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The Norway massacre and the question nobody cares to ask

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Hachi85
This is from the diary in the end of the book

First coming costume party this autumn, dress up as a police officer. Arrive with insignias:-) Will be
awesome as people will be very astonished:-)
Side note; imagine if law enforcement would visit me the next days. They would probably get the
wrong idea and think I was a terrorist, lol )

Autumn, huh? Then what it shows is that he did not intend to carry out things when he did. Is there a date for that entry?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Kemal
reply to post by johncarter

True, plus, I wonder why no one calls him a "terrorist" or a "Christian extremist". Or have I missed something?


Sky News has been calling him a Christian Extremist since he was captured so no clue if it's just your news network not calling him that or not.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Xaphan

Maybe it doesn't technically make you racist, but it certainly makes you prejudiced and likely racist.

You don't like any muslims, how do you know? I have a few friends that are muslim, they are awesome. They go out with us and hang out, crack the same dirty jokes, and etc. You have just stereotyped them all.
edit on 24-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Pericle
reply to post by donatellanator

That still does not make any difference because he was self-motivated. The issue around which he build this attack is a valid concern for Europe IMO. How long before Europe is no longer Europe? Fundamentalism will only increase in Europe due to the clash between the native cultures and the imported ones, in this case Islam, which is also very different from what Europe is used to.

This guy went to the extreme. He attacked his own people, because he blames them for letting this happen.

Change is the only constant in this world, Europe might become an Islamic continent, I don't really mind that at the moment, but I am sure many people will have a great issues with this the more it intensifies.

I think this attack in Norway reflects a very dramatic change that is currently happening and asks a question about the future of Europe.

He wants to bring back the crusades.
I just wanted to stir the pot hehe

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by curious7

Originally posted by Kemal
reply to post by johncarter

True, plus, I wonder why no one calls him a "terrorist" or a "Christian extremist". Or have I missed something?


Sky News has been calling him a Christian Extremist since he was captured so no clue if it's just your news network not calling him that or not.

over here he is called a terrorist. And for you Americans that imagine police running around armed to the teeth, remember, the Norwegians are a peaceful, maybe naive nation, in which the police doesn't even go around with side-arms. If the police are required to arrest you over here, it would be with a nice "Could you please come with us", that is the Norwegian way of life, and I hope this attack doesn't change it. Heck, some of the small towns only have a policeman visiting the town once in 2 weeks!!!!! and pretty girls go up to the mountain cabins all alone for a long time without any fear... That is the norwegian way of life.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:54 PM
I'd like to share this video - I rather have people spread videos like these instead of his words and the hatred and ignorance of that devil child that did this. If a person takes time to watch this rather than his pics and videos that circulate the web. We won't have lost. Nothing to be done now, but what we can do is not let them win and not give in to their crap!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by johncarter

S&F, Bro. that guy is pure project-bot, i think he was mentally corrected like suicidal bombers have been run, but applied technique looks more progressive. i don't share the version of cia morons are blameworthy out there because brutal assault a-la Mumbai episode with "islamic" terrorists would give more benefits to'em (owners of cia). in short, out there have played more sophisticated guys then cia

edit on 24-7-2011 by SarK0Y because:

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:17 PM
After reading 'some' anti-Christian responses, I have this to say...

So, you folks do not practice religious tolerance?

Okay, hate me because I am Christian. If you folks want to mark religious people with symbols, so you know who they are, I am willing to wear one on my sleeve. Cross, Star of David, etc... I will let you choose.

Heck, if someone threatened your lives, I have no problem with taking the bullet for you. I will step in the way, so you can continue to hate me for my beliefs.

Do you want to break my legs? I have two of them for you to break.

Do you want to punch me in the face? After you hit me on the left cheek, I will turn to allow you to hit me on the right.

I will allow everyone to put me in shackles, spit on me, and deliver as much physical punishment as possible.

When you are finished and done....

I will forgive you.

edit on 7/24/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:19 PM
So you are saying that no criminal who ghas ever shot people has ever given up without a fight?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by SatoriTheory

We are in a nexus of events right now that have obviously caused certain very powerful ppl to panic.

Right now the Euro is very close to meltdown, the US Dollar is suddenly rallying although every major hedge manager warns of August 2nd as D-day for the dollar. A military coup is very close in Eqypt, the ex-mossad chief has announced publically that Benjamin Netanyahu has gone mad and has decided to bomb Iran by september this year, not caring the least what the consequences might be or even what Obama might think.

Rupert Murdochs empire is coming down together with certain ministers and police chiefs, and lets not forget Libya and Syria.

A 911 like massacre in Norway, the beacon of peace in Europe and the only country not subject to economic debtslavery, is but another horrid bit in this strange puzzling year of seemingly endless disasters and calamities.

to the nords and there families out there, please accept our condolences on behalf of ATS members.

well pointed, you'll notice that events like these show just how controled the MSM is, how delayed and censored the MSM is too, the news of the world hung on like theres not tomorrow, and then something horrible happens elsewhere.

Did they know that a story even bigger was about to break? look back on previous BIG stories the MSM covered, look at the story preceeding the BIG one, then look and how the MSM play it and for how long, and what proceeds the story, you'll find an odd coincidence.

The EU,balkans,isreal,turkey,cyprus,libya,egypt,greece,syria,tunsia,iran,iraq were all territories of the ottoman empire,fought and re-bordered in the first world war and the second, look at tensions and threat between these nations, idealogy, politics and military stance now in the present day. I think the man they have arrested is merely the scape goat, it all smell too fishy. The man arrested also believed in what he called the knights templar, but i'd say his idealogy was closer to neo-ottomanism, a form of ethnic nationalism. with norway's political stance not being allied with the mindset of the EU, the EU with a sense of jealousy and mixed anger, it doesn't suprise me that norway became the stage for this attrosity.

lets not forget the knights templar fought against the ottoman empire and probably still is!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Pericle
You guys should really see his manifesto and video

[Rest Deleted]

. Get yourself informed.

I cant believe you got a star for this.

Because you just admitted that it's "understandable" he developed this hate, however have not given one single reason WHY...except that you observed "many muslims immigrating to Norway" - THEREFORE (in your twisted mind) it must be legit to develop hate.

Which proves that you judge people solely on their religion/color/origin whatsoever...which is the dumbest and weakest thing someone can do.

(Obviously, you have problems to accept it COULD be that people from another religion/race/color can be normal people do?)

Nothing in his Manifesto is "reasonable" or rational (yes, i read it too)....unless you accept that Guerilla warfare, a militant totalitarian regime aka Hitler, executions of people who have different opinions and the occasional blowing up of Nuclear power plants is "rational". WHAT THE ***** is even remotely rational about this?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by kindred
reply to post by johncarter

Well my heart goes out to the families and the Norwegian people and I hope you find all those who are responsible for this sick & twisted atrocity and give them a taste of their own medicine.

yes...because max. 21 years in prison are a really good punishment for someone who just killed 96 innocent people. Let me guess, he will probably even have internet access in his prison and will go free after a few years because of good conduct. In the meantime, he will likely gain followers who will celebrate him a hero.
So..he "really got a taste of his own medicine"...right....

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Senseless loss of life. Opened fire at a youth camp? I don't care if he had help, or acted alone. He killed 90 plus people? He now needs to be executed after his trial. Those were all innocent people he killed. Why??????

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by SFA437
reply to post by ipsedixit

I could pull this off in downtown Manhattan with a budget of 8 grand- most of which would go to ammonium nitrate fertilizer and 150 gallons or so of diesel.

Which you would put into your car?!?

Can you cite an example of a lone individual who has carried out an attack similar to the one in Oslo, unassisted? I can't think of one myself.

Apparently exploding bullets were used. I'm no ballistics expert, but is it possible that exploding bullets were used to foil ballistics tests that might otherwise be used to determine how many shooters there were?

Any home handyman knows that it is easy to say, "I could do this or I could do that", but actually doing these sorts of things is usually much trickier and more time consuming than first realized.

This might be the act of a lone individual but I hope that the police in Oslo are taking a very careful look at everything and not taking that for granted.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Yes syrinx. It is inconceivable for a clandestine agency to have a special department, specialized in planting manufactured "evidence". CIA, MI6, Mossad are completely alien to such trickery. They have never sampled an entire profile around an agent or asset just to give him a "solid" identity, and yes syrinx, ppl and newspapers have never bought any such plants with hook line and sinker. Their journalists are cunning little geniouses who can see through such cheap illusions.

Sorry ol´ mate but I think all my postings have made me a bit tired and cranky and I need some sarcastic venting. My deepest apologies

edit on 24-7-2011 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

hey, I understand this is a conspiracy site, and I'm in the minority. I'm not naive (at least not totally) I get that gov'ts play dirty, and use the tail to wag the dog. I'm just saying lets see if he is allowed to make a statement tomorrow at his hearing, and give the investigation a few weeks to cull out some hard facts

I expect the hearing to be a circus, and we will see a chilling reality. he is not crazy, he is not a montser, he is just a man. a man whose mind has been poisoned with hate

it may turn out the biggest influence in his path to destruction was simply an idea, and not a jewish banker

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:25 PM
What I find to be most strange, is that so many are trying to find something or someone other than the person who committed this slaughter to blame his actions on.

I suspect it is to find a way to apply your own hate or weaknesses to him to justify them somehow. Seems to be coming from all sides.

Nobody is to blame when a Psychopath snaps. The flaw is in their own brains and it is physiological. They do not feel emotion in the same manner as the rest of us. The emotions that make a civilized society possible do not exist for them. They become marvelous actors at a very young age and can even fake emotion, which they do very well. Those who know him will be shocked that he carefully kept who he was hidden inside himself.

Sadly we have not come as far as people like to think we have in our maturity in understanding mental illness. That is clear after reading through some of the posts here.

One thing that struck me as a huge mistake that will come up in his trial, is that apparently the most he can get in Norway is 21 years. Norway apparently has no sentencing structure to deal with this crime. Psychopaths are not stupid and in fact are generally quite intelligent. He will have no trouble tricking a Psychiatrist and getting out in a couple of decades to do this all over again.

He has been likely faking emotion for most of his lifetime and would be expert in fooling even those closest to him. Look at how that Anthony woman who killed her child was able to turn tears on and off at will, well enough to fool Jurors I might add.

Hopefully they will have enough sense to not allow camera's in to the courts. I'd imagine a lot of sick people will demand it, but it would be a dumb idea.

I cannot imagine what this must have been like for the victims and their families and my heart goes out to them. I Pray the Media and the Crazies leave them be. They won't of course, which is truly sad.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

What I find to be most strange, is that so many are trying to find something or someone other than the person who committed this slaughter to blame his actions on.

well, shed some light, please, why you believe he has single-acted.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Have to agree mostly with that.

He could have been infuenced directly, but I think it is true to say that some of the stuff he has written is based on misnomers and fallacy, which belies a good grip of knowledge and reality.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:18 PM
It would be sad to see if this man actually isn't at fault. Wasting time and all with it anyways. But we will see what kind of info and evidence they can pull up on him. Or maybe they are hiding the Bin Laden videos and need a scapegoat :p

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by OccultScience
The only reason I can see why this guy gave up without a fight is because he wishes the world to know about his 2083 manifest that he or the group he is a member of has written and for the media to bring it to the attention of the world.

Not all mass killers shoot themselves or are killed by Police. Martin Bryant is an example of this as he killed 35 people and injured 20 others during a massacre at port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia. (there is a possibility that the Police tried to burn him to death and failed but nobody else has tried to take him out as of yet) This incident bought about stringent gun laws in Australia, practically disarming Australia in the process.

Just like this senario, the Police were over an hour in attending the incident. His kill ratio was extra ordinary and there happened to be a medical team training for a very simular senario at the same time. (This training routine story has been seen alot lately. 9/11, London, Port Arthur and now Oslo.)

I am of the opinion that this guy could have carried this out and am not going to write off that option. His writting are not the rambling of a "mad man" that the media are making them out to be, although i must admit, I haven't finished reading it all. He seems to be a well educated individual who has planned his operation with meticulous detail.

I would never count out the possibility that others were involved with this, as is the belief of alot of people who have looked into the case with Martin Bryant.

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