is a pattern here that has been going on for a long time. Live in your ignorance of this matter if you choose but don't suppose that you can speak for everyone and flippantly disregard what OTHER many people's individual experiences have been with it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
I cannot help but be amused that individuals who belong to Secret Societies and who invoke DEMONS claim to not believe in Lucifer and to not believe in Alien life forms outside of our field of perception.

The amusing part is that you seem to know so much about Satanism, demon conjuring, ritual sacrifice and Satanic Visitation yet do not confess to your Luciferian predilictions. Only an adept in the Dark Arts, or Priest of Satan, would have as much detailed information as you.

What sort of Magick do they think is performed in their Masonic Rituals ?!?

Zero. Penn and Teller only hang out with Josh Norton.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:10 AM
How lovely... It's becoming rather cozy as if feeding my own host of Lice - with so many Moths attracted to Lucifer's light festering around this thread. Remember, this is a thread that DENOUNCES the Luciferians of which at least several of the Freemasons on board have noted their attachment to.

BatGirl is totally vindicated by a large body of evidence that testifies to Masonry creating Black Lists of its opponents and using the pretext of "helping a brother" to pervert justice and create huge inequalities in opportunity that corrupts the democratic process and precludes objective application of the law in favor of members of their SECT.

If some of those Masons are sincere, which would be out of corrupt character for them, but one never can tell, then they ought to start what's left of their ritual churned brains and start figuring out what GOD they are venerating and to what sort of Creature of Evil they are dedicated. When they hook up with their favorite Demons during their ritual conjuring of "helpers" to grant them power, are the really that ignorant that they are Satanists?

And respective to Luciferians controlling our Reality Matrix with Lies, don't they realize that this is obviously the case since only a select few among their corrupt brethren are ever chosen to learn an entirely different story, which is "in their own words" THE TRUTH which is purposely WITHHELD from us non initiates?


posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
When they hook up with their favorite Demons during their ritual conjuring of "helpers" to grant them power, are the really that ignorant that they are Satanists?

As you are an obvious expert in demon summoning and Luciferian practices, as evidence by your detailed knowledge of dark arts and admitted intimate relations with Satan, perhaps you can share with other curious members here certain aspects of your rise to prominence in this unseemly sect.

How many innocents did you sacrifice to achieve prominence within the dark arts? Where these sacrifices of such hideous magnitude the cause of you receiving a personal visit from Satan as you claimed earlier? Why do you continue down the path of Devilry when you most certainly know that your soul is at stake? Please, answer truthfully to your complicence in Luciferian and Satannic activity, we will all pray for you in the meantime.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:48 AM
Who are the luciferians? Are they masons illuminate or what? The theosophists were luciferian but then Icke who everyone knows and loves bases much of his rhetoric on the theosophists.

The impression I get from the thread is that the elite are satanists and control reality. This is the kind of bs that Cooper or Jones would peddle - you guys are above this stuff.

If you look at the elite and the political system you'll notice a very strong atheistic nihilistic tendency. The elevation of science to the position that religion originally occupied shows us that any luciferianism on the part of the elite is either limited to a select few or is entirely symbolic which admittedly Cooper did suggest to his credit.

The regime we're under is atheistic as far as I can see. The trasnhumanist agenda which is social darwinism under a new name makes atheists salivate - its the non religious equivalent of the rapture. Magicians and sorcerors approach transhumanism differently - from a magical perspective. Atheists approach it from a scientific perspective.

I dont believe that the elites are united under any common belief. The assumption that they are is another example of simplistic conspiratist thinking - reducing everything into impossibly simple terms. Us V them Utopia V Dystopia God V the Devil Good V Evil. The world doesnt work like that. Human nature is such that uniting people with their level of egotism and arrogance under any common cause would be futile.

This idea that all elites spit on the common folk is piss poor too. The royal families frequently recruit common blood to reduce the incidence of genetic issues. Not only that but the greatest cultural icons from Beethoven to Newton emerged from the common classes but were patronised and invited into the court circles. They are elitist yes often racist due to years of imperialistic conditioning and a sort of tribalism and of course they are incredibly classist, but they are not superhumans and they are not uniformly evil.
edit on 13-2-2012 by countnemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

You use "FABRICATED SCIENCE" as a buzz-word I suppose to try to look as though you are on topic but in fact you are not. You have eluded my direct questions about what sciences are false and how they are used to control or REALITY MATRIX entirely.

Your thread properly belong in the BLACK NOBILITY thread, even blocula, batgirl and someotherguy have done a better job of staying on topic than you as the OP has.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by ElohimJD
I disagree with the research you are using to formulate that opinion. My research has led to a different conclusion.

I am not using 'research', I am using accepted etymological facts and a solid grounding in Latin to support my point. If you have peer-reviewed evidence to the contrary please post it.

I am so glad you phrased it like this.

You are using the current accepted etymological THEORY of this words origin as taught to you by the scientific community and accepted as FACT.

The very purpose of this OP.

The research I agree with is found in the Compendium of World History Volume 1 and 2 by Dr. Herman Hoeh

God Bless,
edit on 13-2-2012 by ElohimJD because: spelling

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Your kind of atittuderepresents everything that people find offensive in conspiracy theorists. Freemasonry has been accused of too many crimes to count since its inception. Men with no affiliation with the organisation presume to somehow have insights into its most secret practises. We have a proliferation of conspiracies ranging from the zionistic to the luciferian.

Rather than admitting that everything uve presented is just conjecture that there isnt actually any documented evidence that could prove it and neither could there ever be any due to the nature of the subject you're trying to convince people that out of the hundreds of crackpot theories surrounding the masons -your's is the one true theory.

What makes you more right than the dude who believes the freemasons are zionist or the guy who reckons theyre the illuminati? More importantly what makes you think that you even hae reliable evidence? Everything the conspiracy movement knows about masons comes from people like Trudeau who are con artists. They pose as former 33rd degreee masons and start naming and shaming and poncing about detailing wild and ridiculous claims about ritual sacrifice etc this is the standard of scholarship in the conspiracy movement. Consequently you attrack guys like Icke who know a good thing when they see one. He went from footballer to commentator to conspiracy theorist and along the way has done more than most of his colleagues to make conspiracists look like a community of escaped lunatics.

The outliers such as the dude in your video are tying to get in on the business so naturally they make stuff up. The more sensational the better "Masons have installed spy cameras in every bathroom across America!!!!!"

I reckon that masonry is not a monolithic belief system at all. Its approach is spiritual rather than religious and there isnt any imposition of a particular religious belief. This does leave the door open for more sinister variants on the original theme. Masonry itself is being attacked and this itself shows a fundamental ignorance of how it works. Its like attacking christians for being devil worshippers. Think how many denominations exist and juist how much they differ and you understand how masonry works.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by ElohimJD
The research I agree with is found in the Compendium of World History Volume 1 and 2 by Dr. Herman Hoeh

Sorry. A book that is decades out-of-date, uses the Bible as a historic reference and relies on Young Earth Creationism is not 'research', it is religion in a very thin disguise.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by ElohimJD
The research I agree with is found in the Compendium of World History Volume 1 and 2 by Dr. Herman Hoeh

Sorry. A book that is decades out-of-date, uses the Bible as a historic reference and relies on Young Earth Creationism is not 'research', it is religion in a very thin disguise.

In your opinion.

You have your "teacher" and I have mine. This is not about who is right, this is about a difference of opinion, because at the end of the day using the current scientific theory about history (even simple word origins) to proove the Bible wrong is the essence of this thread as a whole.

BTW, this work contains nothing hinting at "young Earth" in Gods word the Earth is untold millions if not billions of years old. The re-creation (re-fashioning) of the Earth for mankind's creation occured 6000 years ago.

Because the Bible is my source of research does not mean I am wrong, it means you believe I am because of the current scientific theories you adhere to have "prooven" to you the "falicy" of scripture, just as a certain being has wanted to do to all mankind since it's creation.

God Bless,

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by ElohimJD
BTW, this work contains nothing hinting at "young Earth" in Gods word the Earth is untold millions if not billions of years old. The re-creation (re-fashioning) of the Earth for mankind's creation occured 6000 years ago.

This is the Young Earth Creationist version of the silk hat on the pig. Mr. Hoeh thinks mankind just popped into exisitance 6,000 years ago.

Because the Bible is my source of research does not mean I am wrong...

Yeah, acutally it does as there is no epigraphic, numismatic, archeological or common-sensical evidence to support what Mr. Hoeh and you postulate. Subtract the Bible from your 'reference' material and you have nothing to draw from.

Arguements such as yours are better suited to the religion fourm than here.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

I'm just as fit to speak on the subject as you are apparently. You were asked to sacrifice another? Uh huh.

Lambskin aprons can be stained. There is no human sacrifice in the 33rd degree conferral.
You really have a vivid imagination.

Regarding the Masonic Bus Trips at a leading University, I am not divulging more as I choose to not reveal my identity to a public which includes extremely devious and dangerous individuals who are members of murderous Secret Societies.

Well pardon me if I don't take you serious then.

reply to post by batgirl

Where can these testimonies be found? I've looked at the EMFJ site and walked circles around those men. Plus there are very few who are able to verify there past membership. It's not like it would a first to see someone claim to be a Mason and lie about their experiences.

How about the guy who only wanted to start a business to support his family and was harrassed and driven out of business because the masons had a monopoly on the businesses in the neighborhood and didn't want any 'not in the know' to have that a businesses their as well.


this is all well documented in books.

And everything in a book is always true.

In your view all these hundreds and thousands of people are lying or misinformed people.

Isn't that a view Anti-Masons share in regards to the masses you're "trying to enlighten"? Or in regards to the hundreds of thousands of Masonic members? Why is it you can have a double standard?

Originally posted by Getsmart
Remember, this is a thread that DENOUNCES the Luciferians of which at least several of the Freemasons on board have noted their attachment to.

Who has claimed that Freemasonry is Luciferian or Satanic on this board? I must have missed it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:22 PM
Man those LUCIFERIAN Royal half-breeds and their Illuminati bastard offspring are really sharp. They throw their scraps at a bunch of half-wits and wham-ho, you get a gang of Masons acting like so many pit bulls yapping at the ankles of anyone contesting their LUCIFERIAN RELIGION.

It is actually quite a sign that the nail was struck on the head when they yap in concert, each one disputing one shred of meat or gnawing at a bone. The most moronic of the bunch are not those in direct contact with LUCIFER, for they are simply despicable individuals of deep depravity devoid of any moral sense. They have made their deal with the Devil and are at as LOW as their lesser puppies are BLIND. For apparently they are either stone blind to their own choices and what they entail, in terms of RELIGIOUS FAITH IN LUCIFER, or they are so very hapless that they haven't a clue of which side is up or down and, more to the point, they REVERSE GOOD & EVIL.

I bring my personal testimony to this forum and have zero interest in what Luciferian Freemasons have to say about it. They are sold out to Lucifer and place his minions, their brothers, above all of mankind. We cannot help but notice the stir of their mettle as they muster their forces to combat the TRUTH. That their Luciferian Fraternities and Brotherhoods, their Secret Societies and Religious SECTS have sold out Humanity and labor incessantly throughout the ages to HIDE THE TRUTH in every way possible.

It is therefore TO HIDE THE TRUTH that the Luciferians have kept their alleged Sacred Knowledge and Satanic Rites hidden from public view. It is TO HIDE THE TRUTH that the Luciferians have persistently lied about many of the fundamental laws governing Science. It is TO HIDE THE TRUTH that the Luciferians have mustered into place programs of Education more worthy of the names Brainwashing & Dumbing Down.

It is therefore TO HIDE THE TRUTH that the Luciferians use official orthodox Science to promote False Theories about our Reality and to MASK FROM HUMANITY that we have a much broader existence than our mere physical presence on Earth. It is therefore TO HIDE THE TRUTH that the Luciferians project a MATRIX OF FALSE REALITY based upon Fictional Theories and Distorted Data.

The Luciferians have built up an ARTIFICIAL THEORETICAL CONSTRUCT OF REALITY to prevent us from living up to our potential and discovering the TRUTH ABOUT OUR OWN POWER. They are Powerless unless we surrender OUR POWER to them. IT IS TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR WORLD !


posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:30 PM
At this ceremony, Queen Elizabeth II loudly announced to her son "This Dragon gives you your Power, your Throne, and your Authority" to which Prince Charles replied to the world - "I am now your Liege-Man (meaning Lord-man or Christ) and worthy of your earthly worship." Text Blue

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Knight of the Garter (KG)
The Most Noble Order of the Garter, founded by Edward III in 1348, is the senior British Order of Chivalry. The Prince of Wales automatically became a KG when he became Prince of Wales in 1958, but was not installed until 17th June 1968, at Windsor Castle.

Knight of the Thistle (KT)
The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle is Scotland's highest honour and is second in precedence to the Garter. Its origins are uncertain, but its legendary status was recognised when it was revived in 1687 by James II (James VII of Scotland). The Prince is among current royal Knights and Ladies of the Thistle - under his title as Duke of Rothesay; he was installed in 1977.

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB)
The Most Honourable Order of the Bath is the premier meritorious Order of the Crown, mainly given to officers of the armed services together with a small number of civil servants. It was founded by George I in 1725. The Prince was installed as Great Master on 28th May 1975.

Knight of the Order of Australia (AK)
The Order was instituted by The Queen in 1975 on the advice of her Australian ministers, and The Prince was installed in 1981.
Text Black

The Queen is not only the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry, but heads the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, worldwide. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to the Queen.According to researcher Dr. John Coleman, who interviewed a Grand Master at Oxford, the Knights of the Garter are the inner-sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Illuminati hierarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “Privy Council”.

We are now up to 30 different 'Prince of Wales' Lodges (including ourselves) following contact with Prince of Wales Lodge No. 19 meeting in Santiago, Chile.

So Prince Charles has been given his power, throne and authority by the power of the Dragon.
Surrounded by images of the Red Dragon, including upon the very throne itself. The titles he holds as listed above are but a few. Many masonic lodges have been named after this one who has been given his power, throne and authority by the Red Dragon. This correlates with the Book of Revelation 13:2

On top of this he has been listed by Times' Eureka Magazine as #94 of the Top 100 most influencal figures in Science even though he is not a scientist.

Prince Charles could have taken heart from the fact that the mechanistic view is rapidly losing ground within contemporary western science. An organic revolution is sweeping across the disciplines, from quantum physics to the ecology of complexity and molecular genetics. In every discipline, the message is the same: nature is dynamic, interconnected and interdependent. Proponents of gene biotechnology are stuck in the mechanistic era, and our mainstream academic institutions are perpetrating the outmoded paradigm if only because it serves so well to promote the genetic engineering of life. The emerging science of the organism reinstates the holistic perspectives of indigenous cultures world wide. It also reveals that the romantic poets' vision of the oneness of nature is the truly rational point of view, while the mechanistic tradition is deeply flawed and irrational.

Whether you agree with his views on science or not he seems to be promoting the same oneness of being and naturism that is being promoted by the New Age movement which is theosophy and the Old Mystery Religion at it's core. New Age UN sponsored organizations such as Planetary Citizens and it's proponents such as David Spangler are promoting having Luciferic intiations into universal consciousness into the coming New World Order Religion. Prince Charles whose power and authority comes from the Dragon is promoting this agenda as well.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by ElohimJD
BTW, this work contains nothing hinting at "young Earth" in Gods word the Earth is untold millions if not billions of years old. The re-creation (re-fashioning) of the Earth for mankind's creation occured 6000 years ago.

This is the Young Earth Creationist version of the silk hat on the pig. Mr. Hoeh thinks mankind just popped into exisitance 6,000 years ago.

Because the Bible is my source of research does not mean I am wrong...

Yeah, acutally it does as there is no epigraphic, numismatic, archeological or common-sensical evidence to support what Mr. Hoeh and you postulate. Subtract the Bible from your 'reference' material and you have nothing to draw from.

Arguements such as yours are better suited to the religion fourm than here.

This topic is about how Satan holds the scientific community hostage with theories taught as fact which are meant to disproove God as creator, and then the scientific community uses those false theories to claim ignorance on behalf of the true knowlegde of life.

If this isn't a religious topic I am not sure what is.

OP if this is off topic, plese let me know, otherwise my opinion is just as valid as yours Augustus.

If you read the Compendium you would understand that it is all based off of archological, epigraphic, numismatic and most importantly common sense. there is a slew of scientific evidence to support this document, as well as scriptoral, but because it goes against was is taught as science, you claim there is no evidence.

Looking in the realm of science (current accepted theories) for the proof of scientific falicy seems to be contradictory to the nth degree.

This is purhaps the most exact example of what this thread is truely about in a practical exchange of ideas.

God Bless,

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